o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1349880622.518215: @value" {I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;F"jquery.clippy.jsI" pathname;F"[/Users/tcmacdonald/Sites/ample/ample_assets/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.clippy.jsI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2012-08-06T11:17:33-04:00;FI" length;FiìI" digest;F"%072027771e4df940ed1f8111625a07a1I" source;FI"ì/*! clippy-jquery: (c) 2011-2012; MIT License, see README.md for full license information and acknowledgements */ (function($) { var _opts = { // default options 'width': 14, 'height': 14, 'clippy_path': 'clippy.swf', 'keep_text': false, 'force_load' : false, 'flashvars' : {} }; $.fn.clippy = function(opts) { opts = $.extend(_opts, opts); var hasFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if (fo) { hasFlash = true; } } catch(e) { if (navigator.mimeTypes ["application/x-shockwave-flash"] != undefined) { hasFlash = true; } } // if browser has Flash support or manual override set... if (hasFlash || opts.force_load) { // for every element matched... $.each($(this), function(idx, val) { var text = ""; if (typeof opts.text != "undefined") { text = opts.text; } else if ($(val).data('text') && $.trim($(val).data('text')) != '') { text = $(val).data('text'); } else { text = $.trim($(val).text()); } // text should be URI-encoded, per https://github.com/mojombo/clippy/pull/9 text = encodeURIComponent(text); var id = ""; if (typeof $(val).attr('id') === "undefined" || $.trim($(val).attr('id')) === "") { var id_suffix = Math.round(Math.random() * 10240).toString(16); id = 'clippy-' + id_suffix; $(val).attr('id', id); } else { id = $(val).attr('id'); } if (!opts.keep_text) { $(val).html(''); } var flashvars = $.extend({}, opts.flashvars, {text: text}); swfobject.embedSWF(opts.clippy_path, id, opts.width, opts.height, '10', false, flashvars, {scale: "noscale"}); }); } else { // hide all the clippies so unwanted text is not displayed when Flash is not supported $.each(this, function(idx, val) { $(val).css({'display': 'none'}); }); } }; })(jQuery); ;FI"dependency_digest;F"%fb8b06be13e90a0ba05785e7c039fd1cI"required_paths;F["[/Users/tcmacdonald/Sites/ample/ample_assets/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.clippy.jsI"dependency_paths;F[{I" path;F"[/Users/tcmacdonald/Sites/ample/ample_assets/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.clippy.jsI" mtime;FI"2012-08-06T11:17:33-04:00;FI" digest;F"%21dec8fe568380b2784ef76ac375a2deI" _version;F"%979b712d447c42bc88f489bb52e370d7