Minor: Fixed Gemfile to require activeresource <3.0.0 NOT >3.0.0


Requires Solrizer 0.3.0 or higher

HYDRA-274 Configurable Facets
HYDRA-275 Update ActiveFedora to use Solrizer::XML::TermBasedSolrizer when indexing NokogiriDatastreams

1.2.5 -- botched version release


Bug: Base.file_objects_append wasn't saving the child object after modifying its RELS-EXT


Major: Switched flow of relationship assertions for file objects. Now children assert isPartOf rather than parents asserting hasCollectionMember (see HYDRA-70 and HYDRA-71)

New class method: ActiveFedora::Base#has_bidirectional_relationship creates relationship finder methods that search across bidirectional relationships (ie. finds all of the object's hasPart assertions as well as any objects pointing at it with isPartOf)

Feature: Fedora::Connection now returns the Fedora error in any ServerError messages

Documentation: Added RDoc code comments for experimental features from version 1.2

Bug: MetadataDatastream.update_indexed_attributes doesn't get tripped up by attribute names wrapped in arrays (previously wrapping the symbol in an array would cause an error

Bug: Applied some fixes to usage of URIs in SemanticNode


Misc bug fixes


TERMPORARY: removed solrizer from gem dependency list (cyclic reference breaks bundler) 


Now support using OM::XML::Terminologies in NokogiriDatastreams

resolved #504 -- Allow SSL certificate client authentication for connections to Fedora 

Added Experimental methods for has_datastream, named_datastream, and remove_relationship (contributed by Rick Johnson at Notre Dame)


MetadataDatastream.update_indexed_attributes was no longer marking the object dirty when triggered.  Resulted in changed datastreams not saving.  Fixed now.


* Minor fix to Base.get_values_from_datstream (wasn't returning default values when necessary)


* fix to update_index preventing double-metadata
* now nokogiri datastreams initialize with default template.


solrizer fix to ensure that Nokogiri Datastreams are included in Base.to_solr


Nokogiri Datastream support using Nokogiri and OM::XML.  Includes indexing of xml contents into solr based on accessors declared using OM::XML:Accessor module.
You now have the option of calling has_metadata without passing in a block


Bug #959: Base.delete fails to delete objects from Solr even when ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES == true


Feature: Base.save triggers Solrizer if you've required the gem in your app 


Bug: Model.find_by_solr fails when you pass it an argument of :all
Testing: Updated RSpec tests to run against localhost:8983 with Fedora 3.3 (instead of localhost:8080 with Fedora 3.2).  This means you can use a copy of hydra-jetty from http://github.com/hydraproject/hydra-jetty
Testing: Reduced the amount of noise output to the shell during tests

1.1.1 2010-03-22

Bug: .load_objects wipes out datastream attributes from model-defined datastreams (ie. label and mimeType)

1.1.0 2010-03-20

Feature #822: Export & Ingest Fedora Objects

1.0.9 2010-03-10

!! Requires a new Solr schema by default.  We recommend updating solr with the schema.xml located at http://bitbucket.org/mediashelf/active_fedora/src/tip/solr/config/schema.xml.  If you want to keep using the old schema.xml, you must save the solr mappings file from http://bitbucket.org/mediashelf/active_fedora/src/tip/config/solr_mappings_af_0.1.yml as config/solr_mappings.yml in your application(s).

Bundled ruby-fedora into active-fedora, removing external gem dependency

Field names now map to solr field names using solr_mappings.yml.  You can put your own into RAILS_ROOT/config/solr_mappings.yml or rely on the default within the gem.  

* Bug #552: Model relationship should be asserted using hasModel instead of conformsTo
* Bug #614: Datastream should have mime_type accessors
* Bug #692: Datastream.new should allow you to use :mime_type as an argument instead of :mimeType
* Feature #430: YAML-based config files for Fedora Repository and SolrService
* Feature #475: Ability to perform XUpdate-style partial updates of XML metadata
* Feature #753: Configurable Solr Field Names
* Feature #807: update_indexed_attributes should return the new index for any added values

1.0.7 2009-09-18

Performance improvements. Requires RubyFedora 1.0.7 (but will probably work with 1.0.5)

Feature #489: Optimize datastreams method so that you only hit fedora and parse xml when you have to
Bug #415: Base.save returns meaningful responses and yields exceptions when appropriate
Bug #465: ActiveFedora::Base#fields method performance issues (tied to #489)

1.0.6 2009-08-27

Minor update.

* ToDo #78: Relationship finders should return an array of ActiveFedora Objects
* Bug #40: Fedora::Datastream should track control_group attribute correctly
* Bug #425: SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID still hardcoded as "id" in a few spots
* Bug #449: using has_metadata breaks support for custom pids

1.0.5 2009-07-17

Minor update.

* Bug #387: Base.deserialize should mark all datastreams as not new
* ToDo #389: Base.update_attributes and Base.update_indexed_attributes should accept :datastream limiter
* Feature #388: Base.update_attributes and Base.update_indexed_attributes should support deleting fields

1.0.4 2009-07-10

!! Not Backwards Compatible with Fedora < 3.2.* !!

* 1 major enhancement:
  * ruby-fedora is now compatible with Fedora 3.2.1
* ToDo #272: Datastream.new should accept a :prefix option for auto-incrementing DSIDs
* ToDo #275: Update RubyFedora to work with Fedora 3.2 REST API
* ToDo #308: ActiveFedora::FedoraObject.datatsreams should load label as well as pid and dsId
* ToDo #318: Intelligent FileDatastream and FileAsset Management
* Bug #312: Base.delete should delete the solr record as well as the Fedora Object
* Feature #46: Improve OSX Fedora/Solr Disk Image
* Feature #284: solr document id should by a config option instead of hard coded as "id"
* Feature #307: ActiveFedora::Base should provide a label setter.
* Feature #314: Relationship finder should provide a "response_format" option, default to format of "objects"
* Feature #327: Option to turn off solr updates (assume that something else will update Solr for you)