require 'windows/com' require 'windows/com/automation' require 'windows/com/variant' require 'windows/com/accessibility' require 'windows/unicode' require 'windows/error' require 'windows/national' require 'windows/registry' require 'windows/window' require 'windows/window/message' require 'windows/msvcrt/buffer' require 'windows/msvcrt/string' require 'date' require 'windows/thread' include Windows::COM include Windows::COM::Automation include Windows::COM::Variant include Windows::COM::Accessibility include Windows::Unicode include Windows::National include Windows::Registry include Windows::Error include Windows::Window include Windows::Window::Message include Windows::MSVCRT::Buffer include Windows::MSVCRT::String class WIN32OLERuntimeError < RuntimeError end class WIN32OLE VERSION = "1.3.9" ARGV = [] CP_ACP = Windows::Unicode::CP_ACP CP_OEMCP = Windows::Unicode::CP_OEMCP CP_MACCP = Windows::Unicode::CP_MACCP CP_THREAD_ACP = Windows::Unicode::CP_THREAD_ACP CP_SYMBOL = Windows::Unicode::CP_SYMBOL CP_UTF7 = Windows::Unicode::CP_UTF7 CP_UTF8 = Windows::Unicode::CP_UTF8 LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = Windows::National::LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT = Windows::National::LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT LCID_INSTALLED = 0x00000001 CP_INSTALLED = 0x00000001 @@ole_initialized = false @@lcid = LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT @@cp = CP_ACP @@nil_to = VT_ERROR @@com_hash = {} IID_IDispatch = [0x00020400,0x0000,0x0000,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46].pack('LSSC8') IID_IUnknown = [0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46].pack('LSSC8') IID_NULL = [0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00].pack('LSSC8') IID_IEnumVARIANT = [0x00020404,0x0000,0x0000,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46].pack('LSSC8') IID_IPersistMemory = [0xBD1AE5E0,0xA6AE,0xBD37,0xBD,0x37,0x50,0x42,0x00,0xC1,0x00,0x00].pack('LSSC8') IID_IConnectionPointContainer = [0xB196B284,0xBAB4,0x101A,0xB6,0x9C,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x34,0x1D,0x07].pack('LSSC8') IID_IProvideClassInfo = [0xB196B283,0xBAB4,0x101A,0xB6,0x9C,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x34,0x1D,0x07].pack('LSSC8') IID_IProvideClassInfo2 = [0xA6BC3AC0,0xDBAA,0x11CE,0x9D,0xE3,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x4B,0xB8,0x51].pack('LSSC8') ComVtbl =,:AddRef,:Release,:GetTypeInfoCount,:GetTypeInfo,:Invoke,:GetIDsOfNames) Win32OLEIDispatch =,:refcount,:obj) @@QueryInterface ='PPP','L',&lambda {|p,riid,ppv| if riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IDispatch refcount = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(refcount,p+4,4) refcount = [refcount.unpack('L').first + 1].pack('L') memcpy(p+4,refcount,4) ppv[0,4] = [p].pack('L') return S_OK end E_NOINTERFACE }) @@AddRef ='P','L') {|p| refcount = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(refcount,p+4,4) refcount = [refcount.unpack('L').first + 1].pack('L') memcpy(p+4,refcount,4) } @@Release ='P','L') {|p| dispatch = 0.chr * 12 memcpy(dispatch,p,12) _,refcount,obj = dispatch.unpack('L*') refcount -= 1 memcpy(p+4,[refcount].pack('L'),4) u = refcount if u == 0 key = ObjectSpace._id2ref(obj) @@com_hash.delete(key) end u } @@Invoke ='PLPLLPPPP','L') {|p,dispid,riid,lcid,wFlags,pdispparams,pvarResult,pexceptinfo,puArgErr| obj = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(obj,p+8,4) obj = ObjectSpace._id2ref(obj.unpack('L').first) dispparam = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(dispparam,pdispparams,16) args = dispparam[8,4].unpack('L').first parg = [] for i in 0 ... args var = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(var,dispparam[0,4].unpack('L').first + (args-i-1)*16,16) parg[i] = ole_variant2val(var) end if dispid == DISPID_VALUE if wFlags == DISPATCH_METHOD dispid = :call elsif (wFlags & DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) != 0 dispid = :value end else dispid = ObjectSpace._id2ref(dispid) end v = obj.send(dispid,*parg) p = 0.chr * 16 WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(v,p) pvarResult[0,16] = p S_OK } @@GetIDsOfNames ='PPLLLP','L') {|p,riid,sznames,cNames,lcid,pDispID| str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,sznames) pDispID[0,4] = [wide_to_mult(str).to_sym.object_id].pack('L') S_OK } @@GetTypeInfoCount ='PP','L') {|p,pct| E_NOTIMPL } @@GetTypeInfo ='PLLP','L') {|p,info,lcid,pInfo| E_NOTIMPL } @@installed_lcid_proc ='L','L',&lambda { |ptr| str = 0.chr * 8 strcpy(str,ptr) if str == @lcid @installed = true return 0 end 1 }) @@installed_code_page_proc ='L','L',&lambda { |ptr| str = 0.chr * 10 strcpy(str,ptr) if str.to_i == @cp @installed = true return 0 end 1 }) @@com_vtbl =,@@AddRef,@@Release,@@GetTypeInfoCount,@@GetTypeInfo,@@GetIDsOfNames,@@Invoke){|x|x.address}.pack('L*') attr_accessor :pDispatch def self.ole_uninitialize OleUninitialize() @@ole_initialized = false end def self.ole_initialize if !@@ole_initialized hr = if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError,"fail: OLE initialize" end @@ole_initialized = true at_exit { ole_uninitialize } end end def ole_set_member(dispatch) if @pDispatch WIN32OLE.ole_release(@pDispatch) end @pDispatch = dispatch self end def self._ole_free(dispatch) if @@ole_initialized if dispatch WIN32OLE.ole_release(dispatch) end end nil end def self.ole_release(dispatch) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,dispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2],'P','L') end def self.ole_addref(dispatch) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,dispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') addRef =[1],'P','L') end def clsid_from_remote(host,server,clsid) hr = S_OK hlm = 0.chr * 4 err = RegConnectRegistry(host, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, hlm) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err) end subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Classes\\" + server + "\\CLSID" hpid = 0.chr * 4 err = RegOpenKeyEx(hlm, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, hpid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err) else len = clsid.length.pack('L') dwtype = 0.chr * 4 clsid2 = 0.chr * 100 err = RegQueryValueEx(hpid, "", nil, dwtype, clsid2, len) if err == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwtype.unpack('L').first == REG_SZ hr = CLSIDFromString(multi_to_wide(clsid2), clsid) else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err) end RegCloseKey(hpid) end RegCloseKey(hlm) hr end def ole_create_dcom(server,host) clsid = 0.chr * 16 serverw = multi_to_wide(server) hostw = multi_to_wide(host) hr = CLSIDFromProgID(serverw,clsid) if hr != S_OK hr = clsid_from_remote(host, server, clsid) end if hr != S_OK hr = CLSIDFromString(serverw,clsid) end if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "unknown OLE server: `#{server}'" end serverinfo = 0.chr * 16 serverinfo[4,4] = [hostw].pack('P') multi_qi = 0.chr * 12 multi_qi[0,4] = [IID_IDispatch].pack('P') hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(clsid,nil,CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER,serverinfo,1,multi_qi) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to create DCOM server `#{server}' in `#{host}'" end ole_set_member(multi_qi[4,4].unpack('L').first) self end def self.get_control_from_hwnd(hnd) CoInitialize(0) reg_msg = RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT") iid =[0x626FC520,0xA41E,0x11CF,0xA7,0x31,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x08,0x26,0x37].pack('LSSC8') result = 0.chr*4 hnd = hnd.hex if hnd.is_a?(String) SendMessageTimeout(hnd, reg_msg, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,1000, result) result = result.unpack('L')[0] idisp = 0.chr * 4 r = ObjectFromLresult(result, iid, 0, idisp) if r == 0 idisp = idisp.unpack('L').first self.attach(idisp) else nil end end def self.attach(dispatch) obj = end # Creates a new Win32::OLE server object on +host+, or the localhost if # no host is specified. The +server+ can be either a Program ID or a # Class ID. # # Examples: # # # Program ID (Excel) # ole ='Excel.Application') # # # Class ID (Excel) # ole ='{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}') #-- # TODO: explain numeric server and host behavior. # def initialize(server=nil, host=nil) WIN32OLE.ole_initialize() @pDispatch = nil return self if server.nil? if server.is_a?(Numeric) ole_set_member(server) return self end if host return ole_create_dcom(server, host) end clsid = 0.chr * 16 serverw = multi_to_wide(server) hr = CLSIDFromProgID(serverw, clsid) if hr != S_OK hr = CLSIDFromString(serverw, clsid) end if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "unknown OLE server: '#{server}'" end ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr = CoCreateInstance( clsid, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, ptr ) if hr != S_OK error = "failed to create WIN32OLE object from '#{server}'" raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, error end ole_set_member(ptr.unpack('L').first) self end def self.ole_bind_obj(moniker) pBindCtx = 0.chr * 4 hr = CreateBindCtx(0, pBindCtx) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to create bind context" end pBindCtx = pBindCtx.unpack('L').first monikerw = multi_to_wide(moniker) pMoniker = 0.chr * 4 eaten = 0.chr * 4 hr = MkParseDisplayName(pBindCtx, monikerw, eaten, pMoniker) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pBindCtx) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to parse display name of moniker '#{moniker}'" end pMoniker = pMoniker.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 4 * 23 memcpy(lpVtbl, pMoniker, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 92) table = table.unpack('L*') ptr = 0.chr * 4 bindToObject =[8], 'PPPPP', 'L') hr =, pBindCtx, nil, IID_IDispatch, ptr) pDispatch = ptr.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.ole_release(pMoniker) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pBindCtx) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to bind moniker '#{moniker}'" end self.attach(pDispatch) end def self.connect(server) ole_initialize() clsid = 0.chr * 16 serverw = Windows::Unicode::multi_to_wide(server) hr = CLSIDFromProgID(serverw,clsid) if hr != S_OK hr = CLSIDFromString(serverw,clsid) end if hr != S_OK return ole_bind_obj(server) end pUnknown = 0.chr * 4 hr = GetActiveObject(clsid, nil, pUnknown) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "OLE server `#{server}' not running" end pUnknown = pUnknown.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,pUnknown,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_IDispatch,p) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pUnknown) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to create WIN32OLE server `#{server}'" end pDispatch = p.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.ole_release(pUnknown) self.attach(pDispatch) end def self.ary_new_dim(myary,pid,plb,dim) ids = for i in 0 ... dim ids[i] = pid[i] - plb[i] end obj = myary pobj = myary for i in 0 ... (dim-1) obj = pobj[ids[i]] if obj.nil? pboj[ids[i]] = [] end obj = pobj[ids[i]] pobj = pbj end obj end def self.ary_store_dim(myary,pid,plb,dim,val) id = pid[dim-1] - plb[dim-1] obj = ary_new_dim(myary, pid, plb, dim) obj[id] = val end def self.time_object2date(tm) jd = Date.civil_to_jd(tm.year,tm.month,tm.mday) t = Date.time_to_day_fraction(tm.hour,tm.min,tm.sec).to_f t + jd - 2415019 end def val2dispatch(val) if (pdisp = @@com_hash[val]) refcount = data[4,4].unpack('L').first pdisp[4,4] = [refcount+1].pack('L') else pdisp = [@@com_vtbl].pack('P') + [1,val.object_id].pack('L*') @@com_hash[val] = pdisp end [pdisp].unpack('P').unpack('L').first end def self.ole_val2variant2(val,var) @@nil_to = VT_EMPTY ole_val2variant(val,var) @@nil_to = VT_ERROR end def self.ole_val2variant_ex(val,var,vt) if val.nil? if vt == VT_VARIANT ole_val2variant2(val,var) else var[0,2] = [vt & ~VT_BYREF].pack('S') if vt & ~VT_BYREF == VT_DISPATCH var[8,4] = [0].pack('L') elsif vt & ~VT_BYREF == VT_UNKNOWN var[8,4] = [0].pack('L') end end return end case vt & ~VT_BYREF when VT_I8 var[0,2] = [VT_I8].pack('S') var[8,8] = [val].pack('q') when VT_UI8 var[0,2] = [VT_UI8].pack('S') var[8,8] = [val].pack('Q') else ole_val2variant2(val, var) end end def self.dimension(val) dim = 0 if val.is_a?(Array) val.each do |x| dim1 = dimension(x) dim = dim1 if dim < dim1 end dim += 1 end dim end def self.ary_len_of_dim(ary,dim) ary_len = 0 if dim == 0 if ary.is_a?(Array) ary_len = ary.length end else if ary.is_a?(Array) ary.each do |x| ary_len1 = ary_len_of_dim(x,dim-1) ary_len = ary_len1 if ary_len < ary_len1 end end end ary_len end def self.ole_ary_m_entry(val,pid) obj = val i = 0 while obj.is_a?(Array) obj = obj[pid[i]] i += 1 end obj end def self.get_ptr_of_variant(pvar) case pvar[0,2].unpack('S').first when VT_UI1,VT_I2,VT_UI2,VT_I4,VT_UI4,VT_R4,VT_R8,VT_I8,VT_UI8,VT_INT,VT_UINT,VT_CY,VT_DATE, VT_ERROR,VT_BOOK,VT_ARRAY return [pvar].pack('P').unpack('L').first + 8 when VT_BSTR,VT_DISPATCH,VT_UNKNOWN return pvar[8,4].unpack('L').first else return 0 end end def self.val2variant_ptr(val,var,vt) ole_val2variant_ex(val,var,vt) if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == VT_VARIANT p = var else if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) != var[0,2].unpack('S').first hr = VariantChangeTypeEx(var, var, @@lcid, 0, vt & ~VT_BYREF) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to change type" end end p = get_ptr_of_variant(var) end if p.nil? raise RuntimeError, "failed to get pointer of variant" end p end def self.is_all_index_under(pid,pub,dim) for i in 0 ... dim return false if pid[i] > pub[i] end true end def self.ole_set_safe_array(n,psa,pid,pub,val,dim,vt) var = 0.chr * 16 i = n while i >= 0 val1 = ole_ary_m_entry(val, pid) VariantInit(var) p = val2variant_ptr(val1,var,vt) if is_all_index_under(pid, pub, dim) == true vvt = var[0,2].unpack('S').first dispatch = var[8,4].unpack('L').first if (vvt == VT_DISPATCH || vvt == VT_UNKNOWN) && dispatch == 0 raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "element of array does not have IDispatch or IUnknown Interface" end hr = SafeArrayPutElement(psa, pid.pack('L*'), p) end if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to SafeArrayPutElement" end pid[i] += 1 if pid[i] > pub[i] pid[i] = 0 i -= 1 else i = dim - 1 end end end def self.ole_val_ary2variant_ary(val,var,vt) unless val.is_a?