%w[command dsl].each do |lib| require "beaker/#{lib}" end module Beaker # Provides convienience methods for commonly run actions on hosts module HostPrebuiltSteps include Beaker::DSL::Patterns NTPSERVER = 'pool.ntp.org' SLEEPWAIT = 5 TRIES = 5 AMAZON2023_PACKAGES = %w[chrony] RHEL8_PACKAGES = %w[chrony] FEDORA_PACKAGES = %w[chrony] UNIX_PACKAGES = %w[curl ntpdate] FREEBSD_PACKAGES = ['curl', 'perl5|perl'] OPENBSD_PACKAGES = ['curl'] ARCHLINUX_PACKAGES = %w[curl ntp net-tools openssh] WINDOWS_PACKAGES = ['curl'] PSWINDOWS_PACKAGES = [] SLES10_PACKAGES = ['curl'] SLES_PACKAGES = %w[curl ntp] DEBIAN_PACKAGES = %w[curl ntpdate lsb-release apt-transport-https] SOLARIS10_PACKAGES = %w[CSWcurl CSWntp wget] SOLARIS11_PACKAGES = %w[curl ntp] ETC_HOSTS_PATH = "/etc/hosts" ETC_HOSTS_PATH_SOLARIS = "/etc/inet/hosts" ROOT_KEYS_SCRIPT = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-sshkeys/master/templates/scripts/manage_root_authorized_keys" ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD = "curl -k -o - -L #{ROOT_KEYS_SCRIPT} | %s" ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD_AIX = "curl --tlsv1 -o - -L #{ROOT_KEYS_SCRIPT} | %s" # Run timesync on the provided hosts # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def timesync host, opts logger = opts[:logger] ntp_server = opts[:ntp_server] ? opts[:ntp_server] : NTPSERVER block_on host do |host| logger.notify "Update system time sync for '#{host.name}'" if host['platform'].include? 'windows' # The exit code of 5 is for Windows 2008 systems where the w32tm /register command # is not actually necessary. host.exec(Command.new("w32tm /register"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0, 5]) host.exec(Command.new("net start w32time"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0, 2]) host.exec(Command.new("w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:#{ntp_server} /syncfromflags:manual /update")) host.exec(Command.new("w32tm /resync")) logger.notify "NTP date succeeded on #{host}" else if /amazon|el-[89]|fedora/.match?(host['platform']) ntp_command = "chronyc add server #{ntp_server} prefer trust;chronyc makestep;chronyc burst 1/2" elsif /opensuse-|sles-/.match?(host['platform']) ntp_command = "sntp #{ntp_server}" else ntp_command = "ntpdate -u -t 20 #{ntp_server}" end success = false try = 0 until try >= TRIES try += 1 if host.exec(Command.new(ntp_command), :accept_all_exit_codes => true).exit_code == 0 success = true break end sleep SLEEPWAIT end raise "NTP date was not successful after #{try} tries" unless success logger.notify "NTP date succeeded on #{host} after #{try} tries" end end nil rescue => e report_and_raise(logger, e, "timesync (--ntp)") end # Validate that hosts are prepared to be used as SUTs, if packages are missing attempt to # install them. # # Verifies the presence of #{HostPrebuiltSteps::UNIX_PACKAGES} on unix platform hosts, # {HostPrebuiltSteps::SLES_PACKAGES} on SUSE platform hosts, # {HostPrebuiltSteps::DEBIAN_PACKAGES} on debian platform hosts, # {HostPrebuiltSteps::WINDOWS_PACKAGES} on cygwin-installed windows platform hosts, # and {HostPrebuiltSteps::PSWINDOWS_PACKAGES} on non-cygwin windows platform hosts. # # @param [Host, Array<Host>, String, Symbol] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def validate_host host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| check_and_install_packages_if_needed(host, host_packages(host)) end rescue => e report_and_raise(logger, e, "validate") end # Return a list of packages that should be present. # # @param [Host] host A host return the packages for # @return [Array<String>] A list of packages to install def host_packages(host) case host['platform'] when /amazon/ AMAZON2023_PACKAGES when /el-[89]/ RHEL8_PACKAGES when /sles-10/ SLES10_PACKAGES when /opensuse|sles-/ SLES_PACKAGES when /debian/ DEBIAN_PACKAGES when /windows/ if host.is_cygwin? raise RuntimeError, "cygwin is not installed on #{host}" if !host.cygwin_installed? WINDOWS_PACKAGES else PSWINDOWS_PACKAGES end when /freebsd/ FREEBSD_PACKAGES when /openbsd/ OPENBSD_PACKAGES when /solaris-10/ SOLARIS10_PACKAGES when /solaris-1[1-9]/ SOLARIS11_PACKAGES when /archlinux/ ARCHLINUX_PACKAGES when /fedora/ FEDORA_PACKAGES else if !/aix|solaris|osx-/.match?