require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' module Humdrum module Generators class ResourceGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration def self.next_migration_number(path) @migration_number ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i.to_s end source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) desc "Generates a controller, view and route entries for CRUD operations of a resource" argument :resource_name, :type=>:string argument :fields, :type=>:hash, :banner =>"Resource Fields." class_option :fluid, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Pass true to create fluid layouts" class_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "This will print the arguments for debugging" class_option :front_end_framework, :type => :string, :default => 'gumby', :desc => "Support Twitter Bootstrap ( and Gumpy ( Default is bootstrap. Pass gumby for Gumby Framework" def debug_args print_args if options.debug? end def generate_controllers template "controllers/resource_controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{controller_path}_controller.rb" end def generate_views template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_edit.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_edit.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_filters.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_filters.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_form.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_form.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_index.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_index.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_item.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_item.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_nav_filters.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_nav_filters.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_new.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_new.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_show.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_show.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/_summary.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_summary.html.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/create.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/create.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/destroy.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/destroy.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/edit.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/edit.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/index.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/index.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/new.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/new.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/show.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/show.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/update.js.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/update.js.erb" template "views/#{options.front_end_framework}/resource/index.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/index.html.erb" end def generate_models template "models/resource.rb", "app/models/#{model_path}.rb" end def generate_javascript_validations template "javascripts/validations/validator.js", "app/assets/javascripts/validations/#{model_path}.js" end def generate_migrations migration_template "migrations/create_resources.rb", "db/migrate/create_#{instances_name}" end def generate_routes words = name_phrases resource = words.pop route words.reverse.inject("resources :#{resource.pluralize}") { |acc, phrase| "namespace(:#{phrase}){ #{acc} }" } end def generate_locales template "config/locales/humdrum.en.yml", "config/locales/humdrum.en.yml" end private def print_args puts ":fields: #{fields}" puts ":form_link_param: #{form_link_param}" puts "name_phrases: #{name_phrases}" puts "controller_path: #{controller_path}" puts "controller_class: #{controller_class}" puts "model_path: #{model_path}" puts "model_class: #{model_class}" puts "instance_name: #{instance_name}" puts "instances_name: #{instances_name}" puts "table_name: #{table_name}" puts "index path: #{resource_link}" puts "show path: #{resource_link('show')}" puts "new path: #{resource_link('new')}" puts "edit path: #{resource_link('edit')}" puts "create path: #{resource_link('create')}" puts "update path: #{resource_link('update')}" puts "destroy path: #{resource_link('destroy')}" puts "index url: #{resource_link('index','url')}" puts "show url: #{resource_link('show','url')}" puts "new url: #{resource_link('new','url')}" puts "edit url: #{resource_link('edit','url')}" puts "create url: #{resource_link('create','url')}" puts "update url: #{resource_link('update','url')}" puts "destroy url: #{resource_link('destroy','url')}" end def name_phrases if resource_name.include?('::') resource_name.split("::") elsif resource_name.include?('/') resource_name.split("/") else [resource_name] end end def controller_path words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? words.collect(&:downcase).join("/") + "/#{resource.pluralize}" else "#{resource.pluralize}" end end def controller_class words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? words.collect(&:camelize).join("::") + "::#{resource.camelize.pluralize}Controller" else "#{resource.camelize.pluralize}Controller" end end def model_path name_phrases.last.downcase end def model_class name_phrases.last.camelize end def instance_name name_phrases.last.underscore end def instances_name instance_name.pluralize end def table_name instances_name end def resource_link(actn='index', ltype='path') map = { 'index' => '', 'show' => '', 'edit' => 'edit_', 'new' => 'new_', 'update' => '', 'create' => '', 'destroy' => '', } words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if actn == "index" map[actn] + (words.any? ? words.join("_" + "_") : "") + resource.pluralize + "_" + ltype else map[actn] + (words.any? ? words.join("_") + "_" : "") + resource + "_" + ltype end end def form_link_param words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? # to print like this [:admin, :user, :location, @chakka] # in form.html.erb "[" + ({|x| ":" + x.downcase} << "@" + resource.downcase).join(", ") + "]" else "@#{resource.downcase}" end end def input_type(name, type) if name.include?("email") && type == "string" return "email" elsif name.include?("password") && type == "string" return "password" elsif (name.include?("phone") || name.include?("mobile")) && type == "string" return "tel" else case type when "string" "text" when "text" "textarea" when "integer" "number" when "references" "type" when "date" "date" when "datetime" "datetime-local" when "timestamp", "time" "time" end end end ## List of all the string fields def string_fields main_field = main_string_field{|name, type| name if name != main_field && type == "string" }.uniq.compact end ## List of all the string fields including main field def string_fields_including_main_field main_field = main_string_field{|name, type| name if type == "string" }.uniq.compact end ## The main string field like 'name' def main_string_field{|name, type| name if name.include?("name") && type == "string"}.uniq.compact || fields.keys.any? ? fields.keys.first : "id" end ## Text Fields like description or summary def text_fields{|name, type| name if type == "text"}.uniq.compact end def container_class if options.front_end_framework == "bootstrap" options.fluid? ? "container-fluid" : "container" elsif options.front_end_framework == "gumby" "container" else "container" end end def row_class if options.front_end_framework == "bootstrap" options.fluid? ? "row-fluid" : "row" elsif options.front_end_framework == "gumby" "row" else "row" end end def column_class(grid_width_value) grid_width_value_hash = {"1" => "one", "2" => "two", "3" => "three", "4" => "four", "5" => "five", "6" => "six", "7" => "seven", "8" => "eight", "9" => "nine", "10" => "ten", "11" => "eleven", "12" => "twelve", "13" => "thirteen", "14" => "fourteen", "15" => "fifteen", "16" => "sixteen"} if options.front_end_framework == "bootstrap" "span#{grid_width_value}" elsif options.front_end_framework == "gumby" "#{grid_width_value_hash[grid_width_value.to_s]} columns" else "col#{grid_width_value}" end end # This function is not used now. def button_class(color, size, rounded="", pretty="") if options.front_end_framework == "bootstrap" color_hash = {"blue" => "btn-primary", "light-blue" => "btn-info", "grey" => "", "black" => "btn-inverse", "red" => "btn-danger", "green" => "btn-success", "orange" => "btn-warning"} size_hash = {"large" => "btn-large", "medium" => "", "small" => "btn-tiny"} elsif options.front_end_framework == "gumby" color_hash = {"blue" => "primary", "dark-green" => "secondary", "grey" => "default", "black" => "info", "red" => "danger", "green" => "success", "orange" => "warning"} size_hash = {"xlarge" => "xlarge", "large" => "large", "medium" => "medium", "small" => "small", "green" => "btn-success"} end "#{pretty.blank? ? "" : "#{pretty} "}#{rounded.blank? ? "" : "#{rounded} "}#{size_hash[size]} #{color_hash[color]} btn" end end end end