Given /^I setup my capture service$/ do mock.reset end When /^I make (\d+) posts$/ do |number| number.to_i.times.each do '/test_post', '{"reservation": "yes"}' end end Then /^the service has received (\d+) posts(?:s?)$/ do |number| expect(mock.request_log('/test_post').count).to eq number.to_i end When /^I do a (.*?) on "(.*?)"$/ do |method, endpoint| app.send method.downcase, endpoint, '{"payload": "2tons"}' end Then(/^the service has recieved a request on "(.*?)"$/) do |endpoint| expect(mock.request_log(endpoint).count).to be > 0 end When /^the headers for the request on "(.*?)" should contain:$/ do |endpoint, table| headers = mock.request_log(endpoint).first.headers table.rows_hash.each do |key, value| expect(headers[key]).to eq value end end