require 'rails' module Metasploit module Credential # Rails engine for Metasploit::Credential. Will automatically be used if `Rails` is defined when # 'metasploit/credential' is required, as should be the case in any normal Rails application Gemfile where # gem 'rails' is the first gem in the Gemfile. class Engine < Rails::Engine # @see config.generators do |g| g.assets false g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories' g.helper false g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false end config.paths.add 'app/concerns', autoload: true config.paths.add 'lib', autoload: true initializer 'metasploit_credential.prepend_factory_path', # factory paths from the final Rails.application after: 'factory_girl.set_factory_paths', # before metasploit_data_models because it prepends before: 'metasploit_data_models.prepend_factory_path' do if defined? FactoryGirl relative_definition_file_path = config.generators.options[:factory_girl][:dir] definition_file_path = root.join(relative_definition_file_path) # unshift so that projects that use metasploit-credential can modify metasploit_credential_* factories FactoryGirl.definition_file_paths.unshift definition_file_path end end end end end