import { initializeGuid, fillNulls, unreachable, dict, Stack, LinkedList, EMPTY_ARRAY, ListSlice, isSerializationFirstNode } from '@glimmer/util'; import { ConstReference, CachedReference, combineTagged, isConst, CONSTANT_TAG, isModified, ReferenceCache, isConstTag, ReferenceIterator, IteratorSynchronizer, combine, UpdatableTag, combineSlice, INITIAL } from '@glimmer/reference'; import { Register } from '@glimmer/vm'; import { Stack as Stack$1 } from '@glimmer/low-level'; // these import bindings will be stripped from build class AppendOpcodes { constructor() { this.evaluateOpcode = fillNulls(98 /* Size */).slice(); } add(name, evaluate, kind = 'syscall') { this.evaluateOpcode[name] = { syscall: kind === 'syscall', evaluate }; } debugBefore(vm, opcode, type) { let sp; let state; return { sp: sp, state }; } debugAfter(vm, opcode, type, pre) { let expectedChange; let { sp, state } = pre; let metadata = null; if (metadata !== null) { if (typeof metadata.stackChange === 'number') { expectedChange = metadata.stackChange; } else { expectedChange = metadata.stackChange({ opcode, constants: vm.constants, state }); if (isNaN(expectedChange)) throw unreachable(); } } } evaluate(vm, opcode, type) { let operation = this.evaluateOpcode[type]; if (operation.syscall) { operation.evaluate(vm, opcode); } else { operation.evaluate(vm.inner, opcode); } } } const APPEND_OPCODES = new AppendOpcodes(); class AbstractOpcode { constructor() { initializeGuid(this); } } class UpdatingOpcode extends AbstractOpcode { constructor() { super(...arguments); = null; this.prev = null; } } class PrimitiveReference extends ConstReference { constructor(value) { super(value); } static create(value) { if (value === undefined) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } else if (value === null) { return NULL_REFERENCE; } else if (value === true) { return TRUE_REFERENCE; } else if (value === false) { return FALSE_REFERENCE; } else if (typeof value === 'number') { return new ValueReference(value); } else { return new StringReference(value); } } get(_key) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } } class StringReference extends PrimitiveReference { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.lengthReference = null; } get(key) { if (key === 'length') { let { lengthReference } = this; if (lengthReference === null) { lengthReference = this.lengthReference = new ValueReference(this.inner.length); } return lengthReference; } else { return super.get(key); } } } class ValueReference extends PrimitiveReference { constructor(value) { super(value); } } const UNDEFINED_REFERENCE = new ValueReference(undefined); const NULL_REFERENCE = new ValueReference(null); const TRUE_REFERENCE = new ValueReference(true); const FALSE_REFERENCE = new ValueReference(false); class ConditionalReference { constructor(inner) { this.inner = inner; this.tag = inner.tag; } value() { return this.toBool(this.inner.value()); } toBool(value) { return !!value; } } class ConcatReference extends CachedReference { constructor(parts) { super(); = parts; this.tag = combineTagged(parts); } compute() { let parts = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let value =[i].value(); if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { parts[i] = castToString(value); } } if (parts.length > 0) { return parts.join(''); } return null; } } function castToString(value) { if (typeof value.toString !== 'function') { return ''; } return String(value); } APPEND_OPCODES.add(1 /* Helper */, (vm, { op1: handle }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let helper = vm.constants.resolveHandle(handle); let args = stack.pop(); let value = helper(vm, args); vm.loadValue(Register.v0, value); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(6 /* GetVariable */, (vm, { op1: symbol }) => { let expr = vm.referenceForSymbol(symbol); vm.stack.push(expr); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(4 /* SetVariable */, (vm, { op1: symbol }) => { let expr = vm.stack.pop(); vm.scope().bindSymbol(symbol, expr); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(5 /* SetBlock */, (vm, { op1: symbol }) => { let handle = vm.stack.pop(); let scope = vm.stack.pop(); // FIXME(mmun): shouldn't need to cast this let table = vm.stack.pop(); let block = table ? [handle, scope, table] : null; vm.scope().bindBlock(symbol, block); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(96 /* ResolveMaybeLocal */, (vm, { op1: _name }) => { let name = vm.constants.getString(_name); let locals = vm.scope().getPartialMap(); let ref = locals[name]; if (ref === undefined) { ref = vm.getSelf().get(name); } vm.stack.push(ref); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(20 /* RootScope */, (vm, { op1: symbols, op2: bindCallerScope }) => { vm.pushRootScope(symbols, !!bindCallerScope); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(7 /* GetProperty */, (vm, { op1: _key }) => { let key = vm.constants.getString(_key); let expr = vm.stack.pop(); vm.stack.push(expr.get(key)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(8 /* GetBlock */, (vm, { op1: _block }) => { let { stack } = vm; let block = vm.scope().getBlock(_block); if (block) { stack.push(block[2]); stack.push(block[1]); stack.push(block[0]); } else { stack.push(null); stack.push(null); stack.push(null); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(9 /* HasBlock */, (vm, { op1: _block }) => { let hasBlock = !!vm.scope().getBlock(_block); vm.stack.push(hasBlock ? TRUE_REFERENCE : FALSE_REFERENCE); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(10 /* HasBlockParams */, vm => { // FIXME(mmun): should only need to push the symbol table let block = vm.stack.pop(); let scope = vm.stack.pop(); let table = vm.stack.pop(); let hasBlockParams = table && table.parameters.length; vm.stack.push(hasBlockParams ? TRUE_REFERENCE : FALSE_REFERENCE); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(11 /* Concat */, (vm, { op1: count }) => { let out = new Array(count); for (let i = count; i > 0; i--) { let offset = i - 1; out[offset] = vm.stack.pop(); } vm.stack.push(new ConcatReference(out)); }); const CURRIED_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_BRAND = 'CURRIED COMPONENT DEFINITION [id=6f00feb9-a0ef-4547-99ea-ac328f80acea]'; function isCurriedComponentDefinition(definition) { return !!(definition && definition[CURRIED_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_BRAND]); } function isComponentDefinition(definition) { return definition && definition[CURRIED_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_BRAND]; } class CurriedComponentDefinition { /** @internal */ constructor(inner, args) { this.inner = inner; this.args = args; this[CURRIED_COMPONENT_DEFINITION_BRAND] = true; } unwrap(args) { args.realloc(this.offset); let definition = this; while (true) { let { args: curriedArgs, inner } = definition; if (curriedArgs) { args.positional.prepend(curriedArgs.positional); args.named.merge(curriedArgs.named); } if (!isCurriedComponentDefinition(inner)) { return inner; } definition = inner; } } /** @internal */ get offset() { let { inner, args } = this; let length = args ? args.positional.length : 0; return isCurriedComponentDefinition(inner) ? length + inner.offset : length; } } function curry(spec, args = null) { return new CurriedComponentDefinition(spec, args); } function normalizeStringValue(value) { if (isEmpty(value)) { return ''; } return String(value); } function shouldCoerce(value) { return isString(value) || isEmpty(value) || typeof value === 'boolean' || typeof value === 'number'; } function isEmpty(value) { return value === null || value === undefined || typeof value.toString !== 'function'; } function isSafeString(value) { return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && typeof value.toHTML === 'function'; } function isNode(value) { return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && typeof value.nodeType === 'number'; } function isFragment(value) { return isNode(value) && value.nodeType === 11; } function isString(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; } class DynamicTextContent extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(node, reference, lastValue) { super(); this.node = node; this.reference = reference; this.lastValue = lastValue; this.type = 'dynamic-text'; this.tag = reference.tag; this.lastRevision = this.tag.value(); } evaluate() { let { reference, tag } = this; if (!tag.validate(this.lastRevision)) { this.lastRevision = tag.value(); this.update(reference.value()); } } update(value) { let { lastValue } = this; if (value === lastValue) return; let normalized; if (isEmpty(value)) { normalized = ''; } else if (isString(value)) { normalized = value; } else { normalized = String(value); } if (normalized !== lastValue) { let textNode = this.node; textNode.nodeValue = this.lastValue = normalized; } } } class IsCurriedComponentDefinitionReference extends ConditionalReference { static create(inner) { return new IsCurriedComponentDefinitionReference(inner); } toBool(value) { return isCurriedComponentDefinition(value); } } class ContentTypeReference { constructor(inner) { this.inner = inner; this.tag = inner.tag; } value() { let value = this.inner.value(); if (shouldCoerce(value)) { return 1 /* String */; } else if (isComponentDefinition(value)) { return 0 /* Component */; } else if (isSafeString(value)) { return 3 /* SafeString */; } else if (isFragment(value)) { return 4 /* Fragment */; } else if (isNode(value)) { return 5 /* Node */; } else { return 1 /* String */; } } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(28 /* AppendHTML */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let rawValue = reference.value(); let value = isEmpty(rawValue) ? '' : String(rawValue); vm.elements().appendDynamicHTML(value); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(29 /* AppendSafeHTML */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let rawValue = reference.value().toHTML(); let value = isEmpty(rawValue) ? '' : rawValue; vm.elements().appendDynamicHTML(value); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(32 /* AppendText */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let rawValue = reference.value(); let value = isEmpty(rawValue) ? '' : String(rawValue); let node = vm.elements().appendDynamicText(value); if (!isConst(reference)) { vm.updateWith(new DynamicTextContent(node, reference, value)); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(30 /* AppendDocumentFragment */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let value = reference.value(); vm.elements().appendDynamicFragment(value); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(31 /* AppendNode */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let value = reference.value(); vm.elements().appendDynamicNode(value); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(22 /* ChildScope */, vm => vm.pushChildScope()); APPEND_OPCODES.add(23 /* PopScope */, vm => vm.popScope()); APPEND_OPCODES.add(44 /* PushDynamicScope */, vm => vm.pushDynamicScope()); APPEND_OPCODES.add(45 /* PopDynamicScope */, vm => vm.popDynamicScope()); APPEND_OPCODES.add(12 /* Constant */, (vm, { op1: other }) => { vm.stack.push(vm.constants.getOther(other)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(13 /* Primitive */, (vm, { op1: primitive }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let flag = primitive & 7; // 111 let value = primitive >> 3; switch (flag) { case 0 /* NUMBER */: stack.push(value); break; case 1 /* FLOAT */: stack.push(vm.constants.getNumber(value)); break; case 2 /* STRING */: stack.push(vm.constants.getString(value)); break; case 3 /* BOOLEAN_OR_VOID */: stack.pushEncodedImmediate(primitive); break; case 4 /* NEGATIVE */: stack.push(vm.constants.getNumber(value)); break; case 5 /* BIG_NUM */: stack.push(vm.constants.getNumber(value)); break; } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(14 /* PrimitiveReference */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; stack.push(PrimitiveReference.create(stack.pop())); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(15 /* ReifyU32 */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; stack.push(stack.peek().value()); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(16 /* Dup */, (vm, { op1: register, op2: offset }) => { let position = vm.fetchValue(register) - offset; vm.stack.dup(position); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(17 /* Pop */, (vm, { op1: count }) => { vm.stack.pop(count); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(18 /* Load */, (vm, { op1: register }) => { vm.load(register); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(19 /* Fetch */, (vm, { op1: register }) => { vm.fetch(register); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(43 /* BindDynamicScope */, (vm, { op1: _names }) => { let names = vm.constants.getArray(_names); vm.bindDynamicScope(names); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(61 /* Enter */, (vm, { op1: args }) => { vm.enter(args); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(62 /* Exit */, vm => { vm.exit(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(48 /* PushSymbolTable */, (vm, { op1: _table }) => { let stack = vm.stack; stack.push(vm.constants.getSerializable(_table)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(47 /* PushBlockScope */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; stack.push(vm.scope()); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(46 /* CompileBlock */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; let block = stack.pop(); if (block) { stack.pushSmi(block.compile()); } else { stack.pushNull(); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(51 /* InvokeYield */, vm => { let { stack } = vm; let handle = stack.pop(); let scope = stack.pop(); // FIXME(mmun): shouldn't need to cast this let table = stack.pop(); let args = stack.pop(); if (table === null) { // To balance