%%{ machine re_scanner; include re_char_type "char_type.rl"; include re_property "property.rl"; dot = '.'; backslash = '\\'; alternation = '|'; beginning_of_line = '^'; end_of_line = '$'; range_open = '{'; range_close = '}'; curlies = range_open | range_close; group_open = '('; group_close = ')'; parantheses = group_open | group_close; set_open = '['; set_close = ']'; brackets = set_open | set_close; comment = ('#' . [^\n]* . '\n'); class_name_posix = 'alnum' | 'alpha' | 'blank' | 'cntrl' | 'digit' | 'graph' | 'lower' | 'print' | 'punct' | 'space' | 'upper' | 'xdigit' | 'word' | 'ascii'; class_posix = ('[:' . '^'? . class_name_posix . ':]'); # these are not supported in ruby, and need verification collating_sequence = '[.' . (alpha | [\-])+ . '.]'; character_equivalent = '[=' . alpha . '=]'; line_anchor = beginning_of_line | end_of_line; anchor_char = [AbBzZG]; escaped_ascii = [abefnrtv]; octal_sequence = [0-7]{1,3}; hex_sequence = 'x' . xdigit{1,2}; hex_sequence_err = 'x' . [^0-9a-fA-F{]; codepoint_single = 'u' . xdigit{4}; codepoint_list = 'u{' . xdigit{1,6} . (space . xdigit{1,6})* . '}'; codepoint_sequence = codepoint_single | codepoint_list; control_sequence = ('c' | 'C-') . (backslash . 'M-')? . backslash? . any; meta_sequence = 'M-' . (backslash . ('c' | 'C-'))? . backslash? . any; zero_or_one = '?' | '??' | '?+'; zero_or_more = '*' | '*?' | '*+'; one_or_more = '+' | '+?' | '++'; quantifier_greedy = '?' | '*' | '+'; quantifier_reluctant = '??' | '*?' | '+?'; quantifier_possessive = '?+' | '*+' | '++'; quantifier_mode = '?' | '+'; quantifier_interval = range_open . (digit+)? . ','? . (digit+)? . range_close . quantifier_mode?; quantifiers = quantifier_greedy | quantifier_reluctant | quantifier_possessive | quantifier_interval; conditional = '(?('; group_comment = '?#' . [^)]* . group_close; group_atomic = '?>'; group_passive = '?:'; group_absence = '?~'; assertion_lookahead = '?='; assertion_nlookahead = '?!'; assertion_lookbehind = '?<='; assertion_nlookbehind = '?~]+ . ':'? ) ?; group_ref = [gk]; group_name_char = (alnum | '_'); group_name_id = (group_name_char . (group_name_char+)?)?; group_number = '-'? . [1-9] . ([0-9]+)?; group_level = [+\-] . [0-9]+; group_name = ('<' . group_name_id . '>') | ("'" . group_name_id . "'"); group_lookup = group_name | group_number; group_named = ('?' . group_name ); group_name_ref = group_ref . (('<' . group_name_id . group_level? '>') | ("'" . group_name_id . group_level? "'")); group_number_ref = group_ref . (('<' . group_number . group_level? '>') | ("'" . group_number . group_level? "'")); group_type = group_atomic | group_passive | group_absence | group_named; keep_mark = 'K'; assertion_type = assertion_lookahead | assertion_nlookahead | assertion_lookbehind | assertion_nlookbehind; # characters that 'break' a literal meta_char = dot | backslash | alternation | curlies | parantheses | brackets | line_anchor | quantifier_greedy; ascii_print = ((0x20..0x7e) - meta_char); ascii_nonprint = (0x01..0x1f | 0x7f); utf8_2_byte = (0xc2..0xdf 0x80..0xbf); utf8_3_byte = (0xe0..0xef 0x80..0xbf 0x80..0xbf); utf8_4_byte = (0xf0..0xf4 0x80..0xbf 0x80..0xbf 0x80..0xbf); non_literal_escape = char_type_char | anchor_char | escaped_ascii | group_ref | keep_mark | [xucCM]; non_set_escape = (anchor_char - 'b') | group_ref | keep_mark | multi_codepoint_char_type | [0-9cCM]; # EOF error, used where it can be detected action premature_end_error { text = ts ? copy(data, ts-1..-1) : data.pack('c*') raise PrematureEndError.new( text ) } # Invalid sequence error, used from sequences, like escapes and sets action invalid_sequence_error { text = ts ? copy(data, ts-1..