require "uuidtools" class Html2Doc def footnotes(docxml) i = 1 fn = [] docxml.xpath("//a").each do |a| next unless process_footnote_link(docxml, a, i, fn) i += 1 end process_footnote_texts(docxml, fn) end def process_footnote_texts(docxml, footnotes) body ="//body") list = body.add_child("
") footnotes.each_with_index do |f, i| fn = list.first.add_child(footnote_container(docxml, i + 1)) f.parent = fn.first footnote_div_to_p(f) end footnote_cleanup(docxml) end def footnote_div_to_p(elem) if %w{div aside}.include? if".//p") elem.replace(elem.children) else = "p" elem["class"] = "MsoFootnoteText" end end end FN = ""\ "".freeze def footnote_container(docxml, idx) ref = docxml&.at("//a[@href='#_ftn#{idx}']")&.children&.to_xml(indent: 0) &.gsub(/>\n<") || FN <<~DIV DIV end def process_footnote_link(docxml, elem, idx, footnote) return false unless footnote?(elem) href = elem["href"].gsub(/^#/, "") note ="//*[@name = '#{href}' or @id = '#{href}']") return false if note.nil? set_footnote_link_attrs(elem, idx) if"./span[@class = 'MsoFootnoteReference']") process_footnote_link1(elem) else elem.children = FN end footnote << transform_footnote_text(note) end def process_footnote_link1(elem) elem.children.each do |c| if == "span" && c["class"] == "MsoFootnoteReference" c.replace(FN) else c.wrap("") end end end def transform_footnote_text(note) note["id"] = "" note.xpath(".//div").each { |div| div.replace(div.children) } note.xpath(".//aside | .//p").each do |p| = "p" p["class"] = "MsoFootnoteText" end note.remove end def footnote?(elem) elem["epub:type"]&.casecmp("footnote")&.zero? || elem["class"]&.casecmp("footnote")&.zero? end def set_footnote_link_attrs(elem, idx) elem["style"] = "mso-footnote-id:ftn#{idx}" elem["href"] = "#_ftn#{idx}" elem["name"] = "_ftnref#{idx}" elem["title"] = "" end # We expect that the content of the footnote text received is one or # more text containers, p or aside or div (which we have already converted # to p). We do not expect any or links back to text; if they # are present in the HTML, they need to have been cleaned out before # passing to this gem def footnote_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath('//div[@style="mso-element:footnote"]/a') .each do |x| n = x.next_element n&.children&.first&.add_previous_sibling(x.remove) end docxml end end