the pop{Frame,Scope} vm.pushFrame(); vm.pushScope(scope); // Could be null but it doesnt matter as it is immediatelly popped. return; } let invokingScope = scope; // If necessary, create a child scope { let locals = table.parameters; let localsCount = locals.length; if (localsCount > 0) { invokingScope = invokingScope.child(); for (let i = 0; i < localsCount; i++) { invokingScope.bindSymbol(locals[i],; } } } vm.pushFrame(); vm.pushScope(invokingScope);; }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(53 /* JumpIf */, (vm, { op1: target }) => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); if (isConst(reference)) { if (reference.value()) { vm.goto(target); } } else { let cache = new ReferenceCache(reference); if (cache.peek()) { vm.goto(target); } vm.updateWith(new Assert(cache)); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(54 /* JumpUnless */, (vm, { op1: target }) => { let reference = vm.stack.pop(); if (isConst(reference)) { if (!reference.value()) { vm.goto(target); } } else { let cache = new ReferenceCache(reference); if (!cache.peek()) { vm.goto(target); } vm.updateWith(new Assert(cache)); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(55 /* JumpEq */, (vm, { op1: target, op2: comparison }) => { let other = vm.stack.peek(); if (other === comparison) { vm.goto(target); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(56 /* AssertSame */, vm => { let reference = vm.stack.peek(); if (!isConst(reference)) { vm.updateWith(Assert.initialize(new ReferenceCache(reference))); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(63 /* ToBoolean */, vm => { let { env, stack } = vm; stack.push(env.toConditionalReference(stack.pop())); }); class Assert extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(cache) { super(); this.type = 'assert'; this.tag = cache.tag; this.cache = cache; } static initialize(cache) { let assert = new Assert(cache); cache.peek(); return assert; } evaluate(vm) { let { cache } = this; if (isModified(cache.revalidate())) { vm.throw(); } } } class JumpIfNotModifiedOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(tag, target) { super(); = target; this.type = 'jump-if-not-modified'; this.tag = tag; this.lastRevision = tag.value(); } evaluate(vm) { let { tag, target, lastRevision } = this; if (!vm.alwaysRevalidate && tag.validate(lastRevision)) { vm.goto(target); } } didModify() { this.lastRevision = this.tag.value(); } } class DidModifyOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(target) { super(); = target; this.type = 'did-modify'; this.tag = CONSTANT_TAG; } evaluate() {; } } class LabelOpcode { constructor(label) { this.tag = CONSTANT_TAG; this.type = 'label'; this.label = null; this.prev = null; = null; initializeGuid(this); this.label = label; } evaluate() {} inspect() { return `${this.label} [${this._guid}]`; } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(26 /* Text */, (vm, { op1: text }) => { vm.elements().appendText(vm.constants.getString(text)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(27 /* Comment */, (vm, { op1: text }) => { vm.elements().appendComment(vm.constants.getString(text)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(33 /* OpenElement */, (vm, { op1: tag }) => { vm.elements().openElement(vm.constants.getString(tag)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(34 /* OpenDynamicElement */, vm => { let tagName = vm.stack.pop().value(); vm.elements().openElement(tagName); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(41 /* PushRemoteElement */, vm => { let elementRef = vm.stack.pop(); let nextSiblingRef = vm.stack.pop(); let guidRef = vm.stack.pop(); let element; let nextSibling; let guid = guidRef.value(); if (isConst(elementRef)) { element = elementRef.value(); } else { let cache = new ReferenceCache(elementRef); element = cache.peek(); vm.updateWith(new Assert(cache)); } if (isConst(nextSiblingRef)) { nextSibling = nextSiblingRef.value(); } else { let cache = new ReferenceCache(nextSiblingRef); nextSibling = cache.peek(); vm.updateWith(new Assert(cache)); } vm.elements().pushRemoteElement(element, guid, nextSibling); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(42 /* PopRemoteElement */, vm => { vm.elements().popRemoteElement(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(38 /* FlushElement */, vm => { let operations = vm.fetchValue(Register.t0); if (operations) { operations.flush(vm); vm.loadValue(Register.t0, null); } vm.elements().flushElement(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(39 /* CloseElement */, vm => { vm.elements().closeElement(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(40 /* Modifier */, (vm, { op1: handle }) => { let { manager, state } = vm.constants.resolveHandle(handle); let stack = vm.stack; let args = stack.pop(); let { element, updateOperations } = vm.elements(); let dynamicScope = vm.dynamicScope(); let modifier = manager.create(element, state, args, dynamicScope, updateOperations); vm.env.scheduleInstallModifier(modifier, manager); let destructor = manager.getDestructor(modifier); if (destructor) { vm.newDestroyable(destructor); } let tag = manager.getTag(modifier); if (!isConstTag(tag)) { vm.updateWith(new UpdateModifierOpcode(tag, manager, modifier)); } }); class UpdateModifierOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(tag, manager, modifier) { super(); this.tag = tag; this.manager = manager; this.modifier = modifier; this.type = 'update-modifier'; this.lastUpdated = tag.value(); } evaluate(vm) { let { manager, modifier, tag, lastUpdated } = this; if (!tag.validate(lastUpdated)) { vm.env.scheduleUpdateModifier(modifier, manager); this.lastUpdated = tag.value(); } } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(35 /* StaticAttr */, (vm, { op1: _name, op2: _value, op3: _namespace }) => { let name = vm.constants.getString(_name); let value = vm.constants.getString(_value); let namespace = _namespace ? vm.constants.getString(_namespace) : null; vm.elements().setStaticAttribute(name, value, namespace); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(36 /* DynamicAttr */, (vm, { op1: _name, op2: trusting, op3: _namespace }) => { let name = vm.constants.getString(_name); let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let value = reference.value(); let namespace = _namespace ? vm.constants.getString(_namespace) : null; let attribute = vm.elements().setDynamicAttribute(name, value, !!trusting, namespace); if (!isConst(reference)) { vm.updateWith(new UpdateDynamicAttributeOpcode(reference, attribute)); } }); class UpdateDynamicAttributeOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(reference, attribute) { super(); this.reference = reference; this.attribute = attribute; this.type = 'patch-element'; this.tag = reference.tag; this.lastRevision = this.tag.value(); } evaluate(vm) { let { attribute, reference, tag } = this; if (!tag.validate(this.lastRevision)) { this.lastRevision = tag.value(); attribute.update(reference.value(), vm.env); } } } function resolveComponent(resolver, name, meta) { let definition = resolver.lookupComponentDefinition(name, meta); return definition; } class CurryComponentReference { constructor(inner, resolver, meta, args) { this.inner = inner; this.resolver = resolver; this.meta = meta; this.args = args; this.tag = inner.tag; this.lastValue = null; this.lastDefinition = null; } value() { let { inner, lastValue } = this; let value = inner.value(); if (value === lastValue) { return this.lastDefinition; } let definition = null; if (isCurriedComponentDefinition(value)) { definition = value; } else if (typeof value === 'string' && value) { let { resolver, meta } = this; definition = resolveComponent(resolver, value, meta); } definition = this.curry(definition); this.lastValue = value; this.lastDefinition = definition; return definition; } get() { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } curry(definition) { let { args } = this; if (!args && isCurriedComponentDefinition(definition)) { return definition; } else if (!definition) { return null; } else { return new CurriedComponentDefinition(definition, args); } } } class ClassListReference { constructor(list) { this.list = list; this.tag = combineTagged(list); this.list = list; } value() { let ret = []; let { list } = this; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let value = normalizeStringValue(list[i].value()); if (value) ret.push(value); } return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret.join(' '); } } /** * Converts a ComponentCapabilities object into a 32-bit integer representation. */ function capabilityFlagsFrom(capabilities) { return 0 | (capabilities.dynamicLayout ? 1 /* DynamicLayout */ : 0) | (capabilities.dynamicTag ? 2 /* DynamicTag */ : 0) | (capabilities.prepareArgs ? 4 /* PrepareArgs */ : 0) | (capabilities.createArgs ? 8 /* CreateArgs */ : 0) | (capabilities.attributeHook ? 16 /* AttributeHook */ : 0) | (capabilities.elementHook ? 32 /* ElementHook */ : 0) | (capabilities.dynamicScope ? 64 /* DynamicScope */ : 0) | (capabilities.createCaller ? 128 /* CreateCaller */ : 0) | (capabilities.updateHook ? 256 /* UpdateHook */ : 0) | (capabilities.createInstance ? 512 /* CreateInstance */ : 0); } function hasCapability(capabilities, capability) { return !!(capabilities & capability); } APPEND_OPCODES.add(69 /* IsComponent */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; let ref = stack.pop(); stack.push(IsCurriedComponentDefinitionReference.create(ref)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(70 /* ContentType */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; let ref = stack.peek(); stack.push(new ContentTypeReference(ref)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(71 /* CurryComponent */, (vm, { op1: _meta }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let definition = stack.pop(); let capturedArgs = stack.pop(); let meta = vm.constants.getSerializable(_meta); let resolver = vm.constants.resolver; vm.loadValue(Register.v0, new CurryComponentReference(definition, resolver, meta, capturedArgs)); // expectStackChange(vm.stack, -args.length - 1, 'CurryComponent'); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(72 /* PushComponentDefinition */, (vm, { op1: handle }) => { let definition = vm.constants.resolveHandle(handle); let { manager } = definition; let capabilities = capabilityFlagsFrom(manager.getCapabilities(definition.state)); let instance = { definition, manager, capabilities, state: null, handle: null, table: null, lookup: null }; vm.stack.push(instance); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(75 /* ResolveDynamicComponent */, (vm, { op1: _meta }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let component = stack.pop().value(); let meta = vm.constants.getSerializable(_meta); vm.loadValue(Register.t1, null); // Clear the temp register let definition; if (typeof component === 'string') { let { constants: { resolver } } = vm; let resolvedDefinition = resolveComponent(resolver, component, meta); definition = resolvedDefinition; } else if (isCurriedComponentDefinition(component)) { definition = component; } else { throw unreachable(); } stack.push(definition); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(73 /* PushDynamicComponentInstance */, vm => { let { stack } = vm; let definition = stack.pop(); let capabilities, manager; if (isCurriedComponentDefinition(definition)) { manager = capabilities = null; } else { manager = definition.manager; capabilities = capabilityFlagsFrom(manager.getCapabilities(definition.state)); } stack.push({ definition, capabilities, manager, state: null, handle: null, table: null }); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(74 /* PushCurriedComponent */, (vm, { op1: _meta }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let component = stack.pop().value(); let definition; if (isCurriedComponentDefinition(component)) { definition = component; } else { throw unreachable(); } stack.push(definition); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(76 /* PushArgs */, (vm, { op1: _names, op2: flags }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let names = vm.constants.getStringArray(_names); let positionalCount = flags >> 4; let synthetic = flags & 0b1000; let blockNames = []; if (flags & 0b0100) blockNames.push('main'); if (flags & 0b0010) blockNames.push('else'); if (flags & 0b0001) blockNames.push('attrs'); vm.args.setup(stack, names, blockNames, positionalCount, !!synthetic); stack.push(vm.args); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(77 /* PushEmptyArgs */, vm => { let { stack } = vm; stack.push(vm.args.empty(stack)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(80 /* CaptureArgs */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; let args = stack.pop(); let capturedArgs = args.capture(); stack.push(capturedArgs); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(79 /* PrepareArgs */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let instance = vm.fetchValue(_state); let args = stack.pop(); let { definition } = instance; if (isCurriedComponentDefinition(definition)) { definition = resolveCurriedComponentDefinition(instance, definition, args); } let { manager, state } = definition; let capabilities = instance.capabilities; if (hasCapability(capabilities, 4 /* PrepareArgs */) !