# frozen_string_literal: true ## ## Add presets of flags and switches to a command. ## ## :output_template => --output, --config_template, --template ## ## :add_entry => --noauto, --note, --ask, --editor, --back ## ## :finish_entry => --at/finished, --from, --took ## ## :time_display => --times, --duration, --totals, --tag_sort, --tag_order, --only_timed ## ## :search => --search, --case, --exact ## ## :tag_filter => --tag, --bool, --not, --val ## ## :time_filter => --before, --after, --from ## ## :date_filter => --before, --after, --from ## ## :save => --save ## ## @param type [Symbol] The type ## @param cmd The GLI command to which the options will be added ## def add_options(type, cmd, default_template: 'default') cmd_name = cmd.name.to_s action = case cmd_name when /again/ 'Repeat' when /grep/ 'Search' when /mark/ 'Flag' when /(last|tags|view|on)/ 'Show' else cmd_name.capitalize end case type when :output_template cmd.desc "Output to export format (#{Doing::Plugins.plugin_names(type: :export)})" cmd.arg_name 'FORMAT' cmd.flag %i[o output], type: ExportTemplate cmd.desc "Output using a template from configuration" cmd.arg_name 'TEMPLATE_KEY' cmd.flag [:config_template], type: TemplateName, default_value: default_template cmd.desc 'Override output format with a template string containing %placeholders' cmd.arg_name 'TEMPLATE_STRING' cmd.flag [:template] when :output_template_no_defaults cmd.desc "Output to export format (#{Doing::Plugins.plugin_names(type: :export)})" cmd.arg_name 'FORMAT' cmd.flag %i[o output] cmd.desc "Output using a template from configuration" cmd.arg_name 'TEMPLATE_KEY' cmd.flag [:config_template], type: TemplateName cmd.desc 'Override output format with a template string containing %placeholders' cmd.arg_name 'TEMPLATE_STRING' cmd.flag [:template] when :add_entry cmd.desc 'Exclude auto tags and default tags' cmd.switch %i[X noauto], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Include a note' cmd.arg_name 'TEXT' cmd.flag %i[n note] cmd.desc 'Prompt for note via multi-line input' cmd.switch %i[ask], negatable: false, default_value: false cmd.desc "Edit entry with #{Doing::Util.default_editor}" cmd.switch %i[e editor], negatable: false, default_value: false cmd.desc 'Backdate start date for new entry to date string [4pm|20m|2h|yesterday noon]' cmd.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' cmd.flag %i[b back started], type: DateBeginString when :finish_entry cmd.desc %(Set finish date to specific date/time (natural langauge parsed, e.g. --at=1:30pm). Used with --took, backdates start date) cmd.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' cmd.flag %i[at finished], type: DateEndString cmd.desc %( Start and end times as a date/time range `doing done --from "1am to 8am"`. Overrides other date flags. ) cmd.arg_name 'TIME_RANGE' cmd.flag [:from], must_match: REGEX_RANGE cmd.desc %(Set completion date to start date plus interval (XX[mhd] or HH:MM). If used without the --back option, the start date will be moved back to allow the completion date to be the current time.) cmd.arg_name 'INTERVAL' cmd.flag %i[t took for], type: DateIntervalString when :search cmd.desc 'Filter entries using a search query, surround with slashes for regex (e.g. "/query.*/"), start with single quote for exact match ("\'query")' cmd.arg_name 'QUERY' cmd.flag [:search] cmd.desc 'Case sensitivity for search string matching [(c)ase-sensitive, (i)gnore, (s)mart]' cmd.arg_name 'TYPE' cmd.flag [:case], must_match: REGEX_CASE, default_value: Doing.settings.dig('search', 'case').normalize_case, type: CaseSymbol cmd.desc 'Force exact search string matching (case sensitive)' cmd.switch %i[x exact], default_value: Doing.config.exact_match?, negatable: Doing.config.exact_match? when :time_display cmd.desc 'Show time intervals on @done tasks' cmd.switch %i[t times], default_value: true, negatable: true cmd.desc 'Show elapsed time on entries without @done tag' cmd.switch [:duration] cmd.desc 'Show