# NOTE: If the listbox is empty, that could mean that you have not generated # ri documentation for this version of ruby. You can do so by doing: # rvm docs generate-ri # or # rvm docs generate # (This assumes you are using rvm) # # WARNING : IF THIS PROGRAM HANGS check the ri command # Maybe your version of ri has different options and is going interactive. # ruby 1.9.3's ri requires a -l option or else if becomes interactive. # this program tests out a listbox # This is written in the old style where we start and end ncurses and initiate a # getch loop. It gives more control. # The new style is to use App which does the ncurses setup and teardown, as well # as manages keys. It also takes care of logger and includes major stuff. require 'logger' require 'rbcurse' require 'rbcurse/core/widgets/rlist' require 'rbcurse/core/widgets/rtextview' require 'rbcurse/core/include/vieditable' #require 'rbcurse/experimental/widgets/undomanager' class RubyCurses::List # vieditable includes listeditable which # does bring in some functions which can crash program like x and X TODO # also, f overrides list f mapping. TODO include ViEditable end def my_help_text <<-eos ========================================================================= Basic Usage Press on a class name on the first list, to view ri information for it on the right. Tab to right area, and press on a method name, to see its details Press / in any box to search. e.g /String will take you to the first occurrence of String. will take you to next. To go quickly to first class starting with 'S', type followed by . Then press to go to next match. ========================================================================= Vim Edit Keys The list on left has some extra vim keys enabled such as : yy - yank/copy current line/s P, p - paste after or before dd - delete current line o - insert a line after this one C - change content of current line These are not of use here, but are demonstrative of list capabilities. ========================================================================= Buffers Ordinary a textview contains only one buffer. However, the one on the right is extended for multiple buffers. Pressing ENTER on the left on several rows opens multiple buffers on the right. Use M-n (Alt-N) and M-p to navigate. ALternatively, : maps to a menu, so :n and :p may also be used. will also go to previous buffer, like a browser. ========================================================================= Press for next help screen, or try :n eos end if $0 == __FILE__ include RubyCurses begin # Initialize curses VER::start_ncurses # this is initializing colors via ColorMap.setup $log = Logger.new((File.join(ENV["LOGDIR"] || "./" ,"rbc13.log"))) $log.level = Logger::DEBUG @window = VER::Window.root_window $catch_alt_digits = true; # emacs like alt-1..9 numeric arguments install_help_text my_help_text # Initialize few color pairs # Create the window to be associated with the form # Un post form and free the memory catch(:close) do @form = Form.new @window @form.bind_key(KEY_F1, 'help'){ display_app_help } # this is the old style of printing something directly on the window. # The new style is to use a header @form.window.printstring 0, 30, "Demo of Listbox - some vim keys", $normalcolor, BOLD r = 1; fc = 1; # this is the old style of using a label at the screen bottom, you can use the status_line v = "F10 quits. F1 Help. Try j k gg G o O C dd f w yy p P / . Press ENTER on Class or Method" var = RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => v, "row" => FFI::NCurses.LINES-2, "col" => fc, "display_length" => 100} h = FFI::NCurses.LINES-3 file = "./data/ports.txt" #mylist = File.open(file,'r').readlines mylist = `ri -l `.split("\n") w = 25 #0.upto(100) { |v| mylist << "#{v} scrollable data" } # listb = List.new @form, :name => "mylist" , :row => r , :col => 1 , :width => w, :height => h, :list => mylist, :selection_mode => :SINGLE, :show_selector => true, #row_selected_symbol "[X] " #row_unselected_symbol "[ ] " :title => " Ruby Classes " #title_attrib 'reverse' listb.one_key_selection = false # this allows us to map keys to methods listb.vieditable_init_listbox include Io listb.bind_key(?r, 'get file'){ get_file("Get a file:") } listb.bind(:PRESS) { w = @form.by_name["tv"]; lines = `ri -f bs #{listb.text}`.split("\n") #w.set_content(lines, :ansi) w.add_content(lines, :content_type => :ansi, :title => listb.text) w.buffer_last #w.title = listb.text } tv = RubyCurses::TextView.new @form, :row => r, :col => w+1, :height => h, :width => FFI::NCurses.COLS-w-1, :name => "tv", :title => "Press Enter on method" tv.set_content ["Press Enter on list to view ri information in this area.", "Press ENTER on method name to see details"] require 'rbcurse/core/include/multibuffer' tv.extend(RubyCurses::MultiBuffers) # pressing ENTER on a method name will popup details for that method tv.bind(:PRESS) { |ev| w = ev.word_under_cursor.strip # check that user did not hit enter on empty area if w != "" _text = `ri -f bs #{tv.title}.#{w} 2>&1` _text = _text.split("\n") if _text && _text.size != 0 view(_text, :content_type => :ansi) end end } @form.repaint @window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels while((ch = @window.getchar()) != KEY_F10 ) @form.handle_key(ch) @window.wrefresh end end rescue => ex $log.debug( ex) if ex $log.debug(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex ensure @window.destroy if !@window.nil? VER::stop_ncurses p ex if ex p(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex end end