/** * @depend ../sinon.js * @depend stub.js */ /*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false, nomen: false*/ /*global module, require, sinon*/ /** * Mock functions. * * @author Christian Johansen (christian@cjohansen.no) * @license BSD * * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Christian Johansen */ "use strict"; (function (sinon) { var commonJSModule = typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof require == "function"; var push = [].push; var match; if (!sinon && commonJSModule) { sinon = require("../sinon"); } if (!sinon) { return; } match = sinon.match; if (!match && commonJSModule) { match = require("./match"); } function mock(object) { if (!object) { return sinon.expectation.create("Anonymous mock"); } return mock.create(object); } sinon.mock = mock; sinon.extend(mock, (function () { function each(collection, callback) { if (!collection) { return; } for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i += 1) { callback(collection[i]); } } return { create: function create(object) { if (!object) { throw new TypeError("object is null"); } var mockObject = sinon.extend({}, mock); mockObject.object = object; delete mockObject.create; return mockObject; }, expects: function expects(method) { if (!method) { throw new TypeError("method is falsy"); } if (!this.expectations) { this.expectations = {}; this.proxies = []; } if (!this.expectations[method]) { this.expectations[method] = []; var mockObject = this; sinon.wrapMethod(this.object, method, function () { return mockObject.invokeMethod(method, this, arguments); }); push.call(this.proxies, method); } var expectation = sinon.expectation.create(method); push.call(this.expectations[method], expectation); return expectation; }, restore: function restore() { var object = this.object; each(this.proxies, function (proxy) { if (typeof object[proxy].restore == "function") { object[proxy].restore(); } }); }, verify: function verify() { var expectations = this.expectations || {}; var messages = [], met = []; each(this.proxies, function (proxy) { each(expectations[proxy], function (expectation) { if (!expectation.met()) { push.call(messages, expectation.toString()); } else { push.call(met, expectation.toString()); } }); }); this.restore(); if (messages.length > 0) { sinon.expectation.fail(messages.concat(met).join("\n")); } else { sinon.expectation.pass(messages.concat(met).join("\n")); } return true; }, invokeMethod: function invokeMethod(method, thisValue, args) { var expectations = this.expectations && this.expectations[method]; var length = expectations && expectations.length || 0, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { if (!expectations[i].met() && expectations[i].allowsCall(thisValue, args)) { return expectations[i].apply(thisValue, args); } } var messages = [], available, exhausted = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { if (expectations[i].allowsCall(thisValue, args)) { available = available || expectations[i]; } else { exhausted += 1; } push.call(messages, " " + expectations[i].toString()); } if (exhausted === 0) { return available.apply(thisValue, args); } messages.unshift("Unexpected call: " + sinon.spyCall.toString.call({ proxy: method, args: args })); sinon.expectation.fail(messages.join("\n")); } }; }())); var times = sinon.timesInWords; sinon.expectation = (function () { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var _invoke = sinon.spy.invoke; function callCountInWords(callCount) { if (callCount == 0) { return "never called"; } else { return "called " + times(callCount); } } function expectedCallCountInWords(expectation) { var min = expectation.minCalls; var max = expectation.maxCalls; if (typeof min == "number" && typeof max == "number") { var str = times(min); if (min != max) { str = "at least " + str + " and at most " + times(max); } return str; } if (typeof min == "number") { return "at least " + times(min); } return "at most " + times(max); } function receivedMinCalls(expectation) { var hasMinLimit = typeof expectation.minCalls == "number"; return !hasMinLimit || expectation.callCount >= expectation.minCalls; } function receivedMaxCalls(expectation) { if (typeof expectation.maxCalls != "number") { return false; } return expectation.callCount == expectation.maxCalls; } function verifyMatcher(possibleMatcher, arg){ if (match && match.isMatcher(possibleMatcher)) { return possibleMatcher.test(arg); } else { return true; } } return { minCalls: 1, maxCalls: 1, create: function create(methodName) { var expectation = sinon.extend(sinon.stub.create(), sinon.expectation); delete expectation.create; expectation.method = methodName; return