-1) : data.pack('c*') validation_error(:sequence, 'sequence', text) } # group (nesting) and set open/close actions action group_opened { self.group_depth = group_depth + 1 } action group_closed { self.group_depth = group_depth - 1 } action set_opened { self.set_depth = set_depth + 1 } action set_closed { self.set_depth = set_depth - 1 } # Character set scanner, continues consuming characters until it meets the # closing bracket of the set. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- character_set := |* set_close > (set_meta, 2) @set_closed { emit(:set, :close, *text(data, ts, te)) if in_set? fret; else fgoto main; end }; '-]' @set_closed { # special case, emits two tokens emit(:literal, :literal, copy(data, ts..te-2), ts, te - 1) emit(:set, :close, copy(data, ts+1..te-1), ts + 1, te) if in_set? fret; else fgoto main; end }; '-&&' { # special case, emits two tokens emit(:literal, :literal, '-', ts, te) emit(:set, :intersection, '&&', ts, te) }; '^' { text = text(data, ts, te).first if tokens.last[1] == :open emit(:set, :negate, text, ts, te) else emit(:literal, :literal, text, ts, te) end }; '-' { text = text(data, ts, te).first # ranges cant start with a subset or intersection/negation/range operator if tokens.last[0] == :set emit(:literal, :literal, text, ts, te) else emit(:set, :range, text, ts, te) end }; # Unlike ranges, intersections can start or end at set boundaries, whereupon # they match nothing: r = /[a&&]/; [r =~ ?a, r =~ ?&] # => [nil, nil] '&&' { emit(:set, :intersection, *text(data, ts, te)) }; backslash { fcall set_escape_sequence; }; set_open >(open_bracket, 1) >set_opened { emit(:set, :open, *text(data, ts, te)) fcall character_set; }; class_posix >(open_bracket, 1) @set_closed @eof(premature_end_error) { text = text(data, ts, te).first type = :posixclass class_name = text[2..-3] if class_name[0].chr == '^' class_name = class_name[1..-1] type = :nonposixclass end emit(type, class_name.to_sym, text, ts, te) }; collating_sequence >(open_bracket, 1) @set_closed @eof(premature_end_error) { emit(:set, :collation, *text(data, ts, te)) }; character_equivalent >(open_bracket, 1) @set_closed @eof(premature_end_error) { emit(:set, :equivalent, *text(data, ts, te)) }; meta_char > (set_meta, 1) { emit(:literal, :literal, *text(data, ts, te)) }; any | ascii_nonprint | utf8_2_byte | utf8_3_byte | utf8_4_byte { char, *rest = *text(data, ts, te) char.force_encoding('utf-8') if char.respond_to?(:force_encoding) emit(:literal, :literal, char, *rest) }; *|; # set escapes scanner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_escape_sequence := |* non_set_escape > (escaped_set_alpha, 2) { emit(:escape, :literal, *text(data, ts, te, 1)) fret; }; any > (escaped_set_alpha, 1) { fhold; fnext character_set; fcall escape_sequence; }; *|; # escape sequence scanner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- escape_sequence := |* [1-9] { text = text(data, ts, te, 1).first emit(:backref, :number, text, ts-1, te) fret; }; octal_sequence { emit(:escape, :octal, *text(data, ts, te, 1)) fret; }; meta_char { case text = text(data, ts, te, 1).first when '\.'; emit(:escape, :dot, text, ts-1, te) when '\|'; emit(:escape, :alternation, text, ts-1, te) when '\^'; emit(:escape, :bol, text, ts-1, te) when '\$'; emit(:escape, :eol, text, ts-1, te) when '\?'; emit(:escape, :zero_or_one, text, ts-1, te) when '\*'; emit(:escape, :zero_or_more, text, ts-1, te) when '\+'; emit(:escape, :one_or_more, text, ts-1, te) when '\('; emit(:escape, :group_open, text, ts-1, te) when '\)'; emit(:escape, :group_close, text, ts-1, te) when '\{'; emit(:escape, :interval_open, text, ts-1, te) when '\}'; emit(:escape, :interval_close, text, ts-1, te) when '\['; emit(:escape, :set_open, text, ts-1, te) when '\]'; emit(:escape, :set_close, text, ts-1, te) when "\\\\"; emit(:escape, :backslash, text, ts-1, te) end fret; }; escaped_ascii > (escaped_alpha, 7) { # \b is emitted as backspace only when inside a