(Array) raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be Array" end dim = dimension(val) psab = 0.chr * 8 * dim pub = pid = for i in 0 ... dim psab[i*8,4] = [ary_len_of_dim(val,i)].pack('L') psab[i*8+4,4] = 0.chr * 4 pub[i] = psab[i*8,4].unpack('L').first - 1 pid[i] = 0 end if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == VT_ARRAY vt = (vt | VT_VARIANT) end psa = SafeArrayCreate(vt & VT_TYPEMASK,dim,psab) if psa == 0 hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY else hr = SafeArrayLock(psa) end if hr == S_OK ole_set_safe_array(dim-1,psa,pid,pub,val,dim,vt & VT_TYPEMASK) hr = SafeArrayUnlock(psa) end if hr == S_OK var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') var[8,4] = [psa].pack('L') else if psa != 0 SafeArrayDestroy(psa) end end hr end def self.ole_val2variant(val,var) if val.is_a?(WIN32OLE) ole_addref(val.pDispatch) var[0,2] = [VT_DISPATCH].pack('S') var[8,4] = [val.pDispatch].pack('L') return end if val.is_a?(WIN32OLE_VARIANT) VariantCopy(var,val.var) return end if val.is_a?(Time) var[0,2] = [VT_DATE].pack('S') var[8,8] = [time_object2date(val)].pack('d') return end case val when Array ole_val_ary2variant_ary(val,var,VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY) when String var[0,2] = [VT_BSTR].pack('S') var[8,4] = [SysAllocString(multi_to_wide(val,WIN32OLE.codepage))].pack('L') when Fixnum var[0,2] = [VT_I4].pack('S') var[8,4] = [val].pack('L') when Bignum var[0,2] = [VT_R8].pack('S') var[8,8] = [val].pack('d') when Float var[0,2] = [VT_R8].pack('S') var[8,8] = [val].pack('d') when TrueClass var[0,2] = [VT_BOOL].pack('S') var[8,2] = [VARIANT_TRUE].pack('S') when FalseClass var[0,2] = [VT_BOOL].pack('S') var[8,2] = [VARIANT_FALSE].pack('S') when NilClass if @@nil_to == VT_ERROR var[0,2] = [VT_ERROR].pack('S') var[8,4] = [DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND].pack('L') else var[0,2] = [VT_EMPTY].pack('S') end else var[0,2] = [VT_DISPATCH].pack('S') var[8,4] = [val2dispatch(val)].pack('L') end end def self.ole_variant2val(pvar) val = nil var = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(var,pvar,16) var = var.unpack('SSSSLL') while var[0]== (VT_BYREF | VT_VARIANT) pvar = var[4] var = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(var,pvar,16) var = var.unpack('SSSSLL') end if (var[0] & VT_ARRAY) != 0 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) psa = ptr.unpack('L').first else psa = var[4] end return val if psa == 0 dim = SafeArrayGetDim(psa) variant = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(variant) variant[0,2] = (var[0] & ~VT_ARRAY) | VT_BYREF pid = plb = pub = for i in 0 ... dim v = 0.chr * 4 SafeArrayGetLBound(psa,i+1,v) plb[i] = v.unpack('L').first v = 0.chr * 4 SafeArrayGetLBound(psa,i+1,v) pid[i] = v.unpack('L').first v = 0.chr * 4 SafeArrayGetUBound(psa,i+1,v) pub[i] = v.unpack('L').first end hr = SafeArrayLock(psa) if hr == S_OK val = [] i = 0 while i < dim ary_new_dim(val, pid, plb, dim) ref = 0.chr * 4 hr = SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(psa, pid, ref) variant[4,4] = ref if hr == S_OK v = ole_variant2val([variant].pack('P').unpack('L').first) ary_store_dim(val, pid, plb, dim, v) end for i in 0 ... dim pid[i] += 1 break if pid[i] <= pub[i] pid[i] = plb[i] end end SafeArrayUnlock(psa) end return val end case var[0] & ~VT_BYREF when VT_EMPTY,VT_NULL val = nil when VT_I1 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('c').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('c').first end when VT_UI1 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('C').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('C').first end when VT_I2 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('s').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('s').first end when VT_UI2 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('S').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('S').first end when VT_I4 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('i').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('i').first end when VT_UI4 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('L').first else val = var[4] end when VT_INT if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('i').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('i').first end when VT_UINT if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('L').first else val = var[4] end when VT_I8 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(ptr,var[4],8) val = ptr.unpack('q').first else val = [var[4],var[5]].pack('LL').unpack('q').first end when VT_UI8 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(ptr,var[4],8) val = ptr.unpack('Q').first else val = [var[4],var[5]].pack('LL').unpack('Q').first end when VT_R4 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('f').first else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('f').first end when VT_R8 if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(ptr,var[4],8) val = ptr.unpack('d').first else val = [var[4],var[5]].pack('LL').unpack('d').first end when VT_BSTR if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) ptr.unpack('L').first str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,ptr.unpack('L').first) val = wide_to_multi(str,WIN32OLE.codepage) else str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,var[4]) val = wide_to_multi(str,WIN32OLE.codepage) end when VT_ERROR if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('L').first else val = var[4] end when VT_BOOL if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) val = ptr.unpack('S').first != 0 else val = [var[4]].pack('L').unpack('S').first != 0 end when VT_DISPATCH if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) pDispatch = ptr.unpack('L').first else pDispatch = var[4] end if pDispatch != 0 ole_addref(pDispatch) val = end when VT_UNKNOWN if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr,var[4],4) punk = ptr.unpack('L').first else punk = var[4] end if punk != 0 lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,punk,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') p = 0.chr * 4 queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') hr =,IID_IDispatch,p) if hr == S_OK pDispatch = p.unpack('L').first val = end end when VT_DATE if (var[0] & VT_BYREF) != 0 ptr = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(ptr,var[4],8) date = ptr.unpack('d').first else date = [var[4],var[5]].pack('LL').unpack('d').first end d = date.to_i t = date - d yy,mm,dd = Date.jd_to_civil(2415019+d) hh,mi,ss = Date.day_fraction_to_time(t) val = "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % [yy,mm,dd,hh,mi,ss] else variant = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(variant) hr = VariantChangeTypeEx(variant,var,@@lcid,0,VT_BSTR) var = variant.unpack('SSSSLL') if hr == S_OK && var[0] == VT_BSTR str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,var[4]) val = wide_to_multi(str) end VariantClear(variant) end val end def self.ole_types_from_typelib(pTypeLib,classes) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 56 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[9],'PLPPPP','L') count = for i in 0 ... count bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,bstr,nil,nil,nil) next if hr != S_OK p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,p) next if hr != S_OK pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first type = str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) type.oletype_set_member(pTypeInfo,wide_to_multi(str)) classes.push(type) ole_release(pTypeInfo) end classes end def self.oleclass_from_typelib(obj,pTypeLib,oleclass) found = false lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 56 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[9],'PLPPPP','L') count = for i in 0 ... count break if found p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,p) next if hr != S_OK pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,bstr,nil,nil,nil) next if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) typelib = wide_to_multi(str) if oleclass == typelib obj.oletype_set_member(pTypeInfo,typelib) found = true end ole_release(pTypeInfo) end found end def self.ole_const_load(pTypeLib,mod) constant = {} lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') count = for index in 0 ... count p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,index, p) next if hr != S_OK pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) next end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for iVar in 0 ... typeAttr[46,2].unpack('S').first p = 0.chr * 4,iVar,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first next if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) if varDesc[32,4].unpack('L').first == VAR_CONST && (varDesc[28,2].unpack('S').first & (VARFLAG_FHIDDEN | VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED | VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE))==0 len = 0.chr * 4 bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,varDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first,bstr,1,len) if hr != S_OK || len.unpack('L').first == 0 || bstr.unpack('L').first == 0 next end bstr = bstr.unpack('L').first str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr) SysFreeString(bstr) pName = wide_to_multi(str) pName[0,1] = pName[0,1].upcase var = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(var,varDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first,16) val = ole_variant2val(var) if pName[0,1].between?('A','Z') mod.const_set(pName.to_sym,val) else constant[pName] = val end end, pVarDesc) end, pTypeAttr) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) end mod.const_set("CONSTANTS",constant) end # Defines a constant of an OLE Automation server as a +mod+ constant. # The +ole+ argument is WIN32OLE object or type library name. The # +mod+ argument is a class or module name, which defaults to WIN32OLE # if omitted. # # The first letter of a Ruby constant is always upper case. Therefore, # a constant name of WIN32OLE object is capitalized. For example, the # 'xlTop' constant of Excel is changed to 'XlTop' in WIN32OLE. # # If the first letter of an OLE constant is not in the A-Z range, then # the constant must be referenced via the CONSTANTS hash variable. # # Example: # # module EXCEL_CONST; end # # excel ='Excel.Application') # # WIN32OLE.const_load(excel, EXCEL_CONST) # # puts EXCEL_CONST::XlTop # => -4160 # puts EXCEL_CONST::CONSTANTS['_xlDialogChartSourceData'] # => 541 # # WIN32OLE.const_load(excel) # puts WIN32OLE::XlTop # => -4160 # # module MSO; end # # WIN32OLE.const_load('Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library', MSO) # puts MSO::MsoLineSingle # => 1 # def self.const_load(ole, mod=WIN32OLE) unless [Class, Module].include?(mod.class) raise TypeError, '2nd parameter must be Class or Module' end if ole.is_a?(WIN32OLE) pDispatch = ole.pDispatch lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pDispatch, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') ptr = 0.chr * 4 getTypeInfo =[4], 'PLLP', 'L') hr =, 0, @@lcid, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, 'failed to GetTypeInfo' end pTypeInfo = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl, pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 88) table = table.unpack('L*') getContainingTypeLib =[18], 'PPP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 index = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr, index) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) raise RuntimeError, 'failed to GetContainingTypeLib' end pTypeLib = ptr.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) ole_const_load(pTypeLib, mod) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) elsif ole.is_a?(String) file = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.typelib_file(ole) file = ole if file.nil? buf = multi_to_wide(file) p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, REGKIND_NONE, p) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to LoadTypeLibEx" end if mod ole_const_load(pTypeLib, mod) else ole_const_load(pTypeLib, WIN32OLE) end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) else raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be WIN32OLE instance" end nil end # Invokes the Release() method of the Dispatch interface of the WIN32OLE # object. It returns the reference counter of the OLE object. # # This method is used for debugging only. # def self.ole_free(obj) if obj.pDispatch if ole_reference_count(obj) > 0 n = WIN32OLE.ole_release(obj.pDispatch) end end n end # Returns the reference counter of the Dispatch interface of the WIN32OLE # object. # # This method is used for debugging only. # def self.ole_reference_count(obj) n = 0 if obj.pDispatch ole_addref(obj.pDispatch) n = ole_release(obj.pDispatch) end n end def self.ole_show_help(info, helpcontext=nil) if info.is_a?(WIN32OLE_TYPE) || info.is_a?(WIN32OLE_METHOD) helpfile = info.helpfile if helpfile == '' name = raise RuntimeError, "no helpfile of '#{name}'" end helpcontext = info.helpcontext else helpfile = info end unless helpfile.