require "date" require "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ec2/ec2_response_object" begin require 'EC2' class String def convert_from_ec2_to_ip self.gsub(/*/, '').gsub(/ec2-/, '').gsub(/-/, '.') end def parse_datetime DateTime.parse( self.chomp ) rescue self end end module PoolParty module Ec2 include PoolParty::Remote::RemoterBase def launch_new_instance!(num=1) instance = ec2.run_instances( :image_id => (ami || Base.ami), :user_data => "", :minCount => 1, :maxCount => num, :key_name => (keypair || Base.keypair), :availability_zone => nil, :instance_type => "#{size || Base.size}", :group_id => ["#{security_group || Base.security_group}"]) begin h = EC2ResponseObject.get_hash_from_response(instance) #h = instance.instancesSet.item.first rescue Exception => e h = instance end h end # Terminate an instance by id def terminate_instance!(instance_id=nil) ec2.terminate_instances(:instance_id => instance_id) end # Describe an instance's status def describe_instance(id=nil) {|a| a[:name] == id}[0] rescue nil end def describe_instances id = 0 get_instances_description.each_with_index do |h,i| if h[:status] == "running" inst_name = id == 0 ? "master" : "node#{id}" id += 1 else inst_name = "#{h[:status]}_node#{i}" end h.merge!({ :name => inst_name, :hostname => h[:ip], :ip => h[:ip].convert_from_ec2_to_ip, :index => i, :launching_time => (h[:launching_time]) }) end.sort {|a,b| a[:index] <=> b[:index] } end # Get the s3 description for the response in a hash format def get_instances_description EC2ResponseObject.get_descriptions(ec2.describe_instances) end def after_launch_master(instance=nil) begin when_no_pending_instances do if instance ec2.associate_address(:instance_id => instance.instanceId, :public_ip => set_master_ip_to) if set_master_ip_to ec2.attach_volume(:volume_id => ebs_volume_id, :instance_id => instance.instanceId, :device => ebs_volume_device) if ebs_volume_id && ebs_volume_mount_point end end rescue Exception => e end reset_remoter_base! when_all_assigned_ips {wait "2.seconds"} end # Help create a keypair for the cloud # This is a helper to create the keypair and add them to the cloud for you def create_keypair return false unless keypair unless ::File.exists?( new_keypair_path ) FileUtils.mkdir_p ::File.dirname( new_keypair_path ) vputs "Creating keypair: #{keypair} in #{new_keypair_path}" Kernel.system "ec2-add-keypair #{keypair} > #{new_keypair_path} && chmod 600 #{new_keypair_path}" end end # wrapper for remote base to perform a snapshot backup for the ebs volume def create_snapshot return nil if ebs_volume_id.nil? ec2.create_snapshot(:volume_id => ebs_volume_id) end # EC2 connections def ec2 @ec2 ||= :access_key_id => (access_key || Base.access_key), :secret_access_key => (secret_access_key || Base.secret_access_key) ) end # Callback def custom_install_tasks_for(o) [ "# ec2 installation tasks", "# Set hostname", # "if [ -z $(grep -v '#' /etc/hosts | grep '#{}') ]; then echo \"$(curl #{}\" >> /etc/hosts; fi", "if [ -z \"$(grep -v '#' /etc/hosts | grep '#{}')\" ]; then echo ' #{}' >> /etc/hosts; fi", "hostname #{}", "echo #{} > /etc/hostname", "cd /var/poolparty && wget -O amazon-ec2.gem 2>&1 && gem install -y --no-ri --no-rdoc amazon-ec2.gem 2>&1" ] end def custom_configure_tasks_for(o) [ "# ec2 configuration" ] end def reset_base! @describe_instances = @cached_descriptions = nil end end register_remote_base :Ec2 end rescue LoadError puts <<-EOM Error: In order to use ec2, you need to install the amazon-ec2 gem Ec2 is the default remoter base for PoolParty. If you intend on using a different remoter base, specify it with: using :remoter_name in your config file, otherwise, to continue install amazon-ec2 with gem install amazon-ec2 EOM end