character set, otherwise # it is a word boundary anchor. A syntax might "normalize" it if needed. case text = text(data, ts, te, 1).first when '\a'; emit(:escape, :bell, text, ts-1, te) when '\b'; emit(:escape, :backspace, text, ts-1, te) when '\e'; emit(:escape, :escape, text, ts-1, te) when '\f'; emit(:escape, :form_feed, text, ts-1, te) when '\n'; emit(:escape, :newline, text, ts-1, te) when '\r'; emit(:escape, :carriage, text, ts-1, te) when '\t'; emit(:escape, :tab, text, ts-1, te) when '\v'; emit(:escape, :vertical_tab, text, ts-1, te) end fret; }; codepoint_sequence > (escaped_alpha, 6) $eof(premature_end_error) { text = text(data, ts, te, 1).first if text[2].chr == '{' emit(:escape, :codepoint_list, text, ts-1, te) else emit(:escape, :codepoint, text, ts-1, te) end fret; }; hex_sequence > (escaped_alpha, 5) $eof(premature_end_error) { emit(:escape, :hex, *text(data, ts, te, 1)) fret; }; hex_sequence_err @invalid_sequence_error { fret; }; control_sequence >(escaped_alpha, 4) $eof(premature_end_error) { emit_meta_control_sequence(data, ts, te, :control) fret; }; meta_sequence >(backslashed, 3) $eof(premature_end_error) { emit_meta_control_sequence(data, ts, te, :meta_sequence) fret; }; char_type_char > (escaped_alpha, 2) { fhold; fnext *(in_set? ? fentry(character_set) : fentry(main)); fcall char_type; }; property_char > (escaped_alpha, 2) { fhold; fnext *(in_set? ? fentry(character_set) : fentry(main)); fcall unicode_property; }; (any -- non_literal_escape) > (escaped_alpha, 1) { emit(:escape, :literal, *text(data, ts, te, 1)) fret; }; *|; # conditional expressions scanner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- conditional_expression := |* group_lookup . ')' { text = text(data, ts, te-1).first emit(:conditional, :condition, text, ts, te-1) emit(:conditional, :condition_close, ')', te-1, te) }; any { fhold; fcall main; }; *|; # Main scanner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- main := |* # Meta characters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dot { emit(:meta, :dot, *text(data, ts, te)) }; alternation { if conditional_stack.last == group_depth emit(:conditional, :separator, *text(data, ts, te)) else emit(:meta, :alternation, *text(data, ts, te)) end }; # Anchors # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ beginning_of_line { emit(:anchor, :bol, *text(data, ts, te)) }; end_of_line { emit(:anchor, :eol, *text(data, ts, te)) }; backslash . keep_mark > (backslashed, 4) { emit(:keep, :mark, *text(data, ts, te)) }; backslash . anchor_char > (backslashed, 3) { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '\\A'; emit(:anchor, :bos, text, ts, te) when '\\z'; emit(:anchor, :eos, text, ts, te) when '\\Z'; emit(:anchor, :eos_ob_eol, text, ts, te) when '\\b'; emit(:anchor, :word_boundary, text, ts, te) when '\\B'; emit(:anchor, :nonword_boundary, text, ts, te) when '\\G'; emit(:anchor, :match_start, text, ts, te) end }; # Character sets # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set_open >set_opened { emit(:set, :open, *text(data, ts, te)) fcall character_set; }; # Conditional expression # (?(condition)Y|N) conditional expression # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ conditional { text = text(data, ts, te).first conditional_stack << group_depth emit(:conditional, :open, text[0..-2], ts, te-1) emit(:conditional, :condition_open, '(', te-1, te) fcall conditional_expression; }; # (?#...) comments: parsed as a single expression, without introducing a # new nesting level. Comments may not include parentheses, escaped or not. # special case for close, action performed on all transitions to get the # correct closing count. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ group_open . group_comment $group_closed { emit(:group, :comment, *text(data, ts, te)) }; # Expression options: # (?imxdau-imx) option on/off # i: ignore case # m: multi-line (dot(.) match newline) # x: extended form # d: default class rules (1.9 compatible) # a: ASCII class rules (\s, \w, etc.) # u: Unicode class rules (\s, \w, etc.) # # (?imxdau-imx:subexp) option on/off for subexp # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ group_open . group_options >group_opened { text = text(data, ts, te).first if text[2..-1] =~ /([^\-mixdau:]|^$)|-.*([dau])/ raise InvalidGroupOption.new($1 || "-#{$2}", text) end emit_options(text, ts, te) }; # Assertions # (?=subexp) look-ahead # (?!subexp) negative look-ahead # (?<=subexp) look-behind # (?group_opened { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '(?='; emit(:assertion, :lookahead, text, ts, te) when '(?!'; emit(:assertion, :nlookahead, text, ts, te) when '(?<='; emit(:assertion, :lookbehind, text, ts, te) when '(?subexp) atomic group, don't backtrack in subexp. # (?~subexp) absence group, matches anything that is not subexp # (?subexp) named group # (?'name'subexp) named group (single quoted version) # (subexp) captured group # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ group_open . group_type >group_opened { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '(?:'; emit(:group, :passive, text, ts, te) when '(?>'; emit(:group, :atomic, text, ts, te) when '(?~'; emit(:group, :absence, text, ts, te) when /^\(\?(?:<>|'')/ validation_error(:group, 'named group', 'name is empty') when /^\(\?<\w*>/ emit(:group, :named_ab, text, ts, te) when /^\(\?'\w*'/ emit(:group, :named_sq, text, ts, te) end }; group_open @group_opened { text = text(data, ts, te).first emit(:group, :capture, text, ts, te) }; group_close @group_closed { if conditional_stack.last == group_depth + 1 conditional_stack.pop emit(:conditional, :close, *text(data, ts, te)) else if spacing_stack.length > 1 && spacing_stack.last[:depth] == group_depth + 1 spacing_stack.pop self.free_spacing = spacing_stack.last[:free_spacing] end emit(:group, :close, *text(data, ts, te)) end }; # Group backreference, named and numbered # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ backslash . (group_name_ref | group_number_ref) > (backslashed, 4) { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when /^\\([gk])(<>|'')/ # angle brackets validation_error(:backref, 'ref/call', 'ref ID is empty') when /^\\([gk])<[^\d+-]\w*>/ # angle-brackets if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :name_ref_ab, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :name_call_ab, text, ts, te) end when /^\\([gk])'[^\d+-]\w*'/ #single quotes if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :name_ref_sq, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :name_call_sq, text, ts, te) end when /^\\([gk])<\d+>/ # angle-brackets if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :number_ref_ab, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :number_call_ab, text, ts, te) end when /^\\([gk])'\d+'/ # single quotes if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :number_ref_sq, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :number_call_sq, text, ts, te) end when /^\\(?:g<\+|g<-|(k)<-)\d+>/ # angle-brackets if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :number_rel_ref_ab, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :number_rel_call_ab, text, ts, te) end when /^\\(?:g'\+|g'-|(k)'-)\d+'/ # single quotes if $1 == 'k' emit(:backref, :number_rel_ref_sq, text, ts, te) else emit(:backref, :number_rel_call_sq, text, ts, te) end when /^\\k<[^\d+\-]\w*[+\-]\d+>/ # angle-brackets emit(:backref, :name_recursion_ref_ab, text, ts, te) when /^\\k'[^\d+\-]\w*[+\-]\d+'/ # single-quotes emit(:backref, :name_recursion_ref_sq, text, ts, te) when /^\\([gk])<[+\-]?