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Hrmmm, rather pointless. If no one is working these jobs or being paid how is it saving us any money. If future governments are also budget worried they probably wouldn't have filled these positions either. I think this is just a conservative attempt to trick stupid Canadians into believing that the government is actually doing something useful, when in fact they're not.
Hopefully now that our governments deficit is about a 100,000 grand "leaner" we'll be able to get down to business! What a joke, the worst part is the Liberals might even be more disorganized, not even one proposed ammendment to the budget! This puppet show is wearing us all down...but I guess thats politics.
That's what I like to see....phantom job cuts to get spending under control. How to go Doris, I mean Stockwell Day!
And you know what, the Conservatives will take credit for cutting these positions and tell Canadians they are being strict on departmental downsizing! What a joke! We need to make sure that we Canadians ask the Harporites not how many positions they have cut but how much money they have reduced spending by so they can't get phantom job elimination into the equation! After all it's supposed to be about slaying the deficit, right Doris! Harpo and the Conservatives do nothing but lie about what they accomplish. It's all about spin and mirrors and foot dragging and slight of hand (hey look over there) but nothing they do has any substance! Great leadership Harporites....or should I say Harpocrites! |
Start with the PMO
Here's hoping the Conservatives react to the deficit (which it must be said the Liberals and NDP forced them to create in fall 2008 during the coalition crisis)
-------------------------------------------------- And I suppose the Liberals and NDP wanted the GST lowered as well further reducing revenues. And Norma Petit ... I do remember that court case in Red Deer .. very well. Day is such an embarrassment. |
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