(host['platform']) UNIX_PACKAGES else [] end end end # Installs the given packages if they aren't already on a host # # @param [Host] host Host to act on # @param [Array<String>] package_list List of package names to install def check_and_install_packages_if_needed host, package_list package_list.each do |string| alternatives = string.split('|') next if alternatives.any? { |pkg| host.check_for_package pkg } install_one_of_packages host, alternatives end end # Installs one of alternative packages (first available) # # @param [Host] host Host to act on # @param [Array<String>] packages List of package names (alternatives). def install_one_of_packages host, packages error = nil packages.each do |pkg| begin return host.install_package pkg rescue Beaker::Host::CommandFailure => e error = e end end raise error end # Install a set of authorized keys using {HostPrebuiltSteps::ROOT_KEYS_SCRIPT}. This is a # convenience method to allow for easy login to hosts after they have been provisioned with # Beaker. # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def sync_root_keys host, opts # JJM This step runs on every system under test right now. We're anticipating # issues on Windows and maybe Solaris. We will likely need to filter this step # but we're deliberately taking the approach of "assume it will work, fix it # when reality dictates otherwise" logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| logger.notify "Sync root authorized_keys from github on #{host.name}" # Allow all exit code, as this operation is unlikely to cause problems if it fails. if host['platform'].include?('solaris') host.exec(Command.new(ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD % "bash"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true) elsif host['platform'].include?('aix') host.exec(Command.new(ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD_AIX % "env PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH bash"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true) else host.exec(Command.new(ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD % "env PATH=\"/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH\" bash"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true) end end rescue => e report_and_raise(logger, e, "sync_root_keys") end # Run 'apt-get update' on the provided host or hosts. # If the platform of the provided host is not ubuntu or debian: do nothing. # # @param [Host, Array<Host>] hosts One or more hosts to act upon def apt_get_update hosts block_on hosts do |host| host.exec(Command.new("apt-get update")) if /ubuntu|debian/.match?(host[:platform]) end end # Create a file on host or hosts at the provided file path with the provided file contents. # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [String] file_path The path at which the new file will be created on the host or hosts. # @param [String] file_content The contents of the file to be created on the host or hosts. def copy_file_to_remote(host, file_path, file_content) block_on host do |host| Tempfile.open 'beaker' do |tempfile| File.open(tempfile.path, 'w') { |file| file.puts file_content } host.do_scp_to(tempfile.path, file_path, @options) end end end # Determine the domain name of the provided host from its /etc/resolv.conf # @param [Host] host the host to act upon def get_domain_name(host) domain = nil search = nil resolv_conf = if host['platform'].include?('windows') if host.is_cygwin? host.exec(Command.new("cat /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts")).stdout else host.exec(Command.new('type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts')).stdout end else host.exec(Command.new("cat /etc/resolv.conf")).stdout end resolv_conf.each_line do |line| if (match = /^\s*domain\s+(\S+)/.match(line)) domain = match[1] elsif (match = /^\s*search\s+(\S+)/.match(line)) search = match[1] end end return_value ||= domain return_value ||= search return unless return_value return_value.gsub(/\.$/, '') end # Append the provided string to the /etc/hosts file of the provided host # @param [Host] host the host to act upon # @param [String] etc_hosts The string to append to the /etc/hosts file def set_etc_hosts(host, etc_hosts) if host['platform'].include?('freebsd') host.echo_to_file(etc_hosts, '/etc/hosts') elsif ((host['platform'].include?('windows')) and not host.is_cygwin?) host.exec(Command.new("echo '#{etc_hosts}' >> C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts")) else host.exec(Command.new("echo '#{etc_hosts}' >> /etc/hosts")) end # AIX must be configured to prefer local DNS over external return unless host['platform'].include?('aix') aix_netsvc = '/etc/netsvc.conf' aix_local_resolv = 'hosts = local, bind' return if host.exec(Command.new("grep '#{aix_local_resolv}' #{aix_netsvc}"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true).exit_code == 0 host.exec(Command.new("echo '#{aix_local_resolv}' >> #{aix_netsvc}")) end # Make it possible to log in as root by copying the current users ssh keys to the root account # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def copy_ssh_to_root host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| logger.debug "Give root a copy of current user's keys, on #{host.name}" if host['platform'].include?