module Spree class Gateway::Bogus < Gateway TEST_VISA = ['4111111111111111','4012888888881881','4222222222222'] TEST_MC = ['5500000000000004','5555555555554444','5105105105105100'] TEST_AMEX = ['378282246310005','371449635398431','378734493671000','340000000000009'] TEST_DISC = ['6011000000000004','6011111111111117','6011000990139424'] VALID_CCS = ['1', TEST_VISA, TEST_MC, TEST_AMEX, TEST_DISC].flatten attr_accessor :test def provider_class self.class end def preferences {} end def create_profile(payment) return if payment.source.has_payment_profile? # simulate the storage of credit card profile using remote service if success = VALID_CCS.include?(payment.source.number) payment.source.update_attributes(:gateway_customer_profile_id => generate_profile_id(success)) end end def authorize(money, credit_card, options = {}) profile_id = credit_card.gateway_customer_profile_id if VALID_CCS.include? credit_card.number or (profile_id and profile_id.starts_with? 'BGS-'), 'Bogus Gateway: Forced success', {}, :test => true, :authorization => '12345', :avs_result => { :code => 'D' }) else, 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure', { :message => 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure' }, :test => true) end end def purchase(money, credit_card, options = {}) profile_id = credit_card.gateway_customer_profile_id if VALID_CCS.include? credit_card.number or (profile_id and profile_id.starts_with? 'BGS-'), 'Bogus Gateway: Forced success', {}, :test => true, :authorization => '12345', :avs_result => { :code => 'M' }) else, 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure', :message => 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure', :test => true) end end def credit(money, credit_card, response_code, options = {}), 'Bogus Gateway: Forced success', {}, :test => true, :authorization => '12345') end def capture(money, authorization, gateway_options) if authorization == '12345', 'Bogus Gateway: Forced success', {}, :test => true) else, 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure', :error => 'Bogus Gateway: Forced failure', :test => true) end end def void(response_code, credit_card, options = {}), 'Bogus Gateway: Forced success', {}, :test => true, :authorization => '12345') end def test? # Test mode is not really relevant with bogus gateway (no such thing as live server) true end def payment_profiles_supported? true end def actions %w(capture void credit) end private def generate_profile_id(success) record = true prefix = success ? 'BGS' : 'FAIL' while record random = "#{prefix}-#{{rand(6)}.join}" record = CreditCard.where(:gateway_customer_profile_id => random).first end random end end end