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This class stores output format independent information to describe a GanttChart header. A Gantt chart header consists of 2 lines. The top line holds the large scale (e. g. the year or month and year) and the lower line holds the small scale (e. g. week or day).



Public Class Methods

new(chart) click to toggle source

Create a GanttHeader object and generate the scales for the header.

    # File lib/reports/GanttHeader.rb, line 27
27:     def initialize(chart)
28:       @chart = chart
30:       @largeScale = []
31:       @smallScale = []
33:       # Positions where chart should be marked with vertical lines that match
34:       # the large scale.
35:       @gridLines = []
37:       # X coordinate of the "now" line. nil if "now" is off-chart.
38:       @nowLineX = nil
40:       # The x coordinates and width of the cells created by the small scale. The
41:       # values are stored as [ x, w ].
42:       @cellStartDates = []
43:       # The height of the header in pixels.
44:       @height = 39
46:       generate
47:     end

Public Instance Methods

to_html() click to toggle source

Convert the header into an HTML format.

    # File lib/reports/GanttHeader.rb, line 50
50:     def to_html
51:       div ='div', 'class' => 'tabback',
52:                            'style' => "margin:0px; padding:0px; " +
53:                            "position:relative; " +
54:                            "width:#{@chart.width.to_i}px; " +
55:                            "height:#{@height.to_i}px; " +
56:                            "font-size:#{(@height / 4).to_i}px; ")
57:       @largeScale.each { |s| div << s.to_html }
58:       @smallScale.each { |s| div << s.to_html }
59:       div
60:     end

Private Instance Methods

genHeaderScale(scale, y, h, beginOfFunc, sameTimeNextFunc, nameFunc) click to toggle source

Generate the actual scale cells.

     # File lib/reports/GanttHeader.rb, line 104
104:     def genHeaderScale(scale, y, h, beginOfFunc, sameTimeNextFunc, nameFunc)
105:       # The beginOfWeek function needs a parameter, so we have to handle it as a
106:       # special case.
107:       if beginOfFunc == :beginOfWeek
108:         t = @chart.start.send(beginOfFunc, @chart.weekStartsMonday)
109:       else
110:         t = @chart.start.send(beginOfFunc)
111:       end
113:       # Now we iterate of the report period in steps defined by
114:       # sameTimeNextFunc. For each time slot we generate GanttHeaderScaleItem
115:       # object and append it to the scale.
116:       while t < @chart.end
117:         nextT = t.send(sameTimeNextFunc)
118:         # Determine the end of the cell. We keep 1 pixel for the boundary.
119:         w = (xR = @chart.dateToX(nextT).to_i - 1) - (x = @chart.dateToX(t).to_i)
120:         # We collect the positions of the large grid scale marks for later use
121:         # in the chart.
122:         if scale == @largeScale
123:           @gridLines << xR
124:         else
125:           @cellStartDates << t
126:         end
127:         # Again, nameFunc needs special handling for the week case due to the
128:         # extra parameter.
129:         name = nameFunc == :week ? t.send(nameFunc, @chart.weekStartsMonday) :
130:                                    t.send(nameFunc)
131:         scale <<, x, y, w, h)
132:         t = nextT
133:       end
134:       # Add the end date of the last cell when generating the small scale.
135:       @cellStartDates << t if scale == @smallScale
136:     end
generate() click to toggle source

Call genHeaderScale with the right set of parameters (depending on the selected scale) for the lower and upper header line.

     # File lib/reports/GanttHeader.rb, line 66
 66:     def generate
 67:       # The 2 header lines are separated by a 1 pixel boundary.
 68:       h = ((@height - 1) / 2).to_i
 69:       case @chart.scale['name']
 70:       when 'hour'
 71:         genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :midnight, :sameTimeNextDay,
 72:                        :weekdayAndDate)
 73:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfHour, :sameTimeNextHour,
 74:                        :hour)
 75:       when 'day'
 76:         genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth,
 77:                        :monthAndYear)
 78:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :midnight, :sameTimeNextDay, :day)
 79:       when 'week'
 80:         genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth,
 81:                        :monthAndYear)
 82:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfWeek, :sameTimeNextWeek,
 83:                        :week)
 84:       when 'month'
 85:         genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, :year)
 86:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth,
 87:                        :shortMonthName)
 88:       when 'quarter'
 89:         genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, :year)
 90:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfQuarter,
 91:                        :sameTimeNextQuarter, :quarterName)
 92:       when 'year'
 93:         genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear,
 94:                        :year)
 95:       else
 96:         raise "Unknown scale: #{@chart.scale['name']}"
 97:       end
 99:       nlx = @chart.dateToX(
100:       @nowLineX = nlx if nlx
101:     end

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