('windows') and host.is_cygwin? host.exec(Command.new('cp -r .ssh /cygdrive/c/Users/Administrator/.')) host.exec(Command.new('chown -R Administrator /cygdrive/c/Users/Administrator/.ssh')) elsif host['platform'].include?('windows') and not host.is_cygwin? # from https://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/xcopy.mspx?mfr=true: # /i : If Source is a directory or contains wildcards and Destination # does not exist, xcopy assumes destination specifies a directory # name and creates a new directory. Then, xcopy copies all specified # files into the new directory. By default, xcopy prompts you to # specify whether Destination is a file or a directory. # # /y : Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an # existing destination file. host.exec(Command.new("if exist .ssh (xcopy .ssh C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.ssh /s /e /y /i)")) elsif host['platform'].include?('osx') host.exec(Command.new('sudo cp -r .ssh /var/root/.'), { :pty => true }) elsif /(free|open)bsd/.match?(host['platform']) || host['platform'].include?('solaris-11') host.exec(Command.new('sudo cp -r .ssh /root/.'), { :pty => true }) elsif host['platform'].include?('solaris-10') host.exec(Command.new('sudo cp -r .ssh /.'), { :pty => true }) else host.exec(Command.new('sudo su -c "cp -r .ssh /root/."'), { :pty => true }) end host.exec(Command.new('sudo fixfiles restore /root')) if host.selinux_enabled? end end # Update /etc/hosts to make it possible for each provided host to reach each other host by name. # Assumes that each provided host has host[:ip] set; in the instance where a provider sets # host['ip'] to an address which facilitates access to the host externally, but the actual host # addresses differ from this, we check first for the presence of a host['vm_ip'] key first, # and use that if present. # @param [Host, Array<Host>] hosts An array of hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def hack_etc_hosts hosts, _opts etc_hosts = "\tlocalhost localhost.localdomain\n" hosts.each do |host| ip = host['vm_ip'] || host['ip'].to_s hostname = host[:vmhostname] || host.name domain = get_domain_name(host) etc_hosts += "#{ip}\t#{hostname}.#{domain} #{hostname}\n" end hosts.each do |host| set_etc_hosts(host, etc_hosts) end end # Update /etc/hosts to make updates.puppetlabs.com (aka the dujour server) resolve to 127.0.01, # so that we don't pollute the server with test data. See SERVER-1000, BKR-182, BKR-237, DJ-10 # for additional details. def disable_updates hosts, opts logger = opts[:logger] hosts.each do |host| logger.notify "Disabling updates.puppetlabs.com by modifying hosts file to resolve updates to on #{host}" set_etc_hosts(host, "\tupdates.puppetlabs.com\n") end end # Update sshd_config on debian, ubuntu, centos, el, redhat and fedora boxes to allow for root login # # Does nothing on other platfoms. # # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def enable_root_login host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| logger.debug "Update sshd_config to allow root login" if host['platform'].include?('osx') # If osx > 10.10 use '/private/etc/ssh/sshd_config', else use '/etc/sshd_config' ssh_config_file = '/private/etc/ssh/sshd_config' ssh_config_file = '/etc/sshd_config' if /^osx-10\.(9|10)/i.match?(host['platform']) host.exec(Command.new("sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' #{ssh_config_file}")) host.exec(Command.new("sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' #{ssh_config_file}")) elsif host['platform'].include?('freebsd') host.exec(Command.new("sudo sed -i -e 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"), { :pty => true }) elsif host['platform'].include?('openbsd') host.exec(Command.new("sudo perl -pi -e 's/^PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"), { :pty => true }) elsif host['platform'].include?('solaris-10') host.exec(Command.new("sudo gsed -i -e 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"), { :pty => true }) elsif host['platform'].include?('solaris-11') host.exec(Command.new("if grep \"root::::type=role\" /etc/user_attr; then sudo rolemod -K type=normal root; else echo \"root user already type=normal\"; fi"), { :pty => true }) host.exec(Command.new("sudo gsed -i -e 's/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"), { :pty => true }) elsif host.is_powershell? logger.warn("Attempting to enable root login non-supported platform: #{host.name}: #{host['platform']}") elsif host.is_cygwin? host.exec(Command.new("sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin /PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/sshd_config"), { :pty => true }) else host.exec(Command.new("sudo su -c \"sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin no|^#?PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\""), { :pty => true }) end # restart sshd if /debian|ubuntu/.match?