# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path('../lib/wukong-deploy/version', __FILE__) Gem::Specification.new do |gem| gem.name = 'wukong-deploy' gem.homepage = 'https://github.com/infochimps-labs/wukong-deploy' gem.licenses = ["Apache 2.0"] gem.email = 'coders@infochimps.com' gem.authors = ['Infochimps', 'Dhruv Bansal', 'Travis Dempsey'] gem.version = Wukong::Deploy::VERSION gem.summary = 'Defines the deploy pack framework used by the Infochimps Platform' gem.description = <<-EOF The Infochimps Platform is an end-to-end, managed solution for building Big Data applications. It integrates best-of-breed technologies like Hadoop, Storm, Kafka, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, HBase, &c. and provides simple interfaces for accessing these powerful tools. Computation, analytics, scripting, &c. are all handled by Wukong within the platform. Wukong is an abstract framework for defining computations on data. Wukong processors and flows can run in many different execution contexts including: * locally on the command-line for testing or development purposes * as a Hadoop mapper or reducer for batch analytics or ETL * within Storm as part of a real-time data flow The Infochimps Platform uses the concept of a deploy pack for developers to develop all their processors, flows, and jobs within. EOF gem.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") gem.executables = ['wu-deploy'] gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(/^spec/) gem.require_paths = ['lib'] gem.add_dependency('wukong', '3.0.0.pre3') gem.add_dependency('wukong-hadoop', '>= 0.0.2') gem.add_dependency('wonderdog', '>= 0.0.2') gem.add_dependency('erubis') gem.add_dependency('diffy') gem.add_dependency('rake', '~> 0.9') end