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be (String|WIN32OLE_TYPE|WIN32OLE_METHOD)" end hwnd = 0 begin htmlHelpA ='HtmlHelpA', 'LPLL', 'L', 'HHCtrl.ocx') hwnd =, helpfile, 0xF, helpcontext) if hwnd == 0 hwnd =, helpfile, 0, helpcontext) end rescue Win32::API::LoadLibraryError end if hwnd == 0 raise RuntimeError, "failed to open help file `#{helpfile}'" end nil end private def self.code_page_installed(cp) @cp = cp @installed = false EnumSystemCodePages(@@installed_code_page_proc, CP_INSTALLED) @installed end public # Returns the current code page. # # Example: # # WIN32OLE.codepage # => WIN32OLE::CP_ACP # def self.codepage @@cp end def self.ole_cp2encoding(cp) # TODO nil end # Sets the current code page. The code page must be an installed code page # or one of the following values: # # WIN32OLE::CP_ACP # WIN32OLE::CP_OEMCP # WIN32OLE::CP_MACCP # WIN32OLE::CP_THREAD_ACP # WIN32OLE::CP_SYMBOL # WIN32OLE::CP_UTF7 # WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8 # # Example: # # WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8 #-- # TODO: What is load_conv_function51932? # def self.codepage=(cp) if code_page_installed(cp) @@cp = cp else case cp when CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP, CP_MACCP, CP_THREAD_ACP, CP_SYMBOL, CP_UTF7, CP_UTF8, 51932 then @@cp = cp if cp == 51932 load_conv_function51932() end else msg = "codepage should be WIN32OLE::CP_ACP, WIN32OLE::CP_OEMCP, " msg << "WIN32OLE::CP_MACCP, WIN32OLE::CP_THREAD_ACP, " msg << "WIN32OLE::CP_SYMBOL, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF7, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8" raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, msg end end @@enc = ole_cp2encoding(@@cp) nil end def self.locale @@lcid end def self.lcid_installed(lcid) @installed = false @lcid = "%08x" % lcid EnumSystemLocales(@@installed_lcid_proc, LCID_INSTALLED) @installed end def self.locale=(lcid) if lcid_installed(lcid) @@lcid = lcid else case lcid when LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT @@lcid = lcid else raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "not installed locale: #{lcid}" end end nil end def self.create_guid guid = 0.chr * 16 hr = CoCreateGuid(guid) if hr != S_OK raise = WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to create GUID" end bstr = 0.chr * 160 len = StringFromGUID2(guid,bstr,80) if len == 0 raise RuntimeError, "failed to create GUID(buffer over)" end wide_to_multi(bstr) end def set_argv(realargs,st,ed) argv = WIN32OLE::ARGV argv.clear while (ed-=1) > st argv.push(WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(realargs[ed*16,16])) p = realargs[ed*16,16] VariantClear(p) realargs[ed*16,16] = p end argv end def ole_excepinfo2msg(execinfo) source = nil description = nil code,_,src,desc,helpfile,helpconext,_,fillin,scode = execinfo.unpack('SSLLLLLLL') if fillin != 0 fnDeferredFillIn =,'P','L') end if src != 0 str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,src) source = wide_to_multi(str) end if desc != 0 str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,desc) description = wide_to_multi(str) end if code == 0 error_msg = "\n OLE error code:%X in " % scode else error_msg = "\n OLE error code:%u in " % code end if source error_msg << source else error_msg << "" end error_msg << "\n " if description error_msg << description else error_msg << "" end error_msg end def ole_propertyput(property,value) dispIDParam = [DISPID_PROPERTYPUT].pack('L') wFlags = DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT|DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF dispParams = 0.chr * 16 propertyValue = 0.chr * 32 argErr = 0.chr * 4 p = propertyValue[0,16] VariantInit(p) propertyValue[0,16] = p p = propertyValue[16,16] VariantInit(p) propertyValue[16,16] = p excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 wproperty = multi_to_wide(property) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getIDsOfNames =[5],'PPPLLP','L') invoke =[6],'PLPLLPPPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_NULL,[wproperty].pack('P'),1,@@lcid,p) dispid = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError,"unknown property or method: `#{property}'" end p = propertyValue[0,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(value,p) propertyValue[0,16] = p dispParams[4,4] = [dispIDParam].pack('P') dispParams[0,4] = [propertyValue].pack('P') dispParams[8,4] = [1].pack('L') dispParams[12,4] = [1].pack('L') hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,wFlags,dispParams,nil,excepinfo,argErr) cArgs = dispParams[8,4].unpack('L').first for index in 0 ... cArgs p = propertyValue[index*16,16] VariantClear(p) propertyValue[index*16,16] = p end if hr != S_OK v = ole_excepinfo2msg(excepinfo) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "(in setting property `#{property}': )#{v}" end nil end def ole_invoke2(dispid,args,types,dispkind) unless args.is_a?(Array) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{args.class} (excepted Array)" end unless types.is_a?(Array) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{types.class} (excepted Array)" end result = 0.chr * 16 excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 dispParams = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(result) dispParams[8,4] = [args.length].pack('L') rgvarg = 0.chr * 16 * args.length dispParams[0,4] = [rgvarg].pack('P') realargs = 0.chr * 16 * args.length j = args.length for i in 0 ... args.length j-=1 p = realargs[i*16,16] VariantInit(p) realargs[i*16,16] = p p = rgvarg[i*16,16] VariantInit(p) rgvarg[i*16,16] = p vt = types[j] rgvarg[i*16,2] = [vt].pack('S') param = args[j] if param.nil? rgvarg[i*16,2] = realargs[i*16,2] = [VT_ERROR].pack('S') rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = realargs[i*16+8,4] = [DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND].pack('L') else if (vt & VT_ARRAY) != 0 unless param.is_a?(Array) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{param.class} (excepted Array)" end rgsabound = [param.length,0].pack('LL') v = vt & ~(VT_ARRAY | VT_BYREF) realargs[i*16+8,4] = [SafeArrayCreate(v, 1, rgsabound)].pack('L') realargs[i*16,2] = [VT_ARRAY | v].pack('S') SafeArrayLock(realargs[i*16+8,4].unpack('L').first) arr = 0.chr * 12 memcpy(arr,realargs[i*16+8,4].unpack('L').first,12) pb = arr[12,4].unpack('L').first for ent in 0 ... param.length velem = 0.chr * 16 elem = param[ent] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(elem,velem) if v != VT_VARIANT VariantChangeTypeEx(velem,velem,@@lcid,0,v) end case v when VT_VARIANT memcpy(pb,velem,16) pb += 16 when VT_R8,VT_CY,VT_DATE memcpy(pb,velem[8,8],8) pb += 8 when VT_BOOL,VT_I2,VT_UI2 memcpy(pb,velem[8,2],2) pb += 2 when VT_UI1,VT_I1 memcpy(pb,vleme[8,1],1) pb += 1 else memcpy(pb,vleme[8,4],4) pb += 4 end end SafeArrayUnlock(realargs[i*16+8,4].unpack('L').first) else p = realargs[i*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(param,p) realargs[i*16,16] = p if vt & ~VT_BYREF != VT_VARIANT p = realargs[i*16,16] hr = VariantChangeTypeEx(p,p,@@lcid,0,vt & ~VT_BYREF) realargs[i*16,16] = p if hr != S_OK raise TypeError, "not valid value" end end end if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 || vt == VT_VARIANT if vt == VT_VARIANT rgvarg[i*16,2] = [VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF].pack('S') end case vt & ~VT_BYREF when VT_VARIANT rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16,16]].pack('P') when VT_R8,VT_CY,VT_DATE rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16+8,8]].pack('P') when VT_BOOL,VT_I2,VT_UI2 rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16+8,4]].pack('P') when VT_UI1,VT_I1 rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16+8,1]].pack('P') else rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16+8,4]].pack('P') end else rgvarg[i*16+8,4] = [realargs[i*16+8,8]].pack('P') end end end dispParams[0,4] = [rgvarg].pack('P') if (dispkind & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) != 0 dispParams[12,4] = [1].pack('L') dispParams[4,4] = [DISPID_PROPERTYPUT].pack('L') end lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') invoke =[6],'PLPLLPPPP','L') argErr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,dispkind,dispParams,result,excepinfo,argErr) if hr != S_OK v = ole_excepinfo2msg(excepinfo) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "(in OLE method `': #{v})" end cArgs = dispParams[8,4].unpack('L').first if cArgs > 0 set_argv(realargs, 0, cArgs) end obj = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(result) VariantClear(result) obj end def ole_invoke(method,args,flags,is_bracket) excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 result = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(result) dp = 0.chr * 16 argErr = 0.chr * 4 if !method.is_a?(String) && !method.is_a?(Symbol) && !is_bracket raise TypeError, "method is wrong type (expected String or Symbol)" end if method.is_a?(Symbol) method = method.to_s end if @pDispatch.nil? raise RuntimeError, "failed to get dispatch interface" end if is_bracket dispid = DISPID_VALUE args.unshift(method) else wcmdname = multi_to_wide(method) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getIDsOfNames =[5],'PPPLLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_NULL,[wcmdname].pack('P'),1,@@lcid,p) dispid = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError,"unknown property or method: `#{method}'" end end param = args[-1] dp[12,4] = [0].pack('L') if param.is_a?(Hash) cNamedArgs = param.length cArgs = cNamedArgs + args.length - 1 rgvarg = 0.chr * 16 * cArgs dp[8,4] = [cArgs].pack('L') pNamedArgs = 0.chr * 4 * (cNamedArgs+1) index = 0 param.each do |key,val| if !key.is_a?(String) && !key.is_a?(Symbol) for i in 1 .. index VariantClear(rgvarg[i*4,4].unpack('L').first) end raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String or Symbol)" end if key.is_a?(Symbol) key = key.to_s end pNamedArgs[(index+1)*4,4] = [multi_to_wide(key)].pack('P') p = rgvarg[index*16,16] VariantInit(p) rgvarg[index*16,16] = p p = rgvarg[index*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(val,p) rgvarg[index*16,16] = p index += 1 end dp[12,4] = [index].pack('L') pDispID = 0.chr * 4 * (cNamedArgs+1) pNamedArgs[0,4] = [multi_to_wide(method)].pack('P') hr =,IID_NULL,pNamedArgs,cNamedArgs+1,@@lcid,pDispID) if hr != S_OK for i in 0 ... cArgs p = rgvarg[i*16,16] VariantClear(p) rgvarg[i*16,16] = p end raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get named argument info: `#{method}'" end dp[4,4] = [[pDispID].pack('P').unpack('L').first + 4].pack('L') else cNamedArgs = 0 cArgs = args.length dp[8,4] = [cArgs].pack('L') pNamedArgs = 0.chr * 4 * (cNamedArgs + 1) if cArgs > 0 rgvarg = 0.chr * 16 * cArgs end end if cArgs > cNamedArgs realargs = 0.chr * 16 * (cArgs - cNamedArgs + 1) for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 p = realargs[n*16,16] VariantInit(p) realargs[n*16,16] = p p = rgvarg[n*16,16] VariantInit(p) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p param = args[i-cNamedArgs] if param.is_a?(WIN32OLE_VARIANT) p = rgvarg[n*16,16] VariantCopy(p,param.var) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p else p = realargs[n*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(param,p) realargs[n*16,16] = p rgvarg[n*16,2] = [VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF].pack('S') rgvarg[n*16+8,4] = [[realargs].pack('P').unpack('L').first + n*16].pack('L') rgvarg[n*16,16] = p end end end dp[0,4] = [rgvarg].pack('P') if (flags & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) != 0 if cArgs == 0 raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "argument error" end dp[12,4] = [1].pack('L') rgdispidNamedArgs = [DISPID_PROPERTYPUT].pack('L') dp[4,4] = [rgdispidNamedArgs].pack('P') end lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') invoke =[6],'PLPLLPPPP','L') hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,flags,dp,result,excepinfo,argErr) if hr != S_OK cArgs = dp[8,4].unpack('L').first if cArgs >= cNamedArgs for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 param = args[i-cNamedArgs] p = rgvarg[n*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(param,p) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p end dp[0,4] = [rgvarg].pack('P') excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 VariantInit(result) hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,flags,dp,result,excepinfo,argErr) if (hr & DISP_E_EXCEPTION == DISP_E_EXCEPTION || hr & DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND == DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) && dispid > 0x8000 excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,flags,dp,nil,excepinfo,argErr) end cArgs = dp[8,4].unpack('L').first for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 p = rgvarg[n*16,16] VariantClear(p) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p end end if hr != S_OK if cArgs > cNamedArgs for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 param = args[i-cNamedArgs] p = rgvarg[n*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant2(param,p) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p end dp[0,4] = [rgvarg].pack('P') excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 VariantInit(result) hr =,dispid,IID_NULL,@@lcid,flags,dp,result,excepinfo,argErr) cArgs = dp[8,4].unpack('L').first for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 p = rgvarg[n*16,16] VariantClear(p) rgvarg[n*16,16] = p end end end end if cArgs > cNamedArgs for i in cNamedArgs ... cArgs n = cArgs - i + cNamedArgs - 1 param = args[i-cNamedArgs] if param.is_a?(WIN32OLE_VARIANT) p = realargs[n*16,16] WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(param,p) realargs[n*16,16] = p end end set_argv(realargs,cNamedArgs,cArgs) else for i in 0 ... cArgs p = rgvarg[i*16,16] VariantClear(p) rgvarg[i*16,16] = p end end if hr != S_OK v = ole_excepinfo2msg(excepinfo) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "(in OLE method `#{method}': #{v})" end obj = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(result) VariantClear(result) obj end def invoke(method, *args) ole_invoke(method,args,DISPATCH_METHOD|DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, false) end def [](method,*args) #ole_invoke(method,args,DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, true) ole_invoke(method,args,DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, false) end def _invoke(dispid, args, types) ole_invoke2(dispid,args,types,DISPATCH_METHOD) end def _getproperty(dispid, args, types) ole_invoke2(dispid, args, types, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) end def _setproperty(dispid, args, types) ole_invoke2(dispid, args, types, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) end def []=(method,*args) #ole_invoke(method, args, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, true) ole_invoke(method, args, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, false) end def ole_free WIN32OLE._ole_free(@pDispatch) @pDispatch = nil nil end def each(&blk) raise ArgumentError, "no block" unless block_given? result = 0.chr * 16 dispParams = 0.chr * 16 excepinfo = 0.chr * 32 lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 argErr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') invoke =[6],'PLPLLPPPP','L') hr =,DISPID_NEWENUM,IID_NULL,@@lcid,DISPATCH_METHOD | DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET,dispParams,result,excepinfo,argErr) if hr != S_OK VariantClear(result) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get IEnum Interface" end if [VT_UNKNOWN,VT_DISPATCH].include?(result[0,2].unpack('S').first) pUnknown = result[8,4].unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,pUnknown,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') p = 0.chr * 4 queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') hr =,IID_IEnumVARIANT,p) pEnum = p.unpack('L').first end if hr != S_OK || pEnum == 0 VariantClear(result) raise RuntimeError, "failed to get IEnum Interface" end VariantClear(result) begin variant = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(variant) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl,pEnum,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,16) table = table.unpack('L*') next_ =[3],'PLPP','L') while,1,variant,nil) == S_OK obj = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(variant) VariantClear(variant) VariantInit(variant) yield obj end ensure WIN32OLE.ole_release(pEnum) end nil end def method_missing(id,*args) method = id.to_s if method[-1] == ?