(host['platform']) host.exec(Command.new("sudo su -c \"service ssh restart\""), { :pty => true }) elsif /amazon|arch|(centos|el|redhat)-[789]|fedora/.match?(host['platform']) host.exec(Command.new("sudo -E systemctl restart sshd.service"), { :pty => true }) elsif /centos|el-|redhat/.match?(host['platform']) host.exec(Command.new("sudo -E /sbin/service sshd reload"), { :pty => true }) elsif /(free|open)bsd/.match?(host['platform']) host.exec(Command.new("sudo /etc/rc.d/sshd restart")) elsif host['platform'].include?('solaris') host.exec(Command.new("sudo -E svcadm restart network/ssh"), { :pty => true }) else logger.warn("Attempting to update ssh on non-supported platform: #{host.name}: #{host['platform']}") end end end # Disable SELinux on centos, does nothing on other platforms # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def disable_se_linux host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| if /centos|el-|redhat|fedora/.match?(host['platform']) logger.debug("Disabling se_linux on #{host.name}") host.exec(Command.new("sudo su -c \"setenforce 0\""), { :pty => true }) else logger.warn("Attempting to disable SELinux on non-supported platform: #{host.name}: #{host['platform']}") end end end # Setup files for enabling requests to pass to a proxy server # This works for the APT package manager on debian and ubuntu # and YUM package manager on el, centos, fedora and redhat. # @param [Host, Array<Host>, String, Symbol] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Beaker::Logger] :logger A {Beaker::Logger} object def package_proxy host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| logger.debug("enabling proxy support on #{host.name}") case host['platform'] when /ubuntu/, /debian/ host.exec(Command.new("echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy \"#{opts[:package_proxy]}/\";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10proxy")) when /amazon/, /^el-/, /centos/, /fedora/, /redhat/ host.exec(Command.new("echo 'proxy=#{opts[:package_proxy]}/' >> /etc/yum.conf")) when /solaris-11/ host.exec(Command.new("/usr/bin/pkg unset-publisher solaris || :")) host.exec(Command.new("/usr/bin/pkg set-publisher -g %s solaris" % opts[:package_proxy])) else logger.debug("Attempting to enable package manager proxy support on non-supported platform: #{host.name}: #{host['platform']}") end end end # Merge the two provided hashes so that an array of values is created from collisions # @param [Hash] h1 The first hash # @param [Hash] h2 The second hash # @return [Hash] A merged hash with arrays of values where collisions between the two hashes occured. # @example # > h1 = {:PATH=>"/1st/path"} # > h2 = {:PATH=>"/2nd/path"} # > additive_hash_merge(h1, h2) # => {:PATH=>["/1st/path", "/2nd/path"]} def additive_hash_merge h1, h2 merged_hash = {} normalized_h2 = h2.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_s.upcase] = v; } h1.each_pair do |key, _val| normalized_key = key.to_s.upcase if normalized_h2.has_key?(normalized_key) merged_hash[key] = [h1[key], normalized_h2[normalized_key]] merged_hash[key] = merged_hash[key].uniq # remove dupes end end merged_hash end # Create the hash of default environment from host (:host_env), global options hash (:host_env) and default PE/Foss puppet variables # @param [Host] host The host to construct the environment hash for, host specific environment should be in :host_env in a hash # @param [Hash] opts Hash of options, including optional global host_env to be applied to each provided host # @return [Hash] A hash of environment variables for provided host def construct_env host, opts env = additive_hash_merge(host[:host_env], opts[:host_env]) env.each_key do |key| separator = host['pathseparator'] separator = ':' if key == 'PATH' && (not host.is_powershell?) env[key] = env[key].join(separator) end env end # Add a host specific set of env vars to each provided host's ~/.ssh/environment # @param [Host, Array<Host>] host One or more hosts to act upon # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. def set_env host, opts logger = opts[:logger] block_on host do |host| skip_msg = host.skip_set_env? unless skip_msg.nil? logger.debug(skip_msg) next end env = construct_env(host, opts) logger.debug("setting local environment on #{host.name}") env['CYGWIN'] = 'nodosfilewarning' if host['platform'].include?('windows') && host.is_cygwin? host.ssh_permit_user_environment host.ssh_set_user_environment(env) # close the host to re-establish the connection with the new sshd settings host.close # print out the working env if host.is_powershell? host.exec(Command.new("SET")) else host.exec(Command.new("cat #{host[:ssh_env_file]}")) end end end end end