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Machinery — A Systems Management Toolkit for Linux


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Machinery is a systems management toolkit for Linux. It supports configuration discovery, system validation, and service migration. Machinery is based on the idea of an universal system description. Machinery has a set of commands which work with this system description. These commands can be combined to form work flows. Machinery is targeted at the system administrator of the data center.


Inspect a System and Show Results

Inspect Two Systems and Compare Them

Fully Inspect a System and Export a Kiwi Description

Fully Inspect a System and Export an AutoYaST Profile

Fully Inspect a System and Deploy a Replicate to the Cloud

How to upgrade a SLES 11 SP3 system to SLES 12


Machinery's core concept is the complete representation of a system by a universal system description. System descriptions are managed independently of the described systems which allows for system state conservation and offline preparation of modifications.

Machinery's subcommands work on the system description as the connecting element. System descriptions are obtained by inspecting systems, importing from other formats, manual creation or merging other descriptions. Machinery can store and modify system descriptions to allow changes to described state of the system. System descriptions can be compared to find similarities and differences between them or analyzed to deepen the knowledge about particular aspects of the system. System descriptions may be exported to other formats and can be used to migrate or replicate systems.

Subcommands can be combined in different ways to accomodate higher-level work flows and use cases. These are some implemented and planned use cases:

Migrate a physical system to a virtual environment:

Migrate a system while changing the configuration:

Using Machinery as an extension from other formats:

Machinery provides an extensible set of tools which can be combined to create higher-level work flows. It is designed for environments which focus on automation, integration of diverse tools and accountable management. Machinery integrates with existing configuration management solutions to address use cases currently not covered by them.

The machinery Command

Machinery is implemented as a command line tool named machinery. The machinery command has several subcommands for specific tasks. All subcommands work with the same system description identified by an optional name which can be used by all subcommands.


The system description is structured into "scopes". A scope covers a specific part of the configuration of the inspected system such as installed packages, repositories, or changed configuration files.

For example, if you are only interested in the installed packages, limit the scope to packages. This will output only the requested information.

The the scopes documentation for a list of all supported scopes.




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