KManager.action :project_plan do action do DrawioDsl::Drawio .init(k_builder, on_exist: :write, on_action: :execute) .diagram(rounded: 1, glass: 1) .page('In progress', theme: :style_03, margin_left: 0, margin_top: 0) do grid_layout(y: 90, direction: :horizontal, grid_h: 80, grid_w: 320, wrap_at: 3, grid: 0) todo(title: 'add profile - rag_tailwind_hotwire_flash') end .page('To Do', theme: :style_02, margin_left: 0, margin_top: 0) do grid_layout(y:90, direction: :horizontal, grid_h: 80, grid_w: 320, wrap_at: 3, grid: 0) todo(title: 'add google fonts') # # todo(title: 'broken profile - tailwind-hotwire-form - tailwind-hotwire-form-search, tailwind-hotwire-flash, ') todo(title: 'look at the sample tailwind pages in P7 and turn them into an addon') todo(title: 'add auto open flag to profile and command line') todo(title: 'add profile - stimulas') todo(title: 'add profile - hotwire') todo(title: 'add profile - turbo') todo(title: 'add profile - vue') todo(title: 'add profile - svelte') todo(title: 'add profile - react') todo(title: 'add profile - vite') # see: /Users/davidcruwys/dev/printspeak/printspeak-r7-test1 todo(title: 'add profile - docker') # todo(title: 'add encryption') # todo(title: 'cli help support for diff') todo(title: 'cli support for rails new (rag new should work like rails new) - buggy, need to work through') todo(title: 'need an option for deleting target project path') # FileUtils.rm_rf(instance.target_path) end .page('Done', theme: :style_06, margin_left: 0, margin_top: 0) do grid_layout(y:90, direction: :horizontal, grid_h: 80, grid_w: 320, wrap_at: 3, grid: 0) todo(title: 'add addon - acts_as_list') todo(title: 'add addon - administrate') todo(title: 'add addon - bcrypt') todo(title: 'add addon - browser') todo(title: 'add addon - groupdate') todo(title: 'add addon - chartkick') todo(title: 'add addon - browser') todo(title: 'add addon - faker') todo(title: 'add addon - rubocop') todo(title: 'add addon - twilio') todo(title: 'add addon - honeybadger') todo(title: 'add profile - rails-html-sanitizer') todo(title: 'add profile - tailwind-emulating-bootstrap') todo(title: 'add profile - tailwind-hotwire-form-search') todo(title: 'add profile - tailwind-hotwire-form') todo(title: 'add profile - tailwind-hotwire') todo(title: 'add profile - import-map') # vs esbuild - import_map is a replacement for webpacker todo(title: 'profile - fix the bootstrap profile') todo(title: 'cli support for profile') todo(title: 'separate CLI methods into include modules') todo(title: 'cli support for diff') todo(title: 'add diff tool - open in editor') todo(title: 'add diff tool supporting lhs only, rhs only, same and different') todo(title: 'add project plan to do list') end .cd(:docs) .save('project-plan/project.drawio') .export_svg('project-plan/project_in_progress', page: 1) .export_svg('project-plan/project_todo' , page: 2) .export_svg('project-plan/project_done' , page: 3) end end