require "helpers/integration_test_helper" require "integration/storage/storage_shared" require "securerandom" require "base64" require "tempfile" class TestStorageRequests < StorageShared def test_put_bucket bucket_name = new_bucket_name bucket = @client.put_bucket(bucket_name) assert_equal(, bucket_name) end # We cannot test the state of the ACL as there are two cases to consider # * The authenticated service account has Owner permisions, which allows # it to read the ACLs after the predefined ACL is applied. # * The authenticated service account does not have Owner permissions, # then, we cannot read the ACLs after the predefined ACL is applied. # # As we cannot control the service account used for testing, we'll # just ensure that a valid operation succeeds and an invalid operation fails. def test_put_bucket_predefined_acl @client.put_bucket(new_bucket_name, :predefined_acl => "publicRead") end def test_put_bucket_invalid_predefined_acl assert_raises(Google::Apis::ClientError) do @client.put_bucket(new_bucket_name, :predefined_acl => "invalidAcl") end end def test_get_bucket bucket = @client.get_bucket(some_bucket_name) assert_equal(, some_bucket_name) end def test_delete_bucket # Create a new bucket to delete it bucket_to_delete = new_bucket_name @client.put_bucket(bucket_to_delete) @client.delete_bucket(bucket_to_delete) assert_raises(Google::Apis::ClientError) do @client.get_bucket(bucket_to_delete) end end def test_list_buckets # Create a new bucket to ensure at least one exists to find bucket_name = new_bucket_name @client.put_bucket(bucket_name) result = @client.list_buckets if result.items.nil? raise"no buckets found") end contained = result.items.any? { |bucket| == bucket_name } assert_equal(true, contained, "expected bucket not present") end def test_put_bucket_acl bucket_name = new_bucket_name @client.put_bucket(bucket_name) acl = { :entity => "allUsers", :role => "READER" } @client.put_bucket_acl(bucket_name, acl) end def test_list_bucket_acl bucket_name = new_bucket_name @client.put_bucket(bucket_name) acl = { :entity => "allUsers", :role => "READER" } @client.put_bucket_acl(bucket_name, acl) result = @client.list_bucket_acl(bucket_name) if result.items.nil? raise"no bucket access controls found") end contained = result.items.any? do |control| control.entity == acl[:entity] && control.role == acl[:role] end assert_equal(true, contained, "expected bucket access control not present") end def test_get_bucket_acl bucket_name = new_bucket_name @client.put_bucket(bucket_name) acl = { :entity => "allUsers", :role => "READER" } @client.put_bucket_acl(bucket_name, acl) result = @client.get_bucket_acl(bucket_name, "allUsers") if result.nil? raise"no bucket access control found") end assert_equal(result.role, acl[:role], "incorrect bucket access control role") end end