\d+[+\-]\d+>/ # angle-brackets emit(:backref, :number_recursion_ref_ab, text, ts, te) when /^\\([gk])'[+\-]?\d+[+\-]\d+'/ # single-quotes emit(:backref, :number_recursion_ref_sq, text, ts, te) end }; # Quantifiers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ zero_or_one { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '?' ; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_one, text, ts, te) when '??'; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_one_reluctant, text, ts, te) when '?+'; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_one_possessive, text, ts, te) end }; zero_or_more { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '*' ; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_more, text, ts, te) when '*?'; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_more_reluctant, text, ts, te) when '*+'; emit(:quantifier, :zero_or_more_possessive, text, ts, te) end }; one_or_more { case text = text(data, ts, te).first when '+' ; emit(:quantifier, :one_or_more, text, ts, te) when '+?'; emit(:quantifier, :one_or_more_reluctant, text, ts, te) when '++'; emit(:quantifier, :one_or_more_possessive, text, ts, te) end }; quantifier_interval @err(premature_end_error) { emit(:quantifier, :interval, *text(data, ts, te)) }; # Escaped sequences # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ backslash > (backslashed, 1) { fcall escape_sequence; }; comment { if free_spacing emit(:free_space, :comment, *text(data, ts, te)) else append_literal(data, ts, te) end }; space+ { if free_spacing emit(:free_space, :whitespace, *text(data, ts, te)) else append_literal(data, ts, te) end }; # Literal: any run of ASCII (pritable or non-printable), and/or UTF-8, # except meta characters. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ascii_print -- space)+ | ascii_nonprint+ | utf8_2_byte+ | utf8_3_byte+ | utf8_4_byte+ { append_literal(data, ts, te) }; *|; }%% # THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY # This file was generated from lib/regexp_parser/scanner/scanner.rl class Regexp::Scanner # General scanner error (catch all) class ScannerError < StandardError; end # Base for all scanner validation errors class ValidationError < StandardError def initialize(reason) super reason end end # Unexpected end of pattern class PrematureEndError < ScannerError def initialize(where = '') super "Premature end of pattern at #{where}" end end # Invalid sequence format. Used for escape sequences, mainly. class InvalidSequenceError < ValidationError def initialize(what = 'sequence', where = '') super "Invalid #{what} at #{where}" end end # Invalid group. Used for named groups. class InvalidGroupError < ValidationError def initialize(what, reason) super "Invalid #{what}, #{reason}." end end # Invalid groupOption. Used for inline options. class InvalidGroupOption < ValidationError def initialize(option, text) super "Invalid group option #{option} in #{text}" end end # Invalid back reference. Used for name a number refs/calls. class InvalidBackrefError < ValidationError def initialize(what, reason) super "Invalid back reference #{what}, #{reason}" end end # The property name was not recognized by the scanner. class UnknownUnicodePropertyError < ValidationError def initialize(name) super "Unknown unicode character property name #{name}" end end # Scans the given regular expression text, or Regexp object and collects the # emitted token into an array that gets returned at the end. If a block is # given, it gets called for each emitted token. # # This method may raise errors if a syntax error is encountered. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.scan(input_object, &block) new.scan(input_object, &block) end def scan(input_object, &block) self.literal = nil stack = [] if input_object.is_a?