require 'json' require 'thor' require 'pp' require 'yaml' require 'engineyard-serverside/paths' require 'engineyard-serverside/source' require 'engineyard-serverside/source/git' require 'engineyard-serverside/source/archive' module EY module Serverside class Deploy::Configuration include Paths::LegacyHelpers # deploy hooks depend on these to be here as well. Don't remove without plenty of deprecation warnings. # Defines a fetch method for the specified key. # If no default and no block is specified, it means the key is required # and if it's accessed without a value, it should raise. def self.def_option(name, default=nil, key=nil, &block) key ||= name.to_s if block_given? define_method(name) { fetch(key) {instance_eval(&block)} } else define_method(name) { fetch(key, default) } end end # Calls def_option and adds a name? predicate method def self.def_boolean_option(name, default=nil, &block) key ||= name.to_s define_method(name) do if block val = fetch(key) {instance_eval(&block)} else val = fetch(key, default) end not [false,nil,'false','nil'].include?(val) # deal with command line options turning booleans into strings end alias_method(:"#{name}?", name) end # Required options do not have a default value. # An option being required does not mean that it is always supplied, # it just means that if it is accessed and it does not exist, an error # will be raised instead of returning a nil default value. def self.def_required_option(name, key=nil) key ||= name.to_s define_method(name) do fetch(key) { raise "Required configuration option not found: #{key.inspect}" } end end def fetch_deprecated(attr, replacement, default) called = false result = fetch(attr) { called = true; default } if !called # deprecated attr was found @deprecation_warning ||= {} @deprecation_warning[attr] ||= begin EY::Serverside.deprecation_warning "The configuration key '#{attr}' is deprecated in favor of '#{replacement}'." true end end result end def_required_option :app def_required_option :environment_name def_required_option :account_name def_required_option :framework_env def_required_option :instances def_required_option :instance_roles def_required_option :instance_names def_option(:git) { fetch(:repo, nil) } # repo is deprecated def_option :archive, nil def_option :migrate, nil def_option :precompile_assets, 'detect' def_option :precompile_assets_task, 'assets:precompile' def_option(:precompile_assets_command) { "rake #{precompile_assets_task} RAILS_GROUPS=assets" } def_option :asset_strategy, 'shifting' def_option :asset_dependencies, %w[app/assets lib/assets vendor/assets Gemfile.lock config/routes.rb config/application.rb] def_option :asset_roles, [:app_master, :app, :solo] def_option :stack, nil def_option(:source_class) { fetch_deprecated(:strategy, :source_class, nil) } # strategy is deprecated def_option :branch, 'master' def_option(:input_ref) { branch } def_option :deployed_by, 'Automation (User name not available)' def_option :current_roles, [] def_option :current_name, nil def_option :copy_exclude, [] def_option :bundler, 'detect' def_option :composer, 'detect' def_option :npm, 'detect' def_option :bundle_options, nil def_option(:bundle_without) { %w[test development] - [framework_env] } def_option(:user) { ENV['USER'] } def_option(:group) { user } def_option :services_check_command, "which /usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/ey-services-setup >/dev/null 2>&1" def_option(:services_setup_command) { "/usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/ey-services-setup #{app}" } def_option :ignore_ey_config_warning, false DEFAULT_KEEP_RELEASES = 3 def_option :keep_releases, DEFAULT_KEEP_RELEASES def_option :keep_failed_releases, DEFAULT_KEEP_RELEASES def_boolean_option :clean, false def_boolean_option :verbose, false def_boolean_option :gc, false def_boolean_option :precompile_unchanged_assets, false def_boolean_option :ignore_database_adapter_warning, false def_boolean_option :ignore_gemfile_lock_warning, false def_boolean_option :shared_tmp, true def_boolean_option :eydeploy_rb, true def_boolean_option :maintenance_on_migrate, true def_boolean_option(:maintenance_on_restart) { required_downtime_stack? } # experimental, need feedback from people using it, feature implementation subject to change or removal def_option :restart_groups, 1 def_boolean_option :experimental_sync_assets, false alias app_name app alias environment framework_env # legacy because it would be nice to have less confusion around "environment" alias migration_command migrate alias repo git alias ref branch # ref is used for input to cli, so it should work here. def initialize(options) opts = string_keys(options) config = JSON.load(opts.delete("config") || "{}") append_config_source opts # high priority append_config_source config # lower priority end def string_keys(hsh) hsh.