# encoding: UTF-8 require 'ruby-measurement/unit' require 'ruby-measurement/version' class Measurement include Comparable UNIT_REGEX = /([^\d\s\/].*)/.freeze SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER = /([+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[Ee][+-]?)?\d*)/.freeze SCIENTIFIC_REGEX = /\A#{SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER}\s*#{UNIT_REGEX}?\z/.freeze RATIONAL_REGEX = /\A([+-]?\d+\s+)?((\d+)\/(\d+))?\s*#{UNIT_REGEX}?\z/.freeze COMPLEX_REGEX = /\A#{SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER}?#{SCIENTIFIC_NUMBER}i\s*#{UNIT_REGEX}?\z/.freeze RATIOS = { '¼' => '1/4', '½' => '1/2', '¾' => '3/4', '⅓' => '1/3', '⅔' => '2/3', '⅕' => '1/5', '⅖' => '2/5', '⅗' => '3/5', '⅘' => '4/5', '⅙' => '1/6', '⅚' => '5/6', '⅛' => '1/8', '⅜' => '3/8', '⅝' => '5/8', '⅞' => '7/8', }.freeze attr_reader :quantity, :unit def initialize(quantity, unit_name = :count) unit = unit_name unit = Unit[unit_name.to_s] if unit_name.kind_of?(Symbol) || unit_name.kind_of?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid quantity: '#{quantity}'" unless quantity.kind_of?(Numeric) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid unit: '#{unit_name}'" unless unit.kind_of?(Unit) @quantity = quantity @unit = unit end def inspect to_s end def to_s "#{quantity} #{unit}" end %w(+ - * /).each do |operator| class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{operator}(obj) case obj when Numeric self.class.new(quantity #{operator} obj.to_f, unit) when self.class if obj.unit == unit self.class.new(quantity #{operator} obj.quantity, unit) else self #{operator} obj.convert_to(unit) end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid arithmetic: \#{self} #{operator} \#{obj}" end end END end def **(obj) case obj when Numeric self.class.new(quantity ** obj.to_f, unit) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid arithmetic: #{self} ** #{obj}" end end def <=>(obj) if !obj.is_a?(self.class) || obj.unit != self.unit return nil end if quantity < obj.quantity -1 elsif quantity > obj.quantity 1 else 0 end end def convert_to(unit_name) unit = Unit[unit_name] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid unit: '#{unit_name}'" unless unit return dup if unit == @unit conversion = @unit.conversion(unit.name) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid conversion: '#@unit' to '#{unit.name}'" unless conversion self.class.new(conversion.call(@quantity), unit.name) end def convert_to!(unit_name) measurement = convert_to(unit_name) @unit, @quantity = measurement.unit, measurement.quantity self end class << self def parse(str = '0') str = normalize(str) case str when COMPLEX_REGEX then unit_name, quantity = parse_complex(str) when SCIENTIFIC_REGEX then unit_name, quantity = parse_scientific(str) when RATIONAL_REGEX then unit_name, quantity = parse_rational(str) else raise ArgumentError, "Unable to parse: '#{str}'" end unit_name ||= 'count' unit = Unit[unit_name.strip.downcase] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid unit: '#{unit_name}'" unless unit new(quantity, unit) end def define(unit_name, &block) Unit.define(unit_name, &block) end private def normalize(string) string.dup.tap do |str| if str =~ Regexp.new(/(#{RATIOS.keys.join('|')})/) RATIOS.each do |search, replace| str.gsub!(search) { " #{replace}" } end end str.strip! end end def parse_complex(str) real, imaginary, unit_name = str.scan(COMPLEX_REGEX).first quantity = Complex(real.to_f, imaginary.to_f).to_f return unit_name, quantity end def parse_scientific(str) whole, unit_name = str.scan(SCIENTIFIC_REGEX).first quantity = whole.to_f return unit_name, quantity end def parse_rational(str) whole, _, numerator, denominator, unit_name = str.scan(RATIONAL_REGEX).first if numerator && denominator numerator = numerator.to_f + (denominator.to_f * whole.to_f) denominator = denominator.to_f quantity = Rational(numerator, denominator).to_f else quantity = whole.to_f end return unit_name, quantity end end define(:count) do |unit| unit.convert_to(:dozen) { |value| value / 12.0 } end define(:doz) do |unit| unit.alias :dozen unit.convert_to(:count) { |value| value * 12.0 } end end