class FramePage include Druid in_frame(:id => "frame_two_2") do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_id, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:name => "frame2") do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_name, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:index => 1) do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_index, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:id => "frame_one_1") do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_id, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:name => "frame1") do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_name, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:index => 0) do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_index, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_frame(:id => /frame_two_\d+/) do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_regex, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end end class IFramePage include Druid in_iframe(:id => 'frame_two_2') do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_id, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:id => 'frame_one_1') do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_id, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:name => 'frame2') do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_name, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:name => 'frame1') do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_name, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:index => 1) do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_index, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:index => 0) do |frame| text_field(:text_field_1_index, :name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame) end in_iframe(:class => 'iframe', :name => 'frame2') do |frame| text_field(:text_field_2_multiple_identifiers, :name => 'recieverElement', :frame => frame) end end class FrameSectionPageSection include Druid paragraph :p_in_section in_iframe(id: 'three') do |frame| link :success, id: 'four', frame: frame end end class FrameSectionPage include Druid in_frame(id: 'two') do |frame| page_section :frame_section, FrameSectionPageSection, tag_name: 'body', frame: frame paragraph :p_on_page, frame: frame end end Given(/^I am on the frame section page$/) do @page = @page.navigate_to(UrlHelper.nested_frame_elements) end Then(/^I should be able to access an element in the frame in the section repeatedly$/) do expect(@page.p_on_page_element).to be_visible expect(@page.frame_section.p_in_section_element).to be_visible expect(@page.frame_section.success_element).to be_visible expect(@page.frame_section.success_element.text).to eq "this link should open the page success page" @page.frame_section.success expect(@page.text.strip).to eq 'Success' end Given(/^I am on the frame elements page$/) do @page = @page.navigate_to(UrlHelper.frame_elements) end When(/^I type "(.*?)" into the text field for frame 2 using "(.*?)"$/) do |text, arg_type| @page.send "text_field_2_#{arg_type.gsub(' ','_')}=".to_sym, text end Then(/^I should verify "(.*?)" is in the text field for frame 2 using "(.*?)"$/) do |text, arg_type| result = @page.send "text_field_2_#{arg_type.gsub(' ','_')}".to_sym expect(result).to eql text end When(/^I type "(.*?)" into the text field from frame 1 using "(.*?)"$/) do |text, arg_type| @page.send "text_field_1_#{arg_type}=".to_sym, text end Then(/^I should verify "(.*?)" is in the text field for frame 1 using "(.*?)"$/) do |text, arg_type| result = @page.send "text_field_1_#{arg_type}".to_sym expect(result).to eql text end Given(/^I am on the iframe elements page$/) do @page = @page.navigate_to(UrlHelper.iframe_elements) end class NestedFramePage include Druid in_frame(:id => 'two') do |frame| in_iframe({:id => 'three'}, frame) do |nested_frame| link(:nested_link, :id => 'four', :frame => nested_frame) end end end Given(/^I am on the nested frame elements page$/) do @page = @page.navigate_to(UrlHelper.nested_frame_elements) end Then(/^I should be able to click the link in the frame$/) do @page.nested_link expect(@page.text).to include 'Success' end When(/^I type "([^"]*)" into the text field from frame 1 identified dynamically$/) do |value| @page.in_frame(:id => 'frame_one_1') do |frame| @page.text_field_element(:name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame).value = value end end Then(/^I should verify "([^"]*)" in the text field for frame 1 identified dynamically$/) do |value| @page.in_frame(:id => 'frame_one_1') do |frame| expect(@page.text_field_element(:name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame).value).to eql value end end When(/^I trigger an alert within a frame$/) do @page.in_frame(:id => 'frame_three_3') do |frame| @msg = @page.alert do @page.button_element(:id => 'alert_button', :frame => frame).click end end end When(/^I trigger an confirm within a frame$/) do @page.in_frame(:id => 'frame_three_3') do |frame| @msg = @page.confirm(true) do @page.button_element(:id => 'confirm_button', :frame => frame).click end end end When(/^I trigger an prompt within a frame$/) do @page.in_frame(:id => 'frame_three_3') do |frame| @msg = @page.prompt("Tim") do @page.button_element(:id => 'prompt_button', :frame => frame).click end end end When(/^I type "([^"]*)" into the text field from iframe 1 identified dynamically$/) do |value| @page.in_iframe(:id => 'frame_one_1') do |frame| @page.text_field_element(:name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame).value = value end end Then(/^I should verify "([^"]*)" in the text field for iframe 1 identified dynamically$/) do |value| @page.in_iframe(:id => 'frame_one_1') do |frame| expect(@page.text_field_element(:name => 'senderElement', :frame => frame).value).to eql value end end