sudo: false language: ruby cache: bundler rvm: - 1.9 - 2.0 - 2.1 - 2.2.10 - 2.3.8 - 2.4.5 - 2.5.3 - ruby-head env: - sshkit="master" - sshkit="= 1.7.1" - sshkit="= 1.6.1" matrix: exclude: # Older versions of SSHKit don't work with Ruby 2.4+, so skip those - rvm: 2.4.5 env: sshkit="= 1.7.1" - rvm: 2.4.5 env: sshkit="= 1.6.1" - rvm: 2.5.3 env: sshkit="= 1.7.1" - rvm: 2.5.3 env: sshkit="= 1.6.1" - rvm: ruby-head env: sshkit="= 1.7.1" - rvm: ruby-head env: sshkit="= 1.6.1" # Newer versions of SSHKit don't work with Ruby 1.9 - rvm: 1.9 env: sshkit="master" include: # Run Danger only once, on 2.4.5 - rvm: 2.4.5 script: bundle exec danger before_install: - gem update --system || echo "skipping rubygems upgrade" - gem install bundler -v 1.17.3 --conservative --no-document - gem install executable-hooks --conservative --no-document install: - bundle _1.17.3_ install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --path=${BUNDLE_PATH:-vendor/bundle} || bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --path=${BUNDLE_PATH:-vendor/bundle}