require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'helper.rb')) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/flt/math' # TODO: Currently tests only with 12 digits of precision; test with more precision. class TestTrig < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @data = {} Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "trigtest/*.txt")].each do |fn| if File.basename(fn) =~ /\A([a-z]+)(\d+)_(\d+)_([a-z]+)\.txt\Z/ method = $1.to_sym radix = $2.to_i prec = $3.to_i angle = $4.to_sym @data[radix] ||= {} @data[radix][angle] ||= {} @data[radix][angle][prec] ||= {} @data[radix][angle][prec][method] ="\n").map do |line|{|x| Flt::DecNum(x)} end end end end def check(f, radix=10, angle=:rad) class_num = Num[radix] @data[radix][angle].keys.each do |prec| class_num.context(:precision=>prec, :angle=>angle) do class_num.context.traps[DecNum::DivisionByZero] = false data = @data[radix][angle][prec][f] data.each do |x, result| assert_equal result, class_num::Math.send(f, x), "#{f}(#{x})==#{result} [#{radix} #{angle} #{prec}]" end end end end def check_relaxed(f, radix=10, angle=:rad, ulps=1) class_num = Num[radix] @data[radix][angle].keys.each do |prec| class_num.context(:precision=>prec, :angle=>angle) do class_num.context.traps[DecNum::DivisionByZero] = false data = @data[radix][angle][prec][f] data.each do |x, result| y = class_num::Math.send(f, x) if result.special? assert_equal result, y, "#{f}(#{x})==#{result} [#{radix} #{angle} #{prec}]" else err_ulps = (y-result).abs/result.ulp assert err_ulps<=ulps, "#{f}(#{x})==#{result} to within #{ulps} ulps; error: #{err_ulps} ulps (#{y}) [#{radix} #{angle} #{prec}]" end end end end end def test_sin check :sin, 10, :rad end def test_cos check :cos, 10, :rad end def test_tan check_relaxed :tan, 10, :rad end def test_asin check_relaxed :asin, 10, :rad end def test_acos check_relaxed :acos, 10, :rad end def test_atan check_relaxed :atan, 10, :rad end def test_sin_deg check_relaxed :sin, 10, :deg end def test_cos_deg check_relaxed :cos, 10, :deg end def test_tan_deg check_relaxed :tan, 10, :deg end def test_asin_deg check_relaxed :asin, 10, :deg end def test_acos_deg check_relaxed :acos, 10, :deg end def test_atan_deg check_relaxed :atan, 10, :deg end end