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_s] = v; h } end def append_config_source(config_source) @config_sources ||= [] @config_sources.unshift(config_source.dup) reload_configuration! end def configuration @configuration ||= @config_sources.inject({}) {|low,high| low.merge(high)} end # FIXME: single letter variable is of very questionable value alias :c :configuration # reset cached configuration hash def reload_configuration! @configuration = nil end def load_ey_yml_data(data, shell) loaded = false environments = data['environments'] if environments && environments[environment_name] shell.substatus "ey.yml configuration loaded for environment #{environment_name.inspect}." env_data = string_keys(environments[environment_name]) shell.debug "#{environment_name}:\n#{env_data.pretty_inspect}" append_config_source(env_data) # insert at higher priority than defaults loaded = true end defaults = data['defaults'] if defaults shell.substatus "ey.yml configuration loaded." append_config_source(string_keys(defaults)) # insert at lowest priority so as not to disturb important config shell.debug "defaults:\n#{defaults.pretty_inspect}" loaded = true end if loaded true else "No matching ey.yml configuration found for environment #{environment_name.inspect}." shell.debug "ey.yml:\n#{data.pretty_inspect}" false end end # Fetch a key from the config. # You must supply either a default second argument, or a default block def fetch(key, *args, &block) configuration.fetch(key.to_s, *args, &block) end def [](key) if respond_to?(key.to_sym) send(key.to_sym) else configuration[key] end end def has_key?(key) respond_to?(key.to_sym) || configuration.has_key?(key) end # Delegate to the configuration objects def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) configuration.key?(meth.to_s) ? configuration.fetch(meth.to_s) : super end def respond_to?(meth, include_private=false) configuration.key?(meth.to_s) || super end def to_json JSON.dump(configuration) end def node EY::Serverside.node end # Infer the deploy source strategy to use based on flag or # default to specified strategy. # # Returns a Source object. def source(shell) if archive && git shell.fatal "Both --git and --archive specified. Precedence is not defined. Aborting" raise "Both --git and --archive specified. Precedence is not defined. Aborting" end if archive load_source(EY::Serverside::Source::Archive, shell, archive) elsif source_class load_source(EY::Serverside::Source.const_get(source_class), shell, git) else # git can be nil for integrate or rollback load_source(EY::Serverside::Source::Git, shell, git) end end def load_source(klass, shell, uri) shell, :verbose => verbose, :repository_cache => paths.repository_cache, :app => app, :uri => uri, :ref => branch ) end # Use [] to access attributes instead of calling methods so # that we get nils instead of NoMethodError. # # Rollback doesn't know about the repository location (nor # should it need to), but it would like to use #short_log_message. def paths @paths ||={ :home => configuration['home_path'], :app_name => app_name, :deploy_root => configuration['deploy_to'], :active_release => configuration['release_path'], :repository_cache => configuration['repository_cache'], }) end def rollback_paths! rollback_paths = paths.rollback if rollback_paths @paths = rollback_paths true else false end end def ruby_version_command "ruby -v" end def system_version_command "uname -m" end def active_revision end def latest_revision end alias revision latest_revision def previous_revision prev = paths.previous_revision prev && prev.readable? && end # The nodatabase.yml file is dropped by server configuration when there is # no database in the cluster. def has_database? paths.path(:shared_config, 'database.yml').exist? && !paths.path(:shared_config, 'nodatabase.yml').exist? end def check_database_adapter? !ignore_database_adapter_warning? && has_database? end def migrate? !!migration_command end def role node['instance_role'] end def current_role current_roles.to_a.first end def framework_env_names %w[RAILS_ENV RACK_ENV NODE_ENV MERB_ENV] end def framework_envs { |e| "#{e}=#{framework_env}" }.join(' ') end def set_framework_envs framework_env_names.each { |e| ENV[e] = environment } end def extra_bundle_install_options opts = [] opts += ["--without", bundle_without] if bundle_without opts += [bundle_options] if bundle_options opts.flatten end def precompile_assets_inferred? precompile_assets.nil? || precompile_assets == "detect" end def precompile_assets? precompile_assets == true || precompile_assets == "true" end def skip_precompile_assets? precompile_assets == false || precompile_assets == "false" end # Assume downtime required if stack is not specified (nil) just in case. def required_downtime_stack? [nil, 'nginx_mongrel', 'glassfish'].include? stack end def configured_services services = YAML.load_file(paths.shared_services_yml.to_s) services.respond_to?(:keys) && !services.empty? ? services.keys : nil rescue nil end end end end