(Regexp) input = input_object.source self.free_spacing = (input_object.options & Regexp::EXTENDED != 0) else input = input_object self.free_spacing = false end self.spacing_stack = [{:free_spacing => free_spacing, :depth => 0}] data = input.unpack("c*") if input.is_a?(String) eof = data.length self.tokens = [] self.block = block_given? ? block : nil self.set_depth = 0 self.group_depth = 0 self.conditional_stack = [] %% write data; %% write init; %% write exec; # to avoid "warning: assigned but unused variable - testEof" testEof = testEof if cs == re_scanner_error text = ts ? copy(data, ts-1..-1) : data.pack('c*') raise ScannerError.new("Scan error at '#{text}'") end raise PrematureEndError.new("(missing group closing paranthesis) "+ "[#{group_depth}]") if in_group? raise PrematureEndError.new("(missing set closing bracket) "+ "[#{set_depth}]") if in_set? # when the entire expression is a literal run emit_literal if literal tokens end # lazy-load property maps when first needed require 'yaml' PROP_MAPS_DIR = File.expand_path('../scanner/properties', __FILE__) def self.short_prop_map @short_prop_map ||= YAML.load_file("#{PROP_MAPS_DIR}/short.yml") end def self.long_prop_map @long_prop_map ||= YAML.load_file("#{PROP_MAPS_DIR}/long.yml") end # Emits an array with the details of the scanned pattern def emit(type, token, text, ts, te) #puts "EMIT: type: #{type}, token: #{token}, text: #{text}, ts: #{ts}, te: #{te}" emit_literal if literal if block block.call type, token, text, ts, te end tokens << [type, token, text, ts, te] end private attr_accessor :tokens, :literal, :block, :free_spacing, :spacing_stack, :group_depth, :set_depth, :conditional_stack def in_group? group_depth > 0 end def in_set? set_depth > 0 end # Copy from ts to te from data as text def copy(data, range) data[range].pack('c*') end # Copy from ts to te from data as text, returning an array with the text # and the offsets used to copy it. def text(data, ts, te, soff = 0) [copy(data, ts-soff..te-1), ts-soff, te] end # Appends one or more characters to the literal buffer, to be emitted later # by a call to emit_literal. Contents can be a mix of ASCII and UTF-8. def append_literal(data, ts, te) self.literal = literal || [] literal << text(data, ts, te) end # Emits the literal run collected by calls to the append_literal method, # using the total start (ts) and end (te) offsets of the run. def emit_literal ts, te = literal.first[1], literal.last[2] text = literal.map {|t| t[0]}.join text.force_encoding('utf-8') if text.respond_to?(:force_encoding) self.literal = nil emit(:literal, :literal, text, ts, te) end def emit_options(text, ts, te) token = nil # Ruby allows things like '(?-xxxx)' or '(?xx-xx--xx-:abc)'. text =~ /\(\?([mixdau]*)(-(?:[mix]*))*(:)?/ positive, negative, group_local = $1, $2, $3 if positive.include?('x') self.free_spacing = true end # If the x appears in both, treat it like ruby does, the second cancels # the first. if negative && negative.include?('x') self.free_spacing = false end if group_local spacing_stack << {:free_spacing => free_spacing, :depth => group_depth} token = :options else # switch for parent group level spacing_stack.last[:free_spacing] = free_spacing token = :options_switch end emit(:group, token, text, ts, te) end def emit_meta_control_sequence(data, ts, te, token) if data.last < 0x00 || data.last > 0x7F validation_error(:sequence, 'escape', token.to_s) end emit(:escape, token, *text(data, ts, te, 1)) end # Centralizes and unifies the handling of validation related # errors. def validation_error(type, what, reason) case type when :group error = InvalidGroupError.new(what, reason) when :backref error = InvalidBackrefError.new(what, reason) when :sequence error = InvalidSequenceError.new(what, reason) end raise error # unless @@config.validation_ignore end end # module Regexp::Scanner