= method = method[0..-2] return ole_propertyput(method,args.first) else return ole_invoke(method, args, DISPATCH_METHOD|DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, false) end end def setproperty(property, *args) ole_invoke(property, args, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, false) end def typeinfo_from_ole(ppti) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,0,@@lcid,p) if hr != S_OK raise rb_eRuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeInfo" end pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,-1,bstr,nil,nil,nil) str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) type = wide_to_multi(str) p = 0.chr * 4 i = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p,i) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to GetContainingTypeLib" end pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 40 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[9],'PLPPPP','L') count = for i in 0 ... count bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr == S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) if wide_to_multi(str) == type p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,p) if hr == S_OK ppti[0,4] = p break end end end end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) hr end def self.ole_methods_sub(pOwnerTypeInfo,pTypeInfo,methods,mask) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for i in 0 .. typeAttr[44,2].unpack('S').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,p) next if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) memid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,memid,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr != S_OK,pFuncDesc) next end if (funcDesc[16,4].unpack('L').first & mask) != 0 str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) method = method.olemethod_set_member(pTypeInfo,pOwnerTypeInfo,i,wide_to_multi(str)) methods.push(method) end,pFuncDesc) pFuncDesc = nil end, pTypeAttr) methods end def self.ole_methods_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo,mask) methods = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end ole_methods_sub(0, pTypeInfo, methods, mask) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for i in 0 ... typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i, p) next if hr != S_OK href = p.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, href,p) next if hr != S_OK pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first ole_methods_sub(pTypeInfo,pRefTypeInfo,methods,mask) ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) end, pTypeAttr) methods end def _ole_methods(mask) methods = [] p = 0.chr * 4 hr = typeinfo_from_ole(p) pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK return methods end methods.concat(WIN32OLE.ole_methods_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo, mask)) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) methods end def ole_methods _ole_methods(INVOKE_FUNC | INVOKE_PROPERTYGET | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) end def ole_get_methods _ole_methods(INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) end def ole_put_methods _ole_methods(INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT|INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) end def ole_func_methods _ole_methods(INVOKE_FUNC) end def ole_method(cmdname) unless cmdname.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be String" end p = 0.chr * 4 hr = typeinfo_from_ole(p) if hr != S_OK rasie RuntimeError, "failed to get ITypeInfo" end pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first method = obj = method.olemethod_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo, cmdname) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) if obj.nil? raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "not found #{cmdname}" end obj end alias :ole_method_help :ole_method def ole_activex_initialize lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_IPersistMemory,p) pPersistMemory = p.unpack('L').first if hr == S_OK lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,36) table = table.unpack('L*') initNew =[8],'P','L') hr = WIN32OLE.ole_release(pPersistMemory) return nil if hr == S_OK end if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "fail to initialize ActiveX control" end nil end def self.ole_type_from_itypeinfo(pTypeInfo) memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') pTypeInfo = 0.chr * 4 getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 i = 0.chr * 4, p, i) return nil if hr != S_OK pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first index = i.unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,index,bstr,nil,nil,nil) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) return nil if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) type = type.oletype_set_member(pTypeInfo,wide_to_multi(str)) type end def ole_type lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') pTypeInfo = 0.chr * 4 getTypeInfo =[4],'PLLP','L') hr =,0,@lcid,pTypeInfo) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeInfo" end pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo.unpack('L').first type = ole_type_from_itypeinfo(pTypeInfo) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) if type.nil? riase RuntimeError, "failed to create WIN32OLE_TYPE obj from ITypeInfo" end type end alias :ole_obj_help :ole_type def self.ole_typelib_from_itypelib(pTypeLib) guid = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,52) table = table.unpack('L*') getLibAttr =[7],'PP','L') releaseTLibAttr =[12],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return nil if hr != S_OK pTLibAttr = p.unpack('L').first tLibAttr = 0.chr * 32 bstr = 0.chr * 160 memcpy(tLibAttr,pTLibAttr,32) len = StringFromGUID2(pTLibAttr,bstr,80) if len > 3 guid = wide_to_multi(bstr) end major,minor = tLibAttr[24,4].unpack('SS'), pTLibAttr) return nil if guid.nil?,major,minor) end def self.ole_typelib_from_itypeinfo(pTypeInfo) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 index = 0.chr * 4, p, index) return nil if hr != S_OK pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first retval = WIN32OLE.ole_typelib_from_itypelib(pTypeLib) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) retval end def ole_typelib lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,0,@lcid,p) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeInfo" end pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first vtlib = ole_typelib_from_itypeinfo(pTypeInfo) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) if vtlib.nil? raise RuntimeError, "failed to get type library info." end vtlib end def ole_query_interface(iid) pBuf = multi_to_wide(iid) id = 0.chr * 16 hr = CLSIDFromString(pBuf,id) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "invalid iid: `#{iid}'" end if @pDispatch.nil? raise RuntimeError, "failed to get dispatch interface" end lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,id,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get interface `#{iid}'" end pDispatch = p.unpack('L').first end def ole_respond_to?(method) if !method.is_a?(String) && !method.is_a?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String or Symbol)" end method = method.to_s if method.is_a?(Symbol) wcmdname = multi_to_wide(method) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') getIDsOfNames =[5],'PPPLLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_NULL,[wcmdname].pack('P'),1,@@lcid,p) hr == S_OK end module VARIANT VT_EMPTY = Windows::COM::VT_EMPTY VT_NULL = Windows::COM::VT_NULL VT_I2 = Windows::COM::VT_I2 VT_I4 = Windows::COM::VT_I4 VT_R4 = Windows::COM::VT_R4 VT_R8 = Windows::COM::VT_R8 VT_CY = Windows::COM::VT_CY VT_DATE = Windows::COM::VT_DATE VT_BSTR = Windows::COM::VT_BSTR VT_USERDEFINED = Windows::COM::VT_USERDEFINED VT_PTR = Windows::COM::VT_PTR VT_DISPATCH = Windows::COM::VT_DISPATCH VT_ERROR = Windows::COM::VT_ERROR VT_BOOL = Windows::COM::VT_BOOL VT_VARIANT = Windows::COM::VT_VARIANT VT_UNKNOWN = Windows::COM::VT_UNKNOWN VT_I1 = Windows::COM::VT_I1 VT_UI1 = Windows::COM::VT_UI1 VT_UI2 = Windows::COM::VT_UI2 VT_UI4 = Windows::COM::VT_UI4 VT_I8 = Windows::COM::VT_I8 VT_UI8 = Windows::COM::VT_UI8 VT_INT = Windows::COM::VT_INT VT_UINT = Windows::COM::VT_UINT VT_ARRAY = Windows::COM::VT_ARRAY VT_BYREF = Windows::COM::VT_BYREF end end class WIN32OLE_TYPELIB def self.reg_open_key(hkey,name,phkey) RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, name, 0, KEY_READ, phkey) end def self.reg_open_vkey(hkey,key,phkey) reg_open_key(hkey, key, phkey) end def self.reg_enum_key(hkey, i) buf = 0.chr * 256 size_buf = [256].pack('L') err = RegEnumKeyEx(hkey, i, buf, size_buf, nil, nil, nil, nil) if(err == ERROR_SUCCESS) return buf.strip end nil end def self.reg_get_val(hkey,subkey) dwtype = 0.chr * 4 size = 0.chr * 4 val = nil err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, subkey, nil, dwtype, nil, size) if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) pbuf = 0.chr * (size.unpack('L').first + 1) err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, subkey, nil, dwtype, pbuf, size) if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) val = pbuf.strip end end val end def self.reg_get_val2(hkey,subkey) val = nil hsubkey = 0.chr * 4 err = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, hsubkey) if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) hsubkey = hsubkey.unpack('L').first val = reg_get_val(hsubkey, nil) RegCloseKey(hsubkey) end if val.nil? val = reg_get_val(hkey, subkey) end val end def self.typelibs typelibs = [] typelib = nil htypelib = [0].pack('L') err = reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", htypelib) return typelibs if err != ERROR_SUCCESS i = 0 htypelib = htypelib.unpack('L').first while true guid = reg_enum_key(htypelib, i) break if guid.nil? hguid = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(htypelib, guid, hguid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS i += 1 next end j = 0 hguid = hguid.unpack('L').first while true version = reg_enum_key(hguid, j) break if version.nil? if ( name = reg_get_val2(hguid, version)) typelib = typelib.oletypelib_set_member(name, guid, version) typelibs.push(typelib) end j += 1 end RegCloseKey(hguid) i += 1 end RegCloseKey(htypelib) typelibs end def self.typelib_file_from_clsid(ole) path = 0.chr * 256 hroot = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", hroot) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return nil end hclsid = 0.chr * 4 hroot = hroot.unpack('L').first err = reg_open_key(hroot, ole, hclsid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS RegCloseKey(hroot) return nil end typelib = reg_get_val2(hclsid, "InprocServer32") RegCloseKey(hroot) RegCloseKey(hclsid) if typelib ExpandEnvironmentStrings(typelib, path, 256) typelib = path.strip end typelib end def self.typelib_file_from_typelib(ole) found = false htypelib = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", htypelib) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return nil end htypelib = htypelib.unpack('L').first i = 0 while !found clsid = reg_enum_key(htypelib, i) break if clsid.nil? hclsid = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(htypelib, clsid, hclsid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS i += 1 next end hclsid = hclsid.unpack('L').first fver = 0 j = 0 while !found ver = reg_enum_key(hclsid, j) break if ver.nil? hversion = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(hclsid, ver, hversion) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS || fver > ver.to_f j += 1 next end hversion = hversion.unpack('L').first fver = ver.to_f typelib = reg_get_val(hversion, nil) if typelib.nil? j += 1 next end if typelib == ole k = 0 while !found lang = reg_enum_key(hversion, k) break if lang.nil? hlang = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(hversion, lang, hlang) if err == ERROR_SUCCESS hlang = hlang.unpack('L').first if (file = reg_get_typelib_file_path(hlang)) found = true end RegCloseKey(hlang) end k += 1 end end RegCloseKey(hversion) j += 1 end RegCloseKey(hclsid) i += 1 end RegCloseKey(htypelib) file end def self.typelib_file(ole) file = typelib_file_from_clsid(ole) return file if file typelib_file_from_typelib(ole) end def self.make_version_str(major,minor) return nil if major.nil? version = major.dup if minor version << '.' + minor end version end def self.oletypelib_search_registry2(obj,args) found = false guid = args[0] version = make_version_str(args[1],args[2]) htypelib = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", htypelib) return false if err != ERROR_SUCCESS hguid = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(htypelib, guid, hguid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS RegCloseKey(htypelib) return false end if version hversion = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(hguid, version_str, hversion) if err == ERROR_SUCCESS tlib = reg_get_val(hversion, nil) if tlib typelib = tlib end end RegCloseKey(hversion) else fver = 0.0; j = 0 while true ver = reg_enum_key(hguid, j) break if ver.nil? hversion = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(hguid, ver, hversion) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS j += 1 next end tlib = reg_get_val(hversion, nil) if tlib.nil? RegCloseKey(hversion) j += 1 next end if fver < ver.to_f fver = ver.to_f version = ver.dup typelib = tlib.dup end RegCloseKey(hversion) j += 1 end end RegCloseKey(hguid) RegCloseKey(htypelib) if typelib found = true obj.oletypelib_set_member(typelib, guid, version) end found end def self.oletypelib_search_registry(obj,typelib) found = false htypelib = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", htypelib) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return false end i = 0 htypelib = htypelib.unpack('L').first while !found guid = reg_enum_key(htypelib, i) break if guid.nil? hguid = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(htypelib, guid, hguid) if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) i += 1 next end j = 0 hguid = hguid.unpack('L').first while !found ver = reg_enum_key(hguid, j) break if ver.nil? hversion = 0.chr * 4 err = reg_open_vkey(hguid, ver, hversion) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS j += 1 next end hversion = hversion.unpack('L').first tlib = reg_get_val(hversion, nil) if tlib.nil? RegCloseKey(hversion) j += 1 next end if typelib == tlib obj.oletypelib_set_member(typelib, guid, ver) found = true end RegCloseKey(hversion) j += 1 end RegCloseKey(hguid) i += 1 end RegCloseKey(htypelib) found end def self.reg_get_typelib_file_path(hkey) path = reg_get_val2(hkey, "win32") if path.nil? path = reg_get_val2(hkey, "win16") end path end def oletypelib_set_member(name, guid, version) @name = name @guid = guid @version = version end def initialize(*args) WIN32OLE.ole_initialize() @pTypeInfo = nil typelib = args[0] if args.length>0 if !typelib.