class Marty::PromiseView < Netzke::Tree::Base extend ::Marty::Permissions client_styles do |config| config.require :promise_view end client_class do |config| config.default_get_row_class = l(<<-JS) function(record, index, rowParams, ds) { var status = record.get('status'); if (status === false) return "red-row"; if (status === true) return "green-row"; return "orange-row"; } JS config.listen_fn = l(<<-JS) function(obj, search_text) { var lg = this.ownerCt.ownerCt; lg.getStore().getProxy().extraParams.live_search = search_text; lg.getStore().load(); } JS # Live search box -- direct copy from Marty::LiveSearchGridPanel config.tbar = ['->', { name: 'live_search_text', xtype: 'textfield', enable_key_events: true, ref: '../live_search_field', empty_text: 'Search', listeners: { change: { fn: config.listen_fn, buffer: 500, } } }] end def configure(config) super config.title = I18n.t("jobs.promise_view") config.model = "Marty::Promise" config.attributes = [ {name: :title, xtype: :treecolumn}, :user__login, :job_id, :start_dt, :end_dt, :status, :cformat, :error, ] config.root_visible = false config.paging = :none config.bbar = bbar config.read_only = true config.permissions = { update: false, create: false, delete: false, } # garbage collect old promises (hacky to do this here) Marty::Promise.cleanup(false) end def bbar [:clear, '->', :refresh, :download] end client_class do |config| config.init_component = l(<<-JS) function() { this.callParent(); this.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function(selModel) { &&!selModel.hasSelection()); }, this); this.getView().getRowClass = this.defaultGetRowClass; } JS config.netzke_on_download = l(<<-JS) function() { var jid = this.getSelectionModel().selected.first().getId(); // FIXME: seems pretty hacky window.location = "#{Marty::Util.marty_path}/job/download?job_id=" + jid; } JS config.netzke_on_refresh = l(<<-JS) function() {; } JS config.netzke_on_clear = l(<<-JS) function(params) { var me = this;{ title: 'Clear All Jobs', msg: 'Enter CLEAR and press OK to clear all previous jobs', width: 375, buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, prompt: true, fn: function (btn, value) { (btn == "ok" && value == "CLEAR") && me.server.clear({}); } }); } JS end action :clear do |a| a.text = a.tooltip = 'Clear' a.disabled = false a.icon = :application_delete a.hidden = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :download do |a| a.text = a.tooltip = 'Download' a.disabled = true a.icon = :application_put end action :refresh do |a| a.text = a.tooltip = 'Refresh' a.disabled = false a.icon = :arrow_refresh end endpoint :clear do |params| Marty::Promise.cleanup(true) client.netzke_on_refresh end def get_records params search_scope = config[:live_search_scope] || :live_search Marty::Promise.children_for_id(params[:id], params[search_scope]) end attribute :title do |config| config.text = I18n.t('jobs.title') config.width = 300 end attribute :user__login do |config| config.text = I18n.t('jobs.user_login') config.width = 100 end attribute :job_id do |config| config.width = 90 end attribute :start_dt do |config| config.text = I18n.t('jobs.start_dt') end attribute :end_dt do |config| config.text = I18n.t('jobs.end_dt') end attribute :status do |config| config.hidden = true end attribute :cformat do |config| config.text = I18n.t('jobs.cformat') config.width = 90 end attribute :error do |config| config.getter = ->(record) { record.result.to_s if record.status == false } config.flex = 1 end end PromiseView = Marty::PromiseView