require 'rubygems' #require 'extensions/all' #require 'bio-samtools' #require 'bio/db/pileup' #require 'bio/db/vcf' require 'pathname' #require_relative 'BIOExtensions.rb' require 'bio' require 'bio-samtools' require "set" require 'systemu' require 'json' #require 'strmask' module Bio::BFRTools class BFRToolsException < StandardError; end class Container attr_reader :putative_snps, :processed_regions, :total_length, :parental_1_sam, :parental_2_sam, :bulk_1_sam, :bulk_2_sam attr_reader :parental_1_name, :parental_2_name, :bulk_1_name, :bulk_2_name, :reference_db BASES = [:A, :C, :G, :T] #Sets the reference file def reference(path) @reference_db ={:fasta=>path}) @reference_path = path end def reference_sequence(region) @reference_db.fetch_sequence(region) end #Sets the sorted BAM file of the first parental #It accepts the following arguments #:name=>A name for thie parental 1 (optional). If not provided, #:path=> def parental_1(opts) raise"Missing path for parental 1") if opts[:path] == nil path =[:path]) raise"Unable to open #{path}") unless path.readable? or @parental_1_name = opts[:name] ? opts[:name] : path.basename(".bam").to_s @parental_1_sam ={:fasta=>@reference_path, :bam=>path.realpath.to_s}) @parental_1_path = path end #Sets the sorted BAM file of the second parental def parental_2(opts) raise"Missing path for parental 2") if opts[:path] == nil path =[:path]) raise"Unable to open #{path}") unless path.readable? or @parental_2_name = @name = opts[:name] ? opts[:name] : path.basename(".bam").to_s @parental_2_sam ={:fasta=>@reference_path, :bam=>path.realpath.to_s}) @parental_2_path = path end #Sets the sorted BAM file of the first bulk def bulk_1(opts) raise"Missing path for bulk 1") if opts[:path] == nil path =[:path]) raise"Unable to open #{path}") unless path.readable? or @bulk_1_name = opts[:name] ? opts[:name] : path.basename(".bam").to_s @bulk_1_sam ={:fasta=>@reference_path, :bam=>path.realpath.to_s}) @bulk_1_path = path end #Sets the sorted BAM file of the second bulk def bulk_2(opts) raise"Missing path for bulk 2") if opts[:path] == nil path =[:path]) raise"Unable to open #{path}") unless path.readable? or @bulk_2_name = opts[:name] ? opts[:name] : path.basename(".bam").to_s @bulk_2_sam ={:fasta=>@reference_path, :bam=>path.realpath.to_s}) @bulk_2_path = path end def self.snps_between(seq1, seq2) snps=0 for i in (0..seq1.size) snps += 1 if seq1[i] != seq2[i] end snps end end class BFRLine attr_reader :original_base, :variation_base, :position, :bulk_1_ratio, :bulk_2_ratio, :bfr end class BFRRegion < Bio::DB::Fasta::Region BASES = [:A, :C, :G, :T] attr_reader :parental_1_sequence, :parental_2_sequence, :bulk_1_sequence, :bulk_2_sequence, :snp_count attr_reader :ratios_bulk_1, :ratios_bulk_2, :avg_cov_bulk_1, :avg_cov_bulk_2, :coverages_1, :coverages_2, :bases_bulk_1, :bases_bulk_2 def initialize(opts) opts = { :min_cov=>20, :max_snp_1kbp => 5 }.merge!