from selenium import selenium import time import sys from ConfigParser import ConfigParser MAX_TEST_LENGTH = 300 if len(sys.argv) > 2: filename = sys.argv[2] else: filename = "config.cfg" c = ConfigParser() targets = {} server = c.get('config', 'server') url= c.get('config', 'url') if c.has_option('config', 'timeout'): MAX_TEST_LENGTH = int(c.get('config', 'timeout')) sections = c.sections() for s in sections: if s == 'config': continue targets[s] = dict(c.items(s)) targets[s]['name'] = s if sys.argv[1] == "all": browsers = list(targets.values()) elif sys.argv[1] not in targets: print "Invalid target" sys.exit() else: browsers = [targets[sys.argv[1]]] keep_going = True if 1: for b in browsers: if not keep_going: continue print "Running %s on %s" % (b['name'], b['host']) s = selenium(b['host'], 4444, "*%s" % b['browsercmd'], server) s.start() try: s.open_window(url, "test_running") time.sleep(2) s.select_window("test_running") time.sleep(2) s.refresh() count = 0 while count == 0: count = int(s.get_eval("window.document.getElementById('testtable').getElementsByTagName('tr').length")) time.sleep(5) ok = 0 fail = 0 last_change = time.time() while True: new_ok = int(s.get_eval('window.Test.AnotherWay._g_ok_pages')) new_fail = int(s.get_eval('window.Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages')) if new_ok != ok or new_fail != fail: ok = new_ok fail = new_fail last_change = time.time() if (ok + fail) >= count: break if time.time() - last_change > MAX_TEST_LENGTH: raise Exception("Failed: with %s okay and %s failed, ran out of time: %s is more than %s" % (ok, fail, (time.time() - last_change), MAX_TEST_LENGTH)) time.sleep(10) if fail: print "Failed: %s" % fail html = s.get_eval("window.document.getElementById('results').innerHTML").encode("utf-8") all_html = """<html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" /> </head> <body>%s</body></html>""" % html f = open("fail.%s.%s.html" % (time.time(), b['name']), "w") f.write(all_html) f.close() except KeyboardInterrupt, E: keep_going = False print "Stopped by keyboard interrupt" except Exception, E: print "Error: ", E s.stop()