=begin Camaleon CMS is a content management system Copyright (C) 2015 by Owen Peredo Diaz Email: owenperedo@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License (GPLv3) for more details. =end class Admin::SessionsController < CamaleonController skip_before_filter :authenticate before_action :before_hook_session after_action :after_hook_session layout 'login' # you can pass return_to as a param (mysite.com/admin/login?return_to=my-url) and this will be used after user logged in def login if signin? redirect_to (params[:return_to].present? ? params[:return_to] : admin_dashboard_path) else @user = current_site.users.new end end def login_post data_user = params[:user] cipher = Gibberish::AES::CBC.new(get_session_id) data_user[:password] = cipher.decrypt(data_user[:password]) rescue nil @user = current_site.users.find_by_username(data_user[:username]) captcha_validate = captcha_verify_if_under_attack("login") r = {user: @user, params: params, password: data_user[:password], captcha_validate: captcha_validate}; hooks_run("user_before_login", r) if captcha_validate && @user && @user.authenticate(data_user[:password]) captcha_reset_attack("login") login_user(@user, params[:remember_me].present?) else captcha_increment_attack("login") if captcha_validate flash[:error] = t('admin.login.message.fail') else flash[:error] = "Invalid captcha" end @user = current_site.users.new(data_user) render 'admin/sessions/login' end end def logout logout_user end def forgot @user = current_site.users.new # get form reset password if params[:h] @user = current_site.users.where(password_reset_token: params[:h]).first if @user.nil? flash[:error] = t('admin.login.message.forgot_url_incorrect') redirect_to forgot_path return elsif @user.password_reset_sent_at < 2.hours.ago flash[:error] = t('admin.login.message.forgot_expired') redirect_to admin_login_path else # saved new password if params[:user].present? if @user.update(params[:user].permit(:password, :password_confirmation)) flash[:notice] = t('admin.login.message.reset_password_succes') redirect_to admin_login_path return else flash[:error] = t('admin.login.message.reset_password_error') end end @form_reset = true render "forgot" return end end # TODO: Move this out of the controller # send email reset password if params[:user].present? data_user = params[:user] @user = current_site.users.find_by_email(data_user[:email]) if @user.present? @user.send_password_reset reset_url = admin_forgot_url({h: @user.password_reset_token}) html = "
#{t('admin.login.message.hello')}, #{@user.fullname}
" sendmail(@user.email,t('admin.login.message.subject_email'), html) flash[:notice] = t('admin.login.message.send_mail_succes') redirect_to admin_login_path return else flash[:error] = t('admin.login.message.send_mail_error') @user = current_site.users.new(data_user) end end end def register @user ||= current_site.users.new if params[:user].present? params[:user][:role] = "client" user_data = params[:user] @user = current_site.users.new(user_data) r = {user: @user, params: params}; hooks_run("user_before_register", r) if captcha_verified? && @user.save @user.set_meta_from_form(params[:meta]) r = {user: @user, message: t('admin.users.message.created'), redirect_url: admin_login_path}; hooks_run("user_after_register", r) flash[:notice] = r[:message] redirect_to r[:redirect_url] else @first_name = params[:meta][:first_name] @last_name = params[:meta][:last_name] @user.errors[:captcha] = t('admin.users.message.error_captcha') render "register" end else render "register" end end private def before_hook_session I18n.locale = params[:locale] || current_site.get_languages.first hooks_run("session_before_load") end def after_hook_session hooks_run("session_after_load") end end