require 'uri' require 'nokogiri' require 'css_parser' module Roadie # This module adds the Roadie functionality to ActionMailer 3 when included in ActionMailer::Base. # # If you want to add Roadie to any other mail framework, take a look at how this module is implemented. module ActionMailerExtensions def self.included(base) base.class_eval do if base.method_defined?(:collect_responses) alias_method_chain :collect_responses, :inline_styles else alias_method_chain :collect_responses_and_parts_order, :inline_styles end alias_method_chain :mail, :inline_styles end end protected def mail_with_inline_styles(headers = {}, &block) if headers.has_key?(:css) @targets = headers[:css] else @targets = default_css_targets end if headers.has_key?(:after_inlining) @after_inlining_handler = headers[:after_inlining] else @after_inlining_handler = default_after_inlining || Roadie.after_inlining_handler end mail_without_inline_styles(headers, &block).tap do |email| email.header.fields.delete_if { |field| %w(css after_inlining).include?( } end end # Rails 4 def collect_responses_with_inline_styles(headers, &block) responses = collect_responses_without_inline_styles(headers, &block) if Roadie.enabled? { |response| inline_style_response(response) } else responses end end # Rails 3 def collect_responses_and_parts_order_with_inline_styles(headers, &block) responses, order = collect_responses_and_parts_order_without_inline_styles(headers, &block) if Roadie.enabled? [ { |response| inline_style_response(response) }, order] else [responses, order] end end private def default_css_targets self.class.default[:css] end def default_after_inlining self.class.default[:after_inlining] end def after_inlining_handler @after_inlining_handler end def inline_style_response(response) if response[:content_type] == 'text/html' response.merge :body => Roadie.inline_css(Roadie.current_provider, css_targets, response[:body], url_options, after_inlining_handler) else response end end def css_targets Array.wrap(@targets || []).map { |target| resolve_target(target) } end def resolve_target(target) if target.kind_of? Proc instance_exec(&target) elsif target.respond_to? :call else target end end end end