Module ApplicationHelper
In: app/helpers/application_helper.rb

Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application.


Public Class methods

Restart the application


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 76
76:   def self.restart_application(app_name)
77:     ctl =
78:     reply = nil
79:     begin
80:       reply = ctl.restart
81:     rescue Exception => e
82:       reply = "An error occurred while sending 'stop' request for application '#{app_name}'. Please refer the Admin Panel log file for details."
83:     end
84:     return reply
85:   end

Start the application


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 50
50:   def self.start_application(app_name)
51:     ctl =
52:     reply = nil
53:     err_obj = nil
54:     begin
55:       reply = ctl.add    
56:     rescue Exception => e
57:       err_obj = e      
58:       reply = "An error occurred while sending 'start' request for application '#{app_name}'. Please refer the Admin Panel log file for details."
59:     end
60:     return reply, e
61:   end

Stop the application


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 64
64:   def self.stop_application(app_name)
65:     ctl =
66:     reply = nil
67:     begin
68:       reply = ctl.delete      
69:     rescue Exception => e
70:       reply = "An error occurred while sending 'stop' request for application '#{app_name}'. Please refer the Admin Panel log file for details."
71:     end
72:     return reply
73:   end

Public Instance methods

This method is used to get the tabs image for the differnt tabs in the admin panel.


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 24
24:   def get_tab_class_name(controller_name,action_name)
25:     tab1 = ["home","home_ov"]
26:     tab2 = ["configuration","configuration_ov"]
27:     tab3 = ["analytics","analytics_ov"]
28:     tab4 = ["exceptions","exceptions_ov"]
29:     tab5 = ["settings","settings_ov"]
30:     if controller_name == 'admin'
31:       case action_name
32:       when "home"
33:         tab1 = ["home_ov",""]
34:       when "change_password_form"
35:         tab5 = ["settings_ov",""]
36:       when "change_password"
37:         tab5 = ["settings_ov",""]
38:       else
39:         tab2 = ["configuration_ov",""]
40:       end
41:     elsif controller_name == 'graph'
42:       tab3 = ["analytics_ov",""]
43:     elsif controller_name == 'exceptions'
44:       tab4 = ["exceptions_ov",""]
45:     end
46:     return tab1,tab2,tab3,tab4,tab5
47:   end
