# Change log ## 1.0.2 (2019-01-29) * Fix mass assignment protection errors under Rails 3 ## 1.0.1 (2019-01-29) * Fix reliance on `ActionController::Parameters`. Now the strong parameter check is only enforced if `ActionController::Parameters` actually exists. * Fix missing `require` * Fix compatibility with ruby < `2.3.0` ## 1.0.0 (2019-01-23) * First stable release after being battle-tested over an extended period of time. ## Prior to 1.0.0 (beta releases) ### 1.0.0.beta15 (2018-12-11) * Add method `authorize_called!` to manually mark authorization as called for a specific operation. ### 1.0.0.beta14 (2018-11-29) * Fix bug with jRuby 9.2 where operation class name got mutated when inspecting it (see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/5480). ### 1.0.0.beta13 (2018-10-15) * Explain how to setup load paths in readme ### 1.0.0.beta12 (2018-08-14) * Exclude param named `escape` from `op_params`. ### 1.0.0.beta11 (2018-07-31) * Exclude param named `_` from `op_params`. This allows to use `cache: false` with `jQuery.ajax`. ### 1.0.0.beta10 (2018-07-18) * Allow model name override for all models using `RailsOps::ModelMixins`. This means you can also specify a model name for models not inheriting from `RailsOps::VirtualModel`, i.e.: ```ruby model User, 'ModelNameOverride' ``` ### 1.0.0.beta9 (2018-07-04) * Keep stack trace on exceptions rethrown by `with_rollback_on_exception`. ### 1.0.0.beta8 (2018-05-15) * Make sure that original state is always restored after calling `RailsOps.without_authorization`, even in case of an exception. ### 1.0.0.beta7 (2017-12-19) * #2 Get rid of protected attributes functionality ### 1.0.0.beta6 (2017-11-27) * Fix #6 Exceptions in profiler are not re-thrown ### 1.0.0.beta5 (2017-11-27) * Fix #5 Measure for object_id ... not finished ### 1.0.0.beta4 (2017-11-16) * Fix a bug where nested models are saved at build time in update operations in some cases. ### 1.0.0.beta3 (2017-09-20) * Fixed log subscription ### 1.0.0.beta2 (2017-09-20) * Added rubygems badge to readme * Corrected gem summary ### 1.0.0.beta1 (2017-06-19) * Initial version as extracted from project * Start of change log