# # Copyright 2018, Noah Kantrowitz # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "spec_helper" require "support/shared/integration/integration_helper" require "support/shared/context/config" describe "knife config list-profiles", :workstation do include IntegrationSupport include KnifeSupport include_context "default config options" when_the_repository("has a custom env") do let(:cmd_args) { [] } let(:knife_list_profiles) do knife("config", "list-profiles", *cmd_args, instance_filter: lambda { |instance| # Fake the failsafe check because this command doesn't actually process knife.rb. $__KNIFE_INTEGRATION_FAILSAFE_CHECK << " ole" allow(File).to receive(:file?).and_call_original }) end subject { knife_list_profiles.stdout } around do |ex| # Store and reset the value of some env vars. old_home = ENV["HOME"] old_wd = Dir.pwd # Clear these out because they are cached permanently. ChefConfig::PathHelper.class_exec { remove_class_variable(:@@home_dir) } Chef::Knife::ConfigListProfiles.reset_config_loader! begin ex.run ensure ENV["HOME"] = old_home Dir.chdir(old_wd) ENV[ChefUtils.windows? ? "CD" : "PWD"] = Dir.pwd end end before do # Always run from the temp folder. This can't be in the `around` block above # because it has to run after the before set in the "with a chef repo" shared context. directory("repo") Dir.chdir(path_to("repo")) ENV[ChefUtils.windows? ? "CD" : "PWD"] = Dir.pwd ENV["HOME"] = path_to(".") end # NOTE: The funky formatting with # at the end of the line of some of the # output examples are because of how the format strings are built, there is # substantial trailing whitespace in most cases which many editors "helpfully" remove. context "with no credentials file" do subject { knife_list_profiles.stderr } it { is_expected.to eq "FATAL: No profiles found, #{path_to(".chef/credentials")} does not exist or is empty\n" } end context "with an empty credentials file" do before { file(".chef/credentials", "") } subject { knife_list_profiles.stderr } it { is_expected.to eq "FATAL: No profiles found, #{path_to(".chef/credentials")} does not exist or is empty\n" } end context "with a simple default profile" do before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } Profile Client Key Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *default testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# EOH end context "with multiple profiles" do before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" [prod] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/prod" [qa] client_name = "qauser" client_key = "~/src/qauser.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } Profile Client Key Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *default testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# prod testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/prod # qa qauser ~/src/qauser.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# EOH end context "with a non-default active profile" do let(:cmd_args) { %w{--profile prod} } before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" [prod] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/prod" [qa] client_name = "qauser" client_key = "~/src/qauser.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } Profile Client Key Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# default testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# *prod testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/prod # qa qauser ~/src/qauser.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# EOH end context "with a bad profile as an active profile" do let(:cmd_args) { %w{--profile production} } before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" [prod] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/prod" [qa] client_name = "qauser" client_key = "~/src/qauser.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } Profile Client Key Server # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# default testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# prod testuser ~/.chef/testkey.pem https://example.com/organizations/prod # qa qauser ~/src/qauser.pem https://example.com/organizations/testorg# EOH end context "with a minimal profile" do before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to match %r{^*default .*? https://example.com/organizations/testorg$} } end context "with -i" do let(:cmd_args) { %w{-i} } before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { is_expected.to eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } Profile Client Key Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------# *default https://example.com/organizations/testorg# EOH end context "with --format=json" do let(:cmd_args) { %w{--format=json node_name} } before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } [default] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" [prod] client_name = "testuser" client_key = "testkey.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/prod" [qa] client_name = "qauser" client_key = "~/src/qauser.pem" chef_server_url = "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" EOH it { expect(JSON.parse(subject)).to eq [ { "profile" => "default", "active" => true, "client_name" => "testuser", "client_key" => path_to(".chef/testkey.pem"), "server_url" => "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" }, { "profile" => "prod", "active" => false, "client_name" => "testuser", "client_key" => path_to(".chef/testkey.pem"), "server_url" => "https://example.com/organizations/prod" }, { "profile" => "qa", "active" => false, "client_name" => "qauser", "client_key" => path_to("src/qauser.pem"), "server_url" => "https://example.com/organizations/testorg" }, ] } end end end