class Skyline::InlineRef < Skyline::RefObject attr_accessor :previous_referable after_save :possibly_destroy_previous_referable after_destroy :possibly_destroy_referable class << self # Convert an html tag to RefObject tag and update or create RefObject in database # # ==== Parameters # html_node:: the html node from the editor # refering_object:: refering object # refering_column_name:: column name in which the data is stored # ==== Returns # String:: converted html # Array:: ids of refs in html def parse_html(html_node, refering_object, refering_column_name) old_refs = find_ref_ids_for_object(refering_object, refering_column_name) h = Hpricot(html_node) updated_refs = [] # html tags to be converted to [REF:id] iterate_elements = {"a" => {:src => "href", :inner_html => true, :skyline_class => Skyline::LinkRef}, "img" => {:src => "src", :inner_html => false, :skyline_class => Skyline::ImageRef} } iterate_elements.each do |tag, attributes|"#{tag}[@skyline-referable-type]").each do |node| ref_obj_id = create_ref_from_node(node, refering_object, refering_column_name, attributes[:src], attributes[:skyline_class]) if attributes[:inner_html] node.swap("[REF:#{ref_obj_id}]#{node.inner_html}[/REF:#{ref_obj_id}]") else node.swap("[REF:#{ref_obj_id}]") end updated_refs << ref_obj_id end end del = (old_refs - updated_refs) unless del.blank? self.destroy_all("id IN(#{del.join(',')})") logger.warn("[InlineRef] Destroying refs for #{} id: #{} column: #{refering_column_name}. Ref's destroyed: #{del.inspect}") end [h.to_html, updated_refs] end # Create hash of InlineRef objects for specified object and column name # # ==== Paramenters # object:: the object containing the Inline Refs # column_name:: column name in which the inline refs are stored as [REF:id] tags # # ==== Retruns # Hash:: a hash of inlinerefs with id as key and object as value def hash_refs_for_object(object, column_name) types = [Skyline::ImageRef,Skyline::LinkRef].map(&:name) refs = Skyline::RefObject.all(:conditions => {:refering_id =>, :refering_type =>, :refering_column_name => column_name.to_s, :type => types}) refs.inject({}){|mem,o| mem[] = o; mem } end # Convert [REF:id] tags to html tags # # ==== Parameters # object:: the object containing the string to be converted # column_name:: name of column containing the string to be converted # with_refs:: boolean that sets wether to print skyline-reference tags into the html tag # # ==== Returns # String:: converted html text def convert(object,column_name,with_refs=false,options={}) options.reverse_merge! :nullify => false refs = self.hash_refs_for_object(object, column_name) value = object[column_name] return value unless value.kind_of?(String) v = value.gsub(/\[REF:(\d+)\]/) do |match| i = match[5..-2] refs[i.to_i].to_start_html(with_refs,options) end outp = v.gsub(/\[\/REF:(\d+)\]/) do |match| i = match[6..-2] refs[i.to_i].to_end_html end end private # find ref idss by sql for refering object # ==== Parameters # refering_object:: Object containing the refs # refering_column_name:: column name where refs are stored # # ==== Returns # Array:: Array of ids of refering objects def find_ref_ids_for_object(refering_object, refering_column_name) Skyline::InlineRef.connection.select_values("SELECT id FROM #{self.table_name} WHERE refering_id = '#{}' AND refering_type = '#{}' AND refering_column_name = '#{refering_column_name.to_s}'").map(&:to_i) end # create ref_object from html node # # ==== Parameters # html_node:: html node to be converted to ref_object # refering_object:: object containing the html node # refering_column_name:: column name of the object containing the html node # src_attr:: attribute of the html node containing the source of the element # skyline_class:: sti class for the ref_object # # ==== Returns # Integer:: id of the new ref_object def create_ref_from_node(html_node, refering_object, refering_column_name, src_attr, skyline_class) id, ref_id, ref_type = remove_attributes(html_node, ["skyline-ref-id", "skyline-referable-id", "skyline-referable-type"]) referable_params = {} referable_params[:uri] = html_node[:href] options = [] html_node.remove_attribute(src_attr) options = html_node.attributes.to_hash.inject({}) do |result, element| result[element.first.to_s] = element.last.to_s result end new_ref = skyline_class.find_by_id(id) if id new_ref ||= new_ref.previous_referable = new_ref.referable.dup if new_ref.referable new_ref.attributes = { :referable_id => ref_id, :referable_type => ref_type, :options => options, :refering_id =>, :refering_type =>, :refering_column_name => refering_column_name.to_s } new_ref.referable.reload if new_ref.referable if ref_type == "Skyline::ReferableUri" new_ref.referable ||= if referable_params.kind_of?(Hash) referable_params.each do |k, v| new_ref.referable.send(k.to_s + "=", v) if new_ref.referable.respond_to?(k.to_s + "=") end end end! end # Remove multiple attributes from html_node # ==== Parameters # node:: html node # attributes:: attributes to be stripped # ==== Returns # Array:: values of removed attributes def remove_attributes(node, attributes) ret = attributes.inject([]) do |result, element| result << node.remove_attribute(element).to_s.strip result end end end protected def possibly_destroy_previous_referable return unless self.previous_referable if previous_referable != self.referable previous_referable.destroy if previous_referable.kind_of?(Skyline::ReferableUri) end end def possibly_destroy_referable self.referable.destroy if self.referable.kind_of?(Skyline::ReferableUri) end end