== true) { stack.push(args); return; } let blocks = args.blocks.values; let blockNames = args.blocks.names; let preparedArgs = manager.prepareArgs(state, args); if (preparedArgs) { args.clear(); for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { stack.push(blocks[i]); } let { positional, named } = preparedArgs; let positionalCount = positional.length; for (let i = 0; i < positionalCount; i++) { stack.push(positional[i]); } let names = Object.keys(named); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { stack.push(named[names[i]]); } args.setup(stack, names, blockNames, positionalCount, true); } stack.push(args); }); function resolveCurriedComponentDefinition(instance, definition, args) { let unwrappedDefinition = instance.definition = definition.unwrap(args); let { manager, state } = unwrappedDefinition; instance.manager = manager; instance.capabilities = capabilityFlagsFrom(manager.getCapabilities(state)); return unwrappedDefinition; } APPEND_OPCODES.add(81 /* CreateComponent */, (vm, { op1: flags, op2: _state }) => { let instance = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { definition, manager } = instance; let capabilities = instance.capabilities = capabilityFlagsFrom(manager.getCapabilities(definition.state)); let dynamicScope = null; if (hasCapability(capabilities, 64 /* DynamicScope */)) { dynamicScope = vm.dynamicScope(); } let hasDefaultBlock = flags & 1; let args = null; if (hasCapability(capabilities, 8 /* CreateArgs */)) { args = vm.stack.peek(); } let self = null; if (hasCapability(capabilities, 128 /* CreateCaller */)) { self = vm.getSelf(); } let state = manager.create(vm.env, definition.state, args, dynamicScope, self, !!hasDefaultBlock); // We want to reuse the `state` POJO here, because we know that the opcodes // only transition at exactly one place. instance.state = state; let tag = manager.getTag(state); if (hasCapability(capabilities, 256 /* UpdateHook */) && !isConstTag(tag)) { vm.updateWith(new UpdateComponentOpcode(tag, state, manager, dynamicScope)); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(82 /* RegisterComponentDestructor */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { manager, state } = vm.fetchValue(_state); let destructor = manager.getDestructor(state); if (destructor) vm.newDestroyable(destructor); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(91 /* BeginComponentTransaction */, vm => { vm.beginCacheGroup(); vm.elements().pushSimpleBlock(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(83 /* PutComponentOperations */, vm => { vm.loadValue(Register.t0, new ComponentElementOperations()); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(37 /* ComponentAttr */, (vm, { op1: _name, op2: trusting, op3: _namespace }) => { let name = vm.constants.getString(_name); let reference = vm.stack.pop(); let namespace = _namespace ? vm.constants.getString(_namespace) : null; vm.fetchValue(Register.t0).setAttribute(name, reference, !!trusting, namespace); }); class ComponentElementOperations { constructor() { this.attributes = dict(); this.classes = []; } setAttribute(name, value, trusting, namespace) { let deferred = { value, namespace, trusting }; if (name === 'class') { this.classes.push(value); } this.attributes[name] = deferred; } flush(vm) { for (let name in this.attributes) { let attr = this.attributes[name]; let { value: reference, namespace, trusting } = attr; if (name === 'class') { reference = new ClassListReference(this.classes); } if (name === 'type') { continue; } let attribute = vm.elements().setDynamicAttribute(name, reference.value(), trusting, namespace); if (!isConst(reference)) { vm.updateWith(new UpdateDynamicAttributeOpcode(reference, attribute)); } } if ('type' in this.attributes) { let type = this.attributes.type; let { value: reference, namespace, trusting } = type; let attribute = vm.elements().setDynamicAttribute('type', reference.value(), trusting, namespace); if (!isConst(reference)) { vm.updateWith(new UpdateDynamicAttributeOpcode(reference, attribute)); } } } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(93 /* DidCreateElement */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { definition, state } = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { manager } = definition; let operations = vm.fetchValue(Register.t0); let action = 'DidCreateElementOpcode#evaluate'; manager.didCreateElement(state, vm.elements().expectConstructing(action), operations); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(84 /* GetComponentSelf */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { definition, state } = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { manager } = definition; vm.stack.push(manager.getSelf(state)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(85 /* GetComponentTagName */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { definition, state } = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { manager } = definition; vm.stack.push(manager.getTagName(state)); }); // Dynamic Invocation Only APPEND_OPCODES.add(86 /* GetComponentLayout */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let instance = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { manager, definition } = instance; let { constants: { resolver }, stack } = vm; let { state: instanceState, capabilities } = instance; let { state: definitionState } = definition; let invoke; if (hasStaticLayout(capabilities, manager)) { invoke = manager.getLayout(definitionState, resolver); } else if (hasDynamicLayout(capabilities, manager)) { invoke = manager.getDynamicLayout(instanceState, resolver); } else { throw unreachable(); } stack.push(invoke.symbolTable); stack.push(invoke.handle); }); function hasStaticLayout(capabilities, _manager) { return hasCapability(capabilities, 1 /* DynamicLayout */) === false; } function hasDynamicLayout(capabilities, _manager) { return hasCapability(capabilities, 1 /* DynamicLayout */) === true; } APPEND_OPCODES.add(68 /* Main */, (vm, { op1: register }) => { let definition = vm.stack.pop(); let invocation = vm.stack.pop(); let { manager } = definition; let capabilities = capabilityFlagsFrom(manager.getCapabilities(definition.state)); let state = { definition, manager, capabilities, state: null, handle: invocation.handle, table: invocation.symbolTable, lookup: null }; vm.loadValue(register, state); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(89 /* PopulateLayout */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { stack } = vm; let handle = stack.pop(); let table = stack.pop(); let state = vm.fetchValue(_state); state.handle = handle; state.table = table; }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(21 /* VirtualRootScope */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { symbols } = vm.fetchValue(_state).table; vm.pushRootScope(symbols.length + 1, true); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(87 /* SetupForEval */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let state = vm.fetchValue(_state); if (state.table.hasEval) { let lookup = state.lookup = dict(); vm.scope().bindEvalScope(lookup); } }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(2 /* SetNamedVariables */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let state = vm.fetchValue(_state); let scope = vm.scope(); let args = vm.stack.peek(); let callerNames = args.named.atNames; for (let i = callerNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let atName = callerNames[i]; let symbol = state.table.symbols.indexOf(callerNames[i]); let value = args.named.get(atName, false); if (symbol !== -1) scope.bindSymbol(symbol + 1, value); if (state.lookup) state.lookup[atName] = value; } }); function bindBlock(symbolName, blockName, state, blocks, vm) { let symbol = state.table.symbols.indexOf(symbolName); let block = blocks.get(blockName); if (symbol !== -1) { vm.scope().bindBlock(symbol + 1, block); } if (state.lookup) state.lookup[symbolName] = block; } APPEND_OPCODES.add(3 /* SetBlocks */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let state = vm.fetchValue(_state); let { blocks } = vm.stack.peek(); bindBlock('&attrs', 'attrs', state, blocks, vm); bindBlock('&inverse', 'else', state, blocks, vm); bindBlock('&default', 'main', state, blocks, vm); }); // Dynamic Invocation Only APPEND_OPCODES.add(90 /* InvokeComponentLayout */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let state = vm.fetchValue(_state);; }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(94 /* DidRenderLayout */, (vm, { op1: _state }) => { let { manager, state } = vm.fetchValue(_state); let bounds = vm.elements().popBlock(); let mgr = manager; mgr.didRenderLayout(state, bounds); vm.env.didCreate(state, manager); vm.updateWith(new DidUpdateLayoutOpcode(manager, state, bounds)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(92 /* CommitComponentTransaction */, vm => { vm.commitCacheGroup(); }); class UpdateComponentOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(tag, component, manager, dynamicScope) { super(); this.tag = tag; this.component = component; this.manager = manager; this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.type = 'update-component'; } evaluate(_vm) { let { component, manager, dynamicScope } = this; manager.update(component, dynamicScope); } } class DidUpdateLayoutOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(manager, component, bounds) { super(); this.manager = manager; this.component = component; this.bounds = bounds; this.type = 'did-update-layout'; this.tag = CONSTANT_TAG; } evaluate(vm) { let { manager, component, bounds } = this; manager.didUpdateLayout(component, bounds); vm.env.didUpdate(component, manager); } } /* tslint:disable */ function debugCallback(context, get) {'Use `context`, and `get(<path>)` to debug this template.'); // for example... context === get('this'); debugger; } /* tslint:enable */ let callback = debugCallback; // For testing purposes function setDebuggerCallback(cb) { callback = cb; } function resetDebuggerCallback() { callback = debugCallback; } class ScopeInspector { constructor(scope, symbols, evalInfo) { this.scope = scope; this.locals = dict(); for (let i = 0; i < evalInfo.length; i++) { let slot = evalInfo[i]; let name = symbols[slot - 1]; let ref = scope.getSymbol(slot); this.locals[name] = ref; } } get(path) { let { scope, locals } = this; let parts = path.split('.'); let [head, ...tail] = path.split('.'); let evalScope = scope.getEvalScope(); let ref; if (head === 'this') { ref = scope.getSelf(); } else if (locals[head]) { ref = locals[head]; } else if (head.indexOf('@') === 0 && evalScope[head]) { ref = evalScope[head]; } else { ref = this.scope.getSelf(); tail = parts; } return tail.reduce((r, part) => r.get(part), ref); } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(97 /* Debugger */, (vm, { op1: _symbols, op2: _evalInfo }) => { let symbols = vm.constants.getStringArray(_symbols); let evalInfo = vm.constants.getArray(_evalInfo); let inspector = new ScopeInspector(vm.scope(), symbols, evalInfo); callback(vm.getSelf().value(), path => inspector.get(path).value()); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(95 /* InvokePartial */, (vm, { op1: _meta, op2: _symbols, op3: _evalInfo }) => { let { constants, constants: { resolver }, stack } = vm; let name = stack.pop().value(); let meta = constants.getSerializable(_meta); let outerSymbols = constants.getStringArray(_symbols); let evalInfo = constants.getArray(_evalInfo); let handle = resolver.lookupPartial(name, meta); let definition = resolver.resolve(handle); let { symbolTable, handle: vmHandle } = definition.getPartial(); { let partialSymbols = symbolTable.symbols; let outerScope = vm.scope(); let partialScope = vm.pushRootScope(partialSymbols.length, false); let evalScope = outerScope.getEvalScope(); partialScope.bindCallerScope(outerScope.getCallerScope()); partialScope.bindEvalScope(evalScope); partialScope.bindSelf(outerScope.getSelf()); let locals = Object.create(outerScope.getPartialMap()); for (let i = 0; i < evalInfo.length; i++) { let slot = evalInfo[i]; let name = outerSymbols[slot - 1]; let ref = outerScope.getSymbol(slot); locals[name] = ref; } if (evalScope) { for (let i = 0; i < partialSymbols.length; i++) { let name = partialSymbols[i]; let symbol = i + 1; let value = evalScope[name]; if (value !== undefined) partialScope.bind(symbol, value); } } partialScope.bindPartialMap(locals); vm.pushFrame(); // sp += 2; } }); class IterablePresenceReference { constructor(artifacts) { this.tag = artifacts.tag; this.artifacts = artifacts; } value() { return !this.artifacts.isEmpty(); } } APPEND_OPCODES.add(66 /* PutIterator */, vm => { let stack = vm.stack; let listRef = stack.pop(); let key = stack.pop(); let iterable = vm.env.iterableFor(listRef, key.value()); let iterator = new ReferenceIterator(iterable); stack.push(iterator); stack.push(new IterablePresenceReference(iterator.artifacts)); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(64 /* EnterList */, (vm, { op1: relativeStart }) => { vm.enterList(relativeStart); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(65 /* ExitList */, vm => { vm.exitList(); }); APPEND_OPCODES.add(67 /* Iterate */, (vm, { op1: breaks }) => { let stack = vm.stack; let item = stack.peek().next(); if (item) { let tryOpcode = vm.iterate(item.memo, item.value); vm.enterItem(item.key, tryOpcode); } else { vm.goto(breaks); } }); class Cursor { constructor(element, nextSibling) { this.element = element; this.nextSibling = nextSibling; } } class ConcreteBounds { constructor(parentNode, first, last) { this.parentNode = parentNode; this.first = first; this.last = last; } parentElement() { return this.parentNode; } firstNode() { return this.first; } lastNode() { return this.last; } } class SingleNodeBounds { constructor(parentNode, node) { this.parentNode = parentNode; this.node = node; } parentElement() { return this.parentNode; } firstNode() { return this.node; } lastNode() { return this.node; } } function bounds(parent, first, last) { return new ConcreteBounds(parent, first, last); } function single(parent, node) { return new SingleNodeBounds(parent, node); } function move(bounds, reference) { let parent = bounds.parentElement(); let first = bounds.firstNode(); let last = bounds.lastNode(); let node = first; while (node) { let next = node.nextSibling; parent.insertBefore(node, reference); if (node === last) return next; node = next; } return null; } function clear(bounds) { let parent = bounds.parentElement(); let first = bounds.firstNode(); let last = bounds.lastNode(); let node = first; while (node) { let next = node.nextSibling; parent.removeChild(node); if (node === last) return next; node = next; } return null; } const SVG_NAMESPACE = ''; // Patch: insertAdjacentHTML on SVG Fix // Browsers: Safari, IE, Edge, Firefox ~33-34 // Reason: insertAdjacentHTML does not exist on SVG elements in Safari. It is // present but throws an exception on IE and Edge. Old versions of // Firefox create nodes in the incorrect namespace. // Fix: Since IE and Edge silently fail to create SVG nodes using // innerHTML, and because Firefox may create nodes in the incorrect // namespace using innerHTML on SVG elements, an HTML-string wrapping // approach is used. A pre/post SVG tag is added to the string, then // that whole string is added to a div. The created nodes are plucked // out and applied to the target location on DOM. function applySVGInnerHTMLFix(document, DOMClass, svgNamespace) { if (!document) return DOMClass; if (!shouldApplyFix(document, svgNamespace)) { return DOMClass; } let div = document.createElement('div'); return class DOMChangesWithSVGInnerHTMLFix extends DOMClass { insertHTMLBefore(parent, nextSibling, html) { if (parent.namespaceURI !