(ns all-your-base-test (require [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]] [all-your-base])) (deftest test-single-bit-to-one-decimal (testing "Base 2 '1' converts to base 10 '1'" (is (= '(1) (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1) 10))))) (deftest test-binary-to-single-decimal (testing "Base 2 '1 0 1' converts to base 10 '5'" (is (= '(5) (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1 0 1) 10))))) (deftest test-single-decimal-to-binary (testing "Base 10 '5' converts to base 2 '1 0 1'" (is (= '(1 0 1) (all-your-base/convert 10 '(5) 2))))) (deftest test-binary-to-multiple-decimal (testing "Base 2 '1 0 1 0 1 0' converts to base 10 '4 2'" (is (= '(4 2) (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1 0 1 0 1 0) 10))))) (deftest test-decimal-to-binary (testing "Base 10 '4 2' conves to base 2 '1 0 1 0 1 0'" (is (= '(1 0 1 0 1 0) (all-your-base/convert 10 '(4 2) 2))))) (deftest test-trinary-to-hexadecimal (testing "Base 3 '1 1 2 0' converts to base 16 '2 10'" (is (= '(2 10) (all-your-base/convert 3 '(1 1 2 0) 16))))) (deftest test-hexadecimal-to-trinary (testing "Base 16 '2 10' converts to base 3 '1 1 2 0'" (is (= '(1 1 2 0) (all-your-base/convert 16 '(2 10) 3))))) (deftest test-15-bit-integer (testing "Base 97 '3 46 60' converts to base 73 '6 10 45'" (is (= '(6 10 45) (all-your-base/convert 97 '(3 46 60) 73))))) (deftest test-empty-list (testing "Empty input digits returns empty sequence" (is (empty? (all-your-base/convert 2 () 10))))) (deftest test-single-zero (testing "0 converts to 0, no matter the base" (is (= '(0) (all-your-base/convert 10 '(0) 2))))) (deftest test-multiple-zeroes (testing "0 converts to 0, no matter the how many zeroes" (is (= '(0) (all-your-base/convert 10 '(0 0 0) 2))))) (deftest test-leading-zeros (testing "Leading zeroes don't affect conversion" (is (= '(4 2) (all-your-base/convert 7 '(0 6 0) 10))))) (deftest test-negative-digit (testing "Negative digits result in nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1 -1 1 0 1 0) 10))))) (deftest test-invalid-positive-digit (testing "Invalid digits return nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1 2 1 0 1 0) 10))))) (deftest test-first-base-is-one (testing "Input base of 1 returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 1 () 10))))) (deftest test-second-base-is-one (testing "Output base of 1 returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1 0 1 0 1 0) 1))))) (deftest test-first-base-is-zero (testing "Input base of 0 returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 0 () 10))))) (deftest test-second-base-is-zero (testing "Output base of 0 returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 10 '(7) 0))))) (deftest test-first-base-is-negative (testing "Negative input base returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert -2 '(1) 10))))) (deftest test-second-base-is-negative (testing "Negative output base returns nil" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert 2 '(1) -7))))) (deftest test-both-bases-are-negative (testing "When both bases are negative, nil is returned" (is (nil? (all-your-base/convert -2 '(1) -7)))))