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "typelib is wrong type (expected String)" end found = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.oletypelib_search_registry(self,typelib) if !found found = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.oletypelib_search_registry2(self,args) end if !found buf = multi_to_wide(typelib) p = 0.chr * 4 hr = LoadTypeLibEx(buf, REGKIND_NONE, p) if hr == S_OK pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first retval = WIN32OLE.ole_typelib_from_itypelib(pTypeLib) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) if retval found = true oletypelib_set_member(,retval.guid,retval.version) end end end if !found raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "not found type library `#{typelib}`" end end self end def guid @guid end def name @name end alias :to_s :name def version @version end def major_version @version.split('.')[0] end def minor_version @version.split('.')[1] end def oletypelib_path(guid,version) path = nil key = "TypeLib\\" + guid+ "\\" + version hkey = 0.chr * 4 err = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_open_vkey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key, hkey) return nil if err != ERROR_SUCCESS hkey = hkey.unpack('L').first k = 0 while path.nil? lang = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_enum_key(hkey, k) break if lang.nil? hlang = 0.chr * 4 err = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_open_vkey(hkey, lang, hlang) hlang = hlang.unpack('L').first if err == ERROR_SUCCESS path = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_get_typelib_file_path(hlang) RegCloseKey(hlang) end k += 1 end RegCloseKey(hkey) path end def path oletypelib_path(@guid,@version) end def oletypelib2itypelib(pptl) path = self.path if path pbuf = multi_to_wide(path) hr = LoadTypeLibEx(pbuf, REGKIND_NONE, pptl) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to LoadTypeLibEx from `#{path}'" end else raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get type library path" end end def ole_types() classes = [] p = 0.chr * 4 oletypelib2itypelib(p) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.ole_types_from_typelib(pTypeLib, classes) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) classes end alias :ole_classes :ole_types def visible? visible = true p = 0.chr * 4 oletypelib2itypelib(p) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,52) table = table.unpack('L*') getLibAttr =[7],'PP','L') releaseTLibAttr =[12],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4,p) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get TLIBATTR information" end pTLibAttr = p.unpack('L').first tLibAttr = 0.chr * 32 memcpy(tLibAttr,pTLibAttr,32) wLibFlags = tLibAttr[28,2].unpack('S').first if wLibFlags == 0 || (wLibFlags & LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED)!=0 || (wLibFlags & LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN)!=0 visible = false end,pTLibAttr) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) visible end def library_name p = 0.chr * 4 oletypelib2itypelib(p) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 40 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[9],'PLPPPP','L') bstr = 0.chr * 4,-1,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to get library name" end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{self.to_s}>" end end class WIN32OLE_TYPE attr_accessor :pTypeInfo def oletype_set_member(pTypeInfo,name) @name = name @pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo WIN32OLE.ole_addref(pTypeInfo) if pTypeInfo end def self.ole_classes(typelib) end def self.typelibs WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.typelibs.collect{|t|} end def self.progids progids = [] hclsids = 0.chr * 4 err = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_open_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", hclsids) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS return progids end hclsids = hclsids.unpack('L').first i = 0 while true clsid = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_enum_key(hclsids, i) break if clsid.nil? hclsid = 0.chr * 4 err = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_open_vkey(hclsids, clsid, hclsid) if err != ERROR_SUCCESS i += 1 next end hclsid = hclsid.unpack('L').first if (v = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_get_val2(hclsid, "ProgID")) progids.push(v) end if (v = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.reg_get_val2(hclsid, "VersionIndependentProgID")) progids.push(v) end RegCloseKey(hclsid); i += 1 end RegCloseKey(hclsids) progids end def initialize(typelib=nil, ole_class=nil) WIN32OLE.ole_initialize() @pTypeInfo = nil return self if typelib.nil? unless typelib.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String)" end unless ole_class.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String)" end file = WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.typelib_file(typelib) type = typlelib if file.nil? buf = multi_to_wide(file) p = 0.chr * 4 hr = LoadTypeLibEx(buf, REGKIND_NONE, p) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to LoadTypeLibEx" end if WIN32OLE.oleclass_from_typelib(self, pTypeLib, ole_class) == false WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "not found `#{ole_class}` in `#{typelib}`" end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) self end def name @name end alias :to_s :name def ole_ole_type(pTypeInfo) type = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return type if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first case typekind when TKIND_ENUM type = "Enum" when TKIND_RECORD type = "Record" when TKIND_MODULE type = "Module" when TKIND_INTERFACE type = "Interface" when TKIND_DISPATCH type = "Dispatch" when TKIND_COCLASS type = "Class" when TKIND_ALIAS type = "Alias" when TKIND_UNION type = "Union" when TKIND_MAX type = "Max" else type = nil end,pTypeAttr) type end def ole_type ole_ole_type(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_guid(pTypeInfo) guid = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return guid if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) bstr = 0.chr * 160 len = StringFromGUID2(typeAttr[0,16], bstr, 80) if len > 3 guid = wide_to_multi(bstr) end,pTypeAttr) guid end def guid ole_type_guid(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_progid(pTypeInfo) progid = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return progid if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr = ProgIDFromCLSID(typeAttr[0,16], bstr) if hr == S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) progid = wide_to_multi(str) CoTaskMemFree(bstr) end,pTypeAttr) progid end def progid ole_type_progid(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_visible(pTypeInfo) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return true if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) if (typeAttr[54,2].unpack('S').first & (TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN | TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED)) != 0 visible = false else visible = true end,pTypeAttr) visible end def visible? ole_type_visible(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_major_version(pTypeInfo) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) ver = typeAttr[56,2].unpack('S').first,pTypeAttr) ver end def major_version ole_type_major_version(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_minor_version(pTypeInfo) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) ver = typeAttr[58,2].unpack('S').first,pTypeAttr) ver end def minor_version ole_type_minor_version(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_typekind(pTypeInfo) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first,pTypeAttr) typekind end def typekind ole_type_typekind(@pTypeInfo) end def self.ole_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo,name,helpstr,helpcontext,helpfile) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 i = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p,i) return hr if hr != S_OK i = i.unpack('L').first pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 40 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getDocumentation =[9],'PLPPPP','L') hr =, i, name, helpstr, helpcontext, helpfile) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) hr end def self.ole_type_helpstring(pTypeInfo) bhelpstr = 0.chr * 4 hr = ole_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo, nil, bhelpstr, nil, nil) return nil if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bhelpstr.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end def helpstring WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_type_helpstring(@pTypeInfo) end def self.ole_usertype2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,pTypeDesc.unpack('L').first,p) pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first return nil if hr != S_OK bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr = ole_docinfo_from_type(pRefTypeInfo, bstr, nil, nil, nil) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) return nil end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) type = wide_to_multi(str) if typedetails typedetails.push(type) end type end def self.ole_ptrtype2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) type = "" vt = pTypeDesc[4,2].unpack('S').first if vt == VT_PTR || vt == VT_SAFEARRAY typedesc = 0.chr * 8 memcpy(typedesc,pTypeDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first,8) type = ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, typedesc, typedetails) end type end def self.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) typestr = nil vt = pTypeDesc[4,2].unpack('S').first case vt when VT_I2 typestr = "I2" when VT_I4 typestr = "I4" when VT_R4 typestr = "R4" when VT_R8 typestr = "R8" when VT_CY typestr = "CY" when VT_DATE typestr = "DATE" when VT_BSTR typestr = "BSTR" when VT_BOOL typestr = "BOOL" when VT_VARIANT typestr = "VARIANT" when VT_DECIMAL typestr = "DECIMAL" when VT_I1 typestr = "I1" when VT_UI1 typestr = "UI1" when VT_UI2 typestr = "UI2" when VT_UI4 typestr = "UI4" when VT_I8 typestr = "I8" when VT_UI8 typestr = "UI8" when VT_INT typestr = "INT" when VT_UINT typestr = "UINT" when VT_VOID typestr = "VOID" when VT_HRESULT typestr = "HRESULT" when VT_PTR typestr = "PTR" if typedetails typedetails.push(typestr) end return ole_ptrtype2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) when VT_SAFEARRAY typestr = "SAFEARRAY" if typedetails typedetails.push(typestr) end return ole_ptrtype2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) when VT_CARRAY typestr = "CARRAY" when VT_USERDEFINED typestr = "USERDEFINED" if typedetails typedetails.push(typestr) end str = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_usertype2val(pTypeInfo,pTypeDesc,typedetails) return str if str return typestr when VT_UNKNOWN typestr = "UNKNOWN" when VT_DISPATCH typestr = "DISPATCH" when VT_ERROR typestr = "ERROR" when VT_LPWSTR typestr = "LPWSTR" when VT_LPSTR typestr = "LPSTR" else typestr = "Unknown Type #{vt}" end if typedetails typedetails.push(typestr) end typestr end def ole_type_src_type(pTypeInfo) _alias = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) return _alias if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first if typekind != TKIND_ALIAS,pTypeAttr) return _alias end _alias = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,typeAttr[60,8],nil),pTypeAttr) return _alias end def src_type ole_type_src_type(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_helpfile(pTypeInfo) bhelpfile = 0.chr * 4 hr = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo, nil, nil, nil, bhelpfile) return nil if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bhelpfile.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end def helpfile ole_type_helpfile(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_helpcontext(pTypeInfo) helpcontext = 0.chr * 4 hr = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo, nil, nil, helpcontext, nil) return nil if hr != S_OK helpcontext.unpack('L').first end def helpcontext ole_type_helpcontext(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_variables(pTypeInfo) variables = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for i in 0 ... typeAttr[46,2].unpack('S').first p = 0.chr * 4,i,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first next if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) bstr = 0.chr * 4 len = 0.chr * 4 hr =,varDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first,bstr,1,len) if hr != S_OK || len.unpack('L').first == 0 || bstr.unpack('L').first == 0 next end var = var.pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo var.index = i bstr = bstr.unpack('L').first str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr) SysFreeString(bstr) = wide_to_multi(str) variables.push(var),pVarDesc) pVarDesc = nil end,pTypeAttr) variables end def variables ole_variables(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_methods WIN32OLE.ole_methods_from_typeinfo(@pTypeInfo,INVOKE_FUNC | INVOKE_PROPERTYGET | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) end def ole_typelib WIN32OLE.ole_typelib_from_itypeinfo(@pTypeInfo) end def ole_type_impl_ole_types(pTypeInfo,implflags) types = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getImplTypeFlags =[9],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first return types if hr != S_OK pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for i in 0 ... typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first flags = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i,flags) next if hr != S_OK flags = flags.unpack('L').first href = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i, href) next if hr != S_OK href = href.