== svgNamespace) { return super.insertHTMLBefore(parent, nextSibling, html); } return fixSVG(parent, div, html, nextSibling); } }; } function fixSVG(parent, div, html, reference) { let source; // This is important, because decendants of the <foreignObject> integration // point are parsed in the HTML namespace if (parent.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'FOREIGNOBJECT') { // IE, Edge: also do not correctly support using `innerHTML` on SVG // namespaced elements. So here a wrapper is used. let wrappedHtml = '<svg><foreignObject>' + (html || '<!---->') + '</foreignObject></svg>'; div.innerHTML = wrappedHtml; source = div.firstChild.firstChild; } else { // IE, Edge: also do not correctly support using `innerHTML` on SVG // namespaced elements. So here a wrapper is used. let wrappedHtml = '<svg>' + (html || '<!---->') + '</svg>'; div.innerHTML = wrappedHtml; source = div.firstChild; } let [first, last] = moveNodesBefore(source, parent, reference); return new ConcreteBounds(parent, first, last); } function shouldApplyFix(document, svgNamespace) { let svg = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'svg'); try { svg['insertAdjacentHTML']('beforeend', '<circle></circle>'); } catch (e) { // IE, Edge: Will throw, insertAdjacentHTML is unsupported on SVG // Safari: Will throw, insertAdjacentHTML is not present on SVG } finally { // FF: Old versions will create a node in the wrong namespace if (svg.childNodes.length === 1 && svg.firstChild.namespaceURI === SVG_NAMESPACE) { // The test worked as expected, no fix required return false; } return true; } } // Patch: Adjacent text node merging fix // Browsers: IE, Edge, Firefox w/o inspector open // Reason: These browsers will merge adjacent text nodes. For exmaple given // <div>Hello</div> with div.insertAdjacentHTML(' world') browsers // with proper behavior will populate div.childNodes with two items. // These browsers will populate it with one merged node instead. // Fix: Add these nodes to a wrapper element, then iterate the childNodes // of that wrapper and move the nodes to their target location. Note // that potential SVG bugs will have been handled before this fix. // Note that this fix must only apply to the previous text node, as // the base implementation of `insertHTMLBefore` already handles // following text nodes correctly. function applyTextNodeMergingFix(document, DOMClass) { if (!document) return DOMClass; if (!shouldApplyFix$1(document)) { return DOMClass; } return class DOMChangesWithTextNodeMergingFix extends DOMClass { constructor(document) { super(document); this.uselessComment = document.createComment(''); } insertHTMLBefore(parent, nextSibling, html) { let didSetUselessComment = false; let nextPrevious = nextSibling ? nextSibling.previousSibling : parent.lastChild; if (nextPrevious && nextPrevious instanceof Text) { didSetUselessComment = true; parent.insertBefore(this.uselessComment, nextSibling); } let bounds = super.insertHTMLBefore(parent, nextSibling, html); if (didSetUselessComment) { parent.removeChild(this.uselessComment); } return bounds; } }; } function shouldApplyFix$1(document) { let mergingTextDiv = document.createElement('div'); mergingTextDiv.innerHTML = 'first'; mergingTextDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', 'second'); if (mergingTextDiv.childNodes.length === 2) { // It worked as expected, no fix required return false; } return true; } const SVG_NAMESPACE$1 = ''; // const SVG_INTEGRATION_POINTS = { foreignObject: 1, desc: 1, title: 1 }; // // TODO: Adjust SVG attributes // // TODO: Adjust SVG elements // const BLACKLIST_TABLE = Object.create(null); ['b', 'big', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'center', 'code', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'hr', 'i', 'img', 'li', 'listing', 'main', 'meta', 'nobr', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'ruby', 's', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'strike', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var'].forEach(tag => BLACKLIST_TABLE[tag] = 1); const WHITESPACE = /[\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]/; let doc = typeof document === 'undefined' ? null : document; function isWhitespace(string) { return WHITESPACE.test(string); } function moveNodesBefore(source, target, nextSibling) { let first = source.firstChild; let last = null; let current = first; while (current) { last = current; current = current.nextSibling; target.insertBefore(last, nextSibling); } return [first, last]; } class DOMOperations { constructor(document) { this.document = document; this.setupUselessElement(); } // split into seperate method so that NodeDOMTreeConstruction // can override it. setupUselessElement() { this.uselessElement = this.document.createElement('div'); } createElement(tag, context) { let isElementInSVGNamespace, isHTMLIntegrationPoint; if (context) { isElementInSVGNamespace = context.namespaceURI === SVG_NAMESPACE$1 || tag === 'svg'; isHTMLIntegrationPoint = SVG_INTEGRATION_POINTS[context.tagName]; } else { isElementInSVGNamespace = tag === 'svg'; isHTMLIntegrationPoint = false; } if (isElementInSVGNamespace && !isHTMLIntegrationPoint) { // FIXME: This does not properly handle <font> with color, face, or // size attributes, which is also disallowed by the spec. We should fix // this. if (BLACKLIST_TABLE[tag]) { throw new Error(`Cannot create a ${tag} inside an SVG context`); } return this.document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE$1, tag); } else { return this.document.createElement(tag); } } insertBefore(parent, node, reference) { parent.insertBefore(node, reference); } insertHTMLBefore(_parent, nextSibling, html) { return insertHTMLBefore(this.uselessElement, _parent, nextSibling, html); } createTextNode(text) { return this.document.createTextNode(text); } createComment(data) { return this.document.createComment(data); } } var DOM; (function (DOM) { class TreeConstruction extends DOMOperations { createElementNS(namespace, tag) { return this.document.createElementNS(namespace, tag); } setAttribute(element, name, value, namespace = null) { if (namespace) { element.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value); } else { element.setAttribute(name, value); } } } DOM.TreeConstruction = TreeConstruction; let appliedTreeContruction = TreeConstruction; appliedTreeContruction = applyTextNodeMergingFix(doc, appliedTreeContruction); appliedTreeContruction = applySVGInnerHTMLFix(doc, appliedTreeContruction, SVG_NAMESPACE$1); DOM.DOMTreeConstruction = appliedTreeContruction; })(DOM || (DOM = {})); class DOMChanges extends DOMOperations { constructor(document) { super(document); this.document = document; this.namespace = null; } setAttribute(element, name, value) { element.setAttribute(name, value); } removeAttribute(element, name) { element.removeAttribute(name); } insertAfter(element, node, reference) { this.insertBefore(element, node, reference.nextSibling); } } function insertHTMLBefore(useless, _parent, _nextSibling, _html) { let parent = _parent; let nextSibling = _nextSibling; let prev = nextSibling ? nextSibling.previousSibling : parent.lastChild; let last; let html = _html || '<!---->'; if (nextSibling === null) { parent.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); last = parent.lastChild; } else if (nextSibling instanceof HTMLElement) { nextSibling.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); last = nextSibling.previousSibling; } else { // Non-element nodes do not support insertAdjacentHTML, so add an // element and call it on that element. Then remove the element. // // This also protects Edge, IE and Firefox w/o the inspector open // from merging adjacent text nodes. See ./compat/text-node-merging-fix.ts parent.insertBefore(useless, nextSibling); useless.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); last = useless.previousSibling; parent.removeChild(useless); } let first = prev ? prev.nextSibling : parent.firstChild; return new ConcreteBounds(parent, first, last); } let helper = DOMChanges; helper = applyTextNodeMergingFix(doc, helper); helper = applySVGInnerHTMLFix(doc, helper, SVG_NAMESPACE$1); var helper$1 = helper; const DOMTreeConstruction = DOM.DOMTreeConstruction; const badProtocols = ['javascript:', 'vbscript:']; const badTags = ['A', 'BODY', 'LINK', 'IMG', 'IFRAME', 'BASE', 'FORM']; const badTagsForDataURI = ['EMBED']; const badAttributes = ['href', 'src', 'background', 'action']; const badAttributesForDataURI = ['src']; function has(array, item) { return array.indexOf(item) !== -1; } function checkURI(tagName, attribute) { return (tagName === null || has(badTags, tagName)) && has(badAttributes, attribute); } function checkDataURI(tagName, attribute) { if (tagName === null) return false; return has(badTagsForDataURI, tagName) && has(badAttributesForDataURI, attribute); } function requiresSanitization(tagName, attribute) { return checkURI(tagName, attribute) || checkDataURI(tagName, attribute); } function sanitizeAttributeValue(env, element, attribute, value) { let tagName = null; if (value === null || value === undefined) { return value; } if (isSafeString(value)) { return value.toHTML(); } if (!element) { tagName = null; } else { tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); } let str = normalizeStringValue(value); if (checkURI(tagName, attribute)) { let protocol = env.protocolForURL(str); if (has(badProtocols, protocol)) { return `unsafe:${str}`; } } if (checkDataURI(tagName, attribute)) { return `unsafe:${str}`; } return str; } /* * @method normalizeProperty * @param element {HTMLElement} * @param slotName {String} * @returns {Object} { name, type } */ function normalizeProperty(element, slotName) { let type, normalized; if (slotName in element) { normalized = slotName; type = 'prop'; } else { let lower = slotName.toLowerCase(); if (lower in element) { type = 'prop'; normalized = lower; } else { type = 'attr'; normalized = slotName; } } if (type === 'prop' && (normalized.toLowerCase() === 'style' || preferAttr(element.tagName, normalized))) { type = 'attr'; } return { normalized, type }; } // properties that MUST be set as attributes, due to: // * browser bug // * strange spec outlier const ATTR_OVERRIDES = { INPUT: { form: true, // Chrome 46.0.2464.0: 'autocorrect' in document.createElement('input') === false // Safari 8.0.7: 'autocorrect' in document.createElement('input') === false // Mobile Safari (iOS 8.4 simulator): 'autocorrect' in document.createElement('input') === true autocorrect: true, // Chrome 54.0.2840.98: 'list' in document.createElement('input') === true // Safari 9.1.3: 'list' in document.createElement('input') === false list: true }, // element.form is actually a legitimate readOnly property, that is to be // mutated, but must be mutated by setAttribute... SELECT: { form: true }, OPTION: { form: true }, TEXTAREA: { form: true }, LABEL: { form: true }, FIELDSET: { form: true }, LEGEND: { form: true }, OBJECT: { form: true }, BUTTON: { form: true } }; function preferAttr(tagName, propName) { let tag = ATTR_OVERRIDES[tagName.toUpperCase()]; return tag && tag[propName.toLowerCase()] || false; } function dynamicAttribute(element, attr, namespace) { let { tagName, namespaceURI } = element; let attribute = { element, name: attr, namespace }; if (namespaceURI === SVG_NAMESPACE$1) { return buildDynamicAttribute(tagName, attr, attribute); } let { type, normalized } = normalizeProperty(element, attr); if (type === 'attr') { return buildDynamicAttribute(tagName, normalized, attribute); } else { return buildDynamicProperty(tagName, normalized, attribute); } } function buildDynamicAttribute(tagName, name, attribute) { if (requiresSanitization(tagName, name)) { return new SafeDynamicAttribute(attribute); } else { return new SimpleDynamicAttribute(attribute); } } function buildDynamicProperty(tagName, name, attribute) { if (requiresSanitization(tagName, name)) { return new SafeDynamicProperty(name, attribute); } if (isUserInputValue(tagName, name)) { return new InputValueDynamicAttribute(name, attribute); } if (isOptionSelected(tagName, name)) { return new OptionSelectedDynamicAttribute(name, attribute); } return new DefaultDynamicProperty(name, attribute); } class DynamicAttribute { constructor(attribute) { this.attribute = attribute; } } class SimpleDynamicAttribute extends DynamicAttribute { set(dom, value, _env) { let normalizedValue = normalizeValue(value); if (normalizedValue !== null) { let { name, namespace } = this.attribute; dom.__setAttribute(name, normalizedValue, namespace); } } update(value, _env) { let normalizedValue = normalizeValue(value); let { element, name } = this.attribute; if (normalizedValue === null) { element.removeAttribute(name); } else { element.setAttribute(name, normalizedValue); } } } class DefaultDynamicProperty extends DynamicAttribute { constructor(normalizedName, attribute) { super(attribute); this.normalizedName = normalizedName; } set(dom, value, _env) { if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { this.value = value; dom.