require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'junoser/development' require 'nokogiri' require 'pathname' require 'rake/testtask' xsd_path = File.join(__dir__, 'tmp/junos-system-22.4.xsd') rule_path = File.join(__dir__, 'tmp/rule.rb') ruby_parser_path = File.join(__dir__, 'lib/junoser/parser.rb') js_parser_path = File.join(__dir__, 'tmp/junos.js') def open_files(input, output, &block) i = open(input) o = open(output, 'w') yield i, o i.close o.close end def move_wildcards(element) %w[ipaddr ipv6addr ipprefix].each do |pattern| element.xpath(%[.//xsd:element[@type="#{pattern}"]/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/flag[text()="nokeyword"]/../../..]).each do |wildcard| parent = wildcard.parent removed = wildcard.remove parent << removed end end end namespace :build do desc 'Build an intermediate config hierarchy' task :config do open_files(xsd_path, rule_path) do |input, output| Nokogiri::XML(input).root.remove_unused.xpath('/xsd:schema/*').each do |e| move_wildcards e # Move wildcard elements to the end of siblings as they capture keywords unexpectedly output.puts e.to_config end end end desc 'Build ruby parser' task :rule do open_files(rule_path, ruby_parser_path) do |input, output| output.puts end end desc 'Build javascript parser' task :jsrule do open_files(rule_path, js_parser_path) do |input, output| output.puts end end end task 'find-srx-methods' do vsrx ='vsrx.rb') vmx ='lib/junoser/parser.rb') vsrx.scan(/^ +([0-9a-z_]+) *$/).flatten.uniq.sort.each do |method| next if %w[arg end ipaddr time].include?(method) puts method unless vsrx =~ /rule\(:#{method}\)/m || vmx =~ /rule\(:#{method}\)/m end end namespace :rule do desc 'Show rule tree' task :tree, [:path] do |_, args| if args.path raise "File not found: #{args.path}" unless File.exist?(args.path) else$ end end end do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.verbose = true t.warning = false end desc 'Run tests' task default: :test