require 'openstudio'
require 'openstudio/measure/ShowRunnerOutput'
require 'fileutils'
require 'openstudio-standards'
  require 'openstudio_measure_tester/test_helper'
rescue LoadError
  puts 'OpenStudio Measure Tester Gem not installed -- will not be able to aggregate and dashboard the results of tests'
require_relative '../measure.rb'
require_relative '../resources/BTAPMeasureHelper.rb'
require 'minitest/autorun'

class BTAPModelMeasure_Test < Minitest::Test
  # Brings in helper methods to simplify argument testing of json and standard argument methods.
  def setup
    @use_json_package = false
    @use_string_double = true
    @measure_interface_detailed = [

        'name' => 'a_string_argument',
        'type' => 'String',
        'display_name' => 'A String Argument (string)',
        'default_value' => 'The Default Value',
        'is_required' => false
        'name' => 'a_double_argument',
        'type' => 'Double',
        'display_name' => 'A Double numeric Argument (double)',
        'default_value' => 0,
        'max_double_value' => 100.0,
        'min_double_value' => 0.0,
        'is_required' => false
        'name' => 'a_string_double_argument',
        'type' => 'StringDouble',
        'display_name' => 'A String Double numeric Argument (double)',
        'default_value' => 23.0,
        'max_double_value' => 100.0,
        'min_double_value' => 0.0,
        'valid_strings' => ['NA'],
        'is_required' => false
        'name' => 'a_choice_argument',
        'type' => 'Choice',
        'display_name' => 'A Choice String Argument ',
        'default_value' => 'choice_1',
        'choices' => ['choice_1', 'choice_2'],
        'is_required' => false
        'name' => 'a_bool_argument',
        'type' => 'Bool',
        'display_name' => 'A Boolean Argument ',
        'default_value' => false,
        'is_required' => true


    @good_input_arguments = {
      'a_string_argument' => 'MyString',
      'a_double_argument' => 50.0,
      'a_string_double_argument' => '50.0',
      'a_choice_argument' => 'choice_1',
      'a_bool_argument' => true

  def test_sample
    ####### Test Model Creation######
    # You'll need a seed model to test against. You have a few options.
    # If you are only testing arguments, you can use an empty model like I am doing here.
    # Option 1: Model CreationCreate Empty Model object and start doing things to it. Here I am creating an empty model
    # and adding surface geometry to the model
    model =
    # and adding surface geometry to the model using the wizard.
                                                   length = 100.0,
                                                   width = 100.0,
                                                   above_ground_storys = 3,
                                                   under_ground_storys = 1,
                                                   floor_to_floor_height = 3.8,
                                                   plenum_height = 1,
                                                   perimeter_zone_depth = 4.57,
                                                   initial_height = 0.0)
    # If we wanted to apply some aspects of a standard to our model we can by using a factory method to bring the
    # standards we want into our tests. So to bring the necb2011 we write.
    necb2011_standard ='NECB2011')

    # could add some example contructions if we want. This method will populate the model with some
    # constructions and apply it to the model

    # While debugging and testing, it is sometimes nice to make a copy of the model as it was.
    before_measure_model = copy_model(model)

    # You can save your file anytime you want here I am saving to the
    BTAP::FileIO.save_osm(model, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'output', 'saved_file.osm'))

    # We can even call the standard methods to apply to the model.
    necb2011_standard.model_add_design_days_and_weather_file(model, 'NECB HDD Method', 'CAN_BC_Vancouver.Intl.AP.718920_CWEC2016.epw')

    puts BTAP::FileIO.compare_osm_files(before_measure_model, model)
    necb2011_standard.apply_standard_construction_properties(model) # standards candidate

    # Another simple way is to create an NECB
    # building using the helper method below.
    # Option #2 NECB method.
    #   model = create_necb_protype_model(
    #      "LargeOffice",
    #     'NECB HDD Method',
    #      'CAN_BC_Vancouver.Intl.AP.718920_CWEC2016.epw',
    #      "NECB2011"
    #   )

    # You can also run annually the model directly.
    #   necb2011_standard.model_run_simulation_and_log_errors( model, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"output" ))

    # Or a quick sizing run if you need something fast.
    #   necb2011_standard.model_run_sizing_run(model, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"output" ))

    # Another simple way is to create an NECB
    # building using the helper method below.
    # Option #3 Load osm file.
    # model = BTAP::FileIO.load_osm(filepath)

    input_arguments = nil

    if @use_json_package
      input_arguments = {
        'json_input' => '{ "a_string_argument": "The Default Value",
                    "a_double_argument": 0.0,
                    "a_string_double_argument": 23.0,
                    "a_choice_argument": "choice_1",
                    "a_bool_argument": false }'

      # Set up your argument list to test.
      input_arguments = {
        'a_string_argument' => 'MyString',
        'a_double_argument' => 10.0,
        'a_string_double_argument' => 75.3,
        'a_choice_argument' => 'choice_1'

    # Create an instance of the measure
    runner = run_measure(input_arguments, model)
    puts show_output(runner.result)

    assert(runner.result.value.valueName == 'Success')