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, href, p) next if hr != S_OK pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first if (flgas & implflags) == implflags type = WIN32OLE.ole_type_from_itypeinfo(pRefTypeInfo) if type types.push(type) end end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) end releaseTypeAttr(pTypeInfo, pTypeAttr) types end def implemented_ole_types ole_type_impl_ole_types(@pTypeInfo,0) end def source_ole_types ole_type_impl_ole_types(@pTypeInfo, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) end def default_event_sources ole_type_impl_ole_types(@pTypeInfo, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE|IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT) end def default_ole_types ole_type_impl_ole_types(@pTypeInfo, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{self.to_s}>" end end class WIN32OLE_VARIABLE attr_accessor :pTypeInfo, :index, :name alias :to_s :name def ole_variable_ole_type(pTypeInfo,var_index) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetVarDesc" end varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) type = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo, varDesc[12,8], nil), pVarDesc) type end def ole_type ole_variable_ole_type(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_variable_ole_type_detail(pTypeInfo,var_index) type = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetVarDesc" end varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,varDesc[12,8],type), pVarDesc) type end def ole_type_detail ole_variable_ole_type_detail(@pTypeInfo, @index) end def ole_variable_value(pTypeInfo,var_index) val = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first return nil if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) if varDesc[32,4].unpack('L').first == VAR_CONST val = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(varDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first) end, pVarDesc) val end def value ole_variable_value(@pTypeInfo, @index) end def ole_variable_visible(pTypeInfo,var_index) visible = false lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first return visible if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) if (varDesc[28,2].unpack('S').first & (VARFLAG_FHIDDEN | VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED | VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE)) == 0 visible = true end, pVarDesc) visible end def visible? ole_variable_visible(@pTypeInfo, @index) end def ole_variable_kind(pTypeInfo,var_index) kind = "UNKNOWN" lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first return kind if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) case varDesc[32,4].unpack('L').first when VAR_PERINSTANCE kind = PERINSTANCE when VAR_STATIC kind = STATIC when VAR_CONST kind = CONSTANT when VAR_DISPATCH kind = DISPATCH end, pVarDesc) kind end def variable_kind ole_variable_kind(@pTypeInfo, @index) end def ole_variable_varkind(pTypeInfo,var_index) kind = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,var_index,p) pVarDesc = p.unpack('L').first return kind if hr != S_OK varDesc = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(varDesc,pVarDesc,36) kind = varDesc[32,4].unpack('L').first, pVarDesc) kind end def varkind ole_variable_varkind(@pTypeInfo, @index) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{self.to_s}=#{self.value.inpect}>" end end class WIN32OLE_METHOD IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT = 0x1 IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE = 0x2 IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 0x4 IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE = 0x8 def olemethod_set_member(pTypeInfo,pOwnerTypeInfo,index,name) @pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo WIN32OLE.ole_addref(pTypeInfo) @pOwnerTypeInfo = pOwnerTypeInfo WIN32OLE.ole_addref(pOwnerTypeInfo) if pOwnerTypeInfo != 0 @index = index @name = name self end def ole_method_sub(pOwnerTypeInfo,pTypeInfo,name) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) method = nil for i in 0 .. typeAttr[44,2].unpack('S').first break if method != nil p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,p) next if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) memid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,memid,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr != S_OK,pFuncDesc) next end str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) fname = wide_to_multi(str) if name.casecmp(fname)==0 olemethod_set_member(pTypeInfo,pOwnerTypeInfo,i,fname) method = self end,pFuncDesc) pFuncDesc = nil end, pTypeAttr) method end def olemethod_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo,name) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') pTypeAttr = 0.chr * 4 getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetTypeAttr" end method = ole_method_sub(0,pTypeInfo,name) return method if method pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) for i in 0 ... typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first break if method p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i, p) next if hr != S_OK href = p.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, href,p) next if hr != S_OK pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first method = ole_method_sub(pTypeInfo,pRefTypeInfo,name) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) end, pTypeAttr) method end def initialize(oletype=nil, method=nil) @pTypeInfo = nil @pOwnerTypeInfo = nil @index = 0 return self if oletype.nil? if oletype.is_a?(WIN32OLE_TYPE) unless method.is_a?(String) raise TypeError,"2nd parameter must be String" end obj = olemethod_from_typeinfo(oletype.pTypeInfo,method) if obj.nil? raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "not found #{method}" end else raise TypeError, "1st argument should be WIN32OLE_TYPE object" end end def name @name end alias :to_s :name def ole_method_return_type(pTypeInfo,method_index) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetFuncDesc" end funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) type = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,funcDesc[32,8],nil), pFuncDesc) type end def return_type ole_method_return_type(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_return_vtype(pTypeInfo,method_index) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetFuncDesc" end funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) vvt = funcDesc[36,2].unpack('S').first, pFuncDesc) vvt end def return_vtype ole_method_return_vtype(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_return_type_detail(pTypeInfo,method_index) type = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first return type if hr != S_OK funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,funcDesc[32,8],type), pFuncDesc) type end def return_type_detail ole_method_return_type_detail(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_invkind(pTypeInfo,method_index) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to GetFuncDesc" end funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) invkind = funcDesc[16,4].unpack('L').first, pFuncDesc) invkind end def ole_method_invoke_kind(pTypeInfo,method_index) type = "UNKNOWN" invkind = ole_method_invkind(pTypeInfo, method_index) if (invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) != 0 && (invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT) != 0 type = "PROPERTY" elsif (invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) != 0 type = "PROPERTYGET" elsif (invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT) != 0 type = "PROPERTYPUT" elsif (invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) != 0 type = "PROPERTYPUTREF" elsif (invkind & INVOKE_FUNC) != 0 type = "FUNC" end type end def invoke_kind ole_method_invoke_kind(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def invkind ole_method_invkind(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_visible(pTypeInfo,method_index) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first return false if hr != S_OK funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) if (funcDesc[48,2].unpack('S').first & (FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED | FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN | FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE)) != 0 visible = false else visible = true end, pFuncDesc) visible end def visible? ole_method_visible(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_event(pTypeInfo,method_index,method_name) event = false lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getImplTypeFlags =[9],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first return event if hr != S_OK typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) if typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first != TKIND_COCLASS, pTypeAttr) return event end for i in 0 ... typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first flags = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i,flags) next if hr != S_OK if (flags.unpack('L').first & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) != 0 href = 0.chr * 4 hr =,i,href) next if hr != S_OK href = href.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,href,p) next if hr != S_OK pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,method_index,p) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) next end pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) memid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,memid,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr != S_OK, pFuncDesc) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) next end str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) name = wide_to_multi(str),pFuncDesc) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) if method_name == name event = true break end end end, pTypeAttr) event end def event? ole_method_event(@pOwnerTypeInfo,@index, end def event_interface if event? name = 0.chr * 4 hr = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_docinfo_from_type(@pTypeInfo, name, nil, nil, nil) if hr == S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,name.unpack('L').first) return wide_to_multi(str) end end nil end def ole_method_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo,method_index,name,helpstr,helpcontext,helpfile) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[12],'PLPPPP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getImplTypeFlags =[9],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return hr if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) memid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first hr =,memid,name,helpstr,helpcontext,helpfile), pFuncDesc) hr end def ole_method_helpstring(pTypeInfo,method_index) bhelpstring = 0.chr * 4 hr = ole_method_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo,method_index,nil,bhelpstring,nil,nil) return nil if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bhelpstring.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end def helpstring ole_method_helpstring(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_helpfile(pTypeInfo,method_index) bhelpfile = 0.chr * 4 hr = ole_method_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo, method_index, nil, nil, nil, bhelpfile) return nil if hr != S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bhelpfile.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end def helpfile ole_method_helpfile(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_helpcontext(pTypeInfo,method_index) helpcontext = 0.chr * 4 hr = ole_method_docinfo_from_type(pTypeInfo, method_index, nil, nil, helpcontext, nil) return nil if hr != S_OK helpcontext.unpack('L').first end def helpcontext ole_method_helpcontext(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_dispid(pTypeInfo,method_index) dispid = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return dispid if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) dispid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first, pFuncDesc) dispid end def dispid ole_method_dispid(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_offset_vtbl(pTypeInfo,method_index) offset_vtbl = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return offset_vtbl if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) offset_vtbl = funcDesc[28,2].unpack('S').first, pFuncDesc) offset_vtbl end def offset_vtbl ole_method_offset_vtbl(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_size_params(pTypeInfo,method_index) size_params = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return size_params if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) size_params = funcDesc[24,2].unpack('S').first, pFuncDesc) size_params end def size_params ole_method_size_params(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_size_opt_params(pTypeInfo,method_index) size_opt_params = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return size_opt_params if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) size_opt_params = funcDesc[26,2].unpack('S').first, pFuncDesc) size_opt_params end def size_opt_params ole_method_size_opt_params(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def ole_method_params(pTypeInfo,method_index) params = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return params if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) memid = funcDesc[0,4].unpack('L').first cParams = funcDesc[24,2].unpack('S').first bstrs = 0.chr * 4 * (cParams + 1) len = 0.chr * 4 hr =,memid,bstrs,cParams + 1,len) if hr != S_OK, pFuncDesc) params end if cParams > 0 for i in 1 ... len.unpack('L').first param = param.pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo WIN32OLE.ole_addref(pTypeInfo) param.method_index = method_index param.index = i - 1 bstr = bstrs[i*4,4].unpack('L').first str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr) SysFreeString(bstr) = wide_to_multi(str) params.push(param) end end, pFuncDesc) params end def params ole_method_params(@pTypeInfo,@index) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{self.to_s}>" end end class WIN32OLE_PARAM attr_accessor :pTypeInfo attr_accessor :method_index attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :index alias :to_s :name def ole_param_ole_type(pTypeInfo,method_index,index) type = "unknown type" lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return type if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) tdesc = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(tdesc,funcDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first + index*16,16) type = WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,tdesc,nil), pFuncDesc) type end def ole_type ole_param_ole_type(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index) end def ole_param_ole_type_detail(pTypeInfo,method_index,index) typedetail = [] lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return typedetail if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) tdesc = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(tdesc,funcDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first + index*16,16) WIN32OLE_TYPE.ole_typedesc2val(pTypeInfo,tdesc,typedetail), pFuncDesc) typedetail end def ole_type_detail ole_param_ole_type_detail(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index) end def ole_param_flag_mask(pTypeInfo,method_index,index,mask) ret = false lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return ret if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) tdesc = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(tdesc,funcDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first + index*16,16) if (tdesc[12,2].unpack('S').first & mask) != 0 ret = true end, pFuncDesc) ret end def input? ole_param_flag_mask(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index,PARAMFLAG_FIN) end def output? ole_param_flag_mask(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index,PARAMFLAG_FOUT) end def optional? ole_param_flag_mask(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index,PARAMFLAG_FOPT) end def retval? ole_param_flag_mask(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index,PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL) end def ole_param_default(pTypeInfo,method_index,index) mask = PARAMFLAG_FOPT|PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT defval = nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getFuncDesc =[5],'PLP','L') releaseFuncDesc =[20],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, method_index, p) return ret if hr != S_OK pFuncDesc = p.unpack('L').first funcDesc = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(funcDesc,pFuncDesc,52) tdesc = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(tdest,funcDesc[8,4].unpack('L').first + index*16,16) if (tdesc[12,2].unpack('S').first & mask) == mask pParamDescEx = 0.chr * 24 memcpy(pParamDescEx,tdesc[8,4].unpack('L').first,24) defval = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(pParamDescEx[8,16]) end, pFuncDesc) defval end def default ole_param_default(@pTypeInfo,@method_index,@index) end def inspect detail = self.detail defval = self.default if defval detail << '=' + defval.inspect end "#<#{self.class}:#{detail}>" end end class WIN32OLE_EVENT @@ary_ole_event = [] @@g_IsEventSinkVtblInitialized = false IEventSinkVtbl =,:AddRef,:Release,:GetTypeInfoCount,:GetTypeInfo,:GetIDsOfNames,:Invoke) IEVENTSINKOBJ =,:m_cRef,:m_iid,:m_event_id,:pTypeInfo) @@EVENTSINK_QueryInterface ='LLL','L',&lambda { |pEV,riid,ppv| ref = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(ref, pEV, 20) iid = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(iid,riid,16) ptr =*ref.unpack('L*')) m_iid = ptr.m_iid ref = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(ref, m_iid, 16) if iid == WIN32OLE::IID_IUnknown || iid == WIN32OLE::IID_IDispatch || iid == ref memcpy(ppv, [pEV].pack('L'), 4) else memcpy(ppv, 0.chr * 4, 4) return E_NOINTERFACE end lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,pEV,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') addRef =[1],'P','L') S_OK }) @@EVENTSINK_AddRef ='L','L') { |pEV| m_cRef = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(m_cRef, pEV+4, 4) m_cRef = [m_cRef.unpack('L').first+1].pack('L') memcpy(pEV+4, m_cRef, 4) m_cRef.unpack('L').first } @@EVENTSINK_Release ='L','L') { |pEV| m_cRef = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(m_cRef,pEV+4,4) m_cRef = [m_cRef.unpack('L').first-1].pack('L') memcpy(pEV+4,m_cRef,4) if m_cRef.unpack('L').first != 0 m_cRef.unpack('L').first else WIN32OLE_EVENT.EVENTSINK_Destructor(pEV) 0 end } @@EVENTSINK_Invoke ='LLPLLLPPP', 'L', &lambda{ |pEventSink,dispid,riid,lcid,wFlags,pdispparams,pvarResult,pexceptinfo,puArgErr| ptr = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(ptr, pEventSink, 20) pEV =*ptr.unpack('L*')) pTypeInfo = pEV.pTypeInfo m_event_id = pEV.m_event_id obj = @@ary_ole_event[m_event_id] if !obj.is_a?(WIN32OLE_EVENT) return S_OK end ary = if ary.nil? || !ary.is_a?(Array) return S_OK end lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 32 memcpy(lpVtbl, pTypeInfo, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 32) table = table.unpack('L*') getNames =[7], 'PLPLP', 'L') bstr = 0.chr * 4 count = 0.chr * 4 hr =,dispid,bstr,1,count) if hr != S_OK return S_OK end bstr = bstr.unpack('L').first str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr) SysFreeString(bstr) ev = wide_to_multi(str) event, is_default_handler = WIN32OLE_EVENT.ole_search_event(ary, ev) if event.is_a?(Array) handler = event[0] mid = 'call' is_outarg = event[3] else handler = obj.handler if handler.nil? return S_OK end mid, is_default_handler = ole_search_handler_method(handler, ev) end if handler.nil? || mid.nil? return S_OK end args = [] if is_default_handler args.push(ev) end cArgs = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(cArgs,pdispparams+8,4) cArgs = cArgs.unpack('L').first for i in 0 ... cArgs rgvarg = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(rgvarg,pdispparams,4) pvar = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(pvar,rgvarg.unpack('L').first + (cArgs-i-1)*16,16) args.push(WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(pvar)) end outargv = nil if is_outarg outargv = [] args.push(outargv) end arg = [handler,mid,args] begin result = handler.send(mid,*args) rescue Exception => err raise err end if result.is_a?(Hash) hash2ptr_dispparams(result, pTypeInfo, dispid, pdispparams) result = hash2result(result) elsif is_outarg && outargv.is_a?(Array) ary2ptr_dispparams(outargv, pdispparams) end if pvarResult varResult = 0.chr * 16 WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(result, varResult) memcpy(pvarResult, varResult, 16) end S_OK }) @@EVENTSINK_GetIDsOfNames ='LPPLLP','L'){ |pEventSink,riid,sznames,cNames,lcid,pDispID| pEV = pEventSink ptr = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(ptr, pEV+12, 4) pTypeInfo = ptr.unpack('L').first if pTypeInfo != 0 lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pTypeInfo, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') getIDsOfNames =[5], 'PPPLLP', 'L') return, szNames, cNames, pDIspID) end DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME } @@EVENTSINK_GetTypeInfoCount ='LP','L'){ |pEV,pct| pct[0,4] = 0.chr * 4 S_OK } @@EVENTSINK_GetTypeInfo ='LLLL','L'){ |pEV,info,lcid,pInfo| memcpy(pInfo,0.chr * 4,4) DISP_E_BADINDEX } attr_accessor :events attr_accessor :handler def hash2ptr_dispparams(hash,pTypeInfo,dispid,pdispparams) cArgs = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(cArgs,pdispparams+8,4) cArgs = cArgs.unpack('L').first bstrs = 0.chr * 4 * (cArgs+1) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 32 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,32) table = table.unpack('L*') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') len = 0.chr * 4 hr =,dispid,bstrs,cArgs+1,len) len = len.unpack('L').first return if hr != S_OK for i in 0 ... len-1 str = 0.chr * 256 bstr = bstrs[(i+1)*4,4].unpack('L').first wcscpy(str,bstr) SysFreeString(bstr) key = wide_to_multi(str) val = hash[i] if val.nil? val = hash[key] end if val.nil? val = hash[key.intern] rgvarg = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(rgvarg,pdispparams,4) pvar = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(pvar,rgvarg.unpack('L').first + (cArgs-i-1)*16,16) ole_val2ptr_variant(val, pvar) end end end def hash2result(hash) ret = hash['return'] if ret.nil? ret = hash[:return] end ret end def ary2ptr_dispparams(ary,pdispparams) i = 0 cArgs = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(cArgs,pdispparams+8,4) cArgs = cArgs.unpack('L').first while i < ary.length && i < cArgs v = ary[i] rgvarg = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(rgvarg,pdispparams,4) pvar = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(pvar,rgvarg.unpack('L').first + (cArgs-i-1)*16,16) ole_val2ptr_variant(v, pvar) i += 1 end end def EVENTSINK_Constructor() if !@@g_IsEventSinkVtblInitialized @@vtEventSink = @@vtEventSink.QueryInterface=@@EVENTSINK_QueryInterface.address @@vtEventSink.AddRef = @@EVENTSINK_AddRef.address @@vtEventSink.AddRef = @@EVENTSINK_AddRef.address @@vtEventSink.Release = @@EVENTSINK_Release.address @@vtEventSink.Invoke = @@EVENTSINK_Invoke.address @@vtEventSink.GetIDsOfNames = @@EVENTSINK_GetIDsOfNames.address @@vtEventSink.GetTypeInfoCount = @@EVENTSINK_GetTypeInfoCount.address @@vtEventSink.GetTypeInfo = @@EVENTSINK_GetTypeInfo.address @@vtEventSinktbl = @@vtEventSink.to_a.pack('L*') @@g_IsEventSinkVtblInitialized = true end pEv = pEv.lpVtbl = [@@vtEventSinktbl].pack('P').unpack('L').first pEv.m_cRef = 0 pEv.m_event_id = 0 pEv.pTypeInfo = 0 pEv end def self.EVENTSINK_Destructor(pEV) if pEV != 0 pEVObj = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(pEVObj,pEV,20) pEVObj =*pEVObj.unpack('L*')) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pEVObj.pTypeInfo) pEVObj = nil end end def find_iid(ole,ptif,piid,ppTypeInfo) is_found = false pDispatch = ole.pDispatch lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pDispatch, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') ptr = 0.chr * 4 getTypeInfo =[4],'PLLP','L') hr =, 0, WIN32OLE.locale, ptr) pTypeInfo = ptr.unpack('L').first return hr if hr != S_OK lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 4 * 22 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 index = 0.chr * 4, ptr, index) pTypeLib = ptr.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) return hr if hr != S_OK lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 24 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,24) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfoOfGuid =[5],'PPP','L') getTypeInfoOfGuid =[5],'PPP','L') if ptif.nil? hr =,ppid,ppTypeInfo) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) return hr end count = for index in 0 ... count ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, index, ptr) pTypeInfo = ptr.unpack('L').first break if hr != S_OK lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl, pTypeInfo, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3], 'PP','L') getVarDesc =[6], 'PLP','L') getNames =[7], 'PLPLP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8], 'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14], 'PLP','L') getFuncDesc =[5], 'PLP','L') getDocumentation =[12], 'PLPPPP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19], 'PP','L') releaseVarDesc =[21], 'PP','L') addRef =[1],'P','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) pTypeAttr = ptr.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) break end typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first cImplTypes = typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first if typekind == TKIND_COCLASS for type in 0 ... cImplTypes ref = 0.chr * 4 hr =,type,ref) break if hr != S_OK ref = ref.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,ref,p) pImplTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first bstr = 0.chr * 4 hr =,-1,bstr,nil,nil,nil) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) break end str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str,bstr.unpack('L').first) pstr = wide_to_multi(str) if ptif == pstr p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pImplTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first if hr == S_OK is_found = true memcpy(piid,pImplTypeAttr,16) if ppTypeInfo ppTypeInfo[0,4] = [pImplTypeInfo].pack('L') end,pImplTypeAttr) end end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pImplTypeInfo) break if is_found || hr != S_OK end end, pTypeAttr) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) break if is_found || hr != S_OK end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) return [E_NOINTERFACE].pack('L').unpack('l').first if !is_found hr end def find_coclass(pTypeInfo,pTypeAttr,pCOTypeInfo,pCOTypeAttr) found = false lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 4 * 22 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') pTypeInfo = 0.chr * 4 getContainingTypeLib =[18],'PPP','L') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getImplTypeFlags =[9],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, p, nil) pTypeLib = p.unpack('L').first return hr if hr != S_OK lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 56 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeLib,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,40) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeInfoCount =[3],'P','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLP','L') count = for i in 0 ... count break if found p = 0.chr * 4 h =, i, p) pTypeInfo2 = p.unpack('L').first next if hr != S_OK p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeAttr2 = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo2) next end typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first cImplTypes = typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first if typekind != TKIND_COCLASS, pTypeAttr2) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo2) next end for j in 0 ... cImplTypes break if found flags = 0.chr * 4 hr =, j, flags) next if hr != S_OK next if (flags.unpack('L').first & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT) == 0 href = 0.chr * 4 hr =, j, href) next if hr != S_OK href = href.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =, href, p) next if hr != S_OK pRefTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pRefTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pRefTypeInfo) next end guid1 = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) guid2 = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(typeAttr,pRefTypeAttr,76) if guid1 == guid2 found = true end end if !found, pTypeAttr2) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo2) end end WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeLib) if found pCOTypeInfo[0,4] = [pTypeInfo2].pack('L') pCOTypeAttr[0,4] = [pTypeAttr2].pack('L') hr = S_OK else hr = [E_NOINTERFACE].pack('L').unpack('l').first end hr end def find_default_source_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo,pTypeAttr,ppTypeInfo) typeAttr = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(typeAttr,pTypeAttr,76) typekind = typeAttr[40,4].unpack('L').first cImplTypes = typeAttr[48,2].unpack('S').