Feature: alias_example_to Use `config.alias_example_to` to create new example group methods that define examples with the configured metadata. If you set the `treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values` config option to `true`, you can specify metadata using only symbols. Scenario: Use alias_example_to to define focused example Given a file named "alias_example_to_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |c| c.alias_example_to :fit, :focused => true c.filter_run :focused => true end describe "an example group" do it "does one thing" do end fit "does another thing" do end end """ When I run `rspec alias_example_to_spec.rb --format doc` Then the output should contain "does another thing" And the output should not contain "does one thing" Scenario: use symbols as metadata Given a file named "use_symbols_as_metadata_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |c| c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true c.alias_example_to :fit, :focused c.filter_run :focused end describe "an example group" do it "does one thing" do end fit "does another thing" do end end """ When I run `rspec use_symbols_as_metadata_spec.rb --format doc` Then the output should contain "does another thing" And the output should not contain "does one thing"