do # Github URL where you will post your scaffold - the specified folder must contain this file base_url '' # The name of your new scaffold: should be a single word name '<%= singular_name %>' # Metadata about this scaffold - these values are only used for display on metadata do # A short paragraph describing what this scaffold does description 'The <%= singular_name %> scaffold.' # 4x3 aspect ratio screen shot screenshot '<%= singular_name %>_screenshot.png' # Tag(s) to help users find your scaffold tag 'jquery' tag 'autocomplete' # Optionally specify an example of a scaffold parameter parameter_example 'FIELD_NAME' # Optionally post a link to an article you write explaining how the scaffold works. blog_post '' end # Define a model template - this ERB file will be used to generate a new # model class with this path & filename: app/models/NAME.rb model 'templates/model.rb' # Define an ActiveRecord migration template - this ERB file will be used to generate a new # migration class with this path & filename: db/migrate/TIMESTAMP_create_PLURAL_NAME.rb migration 'templates/migration.rb' # Define a controller template - this ERB file will be used to generate a new # controller class with this path & filename: app/controllers/PLURAL_NAME.rb controller 'templates/controller.rb' # You can use "with_options" to specify the same source folder for a series of templates: # You can also specify the same destination folder using the :dest option, # or just use the :src and :dest options on each keyword. with_options :src => 'templates' do view '_form.html.erb' view 'new.html.erb' view 'edit.html.erb' view 'index.html.erb' view 'show.html.erb' end # Other keywords available are: # Define any other generic template - this ERB file will be used to generate # a new file - the dest option is required to indicate where to put the new file # template 'xyz.html.erb', :dest => 'path/to/xyz.html' # Copy any file without running an ERB transformation # file 'xyz.html', :dest => 'path/to/xyz.html' # Add a gem to the Gemfile # gem 'some_gem', '1.0' # gem "some_other_gem", :group => :test, :git => "git://" end