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,80) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getRefTypeOfImplType =[8],'PLP','L') getImplTypeFlags =[9],'PLP','L') getRefTypeInfo =[14],'PLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') hr = E_NOINTERFACE for i in 0 ... cImplTypes flags = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i, flags) next if hr != S_OK flags = flags.unpack('L').first if (flgas & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT) != 0 && (flgas & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) != 0 ref = 0.chr * 4 hr =, i, ref) next if hr != S_OK hRefType = ref.unpack('L').first hr =,hRefType,ppTypeInfo) break if hr == S_OK end end hr end def find_default_source(ole,piid,ppTypeInfo) pDispatch = ole.pDispatch lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,pDispatch,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') getTypeInfo =[4],'PLLP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_IProvideClassInfo2,p) if hr == S_OK pProvideClassInfo2 = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(lpVtbl,pProvideClassInfo2,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,20) table = table.unpack('L*') getGUID =[4],'PLP','L') ppid = 0.chr * 16 hr =,GUIDKIND_DEFAULT_SOURCE_DISP_IID,ppid) WIN32OLE.olerelease(pProvideClassInfo2) if hr == S_OK hr = find_iid(ole,nil,ppid,ppTypeInfo) end end return hr if hr == S_OK p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,IID_IProvideClassInfo,p) if hr == S_OK pProvideClassInfo = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(lpVtbl,pProvideClassInfo2,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,20) table = table.unpack('L*') getClassInfo =[3],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first WIN32OLE.olerelease(pProvideClassInfo2) end if hr != S_OK p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,0,WIN32OLE.locale,p) end return hr if hr != S_OK pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,88) table = table.unpack('L*') getTypeAttr =[3],'PP','L') getVarDesc =[6],'PLP','L') getNames =[7],'PLPLP','L') releaseTypeAttr =[19],'PP','L') p = 0.chr * 4 hr = getTypeAttr(pTypeInfo,p) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.olerelease(pTypeInfo) return hr end ppTypeInfo[0,4] = 0.chr * 4 hr = find_default_source_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo, pTypeAttr, ppTypeInfo) if ppTypeInfo.unpack('L').first == 0 pTypeInfo2 = 0.chr * 4 pTypeAttr2 = 0.chr * 4 hr = find_coclass(pTypeInfo, pTypeAttr, pTypeInfo2, pTypeAttr2) if hr == S_OK pTypeInfo2 = pTypeInfo2.unpack('L').first pTypeAttr2 = pTypeAttr2.unpack('L').first hr = find_default_source_from_typeinfo(pTypeInfo2, pTypeAttr2, ppTypeInfo), pTypeAttr2) WIN32OLE.olerelease(pTypeInfo2) end end, pTypeAttr) WIN32OLE.olerelease(pTypeInfo) if ppTypeInfo.unpack('L').first == 0 hr = E_UNEXPECTED if hr == S_OK return hr end pTypeInfo = ppTypeInfo.unpack('L').first p = 0.chr * 4 hr =,p) pTypeAttr = p.unpack('L').first if hr == S_OK memcpy(piid,pTypeAttr,16),pTypeAttr) else WIN32OLE.olerelease(pTypeInfo) end hr end def ev_advise(ole, itf) if !ole.is_a?(WIN32OLE) raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be WIN32OLE object" end if itf if $SAFE > 0 && itf.tainted raise SecurityError, "Insecure Event Creation - #{itf}" end unless itf.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "2nd parameter must be String" end p = 0.chr * 4 iid = 0.chr * 16 hr = find_iid(ole,itf,iid,p) pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(lpVtbl,pTypeInfo,4) else p = 0.chr * 4 hr = find_default_source(ole, iid, p) pTypeInfo = p.unpack('L').first end if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "interface not found" end pDipatch = ole.pDispatch lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 memcpy(lpVtbl,pDipatch,4) table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') queryInterface =[0],'PPP','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, WIN32OLE::IID_IConnectionPointContainer, ptr) if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) raise RuntimeError,"failed to query IConnectionPointContainer" end pContainer = p.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pContainer, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') findConnectionPoint =[4],'PPP','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, iid, ptr) WIN32OLE.ole_release(pContainer) pConnectionPoint = ptr.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK WIN32OLE.ole_release(pTypeInfo) raise RuntimeError, "failed to query IConnectionPoint" end pIEV = EVENTSINK_Constructor() pIEV.m_iid = [iid].pack('P').unpack('L').first @pIEV = pIEV.to_a.pack('L*') lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pConnectionPoint, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') advise =[5],'LLP','L') dwCookie = 0.chr * 4 hr =, [@pIEV].pack('P').unpack('L').first, dwCookie) dwCookie = dwCookie.unpack('L').first if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "Advise Error" end pIEV =*@pIEV.unpack('L*')) pIEV.m_event_id = @@ary_ole_event.length pIEV.pTypeInfo = pTypeInfo @dwCookie = dwCookie @pConnectionPoint = pConnectionPoint @event_id = pIEV.m_event_id memcpy([@pIEV].pack('P').unpack('L').first, pIEV.to_a.pack('L*'), 20) self end def self.ole_msg_loop msg = 0.chr * 100 while(PeekMessage(msg,nil,0,0,1)) TranslateMessage(msg) DispatchMessage(msg) end end def self.message_loop ole_msg_loop() nil end def initialize(ole,event=nil) if Win32::API::VERSION<='1.4.0' raise WIN32OLERuntimeError,'win32-api version 1.4.1 or higher required' end @dwCookie = 0 @pConnectionPoint = nil @event_id = 0 ev_advise(ole,event) @@ary_ole_event.push(self) @events = [] @handler = nil self end def ole_search_event_at(ary,ev) ret = -1 for i in 0 ... ary.length event = ary[i] event_name = event[1] if event_name.nil? && ev.nil? ret = i break elsif ev.is_a?(String) && event_name.is_a?(String) && ev == event_name ret = i break end end ret end def self.ole_search_event(ary,ev) is_default = false for i in 0 ... ary.length event = ary[i] event_name = event[1] if event_name.nil? is_default = true def_event = event elsif ev == event_name is_default = false return [event,is_default] end end [def_event,is_default] end def ole_search_handler_method(handler,ev) is_default_handler = false mid = "on#{ev}" if handler.respond_to?("on#{ev}") return mid,is_default_handler end mid = "method_missing" if handler.respond_to?(mid) is_default_handler = true return [mid,is_default_handler] end [nil,is_default_handler] end def ole_delete_event(ary,ev) at = ole_search_event_at(ary, ev) if at>=0 ary.delete_at(at) end end def add_event_call_back(event,data) events = @events if events.nil? || !events.is_a?(Array) events = [] @events = events end ole_delete_event(events,event) events.push(data) end def ev_on_event(args,is_ary_arg,&blk) if @pConnectionPoint.nil? raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "IConnectionPoint not found. You must call advise at first." end event = args.shift if event if !event.is_a?(String) && event.is_a?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String or Symbol)" end if event.is_a?(Symbol) event = event.to_s end end data = [blk,event,args,is_ary_arg] add_event_call_back(event,data) nil end def on_event(*args,&blk) ev_on_event(args,false,&blk) end def on_event_with_outargs(*args,&blk) ev_on_event(args,true,&blk) end def off_event(event=nil) if event if !event.is_a?(String) && event.is_a?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String or Symbol)" end if event.is_a?(Symbol) event = event.to_s end end events = @events return nil if events.nil? ole_delete_event(events, event) nil end def unadvise if @pConnectionPoint WIN32OLE_EVENT.ole_msg_loop() @@ary_ole_event[@event_id]=nil lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pConnectionPoint,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,28) table = table.unpack('L*') unadvise =[6],'LP','L'),@dwCookie) WIN32OLE.ole_release(@pConnectionPoint) @pConnectionPoint = nil end nil end end class WIN32OLE_VARIANT def self.ole_val2olevariantdata(val,vt) hr = S_OK if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) && val.class == String len = val.length psa = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, len) if psa == 0 raise RuntimeError, "fail to SafeArrayCreateVector" end pdest = 0.chr * 4 hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, pdest) if hr == S_OK memcpy(pdest.unpack('L').first, val, len) SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa) @realvar[0,2] = [(vt & ~VT_BYREF)].pack('S') p = @realvar[8,4].unpack('L').first if p != 0 SafeArrayDestroy(p) end @realvar[8,4] = [psa].pack('L') if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') @var[8,4] = [[@realvar].pack('P')].pack('L') else hr = VariantCopy(@var, @realvar) end else if psa != 0 SafeArrayDestroy(psa) end end elsif (vt & VT_ARRAY) != 0 if val.nil? @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 @var[8,4] = [[@realvar].pack('P')].pack('L') end else hr = ole_val_ary2variant_ary(val, @realvar, (vt & ~VT_BYREF)) if hr == S_OK if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') @var[8,4] = [[@realvar].pack('P')].pack('L') else hr = VariantCopy(@var,@realvar) end end end elsif (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == VT_I8 || (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == VT_UI8 ole_val2variant_ex(val, @realvar, (vt & ~VT_BYREF)) ole_val2variant_ex(val, @var, (vt & ~VT_BYREF)) @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 ole_set_byref(@realvar, @var, vt) end else if val.nil? @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') if (vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_VARIANT)) ole_set_byref(@realvar, @var, vt) else @realvar[0,2] = [vt & ~VT_BYREF].pack('S') if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 ole_set_byref(@realvar, @var, vt) end end else ole_val2variant_ex(val, @realvar, (vt & ~VT_BYREF)) if (vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_VARIANT)) ole_set_byref(@realvar, @var, vt) elsif (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) != @realvar[0,2].unpack('S').first hr = VariantChangeTypeEx(@realvar, @realvar, WIN32OLE.locale, 0, (vt & ~VT_BYREF)) end if hr == S_OK ole_set_byref(@realvar, @var, vt) end else if vt == @realvar[0,2].unpack('S').first hr = VariantCopy(@var, @realvar) else hr = VariantChangeTypeEx(@var, @realvar, WIN32OLE.locale, 0, vt) end end end end if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to change type" end end def self.array(ary,vt) obj = nil dim = 0 i = 0 WIN32OLE.ole_initialize() vt = (vt | VT_ARRAY) unless ary.is_a?(Array) raise TypeError, "1st parameter must be Array" end obj = dim = ary.length psab = 0.chr * 8 * dim for i in 0 ... dim psab[i*8,4] = [ary[i]].pack('L') psab[i*8+4,4] = [0].pack('L') end psa = SafeArrayCreate((vt & VT_TYPEMASK), dim, psab) if psa == 0 raise RuntimeError, "memory allocation error(SafeArrayCreate)" end @var[0,2] = [vt].pack('S') if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 @realvar[0,2] = [vt & ~VT_BYREF].pack('S') @realvar[8,4] = [psa].pack('P') @var[8,4] = [@realvar.unpack('P')].pack('P') else @var[8,4] = [psa].pack('P') end obj end def initialize(val=nil, vartype=nil) WIN32OLE.ole_initialize @var = 0.chr * 16 @realvar = 0.chr * 16 return self if val.nil? if !val.is_a?(WIN32OLE) && !val.is_a?(WIN32OLE_VARIANT) && !val.is_a?(Time) case val when Array,String,Fixnum,Bignum,TrueClass,FalseClass,NilClass else raise TypeError, "can not convert WIN32OLE_VARIANT from type #{val.class}" end end if vartype.nil? WIN32OLE.ole_val2variant(val,@var) else WIN32OLE_VARIANT.ole_val2olevariantdata(val,vartype) end end def value val = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(@var) vt = @var[0,2].unpack('S').first if (vt & ~VT_BYREF) == (VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY) if (vt & VT_BYREF) != 0 memcpy(ref,@var[8,4].unpack('L').first,16) psa = ref[8,4].unpack('L').first else psa = @var[8,4].unpack('L').first end if psa == 0 return val end dim = SafeArrayGetDim(psa) if dim == 1 val = val.pack('C*') end end val end def value=(val) vt = @var[0,2].unpack('S').first if (vt & VT_ARRAY) != 0 && ((vt & ~VT_BYREF) != (VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY) || val.class != String) raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "`value=' is not available for this variant type object" end WIN32OLE_VARIANT.ole_val2olevariantdata(val, vt) nil end def vartype @var.unpack('S').first end def get_locked_safe_array if (@var[0,2].unpack('S').first & VT_ARRAY) != 0 raise TypeError, "variant type is not VT_ARRAY." end if (@var[0,2].unpack('S').first & VT_BYREF) != 0 ref = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(ref,@var[8,4].unpack('L').first,16) pas = ref[8,4].unpack('L').first else psa = @var[8,4].unpack('L').first end return psa if psa == 0 hr = SafeArrayLock(psa) if hr != S_OK raise eRuntimeError, "failed to SafeArrayLock" end psa end def ary2safe_array_index(ary,psa) dim = SafeArrayGetDim(psa) if dim != ary.length raise ArgError, "unmatch number of indices" end pid = 0.chr * 4 * dim for i in 0 ... dim pid[i*4,4] = [ary[i]].pack('L') end pid end def unlock_safe_array(psa) hr = SafeArrayUnlock(psa) if hr != S_OK raise RuntimeError, "failed to SafeArrayUnlock" end end def [](*args) val = nil if (@var[0,2].unpack('S').first & VT_ARRAY) != 0 raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "`[]' is not available for this variant type object" end psa = get_locked_safe_array() return val if psa==0 pid = ary2safe_array_index(args, psa) variant = 0.chr*16 VariantInit(variant) variant[0,2] = [(@var[0,2].unpack('S').first & ~VT_ARRAY) | VT_BYREF].pack('S') hr = SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(psa, pid, variant[8,4]) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to SafeArrayPtrOfIndex" end val = WIN32OLE.ole_variant2val(variant) unlock_safe_array(psa) val end def []=(*args) if (@var[0,2].unpack('S').first & VT_ARRAY) != 0 raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "`[]' is not available for this variant type object" end psa = get_locked_safe_array() if psa == 0 raise RuntimeError, "failed to get SafeArray pointer" end pid = ary2safe_array_index(args[0..-2], psa) var = 0.chr * 16 VariantInit(var) vt = @var[0,2].unpack('S').first & ~VT_ARRAY p = val2variant_ptr(args[-1], var, vt) if (var[0,2].unpack('S').first == VT_DISPATCH || var[0,2].unpack('S').first == VT_UNKNOWN) && var[8,4].unpack('L').first == 0 raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "argument does not have IDispatch or IUnknown Interface" end hr = SafeArrayPutElement(psa, pid, p) if hr != S_OK raise WIN32OLERuntimeError, "failed to SafeArrayPutElement" end unlock_safe_array(psa) args[1] end Empty = Null = Nothing = end