namespace :grails do namespace :db do desc "Generates a database.yml file from the Grails DataSource.groovy file." task :make_yml do grails_db_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "grails-app", "conf", "DataSource.groovy") yaml_file_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "db", "config", "database.yml") # abort "\nThe Grails #{grails_db_name} file does not exist.\n\n" unless File.exists?( grails_db_name ) # abort "\nThe #{yaml_file_name} already exists. Please remove it if you wish to generate a new one.\n\n" if File.exists?( yaml_file_name ) # # found_ds = false # # grails_db_name ) do |file| # while line = file.gets # # if line =~ /dataSource {/ # found_ds # elsif found_ds && line =~ /driverClassName/ # if line =~ /mysql/ # provider = "mysql" # end # end # # end # end provider = "mysql" db = { 'development' => { 'database' => "ticket_system_development", 'username' => "ticket_system", 'password' => "iberon", 'adapter' => provider, 'host' => "localhost", 'socket' => "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", 'encoding' => "UTF8" }, 'test' => { 'database' => "ticket_system_test", 'username' => "ticket_system", 'password' => "iberon", 'adapter' => provider, 'host' => "localhost", 'socket' => "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", 'encoding' => "UTF8" }, 'production' => { 'database' => "ticket_system_production", 'username' => "ticket_system", 'password' => "iberon", 'adapter' => provider, 'host' => "localhost", 'socket' => "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", 'encoding' => "UTF8" } } content = YAML::dump( db ) #indentation = content[/\A\s*/] #content.strip.gsub(/^#{indentation}/, "") dashes = /--- \n/ content.gsub!( dashes, "" ) yaml_file_name, "w" ) { |f| f.write( content ) } end namespace :gen do desc "Generates a new Grails create table migration using the TABLE variable specified by the user to create the name of the migration." task :create do table = ENV['TABLE'] abort "\n[abort] You must supply a name for you new migration class with the TABLE variable. Usage 'TABLE=users'.\n\n" if table.nil? name = "create_#{table.downcase}" migration_dir = File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), "..", "db", "migrate" ) # Check for files with the same name part (without timestamp considered) files = migration_dir ).entries files.each do |f| unless f ) abort "\n[abort] The name '#{name}' is already used in the migration '#{f}'. Please choose another name.\n\n" if f.include?( name ) end end timestamp = :number ) mig_file_name = "#{timestamp}_#{name}.rb" mig_file_path = File.join( migration_dir, mig_file_name ) content = <<-FILE class #{name.camelize} < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :#{table} do |t| t.integer :version, :default => 0 t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :#{table} end end FILE puts "\n[add] Creating file #{mig_file_path}\n\n" mig_file_path, "w" ) { |f| f.write( content ) } end end end end