# # Win32-specific tasks (cross-compiling, etc.) # # Thanks to some people that understand this stuff better than me for # posting helpful blog posts. This stuff is an amalgam of stuff they did: # # * Mauricio Fernandez # http://eigenclass.org/hiki/cross+compiling+rcovrt # # * Jeremy Hinegardner # http://www.copiousfreetime.org/articles/2008/10/12/building-gems-for-windows.html # # * Aaron Patterson # http://tenderlovemaking.com/2008/11/21/cross-compiling-ruby-gems-for-win32/ require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'pathname' require 'rubygems/platform' require 'rbconfig' require 'uri' require 'net/ftp' HOMEDIR = Pathname( '~' ).expand_path RUBYVERSION = '1.8.6-p287' RUBYVERSION_MAJORMINOR = RUBYVERSION[/^\d+\.\d+/] RUBY_DL_BASE = "ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/#{RUBYVERSION_MAJORMINOR}/" RUBY_DL_URI = URI( RUBY_DL_BASE + "ruby-#{RUBYVERSION}.tar.gz" ) XCOMPILER_DIR = HOMEDIR + '.ruby_mingw32' XCOMPILER_DL = XCOMPILER_DIR + "ruby-#{RUBYVERSION}.tar.gz" XCOMPILER_SRC = XCOMPILER_DIR + "ruby-#{RUBYVERSION}" XCOMPILER_BIN = XCOMPILER_DIR + 'bin' XCOMPILER_LIB = XCOMPILER_DIR + 'lib' XCOMPILER_RUBY = XCOMPILER_BIN + 'ruby.exe' XCOMPILER_LOAD_PATH = XCOMPILER_LIB + "ruby/#{RUBYVERSION_MAJORMINOR}/i386-mingw32" TAR_OPTS = { :compression => :gzip } WIN32_GEMSPEC = GEMSPEC.dup WIN32_GEMSPEC.files += FileList[ EXTDIR + '**.{dll,so}' ] WIN32_GEMSPEC.platform = Gem::Platform.new( 'i386-mingw32' ) WIN32_GEMSPEC.extensions = [] CONFIGURE_CMD = %W[ env ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=no ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=yes rb_cv_negative_time_t=no ac_cv_func_memcmp_working=yes rb_cv_binary_elf=no ./configure --host=i386-mingw32 --target=i386-mingw32 --build=#{Config::CONFIG['build']} --prefix=#{XCOMPILER_DIR} ] ### Archive::Tar::Reader#extract (as of 0.9.0) is broken w.r.t. ### permissions, so we have to do this ourselves. def untar( tarfile, targetdir ) targetdir = Pathname( targetdir ) raise "No such directory: #{targetdir}" unless targetdir.directory? reader = Archive::Tar::Reader.new( tarfile.to_s, TAR_OPTS ) mkdir_p( targetdir ) reader.each( true ) do |header, body| path = targetdir + header[:path] # trace "Header is: %p" % [ header ] case header[:type] when :file trace " #{path}" path.open( File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, header[:mode] ) do |fio| bytesize = header[:size] fio.write( body[0,bytesize] ) end when :directory trace " #{path}" path.mkpath when :link linktarget = targetdir + header[:dest] trace " #{path} => #{linktarget}" path.make_link( linktarget.to_s ) when :symlink linktarget = targetdir + header[:dest] trace " #{path} -> #{linktarget}" path.make_symlink( linktarget ) end end end begin require 'archive/tar' namespace :win32 do directory XCOMPILER_DIR.to_s file XCOMPILER_DL => XCOMPILER_DIR do # openuri can't handle this -- passive ftp required? # run 'wget', '-O', XCOMPILER_DL, RUBY_DL_URI log "Downloading ruby distro from %s" % [ RUBY_DL_URI ] ftp = Net::FTP.new( RUBY_DL_URI.host ) ftp.login ftp.getbinaryfile( RUBY_DL_URI.path, XCOMPILER_DL, 4096 ) ftp.close end directory XCOMPILER_SRC.to_s task XCOMPILER_SRC => [ XCOMPILER_DIR, XCOMPILER_DL ] do if XCOMPILER_SRC.exist? trace "Rake fails. #{XCOMPILER_SRC} already exists." else untar( XCOMPILER_DL, XCOMPILER_DIR ) end end file XCOMPILER_RUBY => XCOMPILER_SRC do Dir.chdir( XCOMPILER_SRC ) do unless File.exist?( 'Makefile.in.orig' ) File.open( 'Makefile.in.new', IO::CREAT|IO::WRONLY|IO::EXCL ) do |ofh| IO.readlines( 'Makefile.in' ).each do |line| next if line.include?( 0.chr ) trace " copying line: %p" % [ line ] line.sub!( /ALT_SEPARATOR = ".*?"/, "ALT_SEPARATOR = 92.chr" ) ofh.write( line ) end end mv 'Makefile.in', 'Makefile.in.orig' mv 'Makefile.in.new', 'Makefile.in' end run *CONFIGURE_CMD run 'make', 'ruby' run 'make', 'rubyw.exe' run 'make', 'install' end end file XCOMPILER_LOAD_PATH => XCOMPILER_RUBY desc "Cross-compile the library for Win32 systems, installing a cross-" + "compiled Ruby if necessary" task :build => [ EXTDIR, XCOMPILER_LOAD_PATH.to_s ] do in_subdirectory( EXTDIR ) do ruby "-I#{XCOMPILER_LOAD_PATH}", 'extconf.rb' sh 'make' end end desc "Build a binary gem for win32 systems" task :gem => ['win32:build', PKGDIR.to_s] + WIN32_GEMSPEC.files do when_writing( "Creating win32 GEM" ) do pkgname = WIN32_GEMSPEC.file_name builder = Gem::Builder.new( WIN32_GEMSPEC ) builder.build mv pkgname, PKGDIR + pkgname, :verbose => $trace end end end rescue LoadError => err trace "Couldn't load the win32 tasks: %s: %s" % [ err.class.name, err.message ] task :no_win32_build do abort "No win32 build: %s: %s" % [ err.class.name, err.message ] end namespace :win32 do desc "Build a binary Gem for Win32 systems, installing a cross " + "compiled Ruby if necessary" task :gem => :no_win32_build task :build => :no_win32_build end end