require 'spec_helper' module Lumberg describe Whm::Reseller do before(:each) do @login = { :host => @whm_host, :hash => @whm_hash } @whm = @reseller = => @whm) end describe "#setup_reseller" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setupreseller" it "fails when the user doesn't exist" do result = @reseller.create(:username => 'invalid') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/does not exist/i) end it "creates a reseller" do result = @reseller.create(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true end it "accepts makeowner option" do @reseller.server.should_receive(:perform_request).with('setupreseller', hash_including(:makeowner => true)) @reseller.create(:username => 'bob', :makeowner => true) end end describe "#list" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/listresellers" it "lists all resellers" do result = @reseller.list result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:resellers].should have(2).resellers result[:params][:resellers].should include('bob', 'ted') end end describe "#setresellerips" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setresellerips" it "adds the ip address to the reseller account" do result = @reseller.add_ips(:username => 'bob', :ips =>'') result[:message].should match(/Successfully configured IP addresses delegation to reseller/i) end it "returns an error for invalid ip addresses" do result = @reseller.add_ips(:username => 'bob', :ips =>'') result[:message].should match(/The list of supplied IP addresses contains inappropriate values/i) end end describe "#setresellerlimits" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setresellerlimits" it "sets the limits" do result = @reseller.set_limits(:username => 'bob', :diskspace_limit => 1024, :enable_overselling => true, :enable_overselling_diskspace => true) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Successfully set reseller account .*limits/i) end end describe "#terminate" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/terminatereseller" it "terminates the reseller" do result = @reseller.terminate(:reseller => 'terminat') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/account terminations complete/i) result[:params][:accts].should be_empty end it "terminates the main account" do result = @reseller.terminate(:reseller => 'terminat', :terminatereseller => true) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/account terminations complete/i) result[:params][:accts][:terminat][:rawout].should match(/Account Removal Complete/i) end it "errors on non-existaet user" do result = @reseller.terminate(:reseller => 'what') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/does not exist/i) end end describe "#setresellermainip" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setresellermainip" it "sets the main ip" do result = @reseller.set_main_ip(:username => 'bob', :ip => '') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Successfully set main IP address of the reseller/i) end it "returns an error when the IP is invalid" do result = @reseller.set_main_ip(:username => 'bob', :ip => '10') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Supplied IP address is invalid/) end it "returns an error when the user is invalid" do result = @reseller.set_main_ip(:username => 'notexists', :ip => '') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Specified user is not a reseller/i) end end describe "#setresellerpackagelimit" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setresellerpackagelimit" it "sets the package limit" do result = @reseller.set_package_limit(:username => 'bob', :no_limit => false, :package => 'gold', :allowed => true) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Successfully set reseller package limit/i) end it "sets no limit" do result = @reseller.set_package_limit(:username => 'bob', :no_limit => true, :package => 'gold') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Successfully set reseller package limit/i) end end describe "#suspendreseller" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/suspendreseller" it "suspends the reseller" do result = @reseller.suspend(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Finished suspending reseller/i) end it "can take a reason" do result = @reseller.suspend(:username => 'bob', :reason => 'some reason') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Finished suspending reseller/i) end it "returns an error when the user is invalid" do result = @reseller.suspend(:username => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Specified user is not a reseller/i) end end describe "#unsuspendreseller" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/unsuspendreseller" it "should unsuspend the user" do result = @reseller.unsuspend(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Finished unsuspending reseller/i) end it "return an error when the user is invalid" do result = @reseller.unsuspend(:username => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Specified user is not a reseller/i) end end describe "#acctcounts" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/acctcounts" it "returns the account counts" do result = @reseller.account_counts(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Obtained reseller account counts/i) result[:params][:account].should == "bob" result[:params][:suspended].to_i.should == 0 result[:params][:active].to_i.should == 0 result[:params][:limit].should == "" end it "returns an error when the user is invalid" do result = @reseller.account_counts(:username => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Specified user is not a reseller/i) end end describe "#setresellernameservers" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setresellernameservers" it "sets the default nameservers" do result = @reseller.set_nameservers(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Set resellers nameservers/i) end it "sets the specified nameservers" do result = @reseller.set_nameservers(:username => 'bob', :nameservers => '') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Set resellers nameservers/i) end it "returns an error for an invalid username" do result = @reseller.account_counts(:username => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Specified user is not a reseller/i) end end describe "#resellerstats" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/resellerstats" it "returns the stats of the reseller" do result = @reseller.stats(:reseller => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Fetched Reseller Data OK/i) result[:params][:diskquota].to_i.should == 0 result[:params][:diskoverselling].to_i.should == 1 result[:params][:bandwidthlimit].to_i.should == 0 end it "returns an error for an invalid reseller" do result = @reseller.stats(:reseller => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Reseller Does Not Exist/i) end end describe "#listacls" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/listacls" it "lists the saved reseller ACL lists" do result = @reseller.list_acls result[:params].size.should == 1 result[:params][:testacllist][:add_pkg].to_i.should == 1 result[:params][:testacllist][:add_pkg_ip].to_i.should == 1 result[:params][:testacllist][:edit_mx].to_i.should == 0 end end describe "#saveacllist" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/saveacllist" it "creates a new reseller ACL list" do result = @reseller.save_acl_list(:acllist => 'testacllist') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/ACL List testacllist saved/i) end it "creates a new reseller ACL list with optional settings" do result = @reseller.save_acl_list(:acllist => 'testacllist', "acl-ssl".to_sym => true, "acl-add-pkg".to_sym => true, "acl-stats".to_sym => true) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/ACL List testacllist saved/i) end end describe "#setacls" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/setacls" it "sets the ACL for the reseller" do result = @reseller.set_acls(:reseller => 'bob', :acllist => 'testacllist') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Reseller Acls Saved/i) end it "returns an error for an invalid reseller" do result = @reseller.set_acls(:reseller => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/Not a reseller/i) end end describe "#unsetupreseller" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/reseller/unsetupreseller" it "removes the reseller status from the user" do result = @reseller.unsetup(:username => 'bob') result[:success].should be_true end it "returns an error if the user does not exist" do result = @reseller.unsetup(:username => 'notexists') result[:success].should be_false result[:message].should match(/called for a user that does not exist/i) end end end end