# Loops Ruby SDK ## Introduction This is the official Ruby SDK for [Loops](https://loops.so), an email platform for modern software companies. ## Installation Install the gem and add it to the application's Gemfile like this: ```bash bundle add loops_sdk ``` If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, you can install the gem like this: ```bash gem install loops_sdk ``` ## Usage You will need a Loops API key to use the package. In your Loops account, go to the [API Settings page](https://app.loops.so/settings?page=api) and click **Generate key**. Copy this key and save it in your application code (for example, in an environment variable). See the API documentation to learn more about [rate limiting](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference#rate-limiting) and [error handling](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference#debugging). In an initializer, import and configure the SDK: ```ruby config/initializers/loops.rb require "loops_sdk" LoopsSdk.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'your_api_key' end ``` ```ruby begin response = LoopsSdk::Transactional.send( transactional_id: "closfz8ui02yq......", email: "dan@loops.so", data_variables: { loginUrl: "https://app.domain.com/login?code=1234567890" } ) render json: response rescue LoopsSdk::APIError => e # Do something if there is an error from the API end ``` ## Default contact properties Each contact in Loops has a set of default properties. These will always be returned in API results. - `id` - `email` - `firstName` - `lastName` - `source` - `subscribed` - `userGroup` - `userId` ## Custom contact properties You can use custom contact properties in API calls. Please make sure to [add custom properties](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#custom-contact-properties) in your Loops account before using them with the SDK. ## Methods - [ApiKey.test()](#apikey-test) - [Contacts.create()](#contacts-create) - [Contacts.update()](#contacts-update) - [Contacts.find()](#contacts-find) - [Contacts.delete()](#contacts-delete) - [MailingLists.list()](#mailinglists-list) - [Events.send()](#events-send) - [Transactional.send()](#transactional-send) - [CustomFields.list()](#customfields-list) --- ### ApiKey.test() Test if your API key is valid. [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/api-key) #### Parameters None #### Example ```ruby response LoopsSdk::ApiKey.test ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error message: ```json { "success": true, "teamName": "Company name" } ``` ```json { "error": "Invalid API key" } ``` --- ## Contacts.create() Create a new contact. [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/create-contact) #### Parameters | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | --------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `email` | string | Yes | If a contact already exists with this email address, an error response will be returned. | | `properties` | object | No | An object containing default and any custom properties for your contact.
Please [add custom properties](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#custom-contact-properties) in your Loops account before using them with the SDK.
Values can be of type `string`, `number`, `nil` (to reset a value), `boolean` or `date` ([see allowed date formats](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#dates)). | | `mailing_lists` | object | No | An object of mailing list IDs and boolean subscription statuses. | #### Examples ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.create(email: "hello@gmail.com") contact_properties = { firstName: "Bob" /* Default property */, favoriteColor: "Red" /* Custom property */, }; mailing_lists = { list_123: true, list_456: false, }; response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.create( email: "hello@gmail.com", properties: contact_properties, mailing_lists: mailing_lists ) ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error message: ```json { "success": true, "id": "id_of_contact" } ``` ```json { "success": false, "message": "An error message here." } ``` --- ## Contacts.update() Update a contact. Note: To update a contact's email address, the contact requires a `userId` value. Then you can make a request with their `userId` and an updated email address. [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/update-contact) #### Parameters | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | --------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `email` | string | Yes | The email address of the contact to update. If there is no contact with this email address, a new contact will be created using the email and properties in this request. | | `properties` | object | No | An object containing default and any custom properties for your contact.
Please [add custom properties](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#custom-contact-properties) in your Loops account before using them with the SDK.
Values can be of type `string`, `number`, `nil` (to reset a value), `boolean` or `date` ([see allowed date formats](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#dates)). | | `mailing_lists` | object | No | An object of mailing list IDs and boolean subscription statuses. | #### Example ```ruby contact_properties = { firstName: "Bob" /* Default property */, favoriteColor: "Blue" /* Custom property */, }; response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.update( email: "hello@gmail.com", properties: contact_properties ) # Updating a contact's email address using userId response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.update( email: "newemail@gmail.com", properties: { userId: "1234", }) ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error message: ```json { "success": true, "id": "id_of_contact" } ``` ```json { "success": false, "message": "An error message here." } ``` --- ### Contacts.find() Find a contact. [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/find-contact) #### Parameters You must use one parameter in the request. | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | --------- | ------ | -------- | ----- | | `email` | string | No | | | `user_id` | string | No | | #### Examples ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.find(email: "hello@gmail.com") response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.find(userId: "12345") ``` #### Response This method will return a list containing a single contact object, which will include all default properties and any custom properties. If no contact is found, an empty list will be returned. ```json [ { "id": "cll6b3i8901a9jx0oyktl2m4u", "email": "hello@gmail.com", "firstName": "Bob", "lastName": null, "source": "API", "subscribed": true, "userGroup": "", "userId": "12345", "favoriteColor": "Blue" /* Custom property */ } ] ``` --- ### Contacts.delete() Delete a contact, either by email address or `userId`. [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/delete-contact) #### Parameters You must use one parameter in the request. | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | --------- | ------ | -------- | ----- | | `email` | string | No | | | `user_id` | string | No | | #### Example ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.delete(email: "hello@gmail.com") response = LoopsSdk::Contacts.delete(userId: "12345") ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error message: ```json { "success": true, "message": "Contact deleted." } ``` ```json { "success": false, "message": "An error message here." } ``` --- ### MailingLists.list() Get a list of your account's mailing lists. [Read more about mailing lists](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/mailing-lists) [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/list-mailing-lists) #### Parameters None #### Example ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::MailingLists.list ``` #### Response This method will return a list of mailing list objects containing `id` and `name` attributes. If your account has no mailing lists, an empty list will be returned. ```json [ { "id": "list_123", "name": "Main list" }, { "id": "list_456", "name": "Investors" } ] ``` --- ### Events.send() Send an event to trigger an email in Loops. [Read more about events](https://loops.so/docs/events) [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/send-event) #### Parameters | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | -------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `event_name` | string | Yes | | | `email` | string | No | The contact's email address. Required if `user_id` is not present. | | `user_id` | string | No | The contact's unique user ID. If you use `user_id` without `email`, this value must have already been added to your contact in Loops. Required if `email` is not present. | | `contact_properties` | object | No | An object containing contact properties, which will be updated or added to the contact when the event is received.