time totals at the end of output' cmd.switch [:totals], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Sort tags by (name|time)' default = Doing.setting('tag_sort').normalize_tag_sort || :name cmd.arg_name 'KEY' cmd.flag [:tag_sort], must_match: REGEX_TAG_SORT, default_value: default, type: TagSortSymbol cmd.desc 'Tag sort direction (asc|desc)' cmd.arg_name 'DIRECTION' cmd.flag [:tag_order], must_match: REGEX_SORT_ORDER, default_value: :asc, type: OrderSymbol cmd.desc 'Only show items with recorded time intervals' cmd.switch [:only_timed], default_value: false, negatable: false when :tag_filter cmd.desc 'Filter entries by tag. Combine multiple tags with a comma. Wildcards allowed (*, ?)' cmd.arg_name 'TAG' cmd.flag [:tag], type: TagArray cmd.desc 'Perform a tag value query ("@done > two hours ago" or "@progress < 50"). May be used multiple times, combined with --bool' cmd.arg_name 'QUERY' cmd.flag [:val], multiple: true, must_match: REGEX_VALUE_QUERY cmd.desc "#{action} items that *don't* match search/tag filters" cmd.switch [:not], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Boolean used to combine multiple tags (AND|OR|NOT). Use PATTERN to parse + and - as booleans' cmd.arg_name 'BOOLEAN' cmd.flag [:bool], must_match: REGEX_BOOL, default_value: :pattern, type: BooleanSymbol when :tag_filter_no_defaults cmd.desc 'Filter entries by tag. Combine multiple tags with a comma. Wildcards allowed (*, ?)' cmd.arg_name 'TAG' cmd.flag [:tag], type: TagArray cmd.desc 'Perform a tag value query ("@done > two hours ago" or "@progress < 50"). May be used multiple times, combined with --bool' cmd.arg_name 'QUERY' cmd.flag [:val], multiple: true, must_match: REGEX_VALUE_QUERY cmd.desc "#{action} items that *don't* match search/tag filters" cmd.switch [:not], negatable: false cmd.desc 'Boolean used to combine multiple tags. Use PATTERN to parse + and - as booleans' cmd.arg_name 'BOOLEAN' cmd.flag [:bool], must_match: REGEX_BOOL, type: BooleanSymbol when :time_filter cmd.desc 'View entries before specified time (e.g. 8am, 12:30pm, 15:00)' cmd.arg_name 'TIME_STRING' cmd.flag [:before], type: DateEndString cmd.desc 'View entries after specified time (e.g. 8am, 12:30pm, 15:00)' cmd.arg_name 'TIME_STRING' cmd.flag [:after], type: DateBeginString cmd.desc %( Time range to show `doing #{cmd.name} --from "12pm to 4pm"` ) cmd.arg_name 'TIME_RANGE' cmd.flag [:from], type: DateRangeString, must_match: REGEX_TIME_RANGE when :date_filter if action =~ /Archive/ cmd.desc 'Archive entries older than date (natural language).' else cmd.desc "#{action} entries older than date (natural language). If this is only a time (8am, 1:30pm, 15:00), all dates will be included, but entries will be filtered by time of day" end cmd.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' cmd.flag [:before], type: DateBeginString if action =~ /Archive/ cmd.desc 'Archive entries newer than date (natural language).' else cmd.desc "#{action} entries newer than date (natural language). If this is only a time (8am, 1:30pm, 15:00), all dates will be included, but entries will be filtered by time of day" end cmd.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' cmd.flag [:after], type: DateEndString if action =~ /Archive/ cmd.desc %( Date range (natural language) to archive: `doing archive --from "1/1/21 to 12/31/21"`. ) else cmd.desc %( Date range (natural language) to #{action.downcase}, or a single day to filter on. To specify a range, use "to": `doing #{cmd_name} --from "monday 8am to friday 5pm"`. If values are only time(s) (6am to noon) all dates will be included, but entries will be filtered by time of day. ) end cmd.arg_name 'DATE_OR_RANGE' cmd.flag [:from], type: DateRangeString when :save cmd.desc 'Save all current command line options as a new view' cmd.arg_name 'VIEW_NAME' cmd.flag %i[save], type: String cmd.desc 'Title string to be used for output formats that require it' cmd.arg_name 'TITLE' cmd.flag %i[title], type: String end end