(opts) reg = Bio::DB::Fasta::Region.parse_region(opts[:region]) self.entry = reg.entry self.start = reg.start self.end = reg.end @BFRs = nil opts[:region] = reg @container = opts[:container] parental_1_reg = @container.parental_1_sam.fetch_region(opts) parental_2_reg = @container.parental_2_sam.fetch_region(opts) bulk_1_reg = @container.bulk_1_sam.fetch_region(opts) bulk_2_reg = @container.bulk_2_sam.fetch_region(opts) @parental_1_sequence = parental_1_reg.consensus @parental_2_sequence = parental_2_reg.consensus @bulk_1_sequence = bulk_1_reg.consensus @bulk_2_sequence = bulk_2_reg.consensus @snp_count = Container.snps_between( @parental_1_sequence , @parental_2_sequence ) @ratios_bulk_1 = bulk_1_reg.base_ratios @ratios_bulk_2 = bulk_2_reg.base_ratios @bases_bulk_1 = bulk_1_reg.bases @bases_bulk_2 = bulk_2_reg.bases @avg_cov_bulk_1 = bulk_1_reg.average_coverage @avg_cov_bulk_2 = bulk_2_reg.average_coverage @coverages_1 = bulk_1_reg.coverages @coverages_2 = bulk_2_reg.coverages end def get_bfr_lines(opts = {}) opts = { :min_cov=>20, :max_snp_1kbp => 5 }.merge!(opts) p opts.inspect region = self line = info = for i in (0..region.size-1) if region.coverages_1[i] > opts[:min_cov] and region.coverages_2[i] > opts[:min_cov] BASES.each do |base| info.clear if Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_1_sequence[i], base.to_s ) and not Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_2_sequence[i], base.to_s ) info << :first end if Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_2_sequence[i], base.to_s ) and not Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_1_sequence[i], base.to_s ) info << :second end for informative in info l = region.get_bfr_line(i, base, informative) puts l << "\n" line << l << "\n" # output.print line , "\n" end end end end line end def snp_1kbp @snp_count.to_f * 1000 / self.size.to_f end def bfrs return @BFRs if @BFRs @BFRs = [:first, :second].each do | reference | @BFRs[reference] = BASES.each do |base| @BFRs[reference][base] = end end for i in (0..self.size-1) ratios_1 = @ratios_bulk_1[i] ratios_2 = @ratios_bulk_2[i] BASES.each do |base| if ratios_1[base] == 0 and ratios_2[base] == 0 bfr1 = 0 bfr2 = 0 elsif ratios_1[base] == 0 bfr1 = 0 bfr2 = Float::INFINITY elsif ratios_2[base] == 0 bfr1 = Float::INFINITY bfr2 = 0 #bfr = Float::INFINITY else bfr1 = ratios_1[base] / ratios_2[base] bfr2 = ratios_2[base] / ratios_1[base] end @BFRs[:first][base] << bfr1 @BFRs[:second][base] << bfr2 end end @BFRs end def get_bfr_line(position, base, reference) if(reference == :first) informative = @container.parental_1_name ref_base = @parental_2_sequence[position] elsif(reference == :second ) informative = @container.parental_2_name ref_base = @parental_1_sequence[position] else raise ("The reference for the line should be :first or :second, but was " + reference.to_s ) end relative_position = self.start + position bfr = bfrs[reference][base][position] cov_1 = @coverages_1[position] cov_2 = @coverages_2[position] ratios_1 = @ratios_bulk_1[position][base] ratios_2 = @ratios_bulk_2[position][base] base_1_count = @bases_bulk_1[position][base.to_sym] base_2_count = @bases_bulk_2[position][base.to_sym] #puts "bases_1 #{@bases_bulk_1[position].to_s}" #puts "bases_2 #{@bases_bulk_2[position].to_s}" line = line << @container.parental_1_name << "\t" << @container.parental_2_name << "\t" << @container.bulk_1_name << "\t" << @container.bulk_2_name << "\t" << self.entry << "\t" line << ref_base << "\t" << relative_position.to_s line << "\t" << base.to_s << "\t" line << bfr.round(2).to_s << "\t" line << cov_1.to_s << "\t" << cov_2.to_s << "\t" line << informative line << "\t" << ratios_1.round(2).to_s << "\t" << ratios_2.round(2).to_s line << "\t" << base_1_count.to_s << "\t" << base_2_count.to_s line end def to_multi_fasta fasta_string = fasta_string << ">"<< self.to_s << ":" << @container.parental_1_name << "\n" << @parental_1_sequence << "\n" fasta_string << ">"<< self.to_s << ":" << @container.parental_2_name << "\n" << @parental_2_sequence << "\n" fasta_string << ">"<< self.to_s << ":" << @container.bulk_1_name << "\n" << @bulk_1_sequence << "\n" fasta_string << ">"<< self.to_s << ":" << @container.bulk_2_name << "\n" << @bulk_2_sequence << "\n" fasta_string end def to_json (opts) # puts JSON.dump self # JSON.dump self #{}"{\"firstName\": \"John\"}" out = out << "{" out << "\"Parental_1\" : \"" << @container.parental_1_name << "\"\n" out << "\"Parental 2\" : \"" << @container.parental_2_name << "\"\n" out << "\"Bulk 1\" : \"" << @container.bulk_1_name << "\"\n" out << "\"Bulk 2\" : \"" << @container.bulk_2_name << "\"\n" out << "\"Positions\" : " << (1..self.size).to_a.to_json << "\n" #TODO: Make this for any subsection, so we can subquery in case we are working on something bigger out << "\"Parental_1_consensus\":" << @parental_1_sequence .split(//).to_json << "\n" out << "\"Parental_2_consensus\":" << @parental_2_sequence .split(//).to_json << "\n" out << "\"Bulk_1_consensus\":" << @bulk_1_sequence .split(//).to_json << "\n" out << "\"Bulk_1_coverage\":" << @coverages_1.to_json << "\n" # puts BASES BASES.each do |base| out << "\"Bases_Bulk_1" << base.to_s << "\":" << base_count_for_base(base, @bases_bulk_1).join(",") << "\n" out << "\"Ratios_Bulk_1" << base.to_s << "\":" << base_ratios_for_base(base, @ratios_bulk_1).join(",") << "\n" end out << "\"Bulk_2_consensus\":" << @bulk_2_sequence .split(//).join(",") << "\n" out << "\"Bulk_2_coverage\":" << @coverages_2.join(",") << "\n" BASES.each do |base| out << "\"Bases_Bulk_2"<< base.to_s << "\":" << base_count_for_base(base, @bases_bulk_2).join(",") << "\n" out << "\"Ratios_Bulk_2" << base.to_s << "\":" << base_ratios_for_base(base, @ratios_bulk_2).join(",") << "\n" end BASES.each do |base| out << "\"BFR" << base.to_s << "\":" << bfrs[:first][base].join(",") << "\n" end # << "\t" << @container.bulk_2_name << "\t" << self.entry << "\t" out << "}" out end def to_csv out = out << "Parental 1," << @container.parental_1_name << "\n" out << "Parental 2," << @container.parental_2_name << "\n" out << "Bulk 1, " << @container.bulk_1_name << "\n" out << "Bulk 2," << @container.bulk_2_name << "\n" out << "Positions," << (1..self.size).to_a.join(",") << "\n" out << "Parental 1 consensus," << @parental_1_sequence .split(//).join(",") << "\n" out << "Parental 2 consensus," << @parental_2_sequence .split(//).join(",") << "\n" out << "Bulk 1 consensus," << @bulk_1_sequence .split(//).join(",") << "\n" out << "Bulk 1 coverage," << @coverages_1.join(",") << "\n" # puts BASES BASES.each do |base| out << "Bases Bulk 1"<< base.to_s << "," << base_count_for_base(base, @bases_bulk_1).join(",") << "\n" out << "Ratios Bulk 1 " << base.to_s << "," << base_ratios_for_base(base, @ratios_bulk_1).join(",") << "\n" end out << "Bulk 2 consensus," << @bulk_2_sequence .split(//).join(",") << "\n" out << "Bulk 2 coverage," << @coverages_2.join(",") << "\n" BASES.each do |base| out << "Bases Bulk 2 "<< base.to_s << "," << base_count_for_base(base, @bases_bulk_2).join(",") << "\n" out << "Ratios Bulk 2 " << base.to_s << "," << base_ratios_for_base(base, @ratios_bulk_2).join(",") << "\n" end BASES.each do |base| out << "BFRs" << base.to_s << "," << bfrs[:first][base].join(",") << "\n" end # << "\t" << @container.bulk_2_name << "\t" << self.entry << "\t" out end def base_ratios_for_base(base, ratios_matrix) ratios = for i in (0..ratios_matrix.size-1) ratios << ratios_matrix[i][base] end ratios end def base_count_for_base(base, base_matrix) bases = for i in (0..base_matrix.size-1) bases << base_matrix[i][base] end bases end end class BFRContainer < Container def init_counters @putative_snps = 0 @proccesed_regions = 0 @not_enogh_coverage = 0 @total_avg_coverage_bulk_1 = 0.0 @total_avg_coverage_bulk_2 = 0.0 @total_snp_1kbp = 0.0 @no_snps = 0 @too_many_snps = 0 end def print_header(opts={}) output = opts[:output_file_stats] ? opts[:output_file_stats] : $stderr output.print "#bulk_1\tbulk_2\tProcessed_regions\tputative_snps\tno_snps\ttoo_many_snps\tno_enough_coverage\tavg_cov_bulk_1\tavg_cov_bulk_2\tavg_snp_1kbp\n" end def print_stats(opts={}) output = opts[:output_file_stats] ? opts[:output_file_stats] : $stderr output.print @bulk_1_name, "\t", @bulk_2_name, "\t" output.print @proccesed_regions, "\t", @putative_snps, "\t", @no_snps, "\t", @too_many_snps,"\t", @not_enogh_coverage, "\t" output.print @total_avg_coverage_bulk_1/@proccesed_regions, "\t",@total_avg_coverage_bulk_2/@proccesed_regions, "\t" output.print @total_snp_1kbp / @proccesed_regions,"\n" end def get_region(opts={}) opts[:container] = self region = end def process_region(opts={}) opts = { :min_cov=>20, :max_snp_1kbp => 10, :max_per=>0.20 }.merge!(opts) @proccesed_regions += 1 output = opts[:output_file] ? opts[:output_file] : $stdout print_output = opts[:output_file] ? true : false opts[:container] = self region = #puts region.to_multi_fasta @total_snp_1kbp += region.snp_1kbp # puts "SNPS: #{region.snp_1kbp}" if region.snp_count == 0 @no_snps += 1 print_output = false end if region.snp_1kbp > opts[:max_snp_1kbp] @too_many_snps += 1 print_output = false end @total_avg_coverage_bulk_2 += region.avg_cov_bulk_2 @total_avg_coverage_bulk_1 += region.avg_cov_bulk_1 if region.avg_cov_bulk_2 < opts[:min_cov] or region.avg_cov_bulk_1 < opts[:min_cov] @not_enogh_coverage += 1 print_output = false end info = if print_output for i in (0..region.size-1) if region.coverages_1[i] > opts[:min_cov] and region.coverages_2[i] > opts[:min_cov] BASES.each do |base| info.clear if Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_1_sequence[i], base.to_s ) and not Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_2_sequence[i], base.to_s ) info << :first end if Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_2_sequence[i], base.to_s ) and not Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid( region.parental_1_sequence[i], base.to_s ) info << :second end for informative in info line = region.get_bfr_line(i, base, informative) output.print line , "\n" end end end end end @parental_1_sam.mpileup_clear_cache region @parental_2_sam.mpileup_clear_cache region @bulk_2_sam.mpileup_clear_cache region @bulk_1_sam.mpileup_clear_cache region return region end end end