__setProperty(this.normalizedName, value); } } update(value, _env) { let { element } = this.attribute; if (this.value !== value) { element[this.normalizedName] = this.value = value; if (value === null || value === undefined) { this.removeAttribute(); } } } removeAttribute() { // TODO this sucks but to preserve properties first and to meet current // semantics we must do this. let { element, namespace } = this.attribute; if (namespace) { element.removeAttributeNS(namespace, this.normalizedName); } else { element.removeAttribute(this.normalizedName); } } } class SafeDynamicProperty extends DefaultDynamicProperty { set(dom, value, env) { let { element, name } = this.attribute; let sanitized = sanitizeAttributeValue(env, element, name, value); super.set(dom, sanitized, env); } update(value, env) { let { element, name } = this.attribute; let sanitized = sanitizeAttributeValue(env, element, name, value); super.update(sanitized, env); } } class SafeDynamicAttribute extends SimpleDynamicAttribute { set(dom, value, env) { let { element, name } = this.attribute; let sanitized = sanitizeAttributeValue(env, element, name, value); super.set(dom, sanitized, env); } update(value, env) { let { element, name } = this.attribute; let sanitized = sanitizeAttributeValue(env, element, name, value); super.update(sanitized, env); } } class InputValueDynamicAttribute extends DefaultDynamicProperty { set(dom, value) { dom.__setProperty('value', normalizeStringValue(value)); } update(value) { let input = this.attribute.element; let currentValue = input.value; let normalizedValue = normalizeStringValue(value); if (currentValue !== normalizedValue) { input.value = normalizedValue; } } } class OptionSelectedDynamicAttribute extends DefaultDynamicProperty { set(dom, value) { if (value !== null && value !== undefined && value !== false) { dom.__setProperty('selected', true); } } update(value) { let option = this.attribute.element; if (value) { option.selected = true; } else { option.selected = false; } } } function isOptionSelected(tagName, attribute) { return tagName === 'OPTION' && attribute === 'selected'; } function isUserInputValue(tagName, attribute) { return (tagName === 'INPUT' || tagName === 'TEXTAREA') && attribute === 'value'; } function normalizeValue(value) { if (value === false || value === undefined || value === null || typeof value.toString === 'undefined') { return null; } if (value === true) { return ''; } // onclick function etc in SSR if (typeof value === 'function') { return null; } return String(value); } class Scope { constructor( // the 0th slot is `self` slots, callerScope, // named arguments and blocks passed to a layout that uses eval evalScope, // locals in scope when the partial was invoked partialMap) { this.slots = slots; this.callerScope = callerScope; this.evalScope = evalScope; this.partialMap = partialMap; } static root(self, size = 0) { let refs = new Array(size + 1); for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { refs[i] = UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } return new Scope(refs, null, null, null).init({ self }); } static sized(size = 0) { let refs = new Array(size + 1); for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { refs[i] = UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } return new Scope(refs, null, null, null); } init({ self }) { this.slots[0] = self; return this; } getSelf() { return this.get(0); } getSymbol(symbol) { return this.get(symbol); } getBlock(symbol) { let block = this.get(symbol); return block === UNDEFINED_REFERENCE ? null : block; } getEvalScope() { return this.evalScope; } getPartialMap() { return this.partialMap; } bind(symbol, value) { this.set(symbol, value); } bindSelf(self) { this.set(0, self); } bindSymbol(symbol, value) { this.set(symbol, value); } bindBlock(symbol, value) { this.set(symbol, value); } bindEvalScope(map) { this.evalScope = map; } bindPartialMap(map) { this.partialMap = map; } bindCallerScope(scope) { this.callerScope = scope; } getCallerScope() { return this.callerScope; } child() { return new Scope(this.slots.slice(), this.callerScope, this.evalScope, this.partialMap); } get(index) { if (index >= this.slots.length) { throw new RangeError(`BUG: cannot get $${index} from scope; length=${this.slots.length}`); } return this.slots[index]; } set(index, value) { if (index >= this.slots.length) { throw new RangeError(`BUG: cannot get $${index} from scope; length=${this.slots.length}`); } this.slots[index] = value; } } class Transaction { constructor() { this.scheduledInstallManagers = []; this.scheduledInstallModifiers = []; this.scheduledUpdateModifierManagers = []; this.scheduledUpdateModifiers = []; this.createdComponents = []; this.createdManagers = []; this.updatedComponents = []; this.updatedManagers = []; this.destructors = []; } didCreate(component, manager) { this.createdComponents.push(component); this.createdManagers.push(manager); } didUpdate(component, manager) { this.updatedComponents.push(component); this.updatedManagers.push(manager); } scheduleInstallModifier(modifier, manager) { this.scheduledInstallManagers.push(manager); this.scheduledInstallModifiers.push(modifier); } scheduleUpdateModifier(modifier, manager) { this.scheduledUpdateModifierManagers.push(manager); this.scheduledUpdateModifiers.push(modifier); } didDestroy(d) { this.destructors.push(d); } commit() { let { createdComponents, createdManagers } = this; for (let i = 0; i < createdComponents.length; i++) { let component = createdComponents[i]; let manager = createdManagers[i]; manager.didCreate(component); } let { updatedComponents, updatedManagers } = this; for (let i = 0; i < updatedComponents.length; i++) { let component = updatedComponents[i]; let manager = updatedManagers[i]; manager.didUpdate(component); } let { destructors } = this; for (let i = 0; i < destructors.length; i++) { destructors[i].destroy(); } let { scheduledInstallManagers, scheduledInstallModifiers } = this; for (let i = 0; i < scheduledInstallManagers.length; i++) { let manager = scheduledInstallManagers[i]; let modifier = scheduledInstallModifiers[i]; manager.install(modifier); } let { scheduledUpdateModifierManagers, scheduledUpdateModifiers } = this; for (let i = 0; i < scheduledUpdateModifierManagers.length; i++) { let manager = scheduledUpdateModifierManagers[i]; let modifier = scheduledUpdateModifiers[i]; manager.update(modifier); } } } class Environment { constructor({ appendOperations, updateOperations }) { this._transaction = null; this.appendOperations = appendOperations; this.updateOperations = updateOperations; } toConditionalReference(reference) { return new ConditionalReference(reference); } getAppendOperations() { return this.appendOperations; } getDOM() { return this.updateOperations; } begin() { this._transaction = new Transaction(); } get transaction() { return this._transaction; } didCreate(component, manager) { this.transaction.didCreate(component, manager); } didUpdate(component, manager) { this.transaction.didUpdate(component, manager); } scheduleInstallModifier(modifier, manager) { this.transaction.scheduleInstallModifier(modifier, manager); } scheduleUpdateModifier(modifier, manager) { this.transaction.scheduleUpdateModifier(modifier, manager); } didDestroy(d) { this.transaction.didDestroy(d); } commit() { let transaction = this.transaction; this._transaction = null; transaction.commit(); } attributeFor(element, attr, _isTrusting, namespace = null) { return dynamicAttribute(element, attr, namespace); } } class DefaultEnvironment extends Environment { constructor(options) { if (!options) { let document = window.document; let appendOperations = new DOMTreeConstruction(document); let updateOperations = new DOMChanges(document); options = { appendOperations, updateOperations }; } super(options); } } class LowLevelVM { constructor(stack, heap, program, externs, pc = -1, ra = -1) { this.stack = stack; this.heap = heap; this.program = program; this.externs = externs; this.pc = pc; this.ra = ra; this.currentOpSize = 0; } // Start a new frame and save $ra and $fp on the stack pushFrame() { this.stack.pushSmi(this.ra); this.stack.pushSmi(this.stack.fp); this.stack.fp = this.stack.sp - 1; } // Restore $ra, $sp and $fp popFrame() { this.stack.sp = this.stack.fp - 1; this.ra = this.stack.getSmi(0); this.stack.fp = this.stack.getSmi(1); } pushSmallFrame() { this.stack.pushSmi(this.ra); } popSmallFrame() { this.ra = this.stack.popSmi(); } // Jump to an address in `program` goto(offset) { let addr = this.pc + offset - this.currentOpSize; this.pc = addr; } // Save $pc into $ra, then jump to a new address in `program` (jal in MIPS) call(handle) { this.ra = this.pc; this.pc = this.heap.getaddr(handle); } // Put a specific `program` address in $ra returnTo(offset) { let addr = this.pc + offset - this.currentOpSize; this.ra = addr; } // Return to the `program` address stored in $ra return() { this.pc = this.ra; } nextStatement() { let { pc, program } = this; if (pc === -1) { return null; } // We have to save off the current operations size so that // when we do a jump we can calculate the correct offset // to where we are going. We can't simply ask for the size // in a jump because we have have already incremented the // program counter to the next instruction prior to executing. let { size } = this.program.opcode(pc); let operationSize = this.currentOpSize = size; this.pc += operationSize; return program.opcode(pc); } evaluateOuter(opcode, vm) { { this.evaluateInner(opcode, vm); } } evaluateInner(opcode, vm) { if (opcode.isMachine) { this.evaluateMachine(opcode); } else { this.evaluateSyscall(opcode, vm); } } evaluateMachine(opcode) { switch (opcode.type) { case 57 /* PushFrame */: return this.pushFrame(); case 58 /* PopFrame */: return this.popFrame(); case 59 /* PushSmallFrame */: return this.pushSmallFrame(); case 60 /* PopSmallFrame */: return this.popSmallFrame(); case 50 /* InvokeStatic */: return; case 49 /* InvokeVirtual */: return; case 52 /* Jump */: return this.goto(opcode.op1); case 24 /* Return */: return this.return(); case 25 /* ReturnTo */: return this.returnTo(opcode.op1); } } evaluateSyscall(opcode, vm) { APPEND_OPCODES.evaluate(vm, opcode, opcode.type); } } class First { constructor(node) { this.node = node; } firstNode() { return this.node; } } class Last { constructor(node) { this.node = node; } lastNode() { return this.node; } } class NewElementBuilder { constructor(env, parentNode, nextSibling) { this.constructing = null; this.operations = null; this.cursorStack = new Stack(); this.blockStack = new Stack(); this.pushElement(parentNode, nextSibling); this.env = env; this.dom = env.getAppendOperations(); this.updateOperations = env.getDOM(); } static forInitialRender(env, cursor) { let builder = new this(env, cursor.element, cursor.nextSibling); builder.pushSimpleBlock(); return builder; } static resume(env, tracker, nextSibling) { let parentNode = tracker.parentElement(); let stack = new this(env, parentNode, nextSibling); stack.pushSimpleBlock(); stack.pushBlockTracker(tracker); return stack; } get element() { return this.cursorStack.current.element; } get nextSibling() { return this.cursorStack.current.nextSibling; } expectConstructing(method) { return this.constructing; } block() { return this.blockStack.current; } popElement() { this.cursorStack.pop(); this.cursorStack.current; } pushSimpleBlock() { return this.pushBlockTracker(new SimpleBlockTracker(this.element)); } pushUpdatableBlock() { return this.pushBlockTracker(new UpdatableBlockTracker(this.element)); } pushBlockList(list) { return this.pushBlockTracker(new BlockListTracker(this.element, list)); } pushBlockTracker(tracker, isRemote = false) { let current = this.blockStack.current; if (current !== null) { current.newDestroyable(tracker); if (!isRemote) { current.didAppendBounds(tracker); } } this.__openBlock(); this.blockStack.push(tracker); return tracker; } popBlock() { this.block().finalize(this); this.__closeBlock(); return this.blockStack.pop(); } __openBlock() {} __closeBlock() {} // todo return seems unused openElement(tag) { let element = this.__openElement(tag); this.constructing = element; return element; } __openElement(tag) { return this.dom.createElement(tag, this.element); } flushElement() { let parent = this.element; let element = this.constructing; this.__flushElement(parent, element); this.constructing = null; this.operations = null; this.pushElement(element, null); this.didOpenElement(element); } __flushElement(parent, constructing) { this.dom.insertBefore(parent, constructing, this.nextSibling); } closeElement() { this.willCloseElement(); this.popElement(); } pushRemoteElement(element, guid, nextSibling = null) { this.__pushRemoteElement(element, guid, nextSibling); } __pushRemoteElement(element, _guid, nextSibling) { this.pushElement(element, nextSibling); let tracker = new RemoteBlockTracker(element); this.pushBlockTracker(tracker, true); } popRemoteElement() { this.popBlock(); this.popElement(); } pushElement(element, nextSibling) { this.cursorStack.push(new Cursor(element, nextSibling)); } didAddDestroyable(d) { this.block().newDestroyable(d); } didAppendBounds(bounds$$1) { this.block().didAppendBounds(bounds$$1); return bounds$$1; } didAppendNode(node) { this.block().didAppendNode(node); return node; } didOpenElement(element) { this.block().openElement(element); return element; } willCloseElement() { this.block().closeElement(); } appendText(string) { return this.didAppendNode(this.