// This document is not to be edited as it will be versioned // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // This document is to house Toadstools dynamic mixins with arguments // These mixins are not intended to be application specific // required default value to for vendor prefix support // ----------------------------------------------------- $prefix_defaults: -moz- -webkit- -o- -ms- '' !default; $webkit_support: -webkit- '' !default; $moz_support: -moz- !default; $ms_support: -ms- !default; $moz_webkit_support: -moz- -webkit- '' !default; $moz_ms_support: -moz- -ms- '' !default; $webkit_ms_support: -webkit- -ms- !default; /////// shadow arguments ///////// // ------------------------------- $shadow: #{$h-shadow / $em}em #{$v-shadow / $em}em #{$blur / $em}em; $inset_shadow: #{$ih-shadow / $em}em #{$iv-shadow / $em}em #{$iblur / $em}em; @mixin box_shadow ($shadow_color, $shadow, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}box-shadow: $shadow_color $shadow; } } @mixin dual_box_shadow ($shadow_color, $shadow, $inset_color, $inset_shadow, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}box-shadow: $shadow_color $shadow, inset $inset_color $inset_shadow; } } @mixin text_shadow ($shadow_color, $shadow, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}text-shadow: $shadow_color $shadow; } } /////// shadow arguments ///////// /////// border-radius arguments ///////// // -------------------------------------- @mixin border_radius ($border_radius, $prefixes: $webkit_support) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}border-radius: $border_radius; } } /////// border-radius arguments ///////// /////// box-sizing arguments ///////// // -------------------------------------- @mixin box_sizing ($box_sizing: border-box, $prefixes: $moz_webkit_support) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}box-sizing: $box_sizing; } } /////// box-sizing arguments ///////// /////// input_placeholder arguments ///////// // -------------------------------------- @mixin input_placeholder ($placeholder_color, $placeholder_prefix: $moz_support, $input-placeholder_prefix: $webkit_ms_support) { @each $prefix in $input-placeholder_prefix { &::#{$prefix}input-placeholder { color: $placeholder_color; } } @each $prefix in $placeholder_prefix { &:#{$prefix}placeholder { color: $placeholder_color; } } } /////// input_placeholder arguments ///////// /////////// image with gradient background //////////// // ------------------------------------------------- // // This tool is pretty crazy and a little complex. Purpose is to simplify the creation of dual background assets that consist of an image and a gradient background. // This tool also requires that a gradient object be created as variables. // Known restrictions ... images must be .png, position of background is currently hard-coded @mixin icon_gradient_background($icon_image, $fallback_color, $w3c_color_spec, $safari_color_spec, $ie_start, $ie_stop) { // w3c //: @include linear_gradient_bkgimage ('#{$imgDir}#{$icon_image}.png',5% 50%, $fallback_color, $w3c_color_spec); // legacy safari // @include linear_gradient_bkgimage_legacy_safari ('#{$imgDir}#{$icon_image}.png', 5% 50%, $safari_color_spec); // IE suck @include linear_gradient_legacy_ie ($ie_start, $ie_stop); } // Example using this mixin // .your_new_class { // @include icon_gradient_background( // $icon_image: play_icon, // $fallback_color: $echo_color_bravo, // $w3c_color_spec: $alpha_color_gradient_var_w3c, // $safari_color_spec: $alpha_color_gradient_var_legacy_safari, // $ie_start: $echo_color_delta, // $ie_stop: $echo_color_delta); // } // } /////// column count arguments ///////// // -------------------------------------- @mixin column_count($col_count, $col_gap, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}column-count: $col_count; #{$prefix}column-gap: $col_gap; } } /////// column count arguments ///////// ///////// flexbox arguments ///////// // ----------------------------------- @mixin flexbox ($width, $height, $orient: horizontal, $pack: center, $align: center, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { display: #{$prefix}box; #{$prefix}box-orient: $orient; #{$prefix}box-pack: $pack; #{$prefix}box-align: $align; } height: $height; width: $width; } @mixin flex ($value, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}box-flex: $value; } } ///////// flexbox arguments ///////// /////// transition arguments ////////// // http://www.w3schools.com/css3/css3_pr_transition.asp @mixin transition ($property, $duration, $timing_function, $delay, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}transition: $property $duration $timing_function $delay; } } /////// transition arguments ////////// /////// transform arguments ////////// // http://www.w3schools.com/css3/css3_pr_transform.asp @mixin transform ($function, $prefixes: $prefix_defaults) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { #{$prefix}transform: $function; } } /////// transform arguments ////////// ////////// style placeholder text ////////// @mixin placeholder_styles ($color) { color: $color; } @mixin placeholder ($color) { &::-webkit-input-placeholder { @include placeholder_styles ($color); } &:-moz-placeholder { @include placeholder_styles ($color); } &:-ms-input-placeholder { @include placeholder_styles ($color); } } ////////// style placeholder text ////////// ////////////// hide text //////////// // Kellum Method // http://www.zeldman.com/2012/03/01/replacing-the-9999px-hack-new-image-replacement/ @mixin hide_text { text-indent: 100%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; display: none; } ////////////// hide text //////////// /////// clearfix ////////// @mixin clearfix () { zoom: 1; &:before { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } &:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; overflow: hidden; clear: both; } } /////// clearfix ////////// ///////// inset border ///////// @mixin inset_border () { @include box_shadow(inset 0 0 1px, $alpha_gray); } ///////// inset border ///////// /////// center text trick ///////// // --------------------------------- // By setting the height of the block element and the line-height to the same value // this will typically center the text in the block. // If for some reason this needs adjustment, set a new value for the $line_height. // // @mixin center_text ($block_height, $line_height: $block_height) { height: $block_height; line-height: $line-height; } /////// center text trick ///////// // a standardized border radius // ---------------------------- @mixin standard_rounded_border ($standard_round_corner, $standard_border_style, $standard_corner_width, $standard_border_color) { @include border_radius(#{$standard_round_corner / $em}rem); border: $standard_corner_width $standard_border_style $standard_border_color; } // This mixin is used for a linear layout of LIs versus using floats // Build off of the ``flexbox`` mixin, this tool allows for quick // development of a ul/li layout using flexbox // ----------------------------------------------------------------- @mixin ul_flexbox ($width :100%, $height: auto, $text_align :center) { ul { @include flexbox (horizontal, center, stretch, $width, $height); } li { @include flex(1); text-align: $text_align; height: $height; line-height: $height; } } // Standard block clear and default spacing // This tool is designed to be a standard spacing element between markup blocks. // The only value to be adjusted is the margin-bottom spacing. This is an argument addressed // in the ``_config.scss`` file @mixin standard_block_spacing ($default_block_spacing) { @include clearfix; margin-bottom: #{$default_block_spacing / $em}em; } // This mixin allows for quick application of a UI to the