expectation; }, invoke: function invoke(func, thisValue, args) { this.verifyCallAllowed(thisValue, args); return _invoke.apply(this, arguments); }, atLeast: function atLeast(num) { if (typeof num != "number") { throw new TypeError("'" + num + "' is not number"); } if (!this.limitsSet) { this.maxCalls = null; this.limitsSet = true; } this.minCalls = num; return this; }, atMost: function atMost(num) { if (typeof num != "number") { throw new TypeError("'" + num + "' is not number"); } if (!this.limitsSet) { this.minCalls = null; this.limitsSet = true; } this.maxCalls = num; return this; }, never: function never() { return this.exactly(0); }, once: function once() { return this.exactly(1); }, twice: function twice() { return this.exactly(2); }, thrice: function thrice() { return this.exactly(3); }, exactly: function exactly(num) { if (typeof num != "number") { throw new TypeError("'" + num + "' is not a number"); } this.atLeast(num); return this.atMost(num); }, met: function met() { return !this.failed && receivedMinCalls(this); }, verifyCallAllowed: function verifyCallAllowed(thisValue, args) { if (receivedMaxCalls(this)) { this.failed = true; sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " already called " + times(this.maxCalls)); } if ("expectedThis" in this && this.expectedThis !== thisValue) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " called with " + thisValue + " as thisValue, expected " + this.expectedThis); } if (!("expectedArguments" in this)) { return; } if (!args) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " received no arguments, expected " + sinon.format(this.expectedArguments)); } if (args.length < this.expectedArguments.length) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " received too few arguments (" + sinon.format(args) + "), expected " + sinon.format(this.expectedArguments)); } if (this.expectsExactArgCount && args.length != this.expectedArguments.length) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " received too many arguments (" + sinon.format(args) + "), expected " + sinon.format(this.expectedArguments)); } for (var i = 0, l = this.expectedArguments.length; i < l; i += 1) { if (!verifyMatcher(this.expectedArguments[i],args[i])) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " received wrong arguments " + sinon.format(args) + ", didn't match " + this.expectedArguments.toString()); } if (!sinon.deepEqual(this.expectedArguments[i], args[i])) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.method + " received wrong arguments " + sinon.format(args) + ", expected " + sinon.format(this.expectedArguments)); } } }, allowsCall: function allowsCall(thisValue, args) { if (this.met() && receivedMaxCalls(this)) { return false; } if ("expectedThis" in this && this.expectedThis !== thisValue) { return false; } if (!("expectedArguments" in this)) { return true; } args = args || []; if (args.length < this.expectedArguments.length) { return false; } if (this.expectsExactArgCount && args.length != this.expectedArguments.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0, l = this.expectedArguments.length; i < l; i += 1) { if (!verifyMatcher(this.expectedArguments[i],args[i])) { return false; } if (!sinon.deepEqual(this.expectedArguments[i], args[i])) { return false; } } return true; }, withArgs: function withArgs() { this.expectedArguments = slice.call(arguments); return this; }, withExactArgs: function withExactArgs() { this.withArgs.apply(this, arguments); this.expectsExactArgCount = true; return this; }, on: function on(thisValue) { this.expectedThis = thisValue; return this; }, toString: function () { var args = (this.expectedArguments || []).slice(); if (!this.expectsExactArgCount) { push.call(args, "[...]"); } var callStr = sinon.spyCall.toString.call({ proxy: this.method || "anonymous mock expectation", args: args }); var message = callStr.replace(", [...", "[, ...") + " " + expectedCallCountInWords(this); if (this.met()) { return "Expectation met: " + message; } return "Expected " + message + " (" + callCountInWords(this.callCount) + ")"; }, verify: function verify() { if (!this.met()) { sinon.expectation.fail(this.toString()); } else { sinon.expectation.pass(this.toString()); } return true; }, pass: function(message) { sinon.assert.pass(message); }, fail: function (message) { var exception = new Error(message); exception.name = "ExpectationError"; throw exception; } }; }()); sinon.mock = mock; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["module"], function(module) { module.exports = mock; }); } else if (commonJSModule) { module.exports = mock; } }(typeof sinon == "object" && sinon || null));