# When installed as a plugin this is loaded automatically. # # When installed as a gem, you need to add # require 'new_relic/recipes' # to your deploy.rb # # Defined deploy:notify_rpm which will send information about the deploy to RPM. # The task will run on app servers except where no_release is true. # If it fails, it will not affect the task execution or do a rollback. # make_notify_task = lambda do namespace :newrelic do # on all deployments, notify RPM desc "Record a deployment in New Relic RPM (rpm.newrelic.com)" task :notice_deployment, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true } do rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production") begin require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'commands', 'deployments.rb') # Try getting the changelog from the server. Then fall back to local changelog # if it doesn't work. Problem is that I don't know what directory the .git is # in when using git. I could possibly use the remote cache but i don't know # if that's always there. =begin run "cd #{current_release}; #{log_command}" do | io, stream_id, output | changelog = output end =end # allow overrides to be defined for revision, description, changelog and appname rev = fetch(:newrelic_revision) if exists?(:newrelic_revision) description = fetch(:newrelic_desc) if exists?(:newrelic_desc) changelog = fetch(:newrelic_changelog) if exists?(:newrelic_changelog) appname = fetch(:newrelic_appname) if exists?(:newrelic_appname) if !changelog logger.debug "Getting log of changes for New Relic Deployment details" from_revision = source.next_revision(current_revision) log_command = "#{source.log(from_revision)}" changelog = `#{log_command}` end new_revision = rev || source.query_revision(source.head()) { |cmd| `#{cmd}` } deploy_options = { :environment => rails_env, :revision => new_revision, :changelog => changelog, :description => description, :appname => appname } logger.debug "Uploading deployment to New Relic" deployment = NewRelic::Commands::Deployments.new deploy_options deployment.run logger.info "Uploaded deployment information to New Relic" rescue ScriptError => e logger.info "error creating New Relic deployment (#{e})\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" rescue NewRelic::Commands::CommandFailure => e logger.info "unable to notify New Relic of the deployment (#{e})... skipping" rescue CommandError logger.info "unable to notify New Relic of the deployment... skipping" end # WIP: For rollbacks, let's update the deployment we created with an indication of the failure: # on_rollback do # run(...) # end end end end require 'capistrano/version' if Capistrano::Version::MAJOR < 2 STDERR.puts "Unable to load #{__FILE__}\nNew Relic Capistrano hooks require at least version 2.0.0" else instance = Capistrano::Configuration.instance if instance instance.load &make_notify_task else make_notify_task.call end end