module Roast class Main include Tinder attr_accessor :message, :room, :config, :domain, :ssl, :username, :password, :verbose def initialize(options) @message = options[:message] @config = YAML.load_file(ENV['HOME'] + '/roast.yml') room_config = @config[(options[:room] ? options[:room].to_s : @config["default"])] @room = room_config['room'] @domain = room_config['domain'] @ssl = room_config['ssl'] @username = room_config['username'] @password = room_config['password'] @verbose = options[:verbose] self end def{}) opts = do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: roast [options] message" opt.separator "" opt.separator "Specific options:" opt.on("-r", "--room [room config]", "Room name from config") do |room| options[:room] = room end opt.on("-v", "--verbose", "Be verbose during the posting of the message") do |verbose| options[:verbose] = true end end opts.parse!(ARGV) roast = roast.vocalize "Using #{} configuration ..." campfire =, :ssl => roast.ssl) roast.vocalize "Logging in..." campfire.login(roast.username, roast.password) roast.vocalize "Logged in!" room = campfire.find_room_by_name( roast.vocalize "Joining #{}..." roast.vocalize "Entered room #{}" roast.vocalize "Saying message..." if message_long?(options[:message]) room.paste(options[:message]) else room.speak(options[:message]) end roast.vocalize "Leaving room..." roast.vocalize "Done." end def vocalize(message) STDOUT.puts message if self.verbose end private def self.message_long?(message) (message.split("\n").size > 1) || (message.size >= 255) end end end