Please [add custom properties](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#custom-contact-properties) in your Loops account before using them with the SDK.
Values can be of type `string`, `number`, `nil` (to reset a value), `boolean` or `date` ([see allowed date formats](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties#dates)). | | `event_properties` | object | No | An object containing event properties, which will be made available in emails that are triggered by this event.
Values can be of type `string`, `number`, `boolean` or `date` ([see allowed date formats](https://loops.so/docs/events/properties#important-information-about-event-properties)). | | `mailing_lists` | object | No | An object of mailing list IDs and boolean subscription statuses. | #### Examples ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::Events.send( event_name: "signup", email: "hello@gmail.com" ) response = LoopsSdk::Events.send( event_name: "signup", email: "hello@gmail.com", event_properties: { username: "user1234", signupDate: "2024-03-21T10:09:23Z", }, mailing_lists: { list_123: true, list_456: false, }, }) # In this case with both email and userId present, the system will look for a contact with either a # matching `email` or `user_id` value. # If a contact is found for one of the values (e.g. `email`), the other value (e.g. `user_id`) will be updated. # If a contact is not found, a new contact will be created using both `email` and `user_id` values. # Any values added in `contact_properties` will also be updated on the contact. response = LoopsSdk::Events.send( event_name: "signup", email: "hello@gmail.com", user_id: "1234567890", contact_properties: { firstName: "Bob", plan: "pro", }, }) ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error: ```json { "success": true } ``` ```json { "success": false, "message": "An error message here." } ``` --- ### Transactional.send() Send a transactional email to a contact. [Learn about sending transactional email](https://loops.so/docs/transactional/guide) [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/send-transactional-email) #### Parameters | Name | Type | Required | Notes | | ---------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `transactional_id` | string | Yes | The ID of the transactional email to send. | | `email` | string | Yes | The email address of the recipient. | | `add_to_audience` | boolean | No | If `true`, a contact will be created in your audience using the `email` value (if a matching contact doesn’t already exist). | | `data_variables` | object | No | An object containing data as defined by the data variables added to the transactional email template.
Values can be of type `string` or `number`. | | `attachments` | object[] | No | A list of attachments objects.
**Please note**: Attachments need to be enabled on your account before using them with the API. [Read more](https://loops.so/docs/transactional/attachments) | | `attachments[].filename` | string | No | The name of the file, shown in email clients. | | `attachments[].content_type` | string | No | The MIME type of the file. | | `attachments[].data` | string | No | The base64-encoded content of the file. | #### Examples ```ruby response = LoopsSdk::Transactional.send( transactional_id: "clfq6dinn000yl70fgwwyp82l", email: "hello@gmail.com", data_variables: { loginUrl: "https://myapp.com/login/", }, ) # Please contact us to enable attachments on your account. response = LoopsSdk::Transactional.send( transactional_id: "clfq6dinn000yl70fgwwyp82l", email: "hello@gmail.com", data_variables: { loginUrl: "https://myapp.com/login/", }, attachments: [ { filename: "presentation.pdf", content_type: "application/pdf", data: "JVBERi0xLjMKJcTl8uXrp/Og0MTGCjQgMCBvYmoKPD...", }, ], }) ``` #### Response This method will return a success or error message. ```json { "success": true } ``` If there is a problem with the request, a descriptive error message will be returned: ```json { "success": false, "path": "dataVariables", "message": "There are required fields for this email. You need to include a 'dataVariables' object with the required fields." } ``` ```json { "success": false, "error": { "path": "dataVariables", "message": "Missing required fields: login_url" }, "transactionalId": "clfq6dinn000yl70fgwwyp82l" } ``` --- ### CustomFields.list() Get a list of your account's custom fields. These are custom properties that can be added to contacts to store extra data. [Read more about contact properties](https://loops.so/docs/contacts/properties) [API Reference](https://loops.so/docs/api-reference/list-custom-fields) #### Parameters None #### Example ```ruby response LoopsSdk::CustomFields.list ``` #### Response This method will return a list of custom field objects containing `key`, `label` and `type` attributes. If your account has no custom fields, an empty list will be returned. ```json [ { "key": "favoriteColor", "label": "Favorite Color", "type": "string" }, { "key": "plan", "label": "Plan", "type": "string" } ] ``` --- ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Loops-so/loops-rb.