# Set up coverage analysis #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' require 'codeclimate-test-reporter' CodeClimate::TestReporter.configure do |config| config.logger.level = Logger::WARN end CodeClimate::TestReporter.start end # Set up #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# require 'pathname' ROOT = Pathname.new(File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)) $:.unshift((ROOT + 'lib').to_s) $:.unshift((ROOT + 'spec').to_s) require 'bundler/setup' require 'bacon' require 'mocha-on-bacon' require 'pretty_bacon' require 'webmock' WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => 'codeclimate.com') require 'cocoapods' require 'cocoapods_plugin' # Helpers #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# module Pod # Disable the wrapping so the output is deterministic in the tests. # UI.disable_wrap = true # Redirects the messages to an internal store. # module UI @output = '' @warnings = '' class << self attr_accessor :output attr_accessor :warnings attr_accessor :inputs def gets inputs.shift end def puts(message = '') @output << "#{message}\n" end def warn(message = '', _actions = []) @warnings << "#{message}\n" end def print(message) @output << message end end end class Command::Trunk def time_zone 'UTC' end end end module Bacon class Context old_run_requirement = instance_method(:run_requirement) define_method(:run_requirement) do |description, spec| ::Pod::Config.instance = nil ::Pod::UI.output = '' ::Pod::UI.warnings = '' ::Pod::UI.inputs = [] # The following prevents a nasty behaviour where the increments are not # balanced when testing informative which might lead to sections not # being printed to the output as they are too nested. ::Pod::UI.indentation_level = 0 ::Pod::UI.title_level = 0 WebMock.reset! old_run_requirement.bind(self).call(description, spec) end end end