require 'spec_helper' describe MB::Bootstrap::Template do context "ClassMethods" do describe "#find" do let(:name_or_path) { "foo" } subject { described_class.find(name_or_path) } context "with installed template" do before do File.should_receive(:exists?). with(MB::FileSystem.templates.join("#{name_or_path}.erb").to_s). and_return(true) end it "should be the path to the installed template" do expect(subject).to eq(MB::FileSystem.templates.join("foo.erb").to_s) end end context "with no installed template" do before do File.should_receive(:exists?). with(MB::FileSystem.templates.join("#{name_or_path}.erb").to_s). and_return(false) end context "with an existing path" do let(:name_or_path) { "/some/path/bar.erb" } before do File.should_receive(:exists?). with(name_or_path).and_return(true) end it "should be the passed in path" do expect(subject).to eq(name_or_path) end end context "with a non-existant path" do let(:name_or_path) { "/some/path/baz.erb" } before do File.should_receive(:exists?). with(name_or_path).and_return(false) end it "should raise" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(MB::BootstrapTemplateNotFound) end end end context "with no name or path" do let(:name_or_path) { nil } context "with a default in config" do before do MB::Application.config.bootstrap.default_template = "quux" File.should_receive(:exists?). with(MB::FileSystem.templates.join("quux.erb").to_s). and_return(true) end it "should get the default" do expect(subject).to eq(MB::FileSystem.templates.join("quux.erb").to_s) end end end end describe "#install" do subject { described_class } it "should install a file" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/path/to/file.erb").and_return(true) FileUtils.should_receive(:copy). with("/path/to/file.erb",MB::FileSystem.templates.join("file.erb").to_s) subject.install("file", "/path/to/file.erb") end it "should install from a URL" do faraday = do |builder| builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get('/gist') {[ 200, {}, 'example' ]} end end Faraday.should_receive(:new).and_return(faraday) subject.install("fromurl", "") end it "should error when file doesn't exist" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/path/to/badfile.erb").and_return(false) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:copy) expect { subject.install("file", "/path/to/badfile.erb") }.to raise_error(MB::BootstrapTemplateNotFound) end end end end