__appendText(string)); } __appendText(text) { let { dom, element, nextSibling } = this; let node = dom.createTextNode(text); dom.insertBefore(element, node, nextSibling); return node; } __appendNode(node) { this.dom.insertBefore(this.element, node, this.nextSibling); return node; } __appendFragment(fragment) { let first = fragment.firstChild; if (first) { let ret = bounds(this.element, first, fragment.lastChild); this.dom.insertBefore(this.element, fragment, this.nextSibling); return ret; } else { return single(this.element, this.__appendComment('')); } } __appendHTML(html) { return this.dom.insertHTMLBefore(this.element, this.nextSibling, html); } appendDynamicHTML(value) { let bounds$$1 = this.trustedContent(value); this.didAppendBounds(bounds$$1); } appendDynamicText(value) { let node = this.untrustedContent(value); this.didAppendNode(node); return node; } appendDynamicFragment(value) { let bounds$$1 = this.__appendFragment(value); this.didAppendBounds(bounds$$1); } appendDynamicNode(value) { let node = this.__appendNode(value); let bounds$$1 = single(this.element, node); this.didAppendBounds(bounds$$1); } trustedContent(value) { return this.__appendHTML(value); } untrustedContent(value) { return this.__appendText(value); } appendComment(string) { return this.didAppendNode(this.__appendComment(string)); } __appendComment(string) { let { dom, element, nextSibling } = this; let node = dom.createComment(string); dom.insertBefore(element, node, nextSibling); return node; } __setAttribute(name, value, namespace) { this.dom.setAttribute(this.constructing, name, value, namespace); } __setProperty(name, value) { this.constructing[name] = value; } setStaticAttribute(name, value, namespace) { this.__setAttribute(name, value, namespace); } setDynamicAttribute(name, value, trusting, namespace) { let element = this.constructing; let attribute = this.env.attributeFor(element, name, trusting, namespace); attribute.set(this, value, this.env); return attribute; } } class SimpleBlockTracker { constructor(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.first = null; this.last = null; this.destroyables = null; this.nesting = 0; } destroy() { let { destroyables } = this; if (destroyables && destroyables.length) { for (let i = 0; i < destroyables.length; i++) { destroyables[i].destroy(); } } } parentElement() { return this.parent; } firstNode() { return this.first && this.first.firstNode(); } lastNode() { return this.last && this.last.lastNode(); } openElement(element) { this.didAppendNode(element); this.nesting++; } closeElement() { this.nesting--; } didAppendNode(node) { if (this.nesting !== 0) return; if (!this.first) { this.first = new First(node); } this.last = new Last(node); } didAppendBounds(bounds$$1) { if (this.nesting !== 0) return; if (!this.first) { this.first = bounds$$1; } this.last = bounds$$1; } newDestroyable(d) { this.destroyables = this.destroyables || []; this.destroyables.push(d); } finalize(stack) { if (this.first === null) { stack.appendComment(''); } } } class RemoteBlockTracker extends SimpleBlockTracker { destroy() { super.destroy(); clear(this); } } class UpdatableBlockTracker extends SimpleBlockTracker { reset(env) { let { destroyables } = this; if (destroyables && destroyables.length) { for (let i = 0; i < destroyables.length; i++) { env.didDestroy(destroyables[i]); } } let nextSibling = clear(this); this.first = null; this.last = null; this.destroyables = null; this.nesting = 0; return nextSibling; } } class BlockListTracker { constructor(parent, boundList) { this.parent = parent; this.boundList = boundList; this.parent = parent; this.boundList = boundList; } destroy() { this.boundList.forEachNode(node => node.destroy()); } parentElement() { return this.parent; } firstNode() { let head = this.boundList.head(); return head && head.firstNode(); } lastNode() { let tail = this.boundList.tail(); return tail && tail.lastNode(); } openElement(_element) { } closeElement() { } didAppendNode(_node) { } didAppendBounds(_bounds) {} newDestroyable(_d) {} finalize(_stack) {} } function clientBuilder(env, cursor) { return NewElementBuilder.forInitialRender(env, cursor); } const HI = 0x80000000; const MASK = 0x7fffffff; class InnerStack { constructor(inner = new Stack$1(), js = []) { this.inner = inner; this.js = js; } slice(start, end) { let inner; if (typeof start === 'number' && typeof end === 'number') { inner = this.inner.slice(start, end); } else if (typeof start === 'number' && end === undefined) { inner = this.inner.sliceFrom(start); } else { inner = this.inner.clone(); } return new InnerStack(inner, this.js.slice(start, end)); } sliceInner(start, end) { let out = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { out.push(this.get(i)); } return out; } copy(from, to) { this.inner.copy(from, to); } write(pos, value) { if (isImmediate(value)) { this.inner.writeRaw(pos, encodeImmediate(value)); } else { let idx = this.js.length; this.js.push(value); this.inner.writeRaw(pos, idx | HI); } } writeSmi(pos, value) { this.inner.writeSmi(pos, value); } writeImmediate(pos, value) { this.inner.writeRaw(pos, value); } get(pos) { let value = this.inner.getRaw(pos); if (value & HI) { return this.js[value & MASK]; } else { return decodeImmediate(value); } } getSmi(pos) { return this.inner.getSmi(pos); } reset() { this.inner.reset(); this.js.length = 0; } get length() { return this.inner.len(); } } class EvaluationStack { constructor(stack, fp, sp) { this.stack = stack; this.fp = fp; this.sp = sp; } static empty() { return new this(new InnerStack(), 0, -1); } static restore(snapshot) { let stack = new InnerStack(); for (let i = 0; i < snapshot.length; i++) { stack.write(i, snapshot[i]); } return new this(stack, 0, snapshot.length - 1); } push(value) { this.stack.write(++this.sp, value); } pushSmi(value) { this.stack.writeSmi(++this.sp, value); } pushImmediate(value) { this.stack.writeImmediate(++this.sp, encodeImmediate(value)); } pushEncodedImmediate(value) { this.stack.writeImmediate(++this.sp, value); } pushNull() { this.stack.writeImmediate(++this.sp, 19 /* Null */); } dup(position = this.sp) { this.stack.copy(position, ++this.sp); } copy(from, to) { this.stack.copy(from, to); } pop(n = 1) { let top = this.stack.get(this.sp); this.sp -= n; return top; } popSmi() { return this.stack.getSmi(this.sp--); } peek(offset = 0) { return this.stack.get(this.sp - offset); } peekSmi(offset = 0) { return this.stack.getSmi(this.sp - offset); } get(offset, base = this.fp) { return this.stack.get(base + offset); } getSmi(offset, base = this.fp) { return this.stack.getSmi(base + offset); } set(value, offset, base = this.fp) { this.stack.write(base + offset, value); } slice(start, end) { return this.stack.slice(start, end); } sliceArray(start, end) { return this.stack.sliceInner(start, end); } capture(items) { let end = this.sp + 1; let start = end - items; return this.stack.sliceInner(start, end); } reset() { this.stack.reset(); } toArray() { return this.stack.sliceInner(this.fp, this.sp + 1); } } function isImmediate(value) { let type = typeof value; if (value === null || value === undefined) return true; switch (type) { case 'boolean': case 'undefined': return true; case 'number': // not an integer if (value % 1 !== 0) return false; let abs = Math.abs(value); // too big if (abs > HI) return false; return true; default: return false; } } function encodeSmi(primitive) { if (primitive < 0) { return Math.abs(primitive) << 3 | 4 /* NEGATIVE */; } else { return primitive << 3 | 0 /* NUMBER */; } } function encodeImmediate(primitive) { switch (typeof primitive) { case 'number': return encodeSmi(primitive); case 'boolean': return primitive ? 11 /* True */ : 3 /* False */; case 'object': // assume null return 19 /* Null */; case 'undefined': return 27 /* Undef */; default: throw unreachable(); } } function decodeSmi(smi) { switch (smi & 0b111) { case 0 /* NUMBER */: return smi >> 3; case 4 /* NEGATIVE */: return -(smi >> 3); default: throw unreachable(); } } function decodeImmediate(immediate) { switch (immediate) { case 3 /* False */: return false; case 11 /* True */: return true; case 19 /* Null */: return null; case 27 /* Undef */: return undefined; default: return decodeSmi(immediate); } } class UpdatingVM { constructor(env, program, { alwaysRevalidate = false }) { this.frameStack = new Stack(); this.env = env; this.constants = program.constants; this.dom = env.getDOM(); this.alwaysRevalidate = alwaysRevalidate; } execute(opcodes, handler) { let { frameStack } = this; this.try(opcodes, handler); while (true) { if (frameStack.isEmpty()) break; let opcode = this.frame.nextStatement(); if (opcode === null) { this.frameStack.pop(); continue; } opcode.evaluate(this); } } get frame() { return this.frameStack.current; } goto(op) { this.frame.goto(op); } try(ops, handler) { this.frameStack.push(new UpdatingVMFrame(ops, handler)); } throw() { this.frame.handleException(); this.frameStack.pop(); } } class BlockOpcode extends UpdatingOpcode { constructor(start, state, runtime, bounds$$1, children) { super(); this.start = start; this.state = state; this.runtime = runtime; this.type = 'block'; = null; this.prev = null; this.children = children; this.bounds = bounds$$1; } parentElement() { return this.bounds.parentElement(); } firstNode() { return this.bounds.firstNode(); } lastNode() { return this.bounds.lastNode(); } evaluate(vm) { vm.try(this.children, null); } destroy() { this.bounds.destroy(); } didDestroy() { this.runtime.env.didDestroy(this.bounds); } } class TryOpcode extends BlockOpcode { constructor(start, state, runtime, bounds$$1, children) { super(start, state, runtime, bounds$$1, children); this.type = 'try'; this.tag = this._tag = UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG); } didInitializeChildren() { this._tag.inner.update(combineSlice(this.children)); } evaluate(vm) { vm.try(this.children, this); } handleException() { let { state, bounds: bounds$$1, children, start, prev, next, runtime } = this; children.clear(); let elementStack = NewElementBuilder.resume(runtime.env, bounds$$1, bounds$$1.reset(runtime.env)); let vm = VM.resume(state, runtime, elementStack); let updating = new LinkedList(); vm.execute(start, vm => { vm.stack = EvaluationStack.restore(state.stack); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(updating); vm.updateWith(this); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(children); }); this.prev = prev; = next; } } class ListRevalidationDelegate { constructor(opcode, marker) { this.opcode = opcode; this.marker = marker; this.didInsert = false; this.didDelete = false; =; this.updating = opcode['children']; } insert(key, item, memo, before) { let { map, opcode, updating } = this; let nextSibling = null; let reference = null; if (typeof before === 'string') { reference = map[before]; nextSibling = reference['bounds'].firstNode(); } else { nextSibling = this.marker; } let vm = opcode.vmForInsertion(nextSibling); let tryOpcode = null; let { start } = opcode; vm.execute(start, vm => { map[key] = tryOpcode = vm.iterate(memo, item); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(new LinkedList()); vm.updateWith(tryOpcode); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(tryOpcode.children); }); updating.insertBefore(tryOpcode, reference); this.didInsert = true; } retain(_key, _item, _memo) {} move(key, _item, _memo, before) { let { map, updating } = this; let entry = map[key]; let reference = map[before] || null; if (typeof before === 'string') { move(entry, reference.firstNode()); } else { move(entry, this.marker); } updating.remove(entry); updating.insertBefore(entry, reference); } delete(key) { let { map } = this; let opcode = map[key]; opcode.didDestroy(); clear(opcode); this.updating.remove(opcode); delete map[key]; this.didDelete = true; } done() { this.opcode.didInitializeChildren(this.didInsert || this.didDelete); } } class ListBlockOpcode extends BlockOpcode { constructor(start, state, runtime, bounds$$1, children, artifacts) { super(start, state, runtime, bounds$$1, children); this.type = 'list-block'; = dict(); this.lastIterated = INITIAL; this.artifacts = artifacts; let _tag = this._tag = UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG); this.tag = combine([artifacts.tag, _tag]); } didInitializeChildren(listDidChange = true) { this.lastIterated = this.artifacts.tag.value(); if (listDidChange) { this._tag.inner.update(combineSlice(this.children)); } } evaluate(vm) { let { artifacts, lastIterated } = this; if (!artifacts.tag.validate(lastIterated)) { let { bounds: bounds$$1 } = this; let { dom } = vm; let marker = dom.createComment(''); dom.insertAfter(bounds$$1.parentElement(), marker, bounds$$1.lastNode()); let target = new ListRevalidationDelegate(this, marker); let synchronizer = new IteratorSynchronizer({ target, artifacts }); synchronizer.sync(); this.parentElement().removeChild(marker); } // Run now-updated updating opcodes super.evaluate(vm); } vmForInsertion(nextSibling) { let { bounds: bounds$$1, state, runtime } = this; let elementStack = NewElementBuilder.forInitialRender(runtime.env, { element: bounds$$1.parentElement(), nextSibling }); return VM.resume(state, runtime, elementStack); } } class UpdatingVMFrame { constructor(ops, exceptionHandler) { this.ops = ops; this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; this.current = ops.head(); } goto(op) { this.current = op; } nextStatement() { let { current, ops } = this; if (current) this.current = ops.nextNode(current); return current; } handleException() { if (this.exceptionHandler) { this.exceptionHandler.handleException(); } } } class RenderResult { constructor(env, program, updating, bounds$$1) { this.env = env; this.program = program; this.updating = updating; this.bounds = bounds$$1; } rerender({ alwaysRevalidate = false } = { alwaysRevalidate: false }) { let { env, program, updating } = this; let vm = new UpdatingVM(env, program, { alwaysRevalidate }); vm.execute(updating, this); } parentElement() { return this.bounds.parentElement(); } firstNode() { return this.bounds.firstNode(); } lastNode() { return this.bounds.lastNode(); } handleException() { throw 'this should never happen'; } destroy() { this.bounds.destroy(); clear(this.bounds); } } class Arguments { constructor() { this.stack = null; this.positional = new PositionalArguments(); this.named = new NamedArguments(); this.blocks = new BlockArguments(); } empty(stack) { let base = stack.sp + 1; this.named.empty(stack, base); this.positional.empty(stack, base); this.blocks.empty(stack, base); return this; } setup(stack, names, blockNames, positionalCount, synthetic) { this.stack = stack; /* | ... | blocks | positional | named | | ... | b0 b1 | p0 p1 p2 p3 | n0 n1 | index | ... | 4/5/6 7/8/9 | 10 11 12 13 | 14 15 | ^ ^ ^ ^ bbase pbase nbase sp */ let named = this.named; let namedCount = names.length; let namedBase = stack.sp - namedCount + 1; named.setup(stack, namedBase, namedCount, names, synthetic); let positional = this.positional; let positionalBase = namedBase - positionalCount; positional.setup(stack, positionalBase, positionalCount); let blocks = this.blocks; let blocksCount = blockNames.length; let blocksBase = positionalBase - blocksCount * 3; blocks.setup(stack, blocksBase, blocksCount, blockNames); } get tag() { return combineTagged([this.positional, this.named]); } get base() { return this.blocks.base; } get length() { return this.positional.length + this.named.length + this.blocks.length * 3; } at(pos) { return; } realloc(offset) { let { stack } = this; if (offset > 0 && stack !