dojo.provide("dojox.form.RangeSlider"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Slider"); dojo.require("dojox.fx"); dojo.declare( "dojox.form._RangeSliderMixin", null, { value: [0,100], postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // we sort the values! // TODO: re-think, how to set the value if(this._isReversed()){ this.value.sort(function(a, b){ return b-a; }); } else{ this.value.sort(function(a, b){ return a-b; }); } // define a custom constructor for a SliderMoverMax that points back to me var _self = this; var mover = function(){ dijit.form._SliderMoverMax.apply(this, arguments); this.widget = _self; }; dojo.extend(mover, dijit.form._SliderMoverMax.prototype); this._movableMax = new dojo.dnd.Moveable(this.sliderHandleMax,{mover: mover}); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNodeMax, "valuemin", this.minimum); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNodeMax, "valuemax", this.maximum); // a dnd for the bar! var barMover = function(){ dijit.form._SliderBarMover.apply(this, arguments); this.widget = _self; }; dojo.extend(barMover, dijit.form._SliderBarMover.prototype); this._movableBar = new dojo.dnd.Moveable(this.progressBar,{mover: barMover}); }, destroy: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._movableMax.destroy(); this._movableBar.destroy(); }, _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey){ return; } var focusedEl = e.currentTarget; var minSelected = false; var maxSelected = false; var signedChange; if (focusedEl == this.sliderHandle){ minSelected = true; } else if(focusedEl == this.progressBar){ maxSelected = true; minSelected = true; } else if(focusedEl == this.sliderHandleMax){ maxSelected = true; } switch(e.keyCode){ case dojo.keys.HOME: this._setValueAttr(this.minimum, true, maxSelected); break; case dojo.keys.END: this._setValueAttr(this.maximum, true, maxSelected); break; // this._descending === false: if ascending vertical (min on top) // (this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()): if left-to-right horizontal or descending vertical case ((this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()) ? dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW : dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW): case (this._descending === false ? dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW : dojo.keys.UP_ARROW): case (this._descending === false ? dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN : dojo.keys.PAGE_UP): if (minSelected && maxSelected){ signedChange = Array(); signedChange[0] = {'change': e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_UP ? this.pageIncrement : 1, 'useMaxValue': true}; signedChange[1] = {'change': e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_UP ? this.pageIncrement : 1, 'useMaxValue': false}; this._bumpValue(signedChange); } else if (minSelected){ this._bumpValue(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_UP ? this.pageIncrement : 1, true); } else if (maxSelected){ this._bumpValue(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_UP ? this.pageIncrement : 1); } break; case ((this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()) ? dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW : dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW): case (this._descending === false ? dojo.keys.UP_ARROW : dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW): case (this._descending === false ? dojo.keys.PAGE_UP : dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN): if (minSelected && maxSelected){ signedChange = Array(); signedChange[0] = {'change': e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN ? -this.pageIncrement : -1, 'useMaxValue': false}; signedChange[1] = {'change': e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN ? -this.pageIncrement : -1, 'useMaxValue': true}; this._bumpValue(signedChange); } else if (minSelected){ this._bumpValue(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN ? -this.pageIncrement : -1); } else if (maxSelected){ this._bumpValue(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN ? -this.pageIncrement : -1, true); } break; default: dijit.form._FormValueWidget.prototype._onKeyPress.apply(this, arguments); this.inherited(arguments); return; } dojo.stopEvent(e); }, _onHandleClickMax: function(e){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } if(!dojo.isIE){ // make sure you get focus when dragging the handle // (but don't do on IE because it causes a flicker on mouse up (due to blur then focus) dijit.focus(this.sliderHandleMax); } dojo.stopEvent(e); }, _onClkIncBumper: function(){ this._setValueAttr(this._descending === false ? this.minimum : this.maximum, true, true); }, _bumpValue: function(signedChange, useMaxValue){ // we pass an array to _setValueAttr when signedChange is an array if(!dojo.isArray(signedChange)){ value = this._getBumpValue(signedChange, useMaxValue); } else{ value = Array(); value[0] = this._getBumpValue(signedChange[0]['change'], signedChange[0]['useMaxValue']); value[1] = this._getBumpValue(signedChange[1]['change'], signedChange[1]['useMaxValue']); } this._setValueAttr(value, true, !dojo.isArray(signedChange) && ((signedChange > 0 && !useMaxValue) || (useMaxValue && signedChange < 0))); }, _getBumpValue: function(signedChange, useMaxValue){ var s = dojo.getComputedStyle(this.sliderBarContainer); var c = dojo._getContentBox(this.sliderBarContainer, s); var count = this.discreteValues; if(count <= 1 || count == Infinity){ count = c[this._pixelCount]; } count--; var myValue = !useMaxValue ? this.value[0] : this.value[1]; if((this._isReversed() && signedChange < 0) || (signedChange > 0 && !this._isReversed())){ myValue = !useMaxValue ? this.value[1] : this.value[0]; } var value = (myValue - this.minimum) * count / (this.maximum - this.minimum) + signedChange; if(value < 0){ value = 0; } if(value > count){ value = count; } return value * (this.maximum - this.minimum) / count + this.minimum; }, _onBarClick: function(e){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } if(!dojo.isIE){ // make sure you get focus when dragging the handle // (but don't do on IE because it causes a flicker on mouse up (due to blur then focus) dijit.focus(this.progressBar); } dojo.stopEvent(e); }, _onRemainingBarClick: function(e){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } if(!dojo.isIE){ // make sure you get focus when dragging the handle // (but don't do on IE because it causes a flicker on mouse up (due to blur then focus) dijit.focus(this.progressBar); } // now we set the min/max-value of the slider! var abspos = dojo.coords(this.sliderBarContainer, true); var bar = dojo.coords(this.progressBar, true); var relMousePos = e[this._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[this._startingPixelCoord]; var leftPos = bar[this._startingPixelCount]; var rightPos = bar[this._startingPixelCount] + bar[this._pixelCount]; var isMaxVal = this._isReversed() ? relMousePos <= leftPos : relMousePos >= rightPos; this._setPixelValue(this._isReversed() ? (abspos[this._pixelCount]-relMousePos) : relMousePos, abspos[this._pixelCount], true, isMaxVal); dojo.stopEvent(e); }, _setPixelValue: function(/*Number*/ pixelValue, /*Number*/ maxPixels, /*Boolean*/ priorityChange, /*Boolean*/ isMaxVal){ if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; } var myValue = this._getValueByPixelValue(pixelValue, maxPixels); this._setValueAttr(myValue, priorityChange, isMaxVal); }, _getValueByPixelValue: function(/*Number*/ pixelValue, /*Number*/ maxPixels){ pixelValue = pixelValue < 0 ? 0 : maxPixels < pixelValue ? maxPixels : pixelValue; var count = this.discreteValues; if(count <= 1 || count == Infinity){ count = maxPixels; } count--; var pixelsPerValue = maxPixels / count; var wholeIncrements = Math.round(pixelValue / pixelsPerValue); return (this.maximum-this.minimum)*wholeIncrements/count + this.minimum; }, _setValueAttr: function(/*Array or Number*/ value, /*Boolean, optional*/ priorityChange, /*Boolean, optional*/ isMaxVal){ // we pass an array, when we move the slider with the bar var actValue = this.value; if(!dojo.isArray(value)){ if(isMaxVal){ if (this._isReversed()){ actValue[0] = value; } else{ actValue[1] = value; } } else{ if(this._isReversed()){ actValue[1] = value; } else{ actValue[0] = value; } } } else{ actValue = value; } // we have to reset this values. don't know the reason for that this._lastValueReported = ""; this.valueNode.value = this.value = value = actValue; dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuenow", actValue[0]); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNodeMax, "valuenow", actValue[1]); if(this._isReversed()){ this.value.sort(function(a, b){ return b-a; }); } else{ this.value.sort(function(a, b){ return a-b; }); } // not calling the _setValueAttr-function of dijit.form.Slider, but the super-super-class (needed for the onchange-event!) dijit.form._FormValueWidget.prototype._setValueAttr.apply(this, arguments); this._printSliderBar(priorityChange, isMaxVal); }, _printSliderBar: function(priorityChange, isMaxVal){ var percentMin = (this.value[0] - this.minimum) / (this.maximum - this.minimum); var percentMax = (this.value[1] - this.minimum) / (this.maximum - this.minimum); var percentMinSave = percentMin; if(percentMin > percentMax){ percentMin = percentMax; percentMax = percentMinSave; } var sliderHandleVal = this._isReversed() ? ((1-percentMin)*100) : (percentMin * 100); var sliderHandleMaxVal = this._isReversed() ? ((1-percentMax)*100) : (percentMax * 100); var progressBarVal = this._isReversed() ? ((1-percentMax)*100) : (percentMin * 100); if (priorityChange && this.slideDuration > 0 &&[this._progressPixelSize]){ // animate the slider var percent = isMaxVal ? percentMax : percentMin; var _this = this; var props = {}; var start = parseFloat([this._handleOffsetCoord]); var duration = this.slideDuration / 10; // * (percent-start/100); if(duration === 0){ return; } if(duration < 0){ duration = 0 - duration; } var propsHandle = {}; var propsHandleMax = {}; var propsBar = {}; // hui, a lot of animations :-) propsHandle[this._handleOffsetCoord] = { start:[this._handleOffsetCoord], end: sliderHandleVal, units:"%"}; propsHandleMax[this._handleOffsetCoord] = { start:[this._handleOffsetCoord], end: sliderHandleMaxVal, units:"%"}; propsBar[this._handleOffsetCoord] = { start:[this._handleOffsetCoord], end: progressBarVal, units:"%"}; propsBar[this._progressPixelSize] = { start:[this._progressPixelSize], end: (percentMax - percentMin) * 100, units:"%"}; var animHandle = dojo.animateProperty({node: this.sliderHandle,duration: duration, properties: propsHandle}); var animHandleMax = dojo.animateProperty({node: this.sliderHandleMax,duration: duration, properties: propsHandleMax}); var animBar = dojo.animateProperty({node: this.progressBar,duration: duration, properties: propsBar}); var animCombine = dojo.fx.combine([animHandle, animHandleMax, animBar]);; } else{[this._handleOffsetCoord] = sliderHandleVal + "%";[this._handleOffsetCoord] = sliderHandleMaxVal + "%";[this._handleOffsetCoord] = progressBarVal + "%";[this._progressPixelSize] = ((percentMax - percentMin) * 100) + "%"; } } }); dojo.declare("dijit.form._SliderMoverMax", dijit.form._SliderMover, { onMouseMove: function(e){ var widget = this.widget; var abspos = widget._abspos; if(!abspos){ abspos = widget._abspos = dojo.coords(widget.sliderBarContainer, true); widget._setPixelValue_ = dojo.hitch(widget, "_setPixelValue"); widget._isReversed_ = widget._isReversed(); } var pixelValue = e[widget._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[widget._startingPixelCoord]; widget._setPixelValue_(widget._isReversed_ ? (abspos[widget._pixelCount]-pixelValue) : pixelValue, abspos[widget._pixelCount], false, true); }, destroy: function(e){ dojo.dnd.Mover.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); var widget = this.widget; widget._abspos = null; widget._setValueAttr(widget.value, true); } }); dojo.declare("dijit.form._SliderBarMover", dojo.dnd.Mover, { onMouseMove: function(e){ var widget = this.widget; if(widget.disabled || widget.readOnly){ return; } var abspos = widget._abspos; var bar = widget._bar; var mouseOffset = widget._mouseOffset; if(!abspos){ abspos = widget._abspos = dojo.coords(widget.sliderBarContainer, true); widget._setPixelValue_ = dojo.hitch(widget, "_setPixelValue"); widget._getValueByPixelValue_ = dojo.hitch(widget, "_getValueByPixelValue"); widget._isReversed_ = widget._isReversed(); } if(!bar){ bar = widget._bar = dojo.coords(widget.progressBar, true); } if(!mouseOffset){ mouseOffset = widget._mouseOffset = e[widget._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[widget._startingPixelCoord] - bar[widget._startingPixelCount]; } var pixelValueMin = e[widget._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[widget._startingPixelCoord] - mouseOffset; var pixelValueMax = e[widget._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[widget._startingPixelCoord] - mouseOffset + bar[widget._pixelCount]; // we don't narrow the slider when it reaches the bumper! // maybe there is a simpler way var pixelValues = [pixelValueMin, pixelValueMax]; pixelValues.sort(function(a, b){ return a-b; }); if(pixelValues[0] <= 0){ pixelValues[0] = 0; pixelValues[1] = bar[widget._pixelCount]; } if(pixelValues[1] >= abspos[widget._pixelCount]){ pixelValues[1] = abspos[widget._pixelCount]; pixelValues[0] = abspos[widget._pixelCount] - bar[widget._pixelCount]; } // getting the real values by pixel var myValues = [widget._getValueByPixelValue(widget._isReversed_ ? (abspos[widget._pixelCount] - pixelValues[0]) : pixelValues[0], abspos[widget._pixelCount]), widget._getValueByPixelValue(widget._isReversed_ ? (abspos[widget._pixelCount] - pixelValues[1]) : pixelValues[1], abspos[widget._pixelCount])]; // and setting the value of the widget widget._setValueAttr(myValues, false, false); }, destroy: function(e){ dojo.dnd.Mover.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); var widget = this.widget; widget._abspos = null; widget._bar = null; widget._mouseOffset = null; widget._setValueAttr(widget.value, true); } }); dojo.declare( "dojox.form.HorizontalRangeSlider", [dijit.form.HorizontalSlider, dojox.form._RangeSliderMixin], { templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl('dojox.form','resources/HorizontalRangeSlider.html') } ); dojo.declare( "dojox.form.VerticalRangeSlider", [dijit.form.VerticalSlider, dojox.form._RangeSliderMixin], { // summary // A form widget that allows one to select a range with two vertically draggable images templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl('dojox.form','resources/VerticalRangeSlider.html') } );