== null) { let { positional, named } = this; let newBase = positional.base + offset; let length = positional.length + named.length; for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.copy(i + positional.base, i + newBase); } positional.base += offset; named.base += offset; stack.sp += offset; } } capture() { let positional = this.positional.length === 0 ? EMPTY_POSITIONAL : this.positional.capture(); let named = this.named.length === 0 ? EMPTY_NAMED : this.named.capture(); return { tag: this.tag, length: this.length, positional, named }; } clear() { let { stack, length } = this; if (length > 0 && stack !== null) stack.pop(length); } } class PositionalArguments { constructor() { this.base = 0; this.length = 0; this.stack = null; this._tag = null; this._references = null; } empty(stack, base) { this.stack = stack; this.base = base; this.length = 0; this._tag = CONSTANT_TAG; this._references = EMPTY_ARRAY; } setup(stack, base, length) { this.stack = stack; this.base = base; this.length = length; if (length === 0) { this._tag = CONSTANT_TAG; this._references = EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { this._tag = null; this._references = null; } } get tag() { let tag = this._tag; if (!tag) { tag = this._tag = combineTagged(this.references); } return tag; } at(position) { let { base, length, stack } = this; if (position < 0 || position >= length) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } return stack.get(position, base); } capture() { return new CapturedPositionalArguments(this.tag, this.references); } prepend(other) { let additions = other.length; if (additions > 0) { let { base, length, stack } = this; this.base = base = base - additions; this.length = length + additions; for (let i = 0; i < additions; i++) { stack.set(, i, base); } this._tag = null; this._references = null; } } get references() { let references = this._references; if (!references) { let { stack, base, length } = this; references = this._references = stack.sliceArray(base, base + length); } return references; } } class CapturedPositionalArguments { constructor(tag, references, length = references.length) { this.tag = tag; this.references = references; this.length = length; } static empty() { return new CapturedPositionalArguments(CONSTANT_TAG, EMPTY_ARRAY, 0); } at(position) { return this.references[position]; } value() { return; } get(name) { let { references, length } = this; if (name === 'length') { return PrimitiveReference.create(length); } else { let idx = parseInt(name, 10); if (idx < 0 || idx >= length) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } else { return references[idx]; } } } valueOf(reference) { return reference.value(); } } class NamedArguments { constructor() { this.base = 0; this.length = 0; this._references = null; this._names = EMPTY_ARRAY; this._atNames = EMPTY_ARRAY; } empty(stack, base) { this.stack = stack; this.base = base; this.length = 0; this._references = EMPTY_ARRAY; this._names = EMPTY_ARRAY; this._atNames = EMPTY_ARRAY; } setup(stack, base, length, names, synthetic) { this.stack = stack; this.base = base; this.length = length; if (length === 0) { this._references = EMPTY_ARRAY; this._names = EMPTY_ARRAY; this._atNames = EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { this._references = null; if (synthetic) { this._names = names; this._atNames = null; } else { this._names = null; this._atNames = names; } } } get tag() { return combineTagged(this.references); } get names() { let names = this._names; if (!names) { names = this._names =; } return names; } get atNames() { let atNames = this._atNames; if (!atNames) { atNames = this._atNames =; } return atNames; } has(name) { return this.names.indexOf(name) !== -1; } get(name, synthetic = true) { let { base, stack } = this; let names = synthetic ? this.names : this.atNames; let idx = names.indexOf(name); if (idx === -1) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } return stack.get(idx, base); } capture() { return new CapturedNamedArguments(this.tag, this.names, this.references); } merge(other) { let { length: extras } = other; if (extras > 0) { let { names, length, stack } = this; let { names: extraNames } = other; if (Object.isFrozen(names) && names.length === 0) { names = []; } for (let i = 0; i < extras; i++) { let name = extraNames[i]; let idx = names.indexOf(name); if (idx === -1) { length = names.push(name); stack.push(other.references[i]); } } this.length = length; this._references = null; this._names = names; this._atNames = null; } } get references() { let references = this._references; if (!references) { let { base, length, stack } = this; references = this._references = stack.sliceArray(base, base + length); } return references; } toSyntheticName(name) { return name.slice(1); } toAtName(name) { return `@${name}`; } } class CapturedNamedArguments { constructor(tag, names, references) { this.tag = tag; this.names = names; this.references = references; this.length = names.length; this._map = null; } get map() { let map = this._map; if (!map) { let { names, references } = this; map = this._map = dict(); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { let name = names[i]; map[name] = references[i]; } } return map; } has(name) { return this.names.indexOf(name) !== -1; } get(name) { let { names, references } = this; let idx = names.indexOf(name); if (idx === -1) { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; } else { return references[idx]; } } value() { let { names, references } = this; let out = dict(); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { let name = names[i]; out[name] = references[i].value(); } return out; } } class BlockArguments { constructor() { this.internalValues = null; this.internalTag = null; this.names = EMPTY_ARRAY; this.length = 0; this.base = 0; } empty(stack, base) { this.stack = stack; this.names = EMPTY_ARRAY; this.base = base; this.length = 0; this.internalTag = CONSTANT_TAG; this.internalValues = EMPTY_ARRAY; } setup(stack, base, length, names) { this.stack = stack; this.names = names; this.base = base; this.length = length; if (length === 0) { this.internalTag = CONSTANT_TAG; this.internalValues = EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { this.internalTag = null; this.internalValues = null; } } get values() { let values = this.internalValues; if (!values) { let { base, length, stack } = this; values = this.internalValues = stack.sliceArray(base, base + length * 3); } return values; } has(name) { return this.names.indexOf(name) !== -1; } get(name) { let { base, stack, names } = this; let idx = names.indexOf(name); if (names.indexOf(name) === -1) { return null; } let table = stack.get(idx * 3, base); let scope = stack.get(idx * 3 + 1, base); // FIXME(mmun): shouldn't need to cast this let handle = stack.get(idx * 3 + 2, base); return handle === null ? null : [handle, scope, table]; } capture() { return new CapturedBlockArguments(this.names, this.values); } } class CapturedBlockArguments { constructor(names, values) { this.names = names; this.values = values; this.length = names.length; } has(name) { return this.names.indexOf(name) !== -1; } get(name) { let idx = this.names.indexOf(name); if (idx === -1) return null; return [this.values[idx * 3 + 2], this.values[idx * 3 + 1], this.values[idx * 3]]; } } const EMPTY_NAMED = new CapturedNamedArguments(CONSTANT_TAG, EMPTY_ARRAY, EMPTY_ARRAY); const EMPTY_POSITIONAL = new CapturedPositionalArguments(CONSTANT_TAG, EMPTY_ARRAY); const EMPTY_ARGS = { tag: CONSTANT_TAG, length: 0, positional: EMPTY_POSITIONAL, named: EMPTY_NAMED }; class VM { constructor(runtime, scope, dynamicScope, elementStack) { this.runtime = runtime; this.elementStack = elementStack; this.dynamicScopeStack = new Stack(); this.scopeStack = new Stack(); this.updatingOpcodeStack = new Stack(); this.cacheGroups = new Stack(); this.listBlockStack = new Stack(); this.s0 = null; this.s1 = null; this.t0 = null; this.t1 = null; this.v0 = null; this.heap = this.program.heap; this.constants = this.program.constants; this.elementStack = elementStack; this.scopeStack.push(scope); this.dynamicScopeStack.push(dynamicScope); this.args = new Arguments(); this.inner = new LowLevelVM(EvaluationStack.empty(), this.heap, runtime.program, { debugBefore: opcode => { return APPEND_OPCODES.debugBefore(this, opcode, opcode.type); }, debugAfter: (opcode, state) => { APPEND_OPCODES.debugAfter(this, opcode, opcode.type, state); } }); } get stack() { return this.inner.stack; } set stack(value) { this.inner.stack = value; } /* Registers */ set currentOpSize(value) { this.inner.currentOpSize = value; } get currentOpSize() { return this.inner.currentOpSize; } get pc() { return this.inner.pc; } set pc(value) { this.inner.pc = value; } get ra() { return this.inner.ra; } set ra(value) { this.inner.ra = value; } get fp() { return this.stack.fp; } set fp(fp) { this.stack.fp = fp; } get sp() { return this.stack.sp; } set sp(sp) { this.stack.sp = sp; } // Fetch a value from a register onto the stack fetch(register) { this.stack.push(this[Register[register]]); } // Load a value from the stack into a register load(register) { this[Register[register]] = this.stack.pop(); } // Fetch a value from a register fetchValue(register) { return this[Register[register]]; } // Load a value into a register loadValue(register, value) { this[Register[register]] = value; } /** * Migrated to Inner */ // Start a new frame and save $ra and $fp on the stack pushFrame() { this.inner.pushFrame(); } // Restore $ra, $sp and $fp popFrame() { this.inner.popFrame(); } // Jump to an address in `program` goto(offset) { this.inner.goto(offset); } // Save $pc into $ra, then jump to a new address in `program` (jal in MIPS) call(handle) {; } // Put a specific `program` address in $ra returnTo(offset) { this.inner.returnTo(offset); } // Return to the `program` address stored in $ra return() { this.inner.return(); } /** * End of migrated. */ static initial(program, env, self, dynamicScope, elementStack, handle) { let scopeSize = program.heap.scopesizeof(handle); let scope = Scope.root(self, scopeSize); let vm = new VM({ program, env }, scope, dynamicScope, elementStack); vm.pc = vm.heap.getaddr(handle); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(new LinkedList()); return vm; } static empty(program, env, elementStack) { let dynamicScope = { get() { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; }, set() { return UNDEFINED_REFERENCE; }, child() { return dynamicScope; } }; let vm = new VM({ program, env }, Scope.root(UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, 0), dynamicScope, elementStack); vm.updatingOpcodeStack.push(new LinkedList()); return vm; } static resume({ scope, dynamicScope }, runtime, stack) { return new VM(runtime, scope, dynamicScope, stack); } get program() { return this.runtime.program; } get env() { return this.runtime.env; } capture(args) { return { dynamicScope: this.dynamicScope(), scope: this.scope(), stack: this.stack.capture(args) }; } beginCacheGroup() { this.cacheGroups.push(this.updating().tail()); } commitCacheGroup() { // JumpIfNotModified(END) // (head) // (....) // (tail) // DidModify // END: Noop let END = new LabelOpcode('END'); let opcodes = this.updating(); let marker = this.cacheGroups.pop(); let head = marker ? opcodes.nextNode(marker) : opcodes.head(); let tail = opcodes.tail(); let tag = combineSlice(new ListSlice(head, tail)); let guard = new JumpIfNotModifiedOpcode(tag, END); opcodes.insertBefore(guard, head); opcodes.append(new DidModifyOpcode(guard)); opcodes.append(END); } enter(args) { let updating = new LinkedList(); let state = this.capture(args); let tracker = this.elements().pushUpdatableBlock(); let tryOpcode = new TryOpcode(this.heap.gethandle(this.pc), state, this.runtime, tracker, updating); this.didEnter(tryOpcode); } iterate(memo, value) { let stack = this.stack; stack.push(value); stack.push(memo); let state = this.capture(2); let tracker = this.elements().pushUpdatableBlock(); // let ip = this.ip; // this.ip = end + 4; // this.frames.push(ip); return new TryOpcode(this.heap.gethandle(this.pc), state, this.runtime, tracker, new LinkedList()); } enterItem(key, opcode) { this.listBlock().map[key] = opcode; this.didEnter(opcode); } enterList(relativeStart) { let updating = new LinkedList(); let state = this.capture(0); let tracker = this.elements().pushBlockList(updating); let artifacts = this.stack.peek().artifacts; let addr = this.pc + relativeStart - this.currentOpSize; let start = this.heap.gethandle(addr); let opcode = new ListBlockOpcode(start, state, this.runtime, tracker, updating, artifacts); this.listBlockStack.push(opcode); this.didEnter(opcode); } didEnter(opcode) { this.updateWith(opcode); this.updatingOpcodeStack.push(opcode.children); } exit() { this.elements().popBlock(); this.updatingOpcodeStack.pop(); let parent = this.updating().tail(); parent.didInitializeChildren(); } exitList() { this.exit(); this.listBlockStack.pop(); } updateWith(opcode) { this.updating().append(opcode); } listBlock() { return this.listBlockStack.current; } updating() { return this.updatingOpcodeStack.current; } elements() { return this.elementStack; } scope() { return this.scopeStack.current; } dynamicScope() { return this.dynamicScopeStack.current; } pushChildScope() { this.scopeStack.push(this.scope().child()); } pushDynamicScope() { let child = this.dynamicScope().child(); this.dynamicScopeStack.push(child); return child; } pushRootScope(size, bindCaller) { let scope = Scope.sized(size); if (bindCaller) scope.bindCallerScope(this.scope()); this.scopeStack.push(scope); return scope; } pushScope(scope) { this.scopeStack.push(scope); } popScope() { this.scopeStack.pop(); } popDynamicScope() { this.dynamicScopeStack.pop(); } newDestroyable(d) { this.elements().didAddDestroyable(d); } /// SCOPE HELPERS getSelf() { return this.scope().getSelf(); } referenceForSymbol(symbol) { return this.scope().getSymbol(symbol); } /// EXECUTION execute(start, initialize) { this.pc = this.heap.getaddr(start); if (initialize) initialize(this); let result; while (true) { result =; if (result.done) break; } return result.value; } next() { let { env, program, updatingOpcodeStack, elementStack } = this; let opcode = this.inner.nextStatement(); let result; if (opcode !== null) { this.inner.evaluateOuter(opcode, this); result = { done: false, value: null }; } else { // Unload the stack this.stack.reset(); result = { done: true, value: new RenderResult(env, program, updatingOpcodeStack.pop(), elementStack.popBlock()) }; } return result; } bindDynamicScope(names) { let scope = this.dynamicScope(); for (let i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let name = this.constants.getString(names[i]); scope.set(name, this.stack.pop()); } } } class TemplateIteratorImpl { constructor(vm) { this.vm = vm; } next() { return; } } function render(program, env, self, dynamicScope, builder, handle) { let vm = VM.initial(program, env, self, dynamicScope, builder, handle); return new TemplateIteratorImpl(vm); } class DynamicVarReference { constructor(scope, nameRef) { this.scope = scope; this.nameRef = nameRef; let varTag = this.varTag = UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG); this.tag = combine([nameRef.tag, varTag]); } value() { return this.getVar().value(); } get(key) { return this.getVar().get(key); } getVar() { let name = String(this.nameRef.value()); let ref = this.scope.get(name); this.varTag.inner.update(ref.tag); return ref; } } function getDynamicVar(vm, args) { let scope = vm.dynamicScope(); let nameRef =; return new DynamicVarReference(scope, nameRef); } /** @internal */ const DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES = { dynamicLayout: true, dynamicTag: true, prepareArgs: true, createArgs: true, attributeHook: false, elementHook: false, dynamicScope: true, createCaller: false, updateHook: true, createInstance: true }; const MINIMAL_CAPABILITIES = { dynamicLayout: false, dynamicTag: false, prepareArgs: false, createArgs: false, attributeHook: false, elementHook: false, dynamicScope: false, createCaller: false, updateHook: false, createInstance: false }; class RehydratingCursor extends Cursor { constructor(element, nextSibling, startingBlockDepth) { super(element, nextSibling); this.startingBlockDepth = startingBlockDepth; this.candidate = null; this.injectedOmittedNode = false; this.openBlockDepth = startingBlockDepth - 1; } } class RehydrateBuilder extends NewElementBuilder { // private candidate: Option<Simple.Node> = null; constructor(env, parentNode, nextSibling) { super(env, parentNode, nextSibling); this.unmatchedAttributes = null; this.blockDepth = 0; if (nextSibling) throw new Error('Rehydration with nextSibling not supported'); let node = this.currentCursor.element.firstChild; while (node !== null) { if (isComment(node) && isSerializationFirstNode(node)) { break; } node = node.nextSibling; } this.candidate = node; } get currentCursor() { return this.cursorStack.current; } get candidate() { if (this.currentCursor) { return this.currentCursor.candidate; } return null; } set candidate(node) { this.currentCursor.candidate = node; } pushElement(element, nextSibling) { let { blockDepth = 0 } = this; let cursor = new RehydratingCursor(element, nextSibling, blockDepth); let currentCursor = this.currentCursor; if (currentCursor) { if (currentCursor.candidate) { /** * <div> <--------------- currentCursor.element * <!--%+b:1%--> * <div> <--------------- currentCursor.candidate -> cursor.element * <!--%+b:2%--> <- currentCursor.candidate.firstChild -> cursor.candidate * Foo * <!--%-b:2%--> * </div> * <!--%-b:1%--> <-- becomes currentCursor.candidate */ // where to rehydrate from if we are in rehydration mode cursor.candidate = element.firstChild; // where to continue when we pop currentCursor.candidate = element.nextSibling; } } this.cursorStack.push(cursor); } clearMismatch(candidate) { let current = candidate; let currentCursor = this.currentCursor; if (currentCursor !== null) { let openBlockDepth = currentCursor.openBlockDepth; if (openBlockDepth >= currentCursor.startingBlockDepth) { while (current && !(isComment(current) && getCloseBlockDepth(current) === openBlockDepth)) { current = this.remove(current); } } else { while (current !== null) { current = this.remove(current); } } // current cursor parentNode should be openCandidate if element // or openCandidate.parentNode if comment currentCursor.nextSibling = current; // disable rehydration until we popElement or closeBlock for openBlockDepth currentCursor.candidate = null; } } __openBlock() { let { currentCursor } = this; if (currentCursor === null) return; let blockDepth = this.blockDepth; this.blockDepth++; let { candidate } = currentCursor; if (candidate === null) return; if (isComment(candidate) && getOpenBlockDepth(candidate) === blockDepth) { currentCursor.candidate = this.remove(candidate); currentCursor.openBlockDepth = blockDepth; } else { this.clearMismatch(candidate); } } __closeBlock() { let { currentCursor } = this; if (currentCursor === null) return; // openBlock is the last rehydrated open block let openBlockDepth = currentCursor.openBlockDepth; // this currently is the expected next open block depth this.blockDepth--; let { candidate } = currentCursor; // rehydrating if (candidate !== null) { if (isComment(candidate) && getCloseBlockDepth(candidate) === openBlockDepth) { currentCursor.candidate = this.remove(candidate); currentCursor.openBlockDepth--; } else { this.clearMismatch(candidate); } // if the openBlockDepth matches the blockDepth we just closed to // then restore rehydration } if (currentCursor.openBlockDepth === this.blockDepth) { currentCursor.candidate = this.remove(currentCursor.nextSibling); currentCursor.openBlockDepth--; } } __appendNode(node) { let { candidate } = this; // This code path is only used when inserting precisely one node. It needs more // comparison logic, but we can probably lean on the cases where this code path // is actually used. if (candidate) { return candidate; } else { return super.__appendNode(node); } } __appendHTML(html) { let candidateBounds = this.markerBounds(); if (candidateBounds) { let first = candidateBounds.firstNode(); let last = candidateBounds.lastNode(); let newBounds = bounds(this.element, first.nextSibling, last.previousSibling); let possibleEmptyMarker = this.remove(first); this.remove(last); if (possibleEmptyMarker !== null && isEmpty$1(possibleEmptyMarker)) { this.candidate = this.remove(possibleEmptyMarker); if (this.candidate !== null) { this.clearMismatch(this.candidate); } } return newBounds; } else { return super.__appendHTML(html); } } remove(node) { let element = node.parentNode; let next = node.nextSibling; element.removeChild(node); return next; } markerBounds() { let _candidate = this.candidate; if (_candidate && isMarker(_candidate)) { let first = _candidate; let last = first.nextSibling; while (last && !isMarker(last)) { last = last.nextSibling; } return bounds(this.element, first, last); } else { return null; } } __appendText(string) { let { candidate } = this; if (candidate) { if (isTextNode(candidate)) { if (candidate.nodeValue !== string) { candidate.nodeValue = string; } this.candidate = candidate.nextSibling; return candidate; } else if (candidate && (isSeparator(candidate) || isEmpty$1(candidate))) { this.candidate = candidate.nextSibling; this.remove(candidate); return this.__appendText(string); } else if (isEmpty$1(candidate)) { let next = this.remove(candidate); this.candidate = next; let text = this.dom.createTextNode(string); this.dom.insertBefore(this.element, text, next); return text; } else { this.clearMismatch(candidate); return super.__appendText(string); } } else { return super.__appendText(string); } } __appendComment(string) { let _candidate = this.candidate; if (_candidate && isComment(_candidate)) { if (_candidate.nodeValue !== string) { _candidate.nodeValue = string; } this.candidate = _candidate.nextSibling; return _candidate; } else if (_candidate) { this.clearMismatch(_candidate); } return super.__appendComment(string); } __openElement(tag) { let _candidate = this.candidate; if (_candidate && isElement(_candidate) && isSameNodeType(_candidate, tag)) { this.unmatchedAttributes = []; return _candidate; } else if (_candidate) { if (isElement(_candidate) && _candidate.tagName === 'TBODY') { this.pushElement(_candidate, null); this.currentCursor.injectedOmittedNode = true; return this.__openElement(tag); } this.clearMismatch(_candidate); } return super.__openElement(tag); } __setAttribute(name, value, namespace) { let unmatched = this.unmatchedAttributes; if (unmatched) { let attr = findByName(unmatched, name); if (attr) { if (attr.value !== value) { attr.value = value; } unmatched.splice(unmatched.indexOf(attr), 1); return; } } return super.__setAttribute(name, value, namespace); } __setProperty(name, value) { let unmatched = this.unmatchedAttributes; if (unmatched) { let attr = findByName(unmatched, name); if (attr) { if (attr.value !== value) { attr.value = value; } unmatched.splice(unmatched.indexOf(attr), 1); return; } } return super.__setProperty(name, value); } __flushElement(parent, constructing) { let { unmatchedAttributes: unmatched } = this; if (unmatched) { for (let i = 0; i < unmatched.length; i++) { this.constructing.removeAttribute(unmatched[i].name); } this.unmatchedAttributes = null; } else { super.__flushElement(parent, constructing); } } willCloseElement() { let { candidate, currentCursor } = this; if (candidate !== null) { this.clearMismatch(candidate); } if (currentCursor && currentCursor.injectedOmittedNode) { this.popElement(); } super.willCloseElement(); } getMarker(element, guid) { let marker = element.querySelector(`script[glmr="${guid}"]`); if (marker) { return marker; } throw new Error('Cannot find serialized cursor for `in-element`'); } __pushRemoteElement(element, cursorId, nextSibling = null) { let marker = this.getMarker(element, cursorId); if (marker.parentNode === element) { let currentCursor = this.currentCursor; let candidate = currentCursor.candidate; this.pushElement(element, nextSibling); currentCursor.candidate = candidate; this.candidate = this.remove(marker); let tracker = new RemoteBlockTracker(element); this.pushBlockTracker(tracker, true); } } didAppendBounds(bounds$$1) { super.didAppendBounds(bounds$$1); if (this.candidate) { let last = bounds$$1.lastNode(); this.candidate = last && last.nextSibling; } return bounds$$1; } } function isTextNode(node) { return node.nodeType === 3; } function isComment(node) { return node.nodeType === 8; } function getOpenBlockDepth(node) { let boundsDepth = node.nodeValue.match(/^%\+b:(\d+)%$/); if (boundsDepth && boundsDepth[1]) { return Number(boundsDepth[1]); } else { return null; } } function getCloseBlockDepth(node) { let boundsDepth = node.nodeValue.match(/^%\-b:(\d+)%$/); if (boundsDepth && boundsDepth[1]) { return Number(boundsDepth[1]); } else { return null; } } function isElement(node) { return node.nodeType === 1; } function isMarker(node) { return node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === '%glmr%'; } function isSeparator(node) { return node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === '%|%'; } function isEmpty$1(node) { return node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === '% %'; } function isSameNodeType(candidate, tag) { if (candidate.namespaceURI === SVG_NAMESPACE$1) { return candidate.tagName === tag; } return candidate.tagName === tag.toUpperCase(); } function findByName(array, name) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { let attr = array[i]; if ( === name) return attr; } return undefined; } function rehydrationBuilder(env, cursor) { return RehydrateBuilder.forInitialRender(env, cursor); } export { render as renderMain, NULL_REFERENCE, UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, PrimitiveReference, ConditionalReference, setDebuggerCallback, resetDebuggerCallback, getDynamicVar, VM as LowLevelVM, UpdatingVM, RenderResult, SimpleDynamicAttribute, DynamicAttribute, EMPTY_ARGS, Scope, Environment, DefaultEnvironment, DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES, MINIMAL_CAPABILITIES, CurriedComponentDefinition, isCurriedComponentDefinition, curry, helper$1 as DOMChanges, SVG_NAMESPACE$1 as SVG_NAMESPACE, DOMChanges as IDOMChanges, DOMTreeConstruction, isWhitespace, insertHTMLBefore, normalizeProperty, NewElementBuilder, clientBuilder, rehydrationBuilder, RehydrateBuilder, ConcreteBounds, Cursor, capabilityFlagsFrom, hasCapability };